Monday, May 14, 2001 Part XXII Environmental Protection Agency Semiannual Regulatory Agenda VerDate 11<MAY>2000 10:25 May 04, 2001 Jkt 194001 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4717 Sfmt 4717 D:\UAPRESS\UA010422.OUT APPS10 PsN: UA010422 26120 Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 93 / Monday, May 14, 2001 / Unified Agenda ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA) ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION F. What Information Is in Agenda information about these programs visit: AGENCY (EPA) Entries? www.epa.gov/partners. G. What Tools Are Available To Help EPA’s regulatory process must ensure 40 CFR Ch. I Quickly Identify Actions That Are of that the Nation’s environmental FRL-6958-4 Interest to You? protection system produces the best H. How Can You Access Federal outcomes at an acceptable cost, where April 2001 Agenda of Regulatory and Register Documents via the Internet cost considerations are appropriate. Deregulatory Actions and via E-mail? Appropriate scientific, economic and I. What Special Attention Do We Give AGENCY: Environmental Protection policy analyses must be planned at early Agency. to the Impacts of Rules on Small stages in the regulatory development Entities? process so that senior Agency decision ACTION: Semiannual regulatory agenda. A. The Transition of Administrations makers understand the benefits and and the Status of EPA’s Rulemakings costs of policy options from which to SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection The regulations listed in this agenda choose. Additionally, it is important Agency (EPA) publishes the Semiannual are required by law or are necessary to that we continue to apply new methods Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory interpret the law. While this is the first to protect the environment—by building Actions to update the public about: flexibility into regulations up front, • regulatory agenda of the Bush Regulations and major policies Administration, the timing is such that through nonregulatory approaches currently under development, where effective, by creating strong • our efforts won’t be fully reflected in the Reviews of existing regulations and agenda until the October edition. partnerships with States, and by major policies, and vigorously using public outreach and • Regulations and major policies B. What Principles and Objectives involvement. Guide EPA in Developing Regulations? completed or canceled since the last The basic legal requirements we must Agenda. The quality of the science, economic, follow when we issue a regulation TO BE PLACED ON THE AGENDA MAILING and policy analysis that underlie EPA generally are contained in the LIST: Starting with the October 2001 regulations is vital to the credibility of Administrative Procedure Act, the edition we will resume free distribution EPA decisions and ultimately our Regulatory Flexibility Act as amended of the Agenda. If you would like to effectiveness in protecting human by the Small Business Regulatory subscribe, please contact: Janice health and the environment. Enforcement Fairness Act, the Ndunguru (1806A), Environmental Additionally, continued testing and Unfunded Mandates Reform Act, the Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania adoption of new environmental Paperwork Reduction Act, the National Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20460; protection methods must be a central Technology Transfer and Advancement phone: (202) 564-6572; e-mail: tenet in environmental problem solving. Act, and the Congressional Review Act. [email protected]. A well managed regulatory process and You can find information on many of a strong commitment to innovative FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If these statutes at solutions will ensure that the significant http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/. you have questions or comments about environmental improvements that we a particular rule, please get in touch all want to achieve are cost-effective, We also must meet a number of with the agency contact listed for that fair and fully protective. requirements contained in Executive rule. If you have general questions about orders. Of particular significance for the Agenda or about EPA’s Much of the success over the last 31 EPA rulemakings are Executive Orders decisionmaking process, please contact: years and seven administrations in 12866 (Regulatory Planning and Phil Schwartz (1806A), Environmental cleaning up the Nation’s water, air, and Review), 13045 (Children’s Health Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania land is attributable to the system of Protection), 13175 (Consultation and Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20460; Federal and State regulation that has Coordination with Indian Tribal phone: (202) 564-6564; e-mail: directed and coordinated private Governments), and 13132 (Federalism). [email protected]. We welcome investment in pollution control and You can find information on these and your suggestions on how we can make prevention. While regulation will other Executive orders at the Agenda more useful to you and remain an important tool to implement http://www.nara.gov/fedreg/eo.html. easier to use. environmental policy, it is not the only one. Instead, EPA must increasingly act C. How Does EPA Develop Rules and SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: as an innovator, educator, and leader in Policies and How Can You Participate? Table of Contents administering a broad set of new tools You may participate by contacting the A. The Transition of Administrations — including new methods to design and expert responsible for developing a and the Status of EPA’s Rulemakings administer regulations — that engage all particular rule. You may also participate B. What Principles and Objectives segments of our society in responsive by commenting on proposed rules that Guide EPA in Developing behaviors that protect the environment we publish in the Federal Register. Regulations? while promoting appropriate economic Once we have proposed a rule, we will C. How Does EPA Develop Rules and growth. For example, we have worked consider your comments and address Policies and How Can You with businesses and community leaders them before issuing a final rule. To be Participate? to develop more than 40 voluntary most effective, comments should D. What Actions Are Included in the partnership programs to help achieve contain information and data that Agenda? environmental objectives with the support your position, and you also E. How Is the Agenda Organized? greatest possible efficiency. For more should explain why we should VerDate 11<MAY>2000 10:38 May 09, 2001 Jkt 194001 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 1254 Sfmt 1254 D:\UAPRESS\UA010422.OUT APPS10 PsN: UA010422 Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 93 / Monday, May 14, 2001 / Unified Agenda 26121 EPA incorporate your suggestion in the final There is no legal significance to the include anything that influences or rule. You can be particularly helpful omission of an item from the agenda. leads to rulemaking, such as advance and persuasive if you provide examples E. How Is the Agenda Organized? notices of proposed rulemaking to illustrate your concerns and offer (ANPRMs), significant studies or We have organized the agenda: specific alternatives. • analyses of the possible need for First, by the law that would authorize regulatory action, announcement of The agenda also includes some of our a particular regulation; reviews of existing regulations more important guidance documents • Second, by the current stage of required under section 610 of the which reflect EPA’s thinking in major development (proposal, final, etc.); Regulatory Flexibility Act, requests policy areas. We invite you to take part and for public comment on the need for in developing these documents. • Third, by the section number of the regulatory action, or important statute which requires or authorizes For a detailed description of our rule preregulatory policy proposals. the rule. and policy development process request a copy of ‘‘Initiation of EPA’s New The following 14 sections deal with 2. Proposed Rules - This section Regulatory and Policy Development 13 laws that EPA administers and a includes EPA rulemaking actions that Process’’ from Janice Ndunguru at 1200 fourteenth broader section called are within a year of proposal Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, ‘‘General’’ that includes cross-cutting (publication of Notices of Proposed DC 20460; e-mail: actions, such as rules authorized by Rulemakings (NPRMs)). [email protected]; phone: (202) multiple statutes and general 3. Final Rules - This section includes 564-6572. acquisition rules: rules that are within a year of final D. What Actions Are Included in the 1. General promulgation. Agenda? 2. The Clean Air Act (CAA) 4. Long-Term Actions - This section EPA includes regulations and certain includes rulemakings for which the major policy documents in the Agenda. 3. The Atomic Energy Act (AEA) next scheduled regulatory action is We do not generally include minor after March 2002. amendments or the following categories 4. The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, of actions in the Agenda: and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) 5. Completed Actions - This section • Under the Clean Air Act: Revisions to contains actions that have been State Implementation Plans; 5. The Federal Food, Drug, and promulgated and published in the Equivalent Methods for Ambient Air Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) Federal Register since publication of Quality Monitoring; Deletions from the October 2000 Agenda. It also 6. The Toxic Substances Control Act the New Source Performance includes actions that we are no longer (TSCA) Standards source categories list; considering. If an action appears in Delegations of Authority
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