Agenda AGENDA for a meeting of the ENVIRONMENT, PLANNING AND TRANSPORT CABINET PANEL in COMMITTEE ROOM B at County Hall, Hertford on FRIDAY, 30 JUNE 2017 at 2:00PM ___________________________________________________________________ MEMBERS OF THE PANEL (12) (Quorum 3) D A Ashley (Chairman), D J Barnard, S Bedford, S J Boulton, R C Deering, S J Featherstone, N A Hollinghurst, A K Khan, G McAndrew, N A Quinton (substituting for A S B Walkington), A Stevenson (Vice-Chairman), J A West Meetings of the Cabinet Panel are open to the public (this includes the press) and attendance is welcomed. However, there may be occasions when the public are excluded from the meeting for particular items of business. Any such items are taken at the end of the public part of the meeting and are listed under “Part II (‘closed’) agenda”. The Committee Room B is fitted with an audio system to assist those with hearing impairment. Anyone who wishes to use this should contact main (front) reception. Members are reminded that all equalities implications and equalities impact assessments undertaken in relation to any matter on this agenda must be rigorously considered prior to any decision being reached on that matter. Members are reminded that: (1) if they consider that they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in any matter to be considered at the meeting they must declare that interest and must not participate in or vote on that matter unless a dispensation has been granted by the Standards Committee; (2) if they consider that they have a Declarable Interest (as defined in paragraph 5.3 of the Code of Conduct for Members) in any matter to be considered at the meeting they must declare the existence and nature of that interest but they can speak and vote on the matter Agenda Pack 1 of 170 1 PART I (PUBLIC) AGENDA 1 MEMBERSHIP AND REMIT OF THE PANEL To note the membership of the Panel as stated above, and the remit which is as follows: The responsibilities of the Executive Member for Environment, Planning & Transport are - Hertfordshire’s built and natural environment; countryside management; Lead Flood Authority; environmental intelligence; rights of way; climate change (excluding County Council estate and operations); leading for the County Council on the Hertfordshire Infrastructure and Planning Panel; strategic planning; waste planning; minerals planning; airport policy: Local Transport Plan; leading for the County Council on the Local Transport Board; passenger transport: leading the county council on its service use of passenger transport; leading for the County Council on the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority. 2. MINUTES To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 29 March 2017 (attached). 3. PUBLIC PETITIONS The opportunity for any member of the public, being resident in or a registered local government elector of Hertfordshire to present a petition relating to a matter with which the Council is concerned, and is relevant to the remit of this Cabinet Panel, containing 100 or more signatures of residents or business ratepayers of Hertfordshire. Notification of intent to present a petition must have been given to the Chief Legal Officer at least 20 clear days before the meeting where an item relating to the subject matter of the petition does not appear in the agenda, or at least 5 clear days where the item is the subject of a report already on the agenda. [Members of the public who are considering raising an issue of concern via a petition are advised to contact their local member of the Council. The Council's arrangements for the receipt of petitions are set out in Annex 22 - Petitions Scheme of the Constitution.] If you have any queries about the procedure please contact Stephanie Tarrant, by telephone on (01992 555481) or by e-mail to [email protected] No requests to present petitions on matters not contained on this agenda have been received 4. ENVIRONMENT, PLANNING & TRANSPORT PERFORMANCE MONITOR Report of the Chief Executive and Director of Environment Agenda Pack 2 of 170 2 5. NATURAL FLOOD MANAGEMENT PROJECT, “SLOW THE FLOW” IN HERTFORDSHIRE 2017/18 TO 2020/21 Report of the Chief Executive and Director of Environment 6. HERTFORDSHIRE BUILDING FUTURES – UPDATE REPORT Report of the Chief Executive and Director of Environment 7. BUS SERVICES ACT 2017 Report of the Chief Executive and Director of Environment 8. PLANNING AND GROWTH IN HERTFORDSHIRE Report of the Chief Executive and Director of Environment 9. TRANSPORT VISION 2016 PUBLIC CONSULTATION REPORT AND LTP4 PROJECT UPDATE Report of the Chief Executive and Director of Environment 10. NATIONAL AIR QUALITY PLAN Report of the Chief Executive and Director of Environment / Director of Public Health 11. DEPARTMENT FOR TRANSPORT CONSULTATION - UK AIRSPACE POLICY: A FRAMEWORK FOR BALANCED DECISIONS ON THE DESIGN AND USE OF AIRSPACE Report of the Chief Executive and Director of Environment 12. WASTE LOCAL PLAN – WAY AHEAD PAPER Report of the Chief Executive and Director of Environment 13. OTHER PART I BUSINESS Such Part I (public) business which, if the Chairman agrees, is of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration. PART II (‘CLOSED’) AGENDA EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC There are no items of Part II business on this agenda. If Part II business is notified the Chairman will move:- “That under Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item/s of business on the grounds that it/they involve/s the likely disclosureAgenda of exempt Pack 3 inform of 170ation as defined in paragraph/s 3 . of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the said Act and the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.” If you require further information about this agenda please contact Stephanie Tarrant, Democratic Services, telephone number (01992) 555481 or email [email protected]. Agenda documents are also available on the internet at: https://cmis.hertsdirect.org/hertfordshire/Calendarofcouncilmeetings.aspx. KATHRYN PETTITT CHIEF LEGAL OFFICER Agenda Pack 4 of 170 4 Minutes To: All Members of the From: Legal, Democratic & Statutory Services Environment, Planning and Ask for: Stephanie Tarrant Transport Cabinet Panel, Chief Ext: 25481 Executive, Chief Officers, All officers named for ‘actions’ ENVIRONMENT, PLANNING AND TRANSPORT CABINET PANEL, 29 MARCH 2017 ATTENDANCE MEMBERS OF THE PANEL D Andrews (Vice Chairman), D A Ashley (Chairman), D J Barnard. N Bell, H K Crofton, N A Hollinghurst, R Sangster, R H Smith, S J Taylor, A S B Walkington Upon consideration of the agenda for the Environment, Planning and Transport Cabinet Panel meeting on 29 March 2017 as circulated, copy annexed, conclusions were reached and are recorded below: Note: No Declarations of interest were made. PART I (‘OPEN’) BUSINESS ACTION 1. MINUTES 1.1 The Minutes of the Cabinet Panel meeting held on 1 February 2017 were agreed. 2. PUBLIC PETITIONS 2.1 There were no public petitions. 3. HERTFORDSHIRE HEALTH WALKS UPDATE [Officer Contact: Tony Bradford, Head of Countryside Management Service, (Tel 01992 556028)] 3.1 Members received a report which provided an update on the Health Walks Programme in Hertfordshire. 3.2 It was highlighted that Hertfordshire’s health walk programme was the country’s largest volunteer lead programme and that over the past year further analysis had been undertaken to establish the performance of the walks. Members noted the health and wellbeing benefits, as well as the social interaction, provided by the walks. The walks were targeted at those who were inactive or suffering from one or more long-term healthAgenda issue Pack or living 5 of in170 a deprived area. 1 3.3 Members heard that data was collected at the start of each walk and was used to report on outputs. There were 58 walks per week which attracted more than 50,000 attendees in 2016/17, with some walks attracting over 100 people. Members were informed that over the past six months a survey had been conducted with health walk participants and that the breakdown of responses were given within the report. 3.4 Members queried how the scheme was the largest in the country when Hampshire’s health walks had more attendees. It was clarified that Hertfordshire’s health walks had more trained leaders and more walks available. It was believed that this year’s attendance figures would be higher than Hampshire’s. 3.5 The list of health conditions considered was discussed and Members noted that BMI was not used as a measure. It was advised that BMI was a tricky metric that not many people would be able to report. Public Health had been very clear on the questions to be asked in the questionnaire. It was noted that mental health was also not listed as a condition and Members heard that the walks main aim was to improve physical activity but it had been noted that participants also acknowledged the social and mental health benefits accrued. 3.6 In response to a Member question on what GP’s were actively doing to refer patients to the scheme, Members heard that health walks were predominately promoted by other health specialists within local clinics and that 40% of health walks started within 500m of a GP surgery. Members heard that promotional material was available within local GP surgeries and that the information was refreshed every four months. 3.7 In discussion around young people being encouraged to join the walks, Members heard that the walks were designed for people aged 40+ who were most likely to benefit from this type of exercise. It was noted that according to a study by the Local Government Information Unit, for every £1 spent on a good quality health walk, it saved the NHS between £4 and £7.
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