PACIFIC REGION 1994 MANAGEMENT PLAN GEODUCK AND HORSE CLAM 1'hiJ Geoduclc and Horse QIJm MtJMgement Plan is intended for general puposes only. When there is a discrepancy between the PlDn and the regulations. the regulations are the final aurhority. description of Areas and Subareas referenced in this Plan can be found in the Pacific Fishery Management Area !guJations. Fisheries Peches and Oceans et Oceans Canada 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS 2. DFO Contacts for Further Information/Geoduck Observers . .. 3 3. SheUfish - Goals and Objectives ..................... ,...................... 4 4. Enforcement Plan .............•...............•......•................. 5 5. Aboriginal Fisheries Strstegy .......•....•.•.•.•.•.•....................... 5 6. Sport Fishing . • . .. 6 7. History of the Horse Clam Fishery . • . • . • . • . • • . .. 6 8. Horse Clam Commercial Fishing Plan - 1994 ...............•.................... 7 8.1. Management Changes ..........................•................. 7 8.2. Seasons, Quotas and Open Times •.. • . • . .. 7 8.3. Permanent Ares Closures . • . • . • . .. 8 8.4. Ucencing.................................................... 8 8.4.1. Ucence Category ........................................ 8 8.4.2. Species .............................................. 8 8.4.3. Gear ............................•................... 8 8.5. Catch and Fisbing Data ........................................... 8 9. History of the Geoduck Fishery . .. 8 10. Geoduck Commercial Fishing Plan - 1994 . • . .. 9 10.1. Management Changes . ... .. 9 10.2. Quotas, Open Times, Landing Ports .•...........•..................... 9 10.3. Permanent Closures, Seasonal Herring Closures and Study Areas •••••.••••....... 14 10.4. Ucencing ................................................... 17 10.4.1. Licence Category G ...................................... 17 10.4.2. P Ucences ............................................ 17 10.4.3. Species.............................................. 17 10.4.4. Gear ......•...........•........•.•................. 18 10.5. VaIidstion, Notificstion and Cateh Reporting. .. 18 10.5.1. Notificstion Prior to Fishing Geoducks . • . .. 18 10.5.2. Notificstion Prior to Delivering Geoducks . .. 18 10.5.3. Landings of Geoducks . .. 18 10.5.4. Standsrd Geoduck or Horse Clam Cages . .. 18 10.5.5. Tagging of Geoduck or Horse Clam Cages ........................ 18 10.5.6. Quota Overage/Undersge ...................•............... 19 10.6. Catch and Fisbing Data . 20 10.6.1. Harvest Log Data . • . • . 20 10.6.2. Fish Slip Requirements ..............•..................... 21 10.7. Explanatory Notes - Ares Boundsries .................................. 21 11. PSP Sampling . 21 12. Duties of Geoduck Observers ...•...•..•...............•.................. 22 13. Other Restrictions and General Information . 22 13.1. Diver QuaIificstions . 22 14. Sanitary SheUfish Closures . 23 14.1. Inside Waters areas ............................................. 23 14.2. West Coast Vancouver Island areas ..............•..................... 30 15. Advisory Committee Contacts ......................•...................... 31 16. Appendices of Fishing Ares Descriptions ...................................... 32 16.1. Appendix 1 - Inside Waters Fishing Ares Descriptions . • . 32 16.2. Appendix 2 - West Coast Fisbing Ares Descriptions ......................... 34 16.3. Appendix 3 - North Coast Fishing Ares Descriptions . .. 38 17. Figures and Maps of Fishing Areas •..•..•..•••.•••••.••.•••••.•••••.•••••.•• 40 2. DFO CONTACTS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION VANCOUVER SHELLFISH TAPE MESSAGE: 666-1509 NANAIMO SHElJ,FISH TAPE MESSAGE: 756-7021 VIOLATIONS HOTLINE (OBSERVE, RECORD AND REPORT) 1-800-465-4336 OR 1-800-465-4DFO FISHERY MANAGERS Fishery Manager, South Coast (Nanaimo) Kip Slater 754-0204 Fishery Manager, North Coast (Pr. Rupert) 624-0423 Fishery Manager, Fraser River (New West.) 666-8614 Species Coordinator - Inside Waters (parksville) Randy Webb 248-6110 Species Coordinator - West Coast (Comox) Byron Koke 339-2031 Species Coordinator - Fraser River (New West.) 666-8614 MANAGEMENT BIOLOGY Management Biology Unit Areas 11 to 27 Rick Harbo I Steve Heizer South Coast Division 756-7268 756-7271 3225 Stephenson Point Road Nanaimo, B.C. V9T lK3 Management Biology Unit Areas 1 to 10 Greg Thomas North Coast Division 624-0465 Rm 202-417 2nd Avenue West 24 H line - 624-0455 Prince Rupert, B.C. V8J IG8 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES BRANCH Pacific Biological Station Hammond Bay Rd. Dr. Alan Campbell Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 5K6 756-7124 INSPECTION AND SPECIAL SERVICES BRANCH Shellfish and Aquaculture Inspection Specialist Rudy Chiang I Roger Loy 2250 South Burnaby Rd. 666-3150 Burnaby, B.C. V5M 4L9 1994 Geoduck Manogmrms Pion PageJ of54 " COMMERCIAL FISHING LICENCES Commercial Licence Unit 400 - 555 West Hastings St. Vancouver, B.C. V6B 5G3 666-0566 Commercial Licence Unit 417 2nd Ave. West Prince Rupert, B.C. VSJ lG8 624-0413 Commercial Licence Unit 60 Front St. Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 5H7 754-0400 ABORIGINAL FISHERIES DIVISION South Coast Coordinator Colin Masson 756-7001 North Coast Coordinator Sue Farlinger 624-0464 Fraser River Coordinator Jim Wild 666-3578 ARCHIPELAGO MARINE RESEARCH #200 - 525 Head St. Victoria, B.C. V9A SSI Geoduck Validation 1-800-663-7152 (24 hour line) or 383-4535 GEODUCK OBSERVERS local telephone numbers will be provided at landing ports or through 1-800-663-7152 (Archipelago Marine Research). 3. SHELLFISH - GOALS AND OBJECTIVES - Geoducks 3.1. To ensure conservation and protection of shellfish' stocks coastwide through the application of scientific management principles. 3.2. To ensure the optimal use of shellfish stocks in order to meet social and economic objectives of the people of Canada. 3.3. To develop fishing plans consistent with principles of conservation, through a consultative process with users of the resource. 3.4. To preserve, enhance, restore and protect critical aquatic habitat for shellfish production. Geoducks beds should not be harvested to levels less than 50 % of the original biomass. 3.5. To optimize the quality of shellfish harvested and provide a constant year round supply of geoducks for the live markets. 1994 (kodw:k MiUUlgemml Plan P(Jge 4 oj54 4. ENFORCEMENT PLAN The Department of Fisheries and Oceans has recently reorganized into sector management which has resulted in the creation of an enforcement branch called Conservation and Protection. The Conservation and Protection Branch has the responsibility to enforce the Fisheries Act and associated regulations, to address conservation, health and safety issues and to maintain proper management and control of the various fisheries. Priorities in enforcement activities are discussed with users in the Sectoral Committee meetings and will be addressed during the 1994 season. Users of the resource have a responsibility to report violations. Any suspected or actual fisheries, wildlife or pollution violations can be quickly and discretely reported to the appropriate Enforcement Officer by using the toll free Observe, Record and Repon hotline. This toll free number is available 24 hours a day. Confidentiality is assured. OBSERVE, RECORD AND REPORT - 1-B00-465-4DFO (1-B00-465-4336) Enforcement enquiries can also be directed to the local Field Offices during regular office hours. 5. ABORIGINAL FISHERIES STRATEGY The Department of Fisheries and· Oceans recognizes the importance of fish, including invertebrates, to the aboriginal peoples of British Columbia. Through the Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy, the Department seeks to negotiate, with aboriginal organizations, allocations for food, social and ceremonial purposes. Subject to conservation, these allocations will have priority over allocations for commercial and recreational user groups. The Department will consult with aboriginal organizations to determine what these allocations should be. In some cases, instead of negotiating allocations, an area may be closed to certain fishing except fishing by an aboriginal organization. These closures may be for the season or for specified times. Whenever possible, the appropriate annual fishing plan will identify such closures. Communal licences will be issued to the aboriginal organization for the fishing. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact the appropriate Divisional Aboriginal Fisheries Coordinator listed in Section 2 of this fishing plan. J994 G~oduck Managemenl Plan PageS 0/$4 6. SPORT FISHING The recreational harvest of shellfish is regulated via the British Columbia Sport Fishing Regulations made under the Fisheries Act. The regulations are summarized annually in the British Columbia Tidal Waters Sport FIShing Guide which lists closed times, bag limits, size limits (where applicable) and closed areas. If necessary, public notices are posted to document closures or changes from the Guide. Closures may be implemented in order to conserve vulnerable stocks, protect the public from consumption of contaminated shellfish or to meet Aboriginal food, social and ceremonial needs. For some species, areas have been closed to commercial harvest or open times for commercial harvest have been delayed to provide an opportunity for the recreational community. The primary consultative body for the recreational fishing community is the Sport Fishing Advisory Board (SFAB). The SFAB has representatives from all parts of this community including the BC Wildlife Federation and the Sport Fishing Institute of BC. Within the SFAB, a shellfish committee has been established for the South
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