May 10, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4381 Whereas, exactly 1 year later, that discus- War—African Americans were still de- rector, vice president, and president. sion led to the formation of Concerns of Po- nied the full rights of citizenship. Afri- As director the NAACP’s Anti-Lynch- lice Survivors, Inc. at the first annual Na- can Americans were forced to endure ing Campaign, Talbert traveled the Na- tional Police Survivors Seminar, which drew the daily humiliation of economic ex- tion giving speeches to black and white 110 law enforcement survivors from through- out the United States; ploitation and social segregation with audiences. She once wrote that ‘‘By her Whereas Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc. almost no recourse. Racial tensions peculiar position the colored woman has grown to serve over 15,000 surviving fam- boiled over into riots and lynchings. It has gained clear powers of observation ilies of fallen law enforcement officers by was at this critical juncture in our na- and judgment—exactly the sort of pow- providing healing, love, and the opportunity tion’s history that a group of con- ers which are today peculiarly nec- for a renewed life; cerned citizens, answering freedom’s essary to the building of an ideal coun- Whereas Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc. and its 48 chapters throughout the United call, gathered together to form the Na- try.’’ With every public education cam- States— tional Association for the Advance- paign, every fight over a judicial nomi- (1) provide a program of peer support and ment of Colored People in New York nation, and every lobbying effort to counseling to law enforcement survivors for City. pass progressive legislation, the 365 days a year; Since its founding, the NAACP has NAACP takes us one step closer to the (2) helps survivors obtain the death bene- fought for the social, political, and eco- ‘‘ideal country’’ that Mary Talbert en- fits to which they are entitled; and nomic equality of all Americans and (3) sponsors scholarships for children and visioned. surviving spouses to pursue post-secondary has sought to eliminate racial dis- While the NAACP’s mission is to education; crimination. And the NAACP has never fight for the rights of African Ameri- Whereas Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc. wavered from its commitment to non- cans, it has always been a multiracial sponsors a year-round series of seminars, violence in achieving these goals. and multicultural organization. Many meetings and youth activities, including the In 1918, the NAACP successfully pres- National Police Survivors’ Seminar during of its founding members were white, in- sured President Wilson to publicly con- cluding Oswald Garrison Villiard, Mary National Police Week, retreats for parents, demn lynching and continued to raise spouses, siblings, and programs and summer White Ovington, and Henry Moscowitz. awareness about the horrific crime. In activities for young and adolescent children; As we celebrate the accomplishments Whereas Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc. 1930, the NAACP began its long history helps law enforcement agencies cope with of protesting judicial nominees who op- of the NAACP, we must also honor the the loss of an officer by promoting the adop- pose the advancement of civil rights, values upon which it was founded, for tion of standardized policies and procedures with the successful defeat of John there is much work left to be done, and for line-of-duty deaths; and Parker to the Supreme Court. The the same tireless dedication and clar- Whereas Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc. NAACP fought for, and ultimately ity of purpose will be required to con- inspires the public to recognize the sacrifices tinue onward. made by law enforcement families by en- achieved, desegregation of the military couraging all citizens of the United States to and other federal government institu- Despite the last century of achieve- tie a blue ribbon to their car antenna during tions. The NAACP was victorious in ments, substantial racial disparities National Police Week: Now, therefore, be it Buchanan vs. Warley, where the Su- persist in educational achievement, ac- Resolved, That the Senate— preme Court held that states cannot cess to health care, and economic pros- (1) designates May 14, 2006, as ‘‘National restrict and segregate residential dis- perity. Hurricane Katrina highlighted Police Survivors Day’’; and tricts. And of course, in the seminal the tragic and enduring link between (2) calls on the people of the United States to observe National Police Survivors’ Day case of Brown v. Board of Education, race and poverty in our country, as with appropriate ceremonies to pay respect the NAACP successfully argued that well as emphasized our nation’s failure to— the ‘‘separate, but equal’’ doctrine is to care for those among us least able to (A) the survivors of the fallen heroes of law unconstitutional, thereby making seg- provide for themselves. We must con- enforcement; and regation in public schools illegal. tinue vigilantly to guard against the (B) the fallen law enforcement officers In the 1960s, the NAACP was a leader resurgence of discriminatory practices who, through their courageous deeds, have in the fight to eradicate Jim Crow laws that would deprive African Americans made the ultimate sacrifice in service to and abolish segregation. And the of the most fundamental right of de- their community. NAACP was integral to the passage of mocracy—the right to vote. We must f the Civil Rights Act of 1957, 1960, and continue to work to guarantee that HONORING THE NAACP ON THE OC- 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and every citizen is able to vote and that CASION OF ITS 97TH ANNIVER- the Fair Housing Rights Act. every vote is counted. And this sum- SARY In short, the NAACP has been a cata- mer, we must reauthorize the Voting Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask lyst for social change in this country, Rights Act. winning landmark court decisions and unanimous consent that the Judiciary The NAACP has always stood ready advocating for civil rights laws that Committee be discharged from further to face these and other challenges. have walked our nation closer to the consideration of H. Con. Res. 335, and Ninety-seven years after a group of promise of equality envisioned in our the Senate proceed to its consider- concerned citizens assembled in New Constitution. ation. York around the common goal of cre- Notwithstanding its powerful voice The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ating a more just society, the NAACP’s and extraordinary accomplishments, objection, it is so ordered. The clerk half million members continue to lead we must never forget that the NAACP will report. Freedom’s march. The assistant legislative clerk read works through the tireless efforts of its For the battles it has fought, and for as follows: individual members, united around a the battles it has yet to fight, our na- A concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 335) common vision of justice and equality. honoring and praising the National Associa- During desperate times, legendary tion is forever in debt to the NAACP. tion for the Advancement of Colored People NAACP members such as Thurgood Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask on the occasion of its 97th anniversary. Marshall, Rosa Parks, and Medger unanimous consent that the concur- There being no objection, the Senate Evars made historic stands in service rent resolution be agreed to, the pre- proceeded to consider the concurrent of the movement of civil rights. amble be agreed to, the motion to re- resolution. However, equally as important are consider be laid upon the table, and Mrs. CLINTON. Mr. President, I urge the ‘‘everyday’’ contributions of orga- that any statements relating thereto my colleagues to support H. Con. Res. nizers and activists. One example is be printed in the RECORD, without fur- 335, a concurrent resolution honoring Mary Burnett Talbert. Originally a ther intervening action or debate. and praising the National Association teacher in Little Rock, AR, Talbert The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without for the Advancement of Colored People eventually moved with her husband to objection, it is so ordered. for 97 years of championing the cause Buffalo, NY, where she received an ad- of equality in the United States. vanced degree. An active member of The concurrent resolution (H. Con. At the dawn of the 20th century—al- her community, Talbert was one of the Res. 335) was agreed to. most 56 years after the end of the Civil founders of the NAACP and later its di- The preamble was agreed to. VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:42 Feb 05, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00141 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2006SENATE\S10MY6.REC S10MY6 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S4382 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 10, 2006 EXECUTIVE CALENDAR now pending, nothing will be done on you, America, if you make less than health care in the Senate. $75,000 a year; that is your tax cut; be It is no wonder to me the American prepared, party on. But if you happen NOMINATION DISCHARGED people are cynical about this process. to be making $1 million a year, well, Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, as in exec- There are so many things we need to that is another story. This Republican utive session, I ask unanimous consent do. We are 5 days away from the dead- tax cut, which they just have to have, that the nomination of George McDade line on Medicare prescription Part D. means about $42,000 less in taxes paid Staples, PN 1361, be discharged from My best estimate is 50 percent of the by someone making $1 million a year. the Foreign Relations Committee and people we had hoped would enroll have No time for drugs imported from Canada for people on fixed incomes placed on the calendar.
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