PROCEEDINGS OF THE Societ f Bntiquaneyo f Scotlano s b PROCEEDINGS OF THE Societ f Hntiquarieyo f Scotlano s d SESSION MCMXXIV.-MCMXXV. VOL. LIX. FIFTH SERIES.—VOL. XI . PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY NEILL AND COMPANY LTD, MCMXXV. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAflE Anniversary Meeting, ..........1 . Nota Primitiv n eo e Weapo r Toolno , fashione fixiny b d Stonga a Woode n ei n Shaft, found in a Moss at Bogancloch, Parish of Bhynie, Aberdeenshire. By JAMES CURLE, CuratoMuseume th f ro , .........8 1 . Long Cairns othed an , r Prehistoric Monument Aberdeenshirn i s Banffshired ean a d an , Short Cist at Bruceton, Alyth, Perthshire. By J. GRAHAM CALLANDER, F.S.A.Scot., Directo Nationae th f ro l Museu Antiquitiesf mo , .....1 2 . Note Groua n o sf Chippepo d Stone Implements from Roxburghshir Berwickshired ean . By J. M. CORBIE, F.S.A.Scot., ......... 29 The Augustiniaii Prior d Parisyan h Churc f Monymusko h , Aberdeenshire. W y B . DOUGLAS SIMPSOX, M.A., D.Litt., F.S.A.Scot., ....... 34 WellStona d Note d Ol esan n o sCircl t Kenrnoreea Bevy B .. WILLIA . GILLIES,MA B.D., F.S.A.Scot., ...........5 7 . Notes on a Cross-Slab at Clanarnacrie and Diarmaid's Pillar in Glen Lonain, Argyll, and on a Sculptured Stone in Glen Buckie, Perthshire. By WILLIAM THOMSOX, P.S.A.Scot., . 79 Excavatio Chamberea f no d Cair t Hamna , Caithness Hut-Circla Earthf o o d Tw -an ,d ean House t Preswica s k Links, Caithness. Wit ha NotWingea n o e d Horse carven do one of the Lintels in the Earth-House at Crichton Mains, Midlothian. By ARTHUR . EDWARDS•JH . , F.S.A.Scot., Assistant Keepe Museume th f ro , ...5 8 . Notes on Five Documents relating to the Lands of Feoroule in Roxburghshire, dating from 1453 to 1542. By WILLIAM DOUGLAS, F.S.A.Scot., . ... 96 Battle Site in Gorten Bay, Kentra, Ardnamurchan. By THOMAS C. LETHBRIDGE, Cambridge, ............ 105 A Hoar Bronzf do e Objects from Wester Ord, Boss-shire Earln a d y an ,BuriaIro e nAg t a l Blackness Castle, Linlithgowshire JAMEy B . RICHARDSONSS 3 11 , F.S.A.Scot. , A Hoard of Coins, Two Spoons, and a Cane Top of Silver from Irvine, and a Spoon of the same Metal from Haddington. By J. GRAHAM CALLANDER, F.S.A.Scot., Director of the National Museum, ..........0 12 . Whin-Mill Aberdeenshiren si JAMEy B . S RITCBIE, F.E.I.S., Correspondin8 g 12 Member . , Some Ancient Crosses in Dumbartonshire and adjoining Counties. By A. D. LACAILLE, F.S.A.Scot., ...........3 14 . Som Scottisd eOl h Dances. STANLEA y B . Y CARKUTHERS, A.C.A.8 15 , F.S.A.Scot. , vi TABLE OF CONTENTS. PACK Two Unrecorded Crosse Wigtownshiren si ANDERSON. G . Revy S B . .R , B.D., F.S.A.Scot., 162 e ArchitecturaTh l Histor f Bothwelyo l Castle W.y B . DOUGLAS SIMPSON, M.A., D.Litt., F.S.A.Scot., ...........5 16 . Interim Report on the Excavations of the Roman Fort at Muvnrills, near Falkirk. By GEORGE MACDONALD, C.B., F.B.A., LL.D., D.Litt., F.S.A.Scot. d ALEXANDEan , . R0 CUHLE, F.S.A.Scot, .........4 19 . The Mutiny Stones, Berwickshire. By JAMBS HEWAT CRA\V, F.S.A.Scot., . .. 198 Bronza ) Note Grave (1 n eAg so t Craigscorryea , Beauly, Inverness-shire Tw) (2 o d Urnan , s from Aberdeenshire. By J. GRAHAM CALLANDER, F.S.A.Scot., Director of the National Museum, ............. 204 VariationLocg Do k e founth Scottisf n so o d h Firearm Seventeente th f so h Centuryy B . CHARLES E. WHITELAW, F.I.Archts.Scot., F.S.A.Scot., ..... 211 Earth-Hous r Gallerieo e d Building near Durness, Sutherland. 'By JOHN MATHIESON, F.R.S.E., F.R.S.G.S. .22 . , Correspondin 1. • . g . Member . , Notea Portrai n o s t Abbotsforda t y WALTEB . R LEONARD BELL, M.D., F.S.A.Seot., F.R.S.E., ............4 22 . The Discovery of a Short Cist at Rendall. Orkney. By WILLIAM KIRKNESS, F.S.A.Scot., . 236 Exploratio Caira f n o Cannan no THOMAy B . LETHBRIDGESC 8 23 . , Cambridge . , Note Discoverien so t MagnuS n si s Cathedral, Kirk wallJOHy B .N MOONEY, F.S.A.Scot.9 23 , Recent Discoverie Arrann si LUDOVIy B . C M'LELLA2 N 25 MANN . , F.S.A.Scot. , The Old-Celtic Inscribed and Sculptured Stone at Auquhollie, Kincardineshire, and Ogam in Scotland. By FRANCIS C. DIACK, Aberdeen, ....... 257 Further Discoveries on the Line of the Antonine Wall. By GEORGE MACDONALD, C.B., F.B.A., LL.D., D.Litt., F.S.A.Scot., ... ..... 270 INDEX .............6 29 . LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS The asterisk (*) denotes that the block has been lent. Stone Too r Weapoo l Wooden i n n Shaft, Seals of Elizabeth and Patrick Colquhoun from Bogancloch, Aberdeenshire, . 19 ofPemont, ....... 104 Long Cairn at Longman Hill, nearMacduff, Bronze Brooch from Gorten Bay, Kentra, Banflshire, ....... 25 Ardnamurchan, . .... 106 Chipped Stone Implements from Roxburgh- Iron Arrow-heads from do., ...7 10 . shirBerwickshired ean , ...0 3 . Glass Bead othed san r Objects fro8 m10 do. , The Monymusk Sculptured Stone, . 37 Hoar Bronzf do e Objects from Wester Ord, The Brecbannoch—front view, ... 39 Ross-shire, ......5 11 . —— —— end view, ...... 40 Plan of Grave at Blackness Castle, . 117 Plan of Monymusk House, .... 47 Vie northerf wo n hal do.,...f o f 8 11 . House of Monymusk: view from S.-B., . 48 Bronz8 11 e Armle . t fro . m do., . Plan Monymusf so k Church, ...4 5 . Silver Spoon Can d frop san meTo 1 Irvine12 . , —West Doorway, Monymusk Church, . 55 Curiinghame e Can Armfrop th meTo n o s —Romanesque Masonry, Snow Tower, Kil- Irvine, ........ 122 drummy Castle, .....6 5 . Silver Spoons found in Irvine, . 124 Cros Floon si Towerf ro , Monymusk Church7 5 , Silver Spoons from the Hill of Culrain, Monymusk Church: view from S.W., Ross-shire, ....... 125 showin Spired gol , ....9 5 . Edinburgh Hall-mark6 12 . Spoonsn so . , —— —— S.E. Pier of Chancel Arch, . 61 Silver Spoon from Haddington, . 127 —— —— the Abersnithack Stone,... 65 Cours r Rollefo e r Typ f Whin-milo e t a l Incised Cross, Monymusk Churchyard, . 66 Blairbowie, Chapel of Garioch, . 132 Cinerar fron t AndrewsmyS Ur , ..2 7 . Roller of Whin-mill, with Centre Stone Object of Sandstone from Lowick Low- and Iron Pin, at Brackla, Chapel of steads, Northumberland, ...3 7 . Garioch, .......3 13 . Cross-sla t Clanamacrieba 1 8 , 80 ,. Argyll . , Whin-mill in working order at Skatebrae, Diarmaid's Pillar, Glen Lonain, Argyll, . 82 Auchterless, ....... 136 Sculptured Stone, Leac nan Saighead, Glen Grindstone Type of Crusher of Whin-mill Buckle, Perthshire, ..... 83 and Central Stone t Barrelsa , , Premnay7 13 , Pla d Sectionan f Chambereo n d Cairt a n Cross-slab Lusst sa , Dumbartonshire5 14 . , Ham, Caithness, .....6 8 . Cross-slab at Barnakill, Argyll, . 148 Pla f Hut-circlo n t a Freswice k Links, Cross-slabs at Oibmore, Argyll, . 149-150 Caithness, ....... 90 Ring-marked Boulder at Oibmore, Argyll, 151 Pla Earth-housef no t Freswicsa k1 Links9 . , Bronze Objects foun t Braea d f Gighto s , Section of Earth-house at Freswick Links, 92 Aberdeenshire, ...... 156 Winged Horse sculpture n Linteo d n i l Crosse t Ninian'S t sa s Cave, Wigtownshire2 16 , Earth hous t a Crichtoie i Mains, Mid- Cross-slab near Barmore, Kirkcowan,. 164 lothian, ........ 95 Chatea e Coucyud : vie f Donjowo n from Sea Andref o l w0 Ke10 Altonburnf ro . , east, ........7 16 . Vlll LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE Both well Castle: Plans, . .' . .173 Earth-house, near Durness, Sutherland- —— —— view Donjonf o , ...5 17 . shire—Ma localityf po , ....2 22 . —— —— general view from south, . 179 —— —— —— Pla Sectiond . nan .22 . , 3 —— —— Door in Hamilton Tower, . 181 Portrait of Sir Thomas Hervey at Abbots- —— —— vie f Hallwo , Chapel d Douglaan , s ford, ......... 225 Tower, .......3 18 . Coat of Arms on Portrait at Abbots- —— —— vie f o Transversw e Wall, east ford, ......... 226 section ; foundation of north-east Tower- Stone Axe from Bolivia, ..... 233 in foreground, ...... 185 Indented Hammer-Stone from Grave at ——r —— View of Transverse Wall, west Castle, Rendall, Orkney, .... 237 section, .......6 18 . Section of Cairn on Canna, .... 238 —— —— Key Plan, ...... 189 Plan of Eastern End of St Magnus Cathe- Long Cairn— Mutine "Th y Stones " : vie w dral, Kirkwall, . ... .240 from north-east and Plan, .... 199 Hea Crosierf do , Chalice Pated an , Leaf no d —— —— Plan of east end, . • . 201 or Pewter from Kirkwall Cathedral, . 242 —— —— Part of "Wall running across the Plate of Lead from do., ..... 243 Cairn, ........ 202 Crosier of Oak and Wax Chalice from do., . 244 Ohject f Bronzo s Flind an e t fro mGrava e Plan and Section of Cairn near Carmahome, at Craigscorry, Inverness-shire, . 206 Kilpatrick, Arran, ..... 253 Beaker found near Elrick Hill, Aberdeen- Flint Knife from do., ..... 254 shire, ........ 209 Flanged BronzeAxes from Pirnmill, Arran5 25 , Food-Vessel from Pitcaple, Aberdeenshire0 21 , Standing Stone bearin n Ogaga m Inscrip- Diagram Lata f so e Snaphance Lock, dated tion and Symbols at Auquhollie, Kincar- Lockg Do , a Typ f o 1647ed I.an , about dineshire, ....... 257 1665, shown after discharge, with the Ogam Inscription at Auquhollie, . 258 pressure on the trigger, .... 213 DiagramLockg Do ,a Typf o s e II., dated PLATE I. The Roman Wall from Inveravon 1678, shown at half cock, and of a Dog to Kinneil, . .... to face 276 Lock, Type III., about 1690, shown with Romae PLATTh . nEII Wall from Kinneil safete th y catc gearn hi , ...5 21 . to Bridgeness, ... to face 280 Pistol with Dog Lock, Typ.
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