HEGEMONY OF MUI HALAL LABELING THESIS Submitted to Ushuluddin and Humanity in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for The Degree of S-1 of Islamic Theology on Theology and Islamic Philosophy Departement By: AKBAR FARID NIM: 134111015 USHULUDDIN AND HUMANITY FACULTY STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY (UIN) WALISONGO SEMARANG 2019 i ii iii iv MOTTO احلﻻل بني واحلرام بني وبينهما امور متشبهات ﻻ يعلمهن كثري من الناس, فمن اتقى الشبهات فقد استرب ألدينو وعرضو. )رواه مسلم( Translation: "It is clear that lawful and unlawful is already clear; and between them there are things that musyta-bihat (doubtful, vague, not clearly lawful illegitimate), most people do not know the law. Whoever careful of doubtful cases, indeed he had saved religion and pride ... "(HR. Muslim) “All men are intellectuals, one could therefore say: but not all men have in society the function of intellectuals” (Gramsci in his thesis of The Formation of the Intellectuals) v DEDICATION This thesis is decicated to: My God who sent Prophet Muhammad SAW who have made me to get an enjoyability of faith, Islam, and moral values in my life. My lovely parents: H. Abdul Mutolip and Hj. Intim Irmawati love and respect are always for you. Thanks for the hard efforts in making my education`s success. My beloved brothers and sisters: Nilam Kusuma, Rusdiarto Wisnu Prabowo, Nadea Feby Ayuningtyas. I love you more than anything in the world. I hope that you always do the righteous and get your dreams. My beloved woman, Aliyatur Rofi`ah, that will be past, present, and future in my life. All of my beloved teachers at Kindergarten of Masyitoh Kalegen, Elementary School of State Kalegen 1, Junior High School of State 1 Bandongan, Senior High School of State 4 Magelang, State Islamic University of Walisongo Semarang, specially Boarding school of Raudlatuth Thalibin Tugurejo, who taught me and inspired me to always study and open my mind. My classmates, the great and funny genuine of AF 2013, we have made many experiences of our age journey. I hope that Allah always give his blessing to all of you. My new family in Semarang “Keluarga Besar PPRT Tercinta” and “Posko 35 Banyukuning”. There are no word can be describe of my thanks for your joking and supporting to me. I glad to be a part of them. And thanks for everyone whom i can`t mention one by one who give their beloving, caring and knowledge to me. vi ACKNOWLEGDEMENT . I would like to extend my great appreceation to all those who have assisted me during my graduates studies in State Islamic University (UIN) Walisongo Semarang. First respectable, i would like to thank to Prof. Dr. Muhibbin, M. Ag. as rector of State Islamic University Walisongo Semarang. The Second, my sincere thank to Dr. Mukhsin Jamil, M.Ag. as dean of Ushuluddin and Humanity Faculty and generally to lectures in UIN Walisongo Semarang, as my motivators and inspirators during my study in Ushuluddin and Humanity Faculty. My big thanks go to Dr. Nasihun Amin, M. Ag. and Dr. Zainul Adzfar, M.Ag. as my academic advisors. Because without their guidance and encouragement, this work would not be accomplished. I was benifited greatly from their contructive critism and was indebted to them in a way that perhaps could not be repaid. Furthermore, i would like to show my great thanks to Dr. Zainul Adzfar, M.Ag. as chief of Theology and Islamic Philosophy departement and Yusriyah, M.Ag. as the secretary, who both motivated and facilited me to finish this work. Additionally, many sincere thanks go to all of my teachers that taught and educated me during my studies. Certainly, i also should express my special gratitude to my parents, H. Abdul Mutolip and Hj. Intim Irmawati, who continuously encouraged and motivated me through their praying and advices. This sample expression really can not describe the depth of my feeling. Last but not least, i would like to thanks to all of my friends in AF 2013 class who the great that i have ever seen, and IKAWAMA regional organition which to be new a part of my journey. Specially to my new big family in Semarang; “Keluarga Besar PPRT Tercinta” and “Posko 35 Banyukuning” which give more experiences and laugh during my getting pass from my studies. There are no words to describe them, thanks you so much. vii TRANSLITERATION A. Transliteration Table: Consonants Arabic Roman Arabic Roman Arabic Roman Arabic Roman l ل ṭ ط dh ذ b ب m م ẓ ظ r ر t ت n ن „ ع z ز th ث h ه gh غ s س j ج w و f ف sh ش ḥ ح ‟ ء q ق ṣ ص kh خ y ي k ك ḍ ض d د B. Transliteration Table: Vowels and Diphthongs Arabic Roman Arabic Roman a an ًَ اءى ََ u un ٌَ و َُ i in ٍَ ي َِ ā aw ََ ْو ََ اءى ū ay ََ ْي َُ و uww, ū ī ِ (in final position) َُ ّو َ ي viii TABLE OF CONTENT PAGE OF TITLE ......................................................................... i ADVISOR APPROVAL .............................................................. ii RATIFICATION .......................................................................... iii DECLARATION ......................................................................... iv MOTTO ........................................................................................ v DEDICATION .............................................................................. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................ vii TRANSLITERATION ................................................................. viii TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................ ix LIST OF TABLES AND PICTURES IN THE RESEARCH ....... xiii ABSTRACT ................................................................................. xiv CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A. Background ................................................................... 1 B. Research Question ......................................................... 7 C. Aims and Significance of Research ................................ 7 D. Literature Review .......................................................... 7 E. Methodology of Research .............................................. 10 F. Structure of Writing ....................................................... 14 CHAPTER II : THE HISTORY AND HEGEMONY THEORY OF ANTONIO GRAMSCI`S THOUGHT A. Antonio Gramsci .......................................................... 17 1. The Biography ......................................................... 17 2. The History of Antonio Gramsci`s Tought .............. 18 B. Gramsci`s Hegemony Theory ....................................... 21 1. The Definition of Hegemony .................................... 21 a. Superstucture ........................................................ 23 ix b. Substucture .......................................................... 24 2. The History of Hegemony ........................................ 24 3. The Theoretical Framework ...................................... 27 a. The Dominant Ideology ........................................ 27 b. The Media/ Hegemony Equipments ...................... 32 1) The Intellectual Leadership ................................. 33 a) The Organic Intellectual ................................. 35 b) The Traditional Intellectual ............................ 36 c) Party .............................................................. 38 2) The Moral Leadership ......................................... 40 c. The Consensus .................................................... 42 C. Counter Hegemony ....................................................... 43 1. The Way of Counter Hegemony ............................... 43 2. The Purpose of Counter Hegemony ......................... 45 CHAPTER III : DEVELOPMENT OF MUI HALAL LABELING AND IT`S INFLUENCES A. Indonesian Ulema Council / Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) ………………………………………………………….... 49 1. Definition of MUI ..................................................... 49 2. Research Institute for Food Drugs and Cosmetics Indonesian Ulema Council/Lembaga Pemeriksa Produk Olahan Makanan Majelis Ulama Indonesia ( LPPOM MUI) ....................................... 51 a. The Definition of LPPOM MUI .......................... 51 b. The Goal Formation of LPPOM MUI ................. 52 B. The Advertisements of MUI Halal Labeling ................... 53 1. The Legal Basic for Halal Products .......................... 53 2. The Halal Labeling Legitimacy ................................. 55 3. The Network and International Cooperation ............. 56 4. The MUI Halal Journal ............................................. 57 5. Establishment of Regional MUI ............................... 58 x C. The Procedures and Regulations of Halal Labeling ......... 58 1. Halal Certification Procedures ................................. 58 2. Halal Labeling Regulations ..................................... 60 D. The Influences of MUI Halal Labeling ........................... 62 1. The Production Sphere ........................................... 62 a. LPPOM MUI Halal Certification Data from January to October 2017 .................................................................. 62 b. LPPOM MUI Center Halal Certification Data Period 2012 – Oct 2017 .................................................................. 63 c. LPPOM MUI Province Halal Certification Data Period 2012 – 2016 .................................................................. 64 2. The Consumption ................................................... 65 a. Halal Labeling Effect on Muslim Consumers .... 65 b. Factors Affecting Consumer`s Decision in Purchasing MUI Halal Labeling ..........................................................
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