19 4 273 282 Tanasevitch2 for Inet.P65

19 4 273 282 Tanasevitch2 for Inet.P65

Arthropoda Selecta 19(4): 273282 © ARTHROPODA SELECTA, 2010 On synonymy of linyphiid spiders of the Russian fauna (Arachnida: Aranei: Linyphiidae). 1 Î ñèíîíèìèè ïàóêîâ-ëèíèôèèä ôàóíû Ðîññèè (Arachnida: Aranei: Linyphiidae). 1 Andrei V. Tanasevitch À.Â. Òàíàñåâè÷ Centre for Forest Ecology and Production, Russian Academy of Sciences, Profsoyuznaya Str. 84/32, Moscow 117997 Russia. E-mail: and- [email protected] Öåíòð ïî ïðîáëåìàì ýêîëîãèè è ïðîäóêòèâíîñòè ëåñîâ ÐÀÍ, Ïðîôñîþçíàÿ óë. 84/32, Ìîñêâà 117997 Ðîññèÿ. E-mail: and- [email protected] KEY WORDS: Spiders, Linyphiidae, new synonym, new combination, Russian fauna. ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ: Ïàóêè, Linyphiidae, íîâûé ñèíîíèì, íîâàÿ êîìáèíàöèÿ, ôàóíà Ðîññèè. ABSTRACT. Seven new synonyms are established Introduction for the Russian fauna: Agyneta yakutsaxatilis Marusik et Koponen, 2002, syn.n. = Agyneta amersaxatilis Hundreds of new taxa of the linyphiid spiders have Saaristo et Koponen, 1998; Bolyphantes palaeformis been described during the last three decades from the (Tanasevitch, 1989), syn.n. = Bolyphantes bipartitus territory of the former Soviet Union, mainly from the (Tanasevitch, 1989), both comb.n. (ex Lepthyphantes Caucasus, Siberia, the Far East and Central Asia. A Menge, 1866); Epigytholus tuvensis Tanasevitch, 1996, significant progress in the taxonomy of the family syn.n. = Epigytholus kaszabi (Wunderlich, 1995), Linyphiidae, as well as abundant material from various comb.n. (ex Lepthyphantes); Hybauchenidium holmi Palearctic regions which has been recently accumulated, Marusik, 1988, syn.n. = Hybauchenidium aquilonare allow one to not only critically consider some of the (L. Koch, 1879); Poeciloneta yanensis Marusik et Ko- earlier described species and genera but also, in some ponen, 2002, syn.n. = Poeciloneta variegata (Black- cases, to dispel any doubts in their invalidity. The aims of wall, 1841); Savignia nenilini Marusik, 1988, syn.n. = the present paper are (1) to assess the validity of certain Savignia birostra (Chamberlin et Ivie, 1947); Walcke- linyphiid species from the fauna of Russia and adjacent naerianus aemonicum (Deltshev, 2005), comb.n. (ex territories, and (2) to clarify their generic assignment. Hypomma Dahl, 1886), syn.n. = Walckenaerianus esyu- nini Tanasevitch, 2004. W. esyunini is recorded from Material and Methods the Altayan fauna for the first time. This paper is mainly based on the spider material ÐÅÇÞÌÅ.  ôàóíå ïàóêîâ-ëèíèôèèä Ðîññèè kept at the Zoological Museum of the Moscow State óñòàíîâëåíî ñåìü íîâûõ ñèíîíèìîâ: Agyneta yakut- University, Moscow, Russia (ZMMU) and the person- saxatilis Marusik et Koponen, 2002, syn.n. = Agyneta al collection of Andrei Tanasevitch (CAT). Some types amersaxatilis Saaristo et Koponen, 1998; Bolyphantes have been obtained from Museum dhistoire naturelle, palaeformis (Tanasevitch, 1989), syn.n. = Bolyphantes Geneva, Switzerland (MHNG) and the Senckenberg bipartitus (Tanasevitch, 1989), îáà comb.n. (ex Lepthy- Museum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany (SMF). phantes Menge, 1866); Epigytholus tuvensis Tanase- vitch, 1996, syn.n. = Epigytholus kaszabi (Wunderlich, Results 1995), comb.n. (ex Lepthyphantes); Hybauchenidium holmi Marusik, 1988, syn.n. = Hybauchenidium aqui- Agyneta amersaxatilis Saaristo et Koponen, 1998 lonare (L. Koch, 1879); Poeciloneta yanensis Marusik Figs 111. et Koponen, 2002, syn.n. = Poeciloneta variegata 1998 Agyneta amersaxatilis Saaristo et Koponen: 576, m & f. (Blackwall, 1841); Savignia nenilini Marusik, 1988, 2002 A. yakutsaxatilis Marusik et Koponen, in Marusik et al.: syn.n. = Savignia birostra (Chamberlin et Ivie, 1947); 357, m & f, examined, syn.n. Walckenaerianus aemonicum (Deltshev, 2005), comb.n. MATERIAL EXAMINED. Agyneta yakutsaxatilis: # holo- (ex Hypomma Dahl, 1886), syn.n. = Walckenaerianus type (ZMMU: Ta-6538), RUSSIA, Yakutia, Yana River down flow, environs of Kular Village (70°35N, 134°34E), July 1996, leg. N. esyunini Tanasevitch, 2004. W. esyunini âïåðâûå îò- Vinokurov; 2 ##, 1 $ paratypes (ZMMU: Ta-6539), labeled as ìå÷åí â ôàóíå Àëòàÿ. the holotype. 274 A.V. Tanasevitch Figs 111. Male palp details of Agyneta yakutsaxatilis Marusik et Koponen, 2002, holotype (13, 6, 8), paratype (4, 5, 7, 9, 10) & A. amersaxatilis Saaristo et Koponen, 1998, topotype (11): 1 tibia, dorsal view; 25 paracymbium; 6, 7 median part of paracymbium; 811 basal part of embolus (10, 11 after Marusik et Koponen [2002]). Ðèñ. 111. Äåòàëè ñòðîåíèÿ ïàëüïû ñàìöà Agyneta yakutsaxatilis Marusik et Koponen, 2002, ãîëîòèï (13, 6, 8), ïàðàòèï (4, 5, 7, 9, 10) è A. amersaxatilis Saaristo et Koponen, 1998, òîïîòèï (11): 1 ãîëåíü, âèä ñâåðõó; 25 ïàðàöèìáèóì; 6, 7 ñðåäíÿÿ ÷àñòü ïàðàöèìáèóìà; 811 îñíîâàíèå ýìáîëþñà (10, 11 ïî Marusik et Koponen [2002]). REMARKS. A. yakutsaxatilis was described from 2) two species can be separated by the length of north Yakutia as a species being very similar to A. the spine of the embolic division. Its length in Ameri- amersaxatilis [Marusik et al., 2002]. The authors men- can species is about 0.073 [misprint, must be 0.73], tioned the following diagnostic characters thereof: while in A. yakutsaxatilis is about 0.57. These spe- 1) Yakutian species has slightly smaller size of cies comparison and diagnosis were also based on mea- copulatory organs. This is a very arguable statement, suring of a single specimen, which, like in the previous especially because it was based on the examination of a case, is incorrect. The measurement of the spine length single specimen, the topotype of A. amersaxatilis; see in two Yakutian specimens showed that it differs by Comparative material in Marusik et al. [2002]. 30% between the holotype and paratype of A. yakut- Synonymy of linyphiid spiders of the Russian fauna 275 Figs 1222. Male palpal tibia of Hybauchenidium holmi Marusik, 1988, holotype (1215) & H. aquilonare (L. Koch, 1879), specimens from Wrangel Island (1622): 12, 13, 1822 left palp; 1417 right palp; 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21 dorsal view; 13, 19, 22 prolateral view; 14, 17 retrolateral view. Arrows show the same specimen. Ðèñ. 1222. Äåòàëè ñòðîåíèÿ ãîëåíè ïàëüïû ñàìöà Hybauchenidium holmi Marusik, 1988, ãîëîòèï (1215) è H. aquilonare (L. Koch, 1879), ýêçåìïëÿð ñ î-âà Âðàíãåëü (1622): 12, 13, 1822 ëåâàÿ ïàëüïà; 1417 ïðàâàÿ ïàëüïà; 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21 âèä ñâåðõó; 13, 19, 22 âèä ñïåðåäè; 14, 17 âèä ñçàäè. Ñòðåëêîé ïîêàçàí îäèí è òîò æå ýêçåìïëÿð. saxatilis, and this difference is even higher than stated by saxatilis is rather variable and not the same even on the authors for A. yakutsaxatilis and A. amersaxatilis (cp. different palps in both the holotype and the paratype, Figs 8, 9 & 10, 11). Basically, the number and size of whereas the number of ridges in the paratype is by a stylet- or tooth-shaped outgrowths at the embolus base is quarter higher than in the holotype, and these ridges very variable in Agyneta Hull, 1911, Tenuiphantes Saaristo are more widely spaced. et Tanasevitch, 1996, etc., and it can considerably vary 4) American species has almost reduced second even between left and right palps of the same specimen. tooth of the down pocket, which is closely spaced with 3) Yakutian species has more stridulatory ridges main tooth, while new species has well developed para- on male chelicera and shorter promarginal ridge . cymbial teeth which are widely separated. In reality, Actually, the pattern of stridulatory fields in A. yakut- the shape and position of teeth of the paracymbium 276 A.V. Tanasevitch between the holotype and the paratype of A. yakutsax- comparison of the type specimens of both species has atilis differ as strongly as those between A. yakutsaxa- revealed that they are conspecific, and Epigytholus tilis and A. amersaxatilis (cp. Figs 2, 3, 6 & 4, 5, 7): for tuvensis Tanasevitch, 1996 thus becomes a junior syn- instance, the central tooth of the paracymbium in the onym of Epigytholus kaszabi (Wunderlich, 1995), paratype of A. yakutsaxatilis is strongly reduced and comb.n., ex Lepthyphantes Menge, 1866. virtually not seen from a perpendicular view of the DISTRIBUTION. Know from Tuva and Mongolia. paracymbium (Figs 4, 5). Therefore, all the diagnostic characters of A. yakut- Hybauchenidium aquilonare (L. Koch, 1879) saxatilis suggested by Marusik et al. [2002] essential- Figs 1222. ly reflect an individual variability. Thus, A. yakutsax- atilis should be regarded as a junior synonym of A. 1879 Erigone aquilonaris L. Koch: 42, m & f. amersaxatilis. 1988 Hybauchenidium holmi Marusik: 1914, m & f, exam- ined, syn.n. DISTRIBUTION. Northern Yakutia (Siberia), MATERIAL EXAMINED. Hybauchenidium holmi: # holo- throughout North Nearctic. type (ZMMU: Ta-5689), RUSSIA, Magadan Area, upper reaches RANGE. Siberian-N-Nearctic, arcto-boreal. of Kolyma River, Sibit-Tyellakh River basin, 1200 m a.s.l., slate talus, 17.IX.1986, leg. Yu. Marusik; 4 $$ paratypes (ZMMU: Ta- Bolyphantes bipartitus (Tanasevitch, 1989), 5690), 2 $$ (ZMMU: Ta-5691), same date and locality, together with holotype. Hybauchenidium aquilonare: ca 50 ##$$, Wran- comb.n. gel Island, Gusikay River, 1984, leg. O. Khrulyova; ca 50 ##$$ (ZMMU), Neizvestnaya River, pit-full traps, VIII.1983, leg. O. 1989 Lepthyphantes bipartitus Tanasevitch: 98, m, examined. Khrulyova; 1 # (ZMMU), W-Yakutia, 80 km of Kempenuyai 1989 L. palaeformis Tanasevitch: 106, f, examined, syn.n. River mouth, sweeping, 115.VIII.1988, leg. K. Eskov; 1 $ MATERIAL EXAMINED. 1 #, 2 $$ (CAT), Kirghizia,Terskey- (ZMMU), Evenkia, Taymura River basin, Chambe River, Kerbo Alatau Mt. Ridge, Chon-Kyzylsu Valley, 2600 m, Picea forest, weather station,

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