Raising Goats for Dummies

Raising Goats for Dummies

Index anatomy • Numerics • beards, 27 body parts, 22–23 4-H project, raising goats as, 16 conformation, 105–106 digestive system, 23–25 eyes, 27–28 • A • hooves, 25 ABGA (American Boer Goat Association), sheep compared to, 28 45, 258 teeth, 26–27 abomasum, 23, 24, 25 wattles, 27 abortion, 211–212 anemia abscess FAMACHA method of evaluation, 186 caseous lymphadenitis (CLA), 190 from parasites, 185, 186 infectious, 189–190 anesthesia, for disbudding, 147 activated charcoal, 166, 202 Angora goat (breed), 13, 49–50, 272, 273 ACV (apple cider vinegar), 89 antibiotic ointment, 166 ADGA (American Dairy Goat Association), apple cider vinegar (ACV), 89 35, 52 appraiser, 106 advertising, 262–263 arthritis, 188 age, determining by toothing a goat, 26–27 artifi cial insemination, 210 agouti color pattern, 42, 43 aspirin, 147, 153, 166 agriculture newspapers, goats advertised asthma, milk drinking and, 12 in, 107 attention, giving adequate to goats, 297 AKGA (American Kiko Goat Association), 47 auction, livestock, 262 albendazole, 187 AVID microchips, 157 alfalfa, feeding, 84–85 allergic reaction, 169 allergies, milk drinking and, 12 • B • alpaca, 64 B vitamins, 167 Alpine (breed), 37, 257 baby monitor, 215, 219, 221 American Association of Small Ruminant Baermann test, 186 Practitioners, 165 baking soda, 89, 196, 227 American Boer Goat Association (ABGA), Banamine, 147, 153 45, 258 banding, 153 American Cart and Harness, 130 bankrupt worm, 185 American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA), COPYRIGHTEDbarbed MATERIAL wire fencing, 56 35, 52 barberpole worm, 185 American Goat Society, 41, 43 Bat Conservation International, 78 American Kiko Goat Association (AKGA), 47 bat house, 78 American Meat Goat Association (AMGA), 258 bathing, 138 American Meateater (crossbreed), 47 batt, 277 American Nigora Goat Breeders BCS (body condition scores), 90–91 Association, 286 beards, 27, 139, 308 American Science & Surplus, 168 bedding, 70, 76–77 amniotic membrane, 221–222 beet pulp, 88–89 amprolium, 185, 200 anaphylaxis, 169 229_568996-bindex.indd9_568996-bindex.indd 332525 11/21/10/21/10 88:44:44 PPMM 326 Raising Goats For Dummies behavior. See also training Boer, 45–46, 256, 257 biting, 119 crossbreeds, 49, 52, 256–257, 272–273 butting, 120, 124 dairy breeds, 35–44 fi ghting, 121 fainting goats, 46–47, 256 hierarchy in herd, establishing, 118–119 fi ber breeds, 49–52, 272–273 introducing new goat into herd, 120 Kiko, 47, 256, 257 jumping up, 124 Kinder (crossbreed), 44, 256, 257, 285 during kidding, 220 LaMancha, 37–38 mating, 204–207 meat breeds, 45–49, 256 mounting, 120, 205 miniature breeds, 40–44 playing, 120 Moneymaker (crossbreed), 49, 256 Benadryl, 166 Nigerian Dwarf, 41–42, 285–286 betadine surgical scrub, 167 Nigora (crossbreed), 52, 272–273, 286 Biomycin, 167 Nubian, 38–39, 257 birds, attacks by, 62 Oberhasli, 40, 285, 286 birth presentation, 221–223 Oberian, 44, 286 birth process, 220–223 Pygmy, 42–43, 257 biting, 119 Pygora (crossbreed), 13, 52, 272–273, 285 black oil sunfl ower seeds (BOSS), 89 Saanen, 40 Black Sheep Gathering, 279 Sable, 40 bleats, meaning of, 29–30 Savanna, 49 bloat, 196 Spanish, 17, 48, 256 blood, drawing for tests, 176–178 TexMaster (crossbreed), 49, 256 blood stop powder, 166 Toggenburg, 40 Blu-Kote, 147, 151, 154, 166, 194, 274 bridle, 129 body condition scores (BCS), 90–91 brood doe, 21 Boer (breed), 45–46, 256, 257 brown stomach worm, 185 border disease, 212 browser, goat as, 13, 83–84, 297, 306 BoSe, 200, 214, 227 brucellosis BOSS (black oil sunfl ower seeds), 89 abortion from, 212 bottle jaw, 185 testing for, 176 bottle-feeding, 233–234 brush goat. See Spanish goats bowls, food, 94 brushing, 138 breathing, changes in, 162 buck breech presentation, 222 behavior during rut, 120 breed club, 104 castrating, 151–155 breeders defi nition, 21 selling your goats to, 258 feeding, 87 Web sites of, 108, 113 Flehmen reaction, 206 breeding getting a buck before you’re ready, 298 age, 203 head buck, 119 artifi cial insemination, 210 leasing, 209, 287 boarding does with your buck, 288 life expectancy, 33 buck service, 208, 287–288 in rut, 206 driveway, 209, 288 smell of, 152 housing buck after, 207 buck rag, 120, 208 mating habits, 204–207 buck service, 208, 287–288 preparing for, 203–204 buckets, 94–95 season for, 203, 204 buckling, 21, 120, 151 short cycles, 204–205 building projects breeds of goats mineral block holder, 99–101 Alpine, 37, 257 simple hay feeder, 98–99 Angora, 13, 49–50, 272–273 sleeping shelf, 73–76 229_568996-bindex.indd9_568996-bindex.indd 332626 11/21/10/21/10 88:44:44 PPMM Index 327 buildings. See shelter cattle panel, 55, 57, 71 bulletin boards, advertising on, 262 CDT (Clostridium perfringens Type C & D and Burdizzo, 154–155 tetanus toxoid), 171–172, 198, 214, 228, business cards, 263 231–232 butcher, 261, 264, 265, 266 CDT antitoxin, 167, 198, 228 butting, 120, 124 cesarean, 223 buyers, identifying potential chaffhaye, 84, 85, 93, 98 for goat meat, 258–260 chai, recipe for goat-milk, 316 for meat goats, 258 chasing a goat, avoiding, 123, 124 buying goats cheese bringing goats home, 113–115 amount of milk needed for, 11 contracts, 111–113 equipment and supplies for making, 311 examining the goats, 110–111 feta cheese recipe, 312–313 fi nding goats, resources for, 106–109 simple cheese recipe, 313 paying too much or too little for your cheesecake, recipe for, 323 goats, 295 chemicals, hazardous, 60 questions to ask, 109–110 chevon, 255 too many goats too fast, 293–294 chine, 22, 23 unhealthy, 296 chlamydia vaccine, 172 chlamydiasis, 212 Chlorsulan, 186 • C • choosing goats conformation, 105–106 CABGA (Colored Angora Breeders examining the goats, 110–111 Association), 33, 49 fi nding goats, 106–109 cabrito, 255 horns, 104–105 CAFOs (confi ned animal farming observing the home herd, 111 operations), 12 overview, 17–18 calcium defi ciency, 212–213 pets, 18 calcium imbalance, 201 questions to ask, 109–110 calf manna, 93 registered or unregistered, 105 California Mastitis Test (CMT), 245 size, 104 campylobacteriosis, 212 citronella fl y spray, 79 cannon bone, 22, 23 CLA (caseous lymphadenitis), 176, 190 Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus (CAEV), CLA vaccine, 172 188–189 clicker training, 125–126 Caprine Supply, 138, 147 clippers, 139 carders, drum and hard, 277 clipping carding, 277 annual, 138 cart, training goats to pull, 129–131 equipment for, 139 caseous lymphadenitis (CLA), 176, 190 for shows, 281–283 cashgora (fi ber), 13, 272, 279 steps, 139 Cashgora goats, 50 tail, 140, 214 cashmere (fi ber), 13, 14, 51, 272, 275, 279 udder, 139, 140, 214, 282 Cashmere goats, 51 closed herd, 176 Cashmere Spanish goat, 48 Clostridium perfringens types C and D and castration tetanus (CDT) vaccine, 171–172, 198, 214, elastrator, 153–154 228, 231–232 emasculator, 154–155 Clotrimazole, 194 ideal age for, 152–153 cloudburst, 211 reasons for, 152 CMPK (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, surgical, 156 and potassium), 199, 213 catching a goat, 123 CMT (California Mastitis Test), 245 cats, 80 coccidiosis, 184–185 229_568996-bindex.indd9_568996-bindex.indd 332727 11/21/10/21/10 88:44:44 PPMM 328 Raising Goats For Dummies coffee, discovery of, 10 milk production, 36 collars, 121–122 miniature breeds, 40–44, 286 Colored Angora Breeders Association registries, 35–36 (CABGA), 33, 49 Dairy Herd Improvement Association colostrum (DHIA), 245 description of, 242 dam, defi nition of, 22 dried alternatives to, 226 Deccox, 184 heat-treated, 189, 225 dehairing cashmere, 275 importance of, 226 dehydration, checking for, 164 combing fi ber, 277 Delta Society, 135 community supported agriculture (CSA), 253 Derma Sept Teat Dip, 248, 251 companions, goats as, 14–15 dessert recipes composting cheesecake, 323 regulations regarding, 77 fudge, 322 selling compost, 288–289 pudding, 324 used bedding, 77 dewormers, 167, 168, 169, 187 concentrates, 84 DHIA (Dairy Herd Improvement conference, goat, 109 Association), 245 confi ned animal farming operations diarrhea (scours) (CAFOs), 12 coccidiosis, 184–185 conformation, 105–106 in kids, 195, 228 Considine, Harvey (Dairy Goat Judging shipping fever, 115 Techniques), 106 treatment, 195, 228 contract, sale, 111–113, 296 when to contact veterinarian, 195–196 copper defi ciency, 198, 269 digestive system, 23–25 copper sulfate, 195 Di-Methox, 166, 184 Co-Ral (insecticide), 183 disbudding Corid, 185, 200 reasons for, 146 corn chips, as treats/snacks, 90 scurs and, 145, 150–151 corn oil, 196 steps, 148–150 cornstarch, for sunburn protection, 140 supplies, 147 Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, 172, 190 timing of, 146 costs, underestimating, 294 by veterinarian, 146–147 cougars, 62 disbudding iron, 146–147 cough, 162 disbudding paste, 147 cows, goats compared to, 308 diseases. See health problems coyotes, 61 doe. See also breeding; milking Craigslist, 107 caring for new mother, 224 creep feeder, 86, 235 defi nition, 21 creosote, 60 feeding, 92–93 cries, meaning of, 29–30 Flehmen reaction, 206 crossbreeds, 49, 52, 285–286 in heat, 205 CSA (community supported agriculture), 253 during labor and birth, 220–223 cud and cud-chewing, 24, 28, 31–32, 162 life expectancy, 32 preparation for kidding, 214–215 doeling, 21 • D • dog run, 72 dogs Dairy Goat Judging Techniques (Considine and feeding goat bones and meat to, 269 Trimberger), 106 herding breed, 64 dairy goats livestock guardian, 63–64 breeds, 35–44 as predators, 61 crossbreeding to produce meat goats, relationship with goats, 308–309 256–257 229_568996-bindex.indd9_568996-bindex.indd 332828 11/21/10/21/10 88:44:44 PPMM Index 329 donkeys, 64 milking, 247 downy fi

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