Huawei’s P40 Pro is now available in Qatar PAGE 09 THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 2020 23,198.03 9,030.45 29,893.96 1,650.85 +544.17 PTS +50.96 PTS −173.25PTS GOLD +0.19% German economy to shrink by nearly DOW QE SENSEX 10% in Q2: Experts PAGE 10 PRICE PERCENTAGE PRICE PERCENTAGE 15.26 BRENT 32.22 +1.10% WTI 24.35 +3.05% SILVER -1.42% MINISTER OF COmmERCE AND INDUSTRY INSPECTS MALLS, RETAIL OUTLETS IN QATAR Minister of Commerce and Industry HE Ali bin Ahmed al Kuwari on Wednesday toured a number of malls and retail outlets across the country to closely inspect the strategic stock of food products and commodities, assess consumption dynamics and the availability of goods for consumers, citizens and residents, and to monitor the latest developments. The minister was briefed in detail by managers and operators of malls and outlets on the availability of food products, consumer goods and subsidised supplies. Ooredoo helps firms build corporate QSE on gaining spree ahead of OPEC+ resilience with digital solutions meet, up 51 points SatYENDRA PatHAK Ooredoo supporting businesses in Qatar to develop remote working capabilities DOHA TRIBUNE NEWS NETWORK tomers in their efforts to work campaign, offering custom- QATARI equities edged up DOHA efficiently and effectively,ers free bonus data, increased for the fifth trading session Ooredoo Myanmar is acceler- Internet speeds with no extra in a row on Wednesday AS coronavirus (COVID-19) ating the launch of Cisco We- charge and free Ooredoo con- ahead of an OPEC+ meeting continues to impact communi- bex Teams and a Work-From- tent. on output cuts. ties and businesses around the Home internet solution, while Ooredoo Tunisia renamed The Qatar Stock Ex- world, Ooredoo Group is sup- IndosatOoredoo has designed its network to “Stay Home” and change (QSE) main index porting customers across its a special mobile package for Ooredoo Kuwait is running its gained 50.96 points, or 0.57 global footprint with both digi- businesses. online campaign “Be safe. Be percent when the bourse consumer goods sector also tal solutions and relief meas- In the Maldives, Ooredoo is home. Be online.” In Myanmar, closed trading at 9,030.45 made good gains on the day. ures. providing Supernet Business, the company has launched its points on Wednesday. The rise in QSE index Ooredoo teams are working enabling businesses to connect “Stay calm, stay safe, stay con- The volume of shares was also supported by a 0.6 together to share knowledge their employees via high-speed nected” campaign and has at- traded increased to 194.95 percent rise in Qatar Fuel and experiences internationally broadband to work from home. tractive data and voice packs, million from 178.418 mil- and a 1.2 percent gain in to better serve and support cus- This is in addition to provid- enabling everyone to stay con- lion on Tuesday and the Qatar International Islamic tomers. ing private connections so that nected. value of shares increased Bank. With online activity on the teams can securely access their And to help parents and to QR335.633 million from Qatari stocks are on a rise resulting in a steep surge intranet applications and con- students with homeschooling, QR334.397million in the gaining spree since the start in internet usage, Ooredoo has ferencing services. Indosat Ooredoo, Ooredoo previous session. of this trading week. When significantly optimised network Recognising the challeng- Oman and Ooredoo Pales- The Qatari bourse wit- combined with the gains of performance and enhanced in- ing times that businesses are tine have upgraded internet nessed its capitalisation rise 263 points recorded on the ternet speeds, enabling social facing, Ooredoo has launched subscriptions of educational by more than QR3 billion last trading session of the distancing, seamless home- a relief initiative to help cus- institutions. Ooredoo Algeria to reach QR510.4 billion on previous week, the QSE has schooling and access to home tomers affected by COVID-19 has offered its customers free Wednesday. gained over 830 points in the entertainment. Ooredoo Group CEO Sheikh Saud bin Nasser al Thani in Palestine, Iraq, and Algeria. educational content through Four out of seven sector last five trading sessions. Engineering teams are The initiative increases pay- IQRAA and Lamsa and is cur- indices closed in the green Qatar sold $10 billion in working around the clock to ment flexibility for business rently in talks with iMadrassa zone on the day that saw bonds in tranches of 5, 10, ensure customers can continue customers in these countries, and educational institutions to 24 out of 47 stocks traded and 30 years on Tuesday, the to enjoy the internet despite enabling them to continue explore ways the company can close in the positive territory. first Gulf state to raise cash significant pressure on the net- providing services and keep- support students during the While 19 stocks declined, in the debt markets against works caused by the boom in ing their businesses running confinement period. there was no change in share a backdrop of low oil prices social media usage and video smoothly. Most importantly, frontline prices of the remaining two and market uncertainty consumption. Ooredoo Group’s compa- workers are being rewarded in companies. caused by the coronavirus Ooredoo is also helping nies are also helping minimise many countries where Ooredoo The insurance sector, pandemic. “The overwhelm- businesses build corporate re- the spread COVID-19 by en- operates. Asiacell in Iraq and which gained 4.2 percent, ing response to Qatar’s bond silience, maintain operations couraging employees to work Ooredoo Tunisia have made was the best performing sec- sale in the international debt and ensure business continuity ● remotely, practicing social dis- substantial donations to sup- tor index for the day. The market shows the country’s with a range of secure and im- Ooredoo teams are working together to share knowledge tancing in all outlets and offer- port their governments’ fight gain in the insurance sector solid economic fundamen- mersive digital solutions. and experiences internationally to better serve and support ing online support to custom- against COVID-19. was triggered mainly by over tals,” a financial market ana- The company has also tak- customers ers through all available digital In addition, Ooredoo Tuni- 5 percent increase in its main lyst said. en action to ensure the safety of ● Ooredoo companies in the Middle East, North Africa, and channels. sia has set up a hotline through constituent Qatar Insurance Meanwhile, FocusEco- its employees in different parts Southeast Asia are offering customers an enhanced suite of The Group’s compa- which customers can donate Company. Three of the other nomics has said in its latest of the world, making its innova- remote working and digital business offerings that can nies around the world have easily by sending an SMS. constituents of the sector report that stronger energy tive digital solutions available launched a series of informa- Ooredoo Qatar has gifted front also made good gains. output should help keep to them, as well as to businesses enable business continuity tive videos containing useful line heroes with data and min- The industrial sector, Qatar’s economy afloat. Fo- of all sizes striving to keep their ● Ooredoo Kuwait has launched its first eShop for business health and safety tips to raise utes for local calls. Ooredoo Ku- which gained over 1 percent, cusEconomics panelists see teams safe and productive re- customers and is ensuring home delivery for orders awareness on how to stay safe wait has provided government also played a vital role in a growth of 0.2 percent in motely. with COVID-19. Ooredoo Alge- teams with free internet packs supporting the main index. 2020 and 3.1 percent for Qa- Ooredoo Group Chief Ex- ria has given free access to the and is using big data analytics The banking sector and the tar in the next year. ecutive Officer Sheikh Saud bin tions, and digital services.” laboration Solution and Oore- Algerian Ministry of Health’s to provide insights on the situ- Nasser al Thani said, “More Ooredoo companies in the doo Conferencing, with Cisco COVID-19 website to keep cus- ation. than ever, we are conscious of Middle East, North Africa, and WebEx Teamsproviding a sim- tomers informed on the latest And in the Maldives, Oore- the fundamental role that tel- Southeast Asia are offering cus- ple, secure and complete set of news. doo is providing free internet ecom companies and technol- tomers an enhanced suite of re- collaboration tools. In Qatar, Oman, Tunisia, support for government insti- ogy play to keep people safe mote working and digital busi- Ooredoo Kuwait has suc- Algeria, Indonesia, and the tutions and other stakeholders Real estate trade reaches and businesses running. As a ness offerings that can enable cessfully launched its first eS- Maldives, Ooredoo is remind- who are part of the national community-based company, business continuity. hop for business customers ing customers to make all emergency response. QR290 mn in one week supporting employees and cus- In Qatar, Ooredoo’s digital and is ensuring home delivery transactions online or using Sheikh Saud said, “Our ut- tomers sits at the core of our business experts are support- for orders. Also, the company the company’s app. Ooredoo most priority at this time will QNA traded for sale has included culture. This is a responsibility ing a wide range of organisa- is currently developing a vide- Kuwait, Indosat Ooredoo and continue to be focused on the DOHA vacant lands, houses, multi- we’re taking seriously as we all tions across the country – from oconferencing solution using Ooredoo Maldivesare provid- health and safety of our em- purpose buildings and resi- work through this uncertain SOHOs and SMEs to large en- WebEx, which will be available ing free delivery for SIM cards ployees, customers, partners THE volume of real estate trad- dential building.
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