SAINT PHILIP THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCH 1897 W Main St | Lewisville, TX | 75067 | 972.436.9581 | stphilipcc.org WELCOME! MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil, 4 PM Sunday, 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM, and 5:30 PM Monday & Tuesday, 9 AM Wednesday, 6:30 PM Thursday & Friday, 9 AM 1st Saturday, 9 AM CONFESSIONS Wednesdays, 4:30-6 PM Saturdays, 2:30-3:15 PM Private by appointment OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday, 9 AM-5 PM Closed for lunch 12 Noon-1:30 PM Friday, 9 AM-1 PM BECOME CATHOLIC Contact Matt Gill at 972-219-1686 or [email protected] to set an appointment. For more details, visit stphilipcc.org/becomecatholic Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 15, 2020 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time — November 15, 2020 1 SACRAMENTS Act of Spiritual Communion My Jesus, & PRAYER I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, SACRAMENTS and I desire to receive You into my soul. BAPTISM Since I cannot at this moment Baptism is celebrated at a communal receive You sacramentally, service on the 1st Saturday of the come at least spiritually into my heart. month or, by request, during Sunday I embrace You as if You were already there Mass. Contact Matt Gill at 972-219- 1686 or [email protected] and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. 1ST EUCHARIST & PENANCE Amen. Contact Kim Carr at 972-219-1511 or [email protected]. ST PHILIP THE APOSTLE CHURCH CONFIRMATION High School: Zach Barton at 972- Address Office Hours 219-1754 or [email protected] 1897 West Main Street Monday-Thursday, 9 AM-5 PM Adults: Matt Gill at 972-219-1686 or Lewisville, TX 75067 Closed for lunch 12 Noon-1:30 PM [email protected] Friday, 9 AM-1 PM Phone A Receptionist is available in the Church MARRIAGE narthex during weekend Masses Main: 972-436-9581 Contact Matt Gill at least 9-12 Emergency Line: 972-709-2364 months in advance at 972-219-1686 Bulletin Deadlines Fax: 972-436-5302 Submit by 12 Noon, 9 days in advance or [email protected] of publication date to Sarah Fritcher at Main Email [email protected] ANOINTING OF THE SICK [email protected] Available at any Mass; notify the sacristan on arrival. Contact the Office for Anointing at other times. CLERGY & PASTORAL HELP Pastor Fr. Raymond McDaniel To request a priest ROSARY FOR LIFE 972-436-9581, [email protected] in an emergency: 1st Saturdays, 8:30 am Call 972-709-2364 The Rosary is also prayed 30 minutes Parochial Vicar prior to all Masses Msgr. Francis Boakye Tawiah 972-436-9581, [email protected] Weekend Ministry EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Fr. Allan Hawkins……817-277-4041……[email protected] Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm Chapel Dcn. Ramiro Rodriguez……972-436-9581……[email protected] Wednesdays, 7-8 pm Church Dcn. Joe Standridge……972-436-9581……[email protected] Thursdays, 9:30 am-12 Noon Church Dcn. Patrick Quinn……972-436-9581……[email protected] Funerals Annulments Mike McArdle Jackie Jones 214-415-0427 972-219-7280, [email protected] [email protected] STAY CONNECTED WITH ST. PHILIP’S VISIT OUR WEBSITE RECEIVE PARISH EMAILS Online resources, live stream Mass www.flocknote.com/stphilip or text Cover image: Detail from broadcasts www.stphilipcc.org spacc to 84576 “The Last Judgment” by Viktor Vasnetsov YOUTUBE FACEBOOK AND TWITTER StPhilipCC @stphilipcc 2 St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church Attending Mass at St. Philip’s Following the requirements of civil and diocesan authorities, we are ob- MASS INTENTIONS serving special safety precautions for Masses and events at this time. We continue to offer live-streaming for those who still need to remain at home. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14 4 pm, +Jim Waterman Church Capacity Limitations SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15 At this time, we are permitted to have a congregation of 50% of the 7:30 am, +Larry Dobratz 9:30 am, +William Gerecke seating capacity in our buildings. Intentions of the Roquebert 11:30 am, & Car Families Required Precautions 5:30 pm, The People of St. Philip Wear a face mask or scarf that covers your nose and mouth MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Saint Margaret of Scotland Sanitize hands on entering the buildings (if possible, please Saint Gertrude bring a personal bottle) 9 am, +James Wircenske Maintain distance between yourself and others TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17 (please allow ushers to direct you to a seat in the church) Saint Elizabeth of Hungary 9 am, +Catherine Reppert Nursery services are not available at this time. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 The Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Am I Obliged to Attend Mass? Peter and Paul Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne The obligation to physically attend Mass is still lifted through the time of 6:30 pm, +Benjamin Santos this pandemic, especially for those over the age of 60, the immuno- compromised, or caretakers of vulnerable individuals. Please join us via THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19 live-stream at our parish website or on Facebook. 9 am, +Bob Sarkees FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20 9 am, +Margaret M. Gerwitz The Gabriel Project Thanks You! SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21 Your gifts to the recent Spiritual Adoption Baby Shower sup- The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary ported the work of the Gabriel Project to offer free services to 4 pm, +Jim & +Patricia Harms moms in need. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22 Dear St. Philip Parishioners, Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Words cannot express our gratitude for the outpouring of love you have King of the Universe shown for the Gabriel Moms we serve. The many gifts we received will 7:30 am, +Gloria Zepeda be a wonderful blessing to these moms. We are overwhelmed by your 9:30 am, +Peter Wenger 11:30 am, +Marlena Bimmerle generosity! And a special thank you to the Respect Life Ministry for 5:30 pm, The People of St. Philip coordinating the event. Sincerely, MaryLynn Hilton Live-Stream Schedule St Philip Gabriel Project Coordinator Watch at stphilipcc.org/mass or Facebook @stphilipcc Sunday 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM Daily Mass Monday, 9 AM Tuesday, 9 AM Wednesday, 6:30 PM Thursday, 9 AM Friday, 9 AM 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time — November 15, 2020 3 Divine Face Fall Fundraiser Weekend of November 14/15 Father Gerard Mary’s Divine Face Organization Fall Fundraiser is this weekend after all Masses. Check out Father’s needs for his mission such as tools, school and medical supplies, plus school bus gas and mainte- nance. Browse Advent Wreaths and calendars, Christmas car magnets and other items. Stop by the tables in the courtyard after Masses and support Divine Face Organization’s effort to meet the basic needs of the poor and needy at Father Gerard Mary’s mis- COLLECTIONS REPORT sion in Nigeria. If you want November 1 $13,969.70 to know more about DFO All Saints Holy Day $2,945.00 and our Monthly Donation Program, please talk with us Use this QR Code or go to at our fund raiser table out- divineface.wixsite.com/divineface Total Actual $171,385.00 side. to support Fr. Gerard Mary’s Mission online! Total Budgeted $160,248.00 Difference $11,137.00 Fr. Gerard Mary writes: 7/1/2020—10/31/2020 I do sincerely hope that our humble prayers for all of you and your loved ones have added to your own prayers and caution to keep you Total Actual $693,973.00 Total Budgeted $643,391.00 safe and healthy. I praise God since I have not heard anything to the Difference $50,582.00 contrary. Over here, at least in the part of Nigeria where I am serving, we have not had any case of the virus. This is truly another EVIDENCE of Divine Providence and care… Credit Cards/ACH $85,335.52 Our invitations to some dioceses for Mission Appeals this year were cancelled because of COVID-19. We have our regular assignments like the [Elementary School] building, old school buses to maintain, other buildings to repair, students to feed and teachers to pay, along with our outreach program. I therefore humbly appeal to those of you who can to kindly assist us with more of your generous donations to enable us to continue our services. Remain ever abundantly blessed, you and all your loved ones! Sincerely yours in the Divine Face, Fr. Gerard Mary A. Anyanwu Women’s Club Meeting Monday, November 16, 7 PM in the CLC Please join the Women’s Club as we celebrate our blessings by dec- orating and assembling Thanksgiving food baskets for those in need. Bring your food donations with you. We’ll be starting promptly at 7 pm, and enjoying treats and seasonal beverages, followed by a short stphilipcc.weshareonline.org meeting to get ready for our “Advent Gathering” in December. Tables and chairs will be arranged following social distancing protocols for For assistance with online giving, your safety, and masks will be required to join the meeting. please contact Kathy Loy at We welcome back those who are able to join us in person, and we pray [email protected] for those who continue to stay close to home. For more information, or 972.219.0754 please email Gerry Jackson at [email protected] 4 St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church WEEKLY CALENDAR November 15-22, 2020 Sunday, November 15 Monday, November 16 Tuesday, November 17 Wednesday, Nov. 18 Chin Community Men’s SCOF Women’s SCOF Confessions 1 PM CLC 6:30 AM Room 3 6:30 AM Room 6/8 4:30-6 PM Church Divine Face Meeting Mass Mass Mass 1 PM Room 7/9 9 AM Church 9 AM Church 6:30 PM Church SPY HS Session 1 Cancer Prayer Group Eucharistic Adoration Holy Hour 4:15 PM Youth Room 9:30 AM Chapel 6:30-8:30 PM Chapel 7 PM Church SPY HS Session 2 HS Prayer Group RCIA SPY MS 6:45 PM Youth Room 5 PM Youth Room 6:30 PM CLC and VIRTUAL 7 PM Youth Room RCIA for Families Adult Formation: College
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