' . 34 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. DEOEMBER 6, PETITIO:XS. ~Ir. D.AWES. Perhaps the Committee on Printing could order that The following petitions were ·laid on the Clerk's desk, under t.he rule, without any Yote of the Senate. and referred as follows: 1\fr. MORRILL. I think it can be accomplished. By .Mr. BELMONT: The petition of Fordyce Barker, Dan~ ~ebster, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Committee on Printing have Austin Flint, C. R. .Agnew, W. M. Polk and others, physicians and not yet reported back the resolution referred to them. The question urgeons of New York, for the erection in the city of Washington of a is on adopting the order submitted by the Senator from Vermont. commodious fire-proof building for the .Army :Medical Museum and Mr. HARRIS. It seems to me thatundertherulethe order is bound Library, and for the completion of the Index Catalogue-to the Com­ to go to the Committee on Printing. I thiri.k the order ought to be mittee on Public Buildings and Grounds. made. By Mr. D. C. SMITH: The petition of Henry Feltman and others, Mr.· MORRILL. This order is only for fifty copies for the use of the citizens of Pekin, Illinois, for such revision of the tariff as shall. place Committee on Finance. That is all I ask. lumber and other products of the forest on the free list-to the Com­ Mr. HARRIS. I supposed it amounted really in effect to printing mittee on Ways and Means. extra copies of the report, and in that event it would have to go to the committee. I think the order ought to be made. Mr. SHERJ\!AN. It will come within the rule for the Senate to make the order now. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The question i on agreeing to the SENATE. order. WEDNESDAY, December 6, 1882. The order was ag1·eed to. INTERNAL-REVENUE .A.YD TARIFF DUTIES. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. J. BULLOCK, D. D. The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. 1\lr. MORRILL. I now submit the following order: Ordered, That the bill (H. R. 5538} to reduce internal-revenue taxation be COM11IITTEE SERVICE. printed as it now stands amended by the Senate. The PRESIDENT pro tempore~ The Chair announces the following I desire to say that the copies of the original bill are exhausted, and appointments to fill vacancies in the committees of which the late Sena­ I take it it will be the pleasure of the Senate to have it repTinted as it ror from Georgia, :Mr. Hill, was a member: now stands before the Senate. 1\Ir. CALL upon the Committee on Foreign Relations. The PRESIDENT pro tempo1·e. The question is on the adoption of' Mr. BARROW upon the Committee on Privileges and Elections and the order. the Committee on Revolutionary Claims. The order was agreed to. Mr. CALL was, on his own motion, excused from further service upon 1\IESSAGE FRO:ll THE HOUSE. the Committee on Rules. ..A. message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. McPHERSON, Mr. GR00:1rE was, on his own motion, excused from further service its Clerk, announced that the House had passed a bill (H. R. 712) to upon the Committee on Pensions, and the Pr~ident pro tempore ap­ repeal and amend certain acts pertaining to the shipment and discharge pointed 1\fr. BARROW to fill the vacancy. of seamen; in which it requested the concurrence of the Senate. -ATIOYAL BOARD OF HEALTH REPORT. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the ~e~te .a commU?ica­ Mr. SHERMAN. I present twelve petitions of citizens of Ohio, re­ tion from the Secretary of the Treasury, transnntting, m compliance siding in different parts of the State, praying for the passage of the bill with the requirements of the act of July 2, 1879, the annual report of (H. R. 1410) to. amend the pension laws by increas~g the pe~ons of the National BoardofHealth for the year ended June 30, 1882; which soldiers and sailors who have lost an arm or a le:; m the semce. I was referred to the elect Committee to Investigate and Report the move their reference to the Committee on Pensions. Best Means of PI·eventing the Introduction and Spread of Epidemic The motion was agreed to. · Diseases, and ordered to be printed. 1\fr. BROWN. I present the petition of 1\Iessrs. Bendheim Brothers TREASURY ACCOUNTS. & Co., Savannah, Georgia, thesubstanceofwhichis contained in the fol­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair lays before the Senate a lowing sentence: communication from the Treasurer of the United States, transmitting, The undersigned, manufacturers and dealers in tobacco, cigars, and cigarettes, respectfully petit~on your hon'?rable ~es that you allow a. rebate equal!-<> the in compliance with section 311 of the Revised Statutes o[ the Uni:OOd amount of reduction you may,InyourWisdom,sec fit to make on tobacco, mgars, States copies of the accounts rendered to and settled With the First and cigarettes at this session of Congress. Comptroller for the :fiscal year ending June 30, 1882; which will be re­ They also ask for prompt action, as the agitation of the questi?~ is ferred to the Committee on Printing, the Chair supposes. · These ac­ seriously injuring their business. I move the reference of the petition counts are never printed, but the Chair supposes the paper ought to go to the Committee on Finance. to the Committee on Printing. The motion was agreed to. Mr. EDl\IUNDS. I believe the law requires that they shall be printed. 1\fr. JOHNSTON. I present the petition of J. W. & C. G. Holland It is rather costly, .but valuable. Similar papers have heretofore gone and others, who are manufacturers of tobacco at Danville, V~a, pray­ to the Committee on Printing. ing for the allowance of a rebate equal to the amount of reduction that The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair understands that a few may be made on tob~, cigars, and cigarettes. They ~lso ~~y for copies have been heretofore printed. The paper will be referred to the ·prompt action on the subJect. I move tl1e reference ~f this petition to Committee on Printing, so that they may decide upon the printing. the Committee on Finance. 'rARIFF-COIDIISSIOY REPORT. The motion was agreed to. 1\fr. JOHNSTON. I also present resolutions adopted by the Lynch­ :Ur. MORRILL. I submit the following order: bmgh Tobacco .Association. They are four or five in number, and the Ordered That 50 additional copies of the report of the Tariff Commission and tax accompa~ying papers be printed for the use of the Finance Committee of the petitioners ask for early action on the subject of the on tobacco, Senate. and that such aetion be taken as will restore confidence to the trade. 1\Ir. COCKRELL. Would it not be well to have that matter referred They represent that the trade is in a stagnant condition, and that early to the Committee on Printing? The order prondes for the printing of action by Congress is nec~ry to r~re it. I move the reference of some additional numbers. the resolutions to the Comnnttee on Finance. :Ur. 1\IORRILL. I understand that there "\Till be so lqrge a demand The motion was agreed to. 1\Ir. L.~GALLS. I pr ent a petition signed by 80 citizens of Potta­ for the 1 500 copies which are all ready to be supplied that we shall not watomie County, Kansas; another by100 citizens of Washington County, ha•e mo~e than one copy apiece for the members of the Committee on Kansas· a third by 42 citizens of Osage Mission, Kansas; a fourth by Finance. We may want to cut it up, and therefore we ask merely for 66 ci:tidens of Ellsworth, Kansas; another by 187 citizens of Wilson fifty copies for the use of the Finance Committee. l\fr. DA..WE . I wish the Senator from Vermont woUld have suffi­ County, Kansas; an~ one .bY ~3. ~tizens of 1\~mi CoU?ty, K~, pray­ ing that certain specific disabilities may ~~e1ve a higher pens10n.than ( cient copies of the report and of all the accompanying documents bound that which is now received. These petitiOns are all upon a. pnnted to supply each member of the Senate, in one or two \Olum~. 1\fr. 1\IOH.RILL. That can be done by any member afterward. head and there is a similarity about them which leads me to believe that fuere is a spontaneous demand in the country for the ena~ent ~Ir. D...\.WES. I said I wished the Senator from Vermont would have of the bill to which they refer. I move the reference of the petitions it done. I presume there is not a Senator but would be \ery glad to haYeitin that form. IftheSenatorfrom Vermontwouldindicatewhat to the Committee on Pensions. wonJ.d be a proper motion and has any delicacy in making the motion The motion was agreed to. BILLS INTRODUCED. himself, I will make it. 1 : • • Mr. MORRILL. I ·will not embamss the preJ ent question, which lS 1\Ir. ~liLLER, ofCalifornia, asked and, ~y unanim~us consent, ol;ltained an entirely different one, with that matter. I ask for action upon this lea•e to introduce a bill (S. 2199) gi'anting a pellSlon to Caroline M. order; and if the Senator from 1\lassachusett. desiTes to make a separate McDougal; which was read twice by it title, and referred to the Com­ motion then he can do so.
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