Credits Eric Hotz Biography Eric Hotz Was born in Vancouver. Canada, Full-Color Map: Eric Hotz where he now lives and works as a full-time freelance Map Text Authors: Peter Adkison and George illustrator. His work was first published in 1979 in Lowe Space Gamer Magazine. and since this time his artwork has appeared in many science fiction. Adventure Authors: Jeff Goldman and George fantasy. and medleval­ Lowe related publications In Design and Development Director: James Canada and the U.S. He Is Hays. Jr. best known for the work he Editing: Beverly Marshall Saling did while employed by Layout: Lisa Stevens ColumbIa Games Inc .• the Full-Color Map Border: J esper Myrfors creators ofHarnlM , as their B&W Talislanta Maps: Eric Hotz In-house artIst/cartogra­ B&W Map Border: Jesper Myrfors pher and later as their art director. He has also Adventure Maps: Jeff Goldman. Jesper worked as an archaeologI­ Myrfors cal field artist/excavator. Talislanta Geographica Logo: Rich Kaalaas and has Just completed a Cover Border: Ron Spencer three-year college program in graphic design and WzAAIS Ulustration. Your Input is Valuable! Tell us what you think about Talislanta ~Ctt.ST Geographica or any of our other products. We value PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707 the opinions of our customers. To show our appre­ The TIOlI.lanta game and fw.tasy world are the creations of Stepluul ciation, we wtll put your name on the mailing list for MIchael Secl1l. TlOllalanta Is a trademark of SMS, and 15 ~ by Wizards of the our newsletter. The ApothecaryTM. Coast uncler authorization. All rights reserved, TalLslanta Ge"!I"'Phl(ICi'" Is 1!J1992 by Stephan MIchael Secl1l and Wizards of the Coast. Inc. The TaUslanla Also. check out the Wizards of the Coast folder Gutdeboolc (thlrd edition)""', Tales oJTalLslanta"", The Scent oj the Beast"', on America OnlIne®. Stephan Michael SechJ. creator Thys/1Wn's ColIectannea"", The Archaen CC>deX" . TalLs!anLa Ge"!I"'PhIca..... and The TaUs!allLa OITlIUbLlS.... are trademarks of Stepban MIchael Sechl and Wizards of the Talislanta world, Jonathan Tweet. co-author of the Coast. Inc. The Chronicles oJTaUs!aIlLa"", The Naturalist's Guide to of the Talislanta Guldebook™. and the rest of the TaUslanta".. The Cyclcped/a TaUslanta"" series, TalLslanta Sorcerer's GuIde-"'. and TaUslanta Wor/dbooI(!" are trademarks of Stephan Mlcl1ael SechL The WotC staff are there to answer your questions. Write PrlmaIOn:fer'" Is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast. Inc. Wizards of the to America Online® at 8619 Westwood Center Drive. Coas~ Is a registered trademark of Wizards of the Coast. Inc. Amer1ca Onllne® Is a registered trademark of America Online, inc. Vienna. VA 22182-2285 for details and information. Talislanta Geographica 1 tions, frrst roll for wind speed and then. if there Is a Ocean and Wind Currents wind at all, roll for direction. Wind Currents To check for wind speed In a specific location, roll a d20 on the Wind Speed Chart. If at or near a In the wake of The Great Disaster, an enor­ secondary wind add 2 to your roll, or if at or near a mous, spiraling storm of aberrant magical energy prevailing wind add 4 to your roll. A hurricane result formed in the Tallslantan atmosphere. Now, hun­ should only apply if the roll was a 20 before modifica­ dreds of years later, this storm continues to pro­ tions, or if the location and season would indicate a foundly affect Tallslantan weather. though most of tendency toward hurricane weather; otherwise treat a the Tallslantan population Is completely oblivious to 20 result as a 19. the atmospheric drama taking place above their heads. Wind Speed Chart· ThIs colossal magical hurricane, called the Nexa Roll Miles Kllometers by those aeromancers who have theorized of Its (Id20) Wind type per hour per hour existence, Is the dominant influence on the wind currents around the Talislantan continent. As It 1-5 Calm less than 1 less than 1 spirals overhead It causes the air to spiral with It. 6-7 LightAir 1-3 1-5 which affects wind currents down near the continent 8-9 Light Breeze 4-7 6-11 to some degree. ThIs is particularly evident in the 10-11 Gentle Breeze 8-12 12-19 west-to-east winds along the southern edge of the 12 Moderate Breeze 13-18 20-28 continent. and the east-to-west winds along the 13 Fresh Breeze 19-24 29-38 northern edge. 14 Strong Breeze 25-31 39-49 15 Moderate Gale 32-38 50-61 Perhaps also as a result of the Nexa, it Is not 16 Fresh Gale 39-46 62-74 uncommon for a strange wind to appear out of 17 Strong Gale 47-54 7~ nowhere, blowing in a direction that is not typical for 18 Whole Gale 55-63 89-102 that area. Sometimes these winds create strange 19 Storm 64-73 103-117 magical effects; other times they simply bring rain to 20 Hurricane 74 & above 74 & above an area that used to be great for parades. ·adapted from the Beaufort Wind Scale The extreme heat In the Wilderlands area also asserts a minor influence on Tallslantan winds. As Wind Direction Chart the air from this area warms and rises, air flows in from the south to take Its place, causing inward wind Roll Prevailing Secondary patterns at low elevations. As the air rises over the (ld20) Wind Wind Other center of the continent It pushes the air that was 1 Straight Straight North already there laterally, thereby causing wind currents 2 Straight Straight North that blow outward from the continental center at 3 Straight Straight North hIgher elevations. 4 Straight Straight 60° East of North 5 Straight Straight 60° East of North At extremely high elevations there are occa­ 6 Straight Straight 60° East of North sional Jet streams that do not appear to have any 7 Straight 60° Left 60° West of North discemable pattern. These incredibly fast winds will 8 Straight 60° Left 60° West of North rip a wIndship to shreds so fast that most captains 9 Straight 60° Left 60° West of North will not take their ships more than about 20.000 feet 10 60° Left 60° Left 120° East of North Into the air for fear of encountering one of these fierce 11 60° Left 60° Right 120° East of North gales. Some say that these Jet streams are actually 12 60° Left 60° Right 120° East of North the manifestations of some strange wind demon 13 60° Right 60° Right 120° West of North about whom little is known. 14 60° Right 60° Right 120° West of North 15 60° Right 120° Left 120° West of North Many of the major wind currents on Talislanta 16 120° Left 120° Left South are named after ancIent aeromancers of generations 17 120° Left 120° Right South long gone, while others are named after the windship 18 120° Right 120° Right South captains who charted them. In addition there are 19 120° Right Opposite (roll again) numerous secondary wind currents. 20 OpposIte Opposite (roll again) Naturally Wind can exist anywhere. but near a To check for wind direction roll a d20 on the prevailing or secondary wind current the wind is Wind Direction Chart. For areas at or near prevailing more predictable. To dIscover current wind condi- or secondary winds. the results of the table indicate 2 Talislanta Geographica that the wind Is blowing a certain number of degrees this wind machine could be used to make the effec­ to the left or nght of what that prevalllng or second­ tive wind speed anything from 10 mph to 24 mph, ary wind would normally indicate; "Stralghe Indi­ and could also cause the direction of the wind to cates that the wind Is blowing In the direction blow anywhere from 30 degrees east of north to 30 indicated on the map. For other areas, use the degrees east of south. "Other- column, In which the results Indicate stan­ dard directions. Ocean Currents In TalIslanta, ocean currents are not usually as Note that wIndshlps can only operate in certain strongly affected by tides as they are on earth. 1bls Is types of wind. Wind that Is too violent will np a ship because the tides themselves are not usually very apart. With a good crew a wtndrigger can survive in powerful. While the moons do have some effect on the a moderate gale, a wlndskiff or a wIndship can tides, the effect of anyone moon Is not as intense as survive in a fresh gale, and a windshlp of war can you might expect. Talislantan moons typically orbit sUrvive in a strong gale. But none of these ships will in a pattern that causes their gravitational pulls to survive more than a few minutes in anything stronger cancel each other out. There are occasions, however, than those winds indicated. A winds hlp's salling when things get unbalanced enough that tidal action speed cannot exceed eIther the printed speeds listed becomes quite crazy and totally unpredictable. in the Talislanta Guidebook '""or the wind speed Perhaps this explains why most TalIslantans prefer to rolled on the Wind Speed Chart. stay on land. Note also that fierce sand and dust storms are The TalIslantan continent Is the convergence common throughout the Wllderlands, and the black point for two very powerful ocean currents. One of Iron deposits on the ground near Harak make It these currents comes at Talislanta from the south­ extremely hard on wlndships as well. The survival west, while the other comes from the northeast.
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