I I ~ .., 'I II, "" ' ~ 7 rlbwtbe j}eW5 OF THE WORL DWIDE CHURCH OF GOD VOL. IV, NO. 18 PASADENA, CALIF . AUG. 30, 1976 Mr. A~mstrong in Jerusalem A Personal Letter JER USALEM - Herbert W . ci ty officials and other nota bles, at­ mig ht say the best way to observe the Armstro ng met with Prime Mini ster tended the lun ch eon , where Mr. Sabbath is a small, informal Bible Yitzhak Rabin Aug. 16 and numer ­ Armstro ng spo ke on the need for study with Mr . Herbert W . Arm­ o us other top Israeli officials here in a wo rld peace, according to M r. stro ng . Eve ryone co ns idered it a visit that began Aug . 12. Acco m­ Scruggs . premium investment of time to be panied in the meeting with Mr . Rabin The afternoo n of Aug. 14, the afforded this privilege." ;='iJ~ by Israe li Ambassado r M ich ae l Sa bbath. Mr . Armstrong held a small Ravid and his wif e and Stanley Bibl e study in hi s suite' in th e Hilton Dinner Rader , the Work's vice presiden t for Jeru salem Hilton with 30 in atten­ Saturday night Mr. Arm stron g Dear breth ren in Christ: lime was to bring along Dr. Michael financial affairs (who genera lly ec­ dance , speak ing on the topic " Jeru­ was host of a dinner in the Hilton ball­ GREETINGS ! Once agai n I am writ ­ Germane and Dr. Jim Ackley from co mpanies Mr. Arm strong on his salem: Past , Present and Future ." room with guests includi ng Israeli ing to yo u fro m Big Sandy , Tex., our Pasadena campus to help conduct travels) and Mrs . Rader, Mr. Arm­ Mr . Scru ggs co mme nted , .,If you cabinet ministers Moshe Kat and Gid­ where J have come for a special a wide-ranging faculty meetin g con­ stro ng spo ke with the prime minister polled the small but acti ve Jerusalem eon Hausner , Mayor Kcll ek, Pro- forum and faculty meetings. sisting of a repo rt of our progress in for about 45 minutes. co ngregatio n on thi s point, they (See M R. A RMSTR ONG , page 9) The main purpo se for my trip this our feasibility study toward consolida­ tion of the .two Am bassador College Acco rding to Mr. Armstron g in campuses, plus a question-and-answe r material that will beco me part of a session for the Big Sandy faculty. co-worker letter, his agenda here At the present time our consoli da­ began when he arrived Aug . 12. The England to print magazines tion plans are largely in temporary mom ing of Aug. l3 he and Jeru salem and a prepre ss facility for platemak­ suspension. Until we have talked to Mayor Tedd y Kollek toured the Old PASADENA - Publication s pro­ combined circulation Dear 100,000) some of the appropriate accrediting City of Jerusalem and visited projects duced by the Work , most notabl y The have alread y been transferred to En­ ing and stripping ." Not only would the overhea d prob­ associatio ns , and until we have supervised by Mayor Kollek . Plain Truth and The Good News, will gland, initiating a gearing up for the finalizedour application with Health , At a luncheon meet ing that day , soo n be printed on presses owned by British-based press that is scheduled lem be sol ved , acco rd ing to M r. Education and Welfare for the Vista Mr . Ann strong was presented a spe­ the Work in Radlett, England, in an eventually to encompass nearly all Lippro ss, who is responsible for a del Arroyo property[seearticle. page ciall y struck medal noting his " con­ effort to offset overhead while pro­ publ ications of the Work. smoo th transition to printing in En­ 8]. the final decisions involving con­ tinued interest in and contribution s to duc ing income for European-based No date s have been set for com­ gland , but "we 're plow ing money solidation - (a) thedegree of ccnsoli- the city of Jeru salem," according to operations of the Church, according plete transfe r of these printingo pera­ back into the Work ." Is.. PERSONAL. _ 91 Jack Scruggs, a U.S . State Depart ­ to Roger Lippro ss, assistant direct or tions to England. according to Mr. ':. 'The press in England can print ment official and Church member. of publ ishing service s. Lippro ss. " We may find that En­ cheaper than any company in the Diplomats, incl uding U.S . Co nsul The Canadian and West Indian gland cannot print them all imme ­ States or the Cont inent ," Mr . Lip­ General Mich ael Newlin and several editions of The Plain Truth (with diately," he said. " We 're feeding pross said.•'The differen ce between them jobs piecemeal at the moment the comme rcial price in the U.S. and u.s. college so they can gear up gradually." the base price of the Radlett press is what makes the project feasible. plans to buy Pasadena camp us starts New Program " The Wo rk in Brit ain will charge The deci sion to print in England Pasadena and the intern ational areas came about as a.resuIt·..uf a -series o f w'hat they ' arc presently paying for Bricket Wood bu..iness meetings directed by Gamer comme rcial printin g. Since England its 30th academic year Ted Armstrong in Bricker Wood , can print cheaper than that, they will PASADE NA - The sale of the England, in August. keep the dif ference , which will en­ former British campus of Ambassa­ PASADENA - Cl asse s began The annual faculty rece ption for " Rather than let the thing {the able England to be a viable opera ­ dor Co lleg e , located in Brickel here Aug . 23 as the Californ ia cam­ freshmen took place in the Loma D. Wor k-ow ned press] sit there and tion. Th at money will be used in the Wood , England, "isentering into fi­ pus ofAmb assador College began its Armstron g Academ ic Cen ter Thu rs­ produce only o ur needs until such Work in Europe as a who le." nal details" and should be final by 30th academic year . day evening , Aug. 19. after a short time as we sold it, we determ ined to Sept . 25. acco rdiog lO Ray Wright. Prepress in Pasadena " New Student Wee k" began eight add ress to the clas s by Mr. Ann­ take it off the market and e mbark on a assistant vice president for financial days earli er. Aug . 8. The next morn ~ strong . As part of the recepti on , a program of printin g for the Work in Th e switch will require a few add i­ affairs and planning. dance was open to all students and the United States, Canada, Euro pe tional staffers for the press, acco rd­ The potential buyer . a liberal­ SEE PHOTOS, facu lty member s in th e student and perhaps South Africa, " co m­ ing to Mr. Brown. who plans for arts college in Michigan, intends PAGE 16 center. men ted Frank Brown , regio nal direc­ " perhaps three mor e pres s ope r­ to use th e cam pus fo r its year­ Severa l academic de partments to r for the Wo rk in Brit ain and ators" and a press superviso r. abroad program , acco rding to Mr. ing , after check-in procedures and held meetings and open houses for Europe , in an interview with The Prepress for all publications will Wright. Mr . Wrig ht said the poten ­ the stan of registration , college Pres ­ students durin g New Student Week, Worldw ide News (see page 2) . still be handled in Pasadena, from tia l buyers , who responded to an ident Gamer Ted Annstrong spoke to and , to top off the week , a stude nt­ " We are seven yea rs into a where negatives will be sent to En­ advertisement the Work had run in the student body in an orie ntation faculty picnic Sunday , Aug . 22 , fea­ 28·ycar lease, with 2 1 years remain­ gland ready for printing. The Wall Stree t Journal . arc im­ forum , welcoming the freshmen and tured barbecued ch icken, games and ing on our contract," Mr . Brnc.n Editorial work for intern ation al pressed wi th the be au ty of the reca lling some of the college's his- a sock hop in the college gymna sium . stated. " We haven't been able to Plain Truth ed itio ns will continue to propert y . " They want 10 maintai n tory , , Classes began the next day with dispo se of the property, though it' s be handled regio nally . Australia , the c haracte r of the campus ," Mr. As registratio n co ntinued throu gh­ 258 new students registered, bring ­ been on the market for two years . which serve s that co untry and the Far Wr ight said . ing the enrollment at this cam pus to We have a four -color, webfed , offset East , is an excep tion; printing opera­ o ut th e week , spe c ial activitie s The campus, which was opened in 809 from all parts of the United pre ss . We . have a co mp le te ly tions there are not now scheduled to we re sched uled , .uclu din g tours 1960 and operated by the Work until States and 25 other co untries. eq uipped bindery, a mai ling facility be moved to England .
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