T 'ft- pwi'WWTOWp-'-WTV- ' ?? - J" " JTTX ' "w; rT1 .i ,n ,rj?aiv'r lr "f''?'v,VvHto.f ,. WSarVfWStCM AL Tfc Mfr' V WEEKLY I , i WEEKLY j L EDITION. i EDITION. , V vi - emttttm n - P I Auditor's Oflleo 'K S VOLUME 67. NTJMBEK 29. CANTON, OHIO, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. 1900. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. On the bay, or north side of the city until It is finally settled whether or Is the commercial section, with wharves not there will be a strike. 41 stretching along for nearly two miles, KAISER AND lined with sheds' and large storage AT SCRANTON. JOHNSTOWN OUTDONE houses. The Island from the north side Scranton,, Pa., Sept. 10. So far as can Is connt-cte-d with the mainland by rail-loa- d be learned the hard coal miners bridges and the longest wagon throughout the section are nearly all bridge In the world, nearly two miles at work morning. Almost all the In length. 1872 this THEQDEEN. In the entire cast end of men were at the mines ready to go to the city was swept away by the tidal money BY GALVESTON'S HORROR. wave that followed a terrific ritorm that work In order to earn as much swept the gulf coast for three days. as possible against the needs of the It is on the south side of tho city, be- strike which they expect will come In ginning with 50 yards of tho medium a day or two. Compact Formed Between Ger gulf tide, that the wealthest resident NO CHANGE. portion is located, and which was the many and England on the first part of Galveston to be Htrlcken Indianapolis, Sept. 10. There Is no by the full force of the recent storm change today In the mining situation. have been, a monster tidal wave. and flood. All of the eastern end of the Chinese Question. Awful Loss of Life and a Stupen Several gulf ports are reported an city must certainly be washed awav. nihilated, while Inland te hurricane and in this quarter, between Broadway left not a house standln Kin a number and I street, some of the handsomest FORAKEMS. oi towns. Tho disaster Is widespread and most expensive residences are lo- NOT TO EVACUATE PEKlNGr dous Property Loss. and almost without parallel cated, There was located there one ON THE GULP. home which cost the owner of $1,000,000. THE POLICEMAN. Most of the residences are of frame 01 Norfolk, Sept. 10. The British steam- but there are many of stone and brick, ship, Valentla, arrived in tne extreme eastern end of the city, Until China Gives Satisfucton, In Said, here from New there are many of Orleans last night after a terrible ex- what we call 'raised cottages.' They are built on piling and Officer Convinced the Senator to Bo the Agreement. FOUR THOUSAND PEOPLE DEAD, MANY CITIES IN RUMS. perience In the storm. The big ship was stand from eight to ten feet from the washed for hours by awful qeas and lost ground s a precaution agalnit floods, That He Was Just a portion of her cargo. It belnk possible for the water to Captain Miller reports passing on the sweep under them. only protection Florida coast an unknown bark with "Tho that. has ever A COMMON, ORDINARY CITIZEN LI HUNG CHANG'S APPOINTMENT. no less than ten souls on board which been provided for the gulf side of the city has been two stone breakwaters, Gulf Steamers and Graft oi All Kind Lost Daring Saturday's was about to founder. It was Impos- many but times with ordinary storms When Came to (letting In People'! Way sible for the Valentla to afford assist- coming Iri from the gulf the tide water It Storm No Accurate News Can Yet Be Secured From ance. has been hurled over the low pjtone at n Itallroad Station An In- Official Notice Ulven By Chlneee MlnUler walls right to the very doors of the res- teresting Kncoonter at In Washington Monday That Be nad idences." Anywhere in Southern Texas First Re Columbtu. Veen Named by the Emperor THE DESTROYED CITY. to Negotiate Term of ports From the Stricken City , Columbus, Sept. 10. Although United Feace. s States senator, the Hon. Joseph II. HE News-Democr- DIED IN at ( Come by Way of Huston. Something About Galveston, Its Foraker was given to understand by Leased Wire ServIc&X Industries and Its! Lo- Officer Adam Sells at the Union station Berlin, Sept. 10. It is learned that THE GAME. last night that he was not the main cir- Germany and England have agreed cation. cus by any means. The senator Intended to leave on the not to evacuate Peking before the Chi- News-Democr- 6:55 at Leased "Wire Service. Galveston is the most Important city Big Four north and accordingly nese government shall have given the Death's Sudden Summons to a depot 15 In population and trade In Texas. is arrived at the minutes before la-s- es It gates fullest satisfaction for sustained port entry, railway com train time. At the he was met by New York, Sept. 10. A dispatch re- reau had nad no word from Galveston a of a and Young Man. his old friend, Dick Watson, the popular by these countr'es. ceived here this morning from Richard or its neighboring towns since Satur- mercial center and the capital of Gal announcer. Washington, Sept. 10. A dispatch formerly a well known New day. veston county. was settled In 1838, After a greeting the genial from General Chaffee made public this Splllanes, It STRICKEN AT THE BALL PARK attache morning as follows): resi-Oe- nt reports con- Is on to reads York newspaper man, but lately a It that the sftorm has and situated Galveston island, of the station offered place the sen. 4. un- "Taku, Sept. Evidence accumu- of Galveston, confirms the terrible tinued through Texas and is central between the Gulf of Mexico and Galves- ator's traveling case "In the clear" lates that diplomatic relations will ton bay and on the Galveston and While Participating In Snndaj'e Game pass through gates, not loss of life in Galveston. this morning near Oklahoma City. It til he would the be resumed here for a long time. Rus- has, however, lost its as Western, the Gulf, Colorado and Santa and Died Ilerore lie Could lie and then he could get the same. sian legation leaves very soon for Tien His dispatch Is sent from Houston, character a North- appears destructive storm and Is accompanied Fe, the International and Great Ilemoved From the Senator Foraker declined the Invita- Tsln. It to me certain that 3:45 this morning. says: ern the North Galveston, Houston was to waiting the Chinese government will not return Texas, at It by only moderately high and tion and directed the In from Galveston, Thous- winds in its and Kansas City railroads, 214 miles Field. room. After remaining Inside for a few here whilst foreign army remains! IE "Just imediate vicinity. this Is true our legation cannot dead. Bay Htrcwnwlth strand-c- d east, southeast of Austin. It Is con Special to News-Democr- minutes he appeared In one of the transact and! Reports from Southern are business. My opinion Peking Is to be ocean vessels. City Is In rnlns. Texas nected with the entire railway systems Masslllon, Sept. 10 Arthur Hose, aged three double doors, much to the chagrin merely camp for foreign army pending Tragedy one of the Rreatest of mod- still missing. of the United States and of Mexico, 19 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Christian of the police officers. settlement by powers at other points. , CITY SUBMERGED. and has eleven direct lines of steam Hose, of 40 Andrew street, died suddenly The senator Is of rather corpulent Signed, CHAFFEE." ern times. ships communicating with New York, body and therefore there was but Jlttle DEAD. 10. at Santa Fe park Sunday afternoon. LI'S APPOINTMENT. A THOUSAND KNOWN Houston, Sept. Additional partic- Morgan City, Indlanola and the coast surplus space for the September breezes 9, Hous- ulars of the Galveston Btor st.ow Hose was employed at the Reld & Co. Galveston, Texas, Sept. via ti that ports of the state, and with Liverpool, glass and engine smoke to pass between him Washington, Sent. 10. Minister Wu kill- l.fOO persons were di owned In the city works. He was a member of the Sept. 10. Nearly 1.000 persons I pas- ton, and $10,000,000 worth of prpnrty de- Bremen and other foreign ports. Its Pah an base ball club which was play- and the door casing, not to mention has received a royal edict appointing ed Is the result of tho storm which stroyed. foreign and domestic trade Is large. ing the New Berlin team, and was in sengers. LI Hung Chang as a commissioner to i aged in this city Saturday. The city There was not a building, in the city During the calendar year 1892 the for- right field. At the end of the sixth In- HE GOT IN THE WAY. deal with the foreigners In settling the 4s almost In ruins. but was damaged to some extent. The eign Imports aggregated 863,812, and ning Hose came In from his position. Chinese difficulties. He Is to have full Ealy hospital and two schoolhouses In foreign exports $35,688,740; The officers were attempting to keep Ocean steamers are stranded and and from As he took his place on the bench he so power.
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