-------------------------------~------------- ------ ---------------~-------------~ THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mqry's OLUME 39: ISSUE 93 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17,2005 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Controversy swirls as Monologues begin at ND Ensler defends play, Students protest own views at panel pro-choice author By KATIE WAGNER By CLAIRE HEININGER News Writer News Editor A panel discussion fnatur­ Carrying posters bnaring ing Vagina Monologues Biblo versos and bowing thnir au thor EVI~ Enslnr sparknd a heads in prayer, about 15 stu­ lwatnd nxchangn lwtween thn dents gathen~d around th1~ audience and the playwright steps of South Dining Hall W1HI nesd ay. Wednesday to protest tho Approxirnatldy 200 people speaknr inside. gathernd at the Lnighton Vagina Monologues author Concert llall in tho DnBartolo Evo Ensler, schnduled to Performing Arts Centnr to appear as a luncheon guest, lwar Enslor, author of the bypassed the protesters and controvorsial play and cre­ dedined thoir ol'l'or of a lnttor ator of "V-Ilay," the global Above, students from Bishop .John D'An:y movnnwnt to combat violence opposing the Monologues, said against wornnn. protest Ensler. At law studont Bncky Auston, ono Although this is the fourth of the protestors. student porformancn of the left, Ensler listens to Austin said she and soveral Vagina Monologues at Notre other studnnts asked the Fort Damn, this is the first time another panel member. Wayne-South Bend diocnse to l•:nsler has made a personal provide thnm eopios of D'Arcy's appnarance. stalnrnnnt to distributn. Tlw Tlw four parwlists - panel • statnment - the bishop's snc­ modnrator and assistant pro­ PHOTOS BY ond public disagnwnwnt with l'nssor· ol' Film, Tnl1wision and tho University within a wonk, Tlwa tn r .I ossi ca Ch aim nrs, CLAIRE KELLEY as he criticized thn Quonr Film assodatl' professor of English AND RICHARD Fostival in a l!~tter on Feb. I 0 c;Jpnn llnndler. associate pro - diseountnd academic l'rnn- FRIEDMAN see ENSLER/page 4 see PROTEST/page 4 Preacher serves as sexual assault advisor for students As assistant dean and resource person for victims, she provides previously-lacking support, confidentiality the College of' Arts and During her time at this post, explained that it is the vie­ A fnw years ago, tho By KATIE LAIRD Letters, administrator for the Preacher said, she's realized tim's choice to decide what University l'orrnod a sexual News Writer department that such crimes are more steps to take. assault advisory committee of' film. tole­ prevalent than most realize. Preacher's position us assis­ that recoived student l'ond­ As thn University continues vision and "(Snxual assault[ happens tant dean - with students baek about how soxual to raise awarnrwss of sexual theatre and much more than it's report­ constantly in and out of' hnr assault eases were handled assault ineidents on campus, pro-law ed," Preachor said. ofl'ice to discuss grades, class­ on campus, Preacher said. Ava Preacher is gnlling advisor, As a resource person for es and other matters - .0 n e n x a rn pI o, s h n said , involvPd to ensure that stu­ Preacher is victims, Preacher plays an makes her ideal for victims to involved a young man who d n n t s h a v n tlw p r o p e r the sexual informative role. When stu­ talk to and remain anony­ was dismissed l'rorn tho rnsourens to turn to in easo of assault dents come to her, they mous. University al'ter assaulting a resource explain what happened and "I was chosen because very l'nrnaln student. Tho commit­ an assault. Preacher In addition to lwr numerous person - a ask her what their options few quostions are asked," tee discovered tho eurrnnt positions at Notrn Damn position about which she are. Preacher emphasized the Preacher said. "The students including assistant dnan of' speaks yery passionately. strict eonl'identiulity and have access to me." see PREACHER/page 4 SENATE File sharing, bookstore discounts dominate discussion on campus - though this Senators said the overriding By AMANDA MICHAELS limn he wanted to hear what opinion of the students they As~istam News Editor the dorms had to say about talked to was that current fiiP tho program. sharing avenues (though ille­ Tho Commiltno on An allnrnative to Napster, gall were acceptable sourcos, l!nsidmJcn l.il'1~ 11'<1 tho majori- _ Huckus would provide Notre but that a few seemed open to ty of tlw discussion during flame students with music, tho option. Wodrwsday night's student selnet movies and campus "Thnrn are a lot of poople Snnalo mooting, gathnring lncturn downloads for a cost that will just [download filosl I'Pedback on possible t'ilo of' $6 per month. the illegal way, but you could sharing programs and book­ Tho drawbacks to the pro­ find 1,000 seared onough to st.on~ discount options. gram. besidns its monthly want to do it legally," Co 111111 i tl n ~~ Jill' m b n r B r n n­ cost, inc.ludn llw fne chargnd Stnphanie Pelligra, Welsh dan Mrllugh rovivnd tlw sub­ for evnry song downloadod Family Sl~ruttor. said. jnd of l!urkus NPtwork- tlw from Huekus and burned onto Senators also said the l'ill' sharing snrvil~~~ intro­ a CD or transl'nrrnd to an monthly raln and nxtra trans­ durl'd to snnators last week rn p :{ p I a y n r an d t h n 1 , 0 0 0- for l'oo - nspeeially if buill MATIESON/The as a possibility for legal studm1l usor minimum for tlw Senators talk about different music file sharing options at music and movif' downloads· snrvieo to b.o installnd . see SENATE/page 4 Wednesday's meeting. • t • ' •,. I' ·' page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Thursday, February 17, 2005 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE THING TO MAKE IN THE DINING HALL? Thou shalt not steal • • • art? A.J. Andrassy Douglas Vranderic Katie Doyle Peter Vranderic Reece Doughty Tyler Lenz My last year at Notre Dame as a senior freshman sophomore junior ' freshman senior budding artist and photographer off-campus Zahm McCandless O'Neill St. Ed's Keenan has been filled with the task of attempting to organize more stu­ dent art exhibitions on campus. My "Lauren King's "Moves on the "Stir-fry or any- "A liter of cola. " "Quesadillas." "Mashed latest exhibition is specialty ladies." thing that isn't potatoes "The Juggler Chuy Benitez " Show" in Reekers. salads." Saint Mary's volcano. It is a collabora- food." tion of the freshest Associate Photo work out of Riley Editor Hall, and is both insightful and controversial with the inclusion of a politically charged silkscreen by Meeghan Conroy. Now, even if you have viewed the show recently, you might be asking, · "What political silkscreen?" Well, I would point it out to you, but much_ IN BRIEF to the surprise of everyone, the silkscreen was actually stolen from Ron Koperski from Bradley Heckers the weekend after it was University will be giving a lee­ put up. turn on "Sports and the Media: Oddly, my reaction to the stolen Arr Examination of the Ethical art did not include starting a cam­ Elements" at 12:30 p.m. today pus-wide search and walking in the Giovanni Commons in around campus with a bloodhound. Mendoza. The lecture is part of I was actually flattered that some­ the Mendoza College of Business' one was moved enough by the show Ethics Week. to want to steal a piece. In my mind. you cannot flatter an artist Former WWE superstar and more than by stealing their work, ae'elaimed author Miek Foley and that is simply because it means will present "An Evening With that the art struck a chord in that Miek Foley" Thursday as part of person so greatly that he had to the 2005 Notre Dame Literary steal it. Festival. The presentation will Meeghan was a little surprised, begin at 8:00 p.m. in but soon she also realized that she Washington Hall. had struck a chord in someone's mind, and in the end her work was . Father Joseph Komonchak successful. As word spread that her from the Catholic University of work was missing, young artists America will be giving a lecture gasped and older artists couldn't entitled "Vatican II: Historieal help but be a little jealous. Relevance for 21st Century Hight now you may be thinking, Believers" at 7:30 p.m. in the "So this is why artists are stereo­ Stapleton Lounge in Le Mans typically poor . they LOVE to Hall at Sairit ·Mary's on have their art stolen!" Well, the New football coach Charlie Weis assumes an unfamiliar position in the stands as he sits Thursday. The lecture is spon­ truth is that we prefer to hoid onto back and watches the Irish men's basketball team defeat Big East rival Georgetown. sored by the Center for our work and not have the fruit of Spirituality. our hard labor stolen, but theft is out of our hands and when it hap­ The Nanovie Institute for pens we just have to think opti­ OFFBEAT European Studies will be spon­ mistically. soring the 2002 Irish film Coming back to Meeghan's Woman overstays medical problem. I've been Monday when a poliee ofli­ "Bloody Sunday" as a part of its silkscreen, it was a political com­ hospital stay by a year here more than a year, cer who thought he smelled "European Cinemas, European mentary on our now president, More than a year after never had any medication, burning marijuana began Histories" series.
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