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HARRY ELMER BARNES The Barnes Review A JOURNAL OF NATIONALIST THOUGHT & HISTORY VOLUME XVI NUMBER 2 MARCH/APRIL 2010 BARNESREVIEW.COM TBR BOUND VOLUME 2009 All six issues above in one sturdy library-style binder just $99 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2009 JULY/AUGUST 2009 Indo-Aryan end times beliefs; numerology of Lincoln vs. Washington; Lincoln: Father of the the Holocaust; Khazars, meet the Slavs; modern police state; Civil War about econom- Slavic contributions to civilization; Camp ic slavery; when Venice ruled the waves; Douglas: Civil War extermination camp; Egypt in the Americas before Vikings; inter- clash of the rival maritime powers; black bliz- view with Carlo Mattogno; Auschwitz: the zards of the Dust Bowl; how much gold is in first gassing; bishop in hot water for holocaust Fort Knox?; sinking the Royal Oak; Hitler in comments; letter to the pope from Degrelle; Paris; remembering the Dresden atrocity. FDR’s secret plan to attack the Japanese; plot to kill Hitler fails; Martin Bormann reflects. MARCH/APRIL 2009 Henry Ford on the corrupt associates of Benedict Arnold; Arnold’s SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2009 letter to the American people; Benedict Arnold’s war record impres- Arminius the Cheruskan; hidden truth of our ancestors; Greece sive; a new look at the Waxhaw massacre; the case against Banastre battles the Snake of Zion; Greece stabbed in the back; interview Tarleton; the Americanism of George Washington; the saga of with Konstantinos Plevris; the real John Muir; Hitler explains his Heros von Borcke: Prussian Confederate; new evidence in the plot attack on Russia; Alexander Suvorov: the man who rewrote WWII; to kill Patton; Dr. David Hoggan; Dr. Fredrick Toben from jail; lend-lease; honoring Fr. Tiso; Valkyrie plot; Bendlerblock. interview with Sylvia Stolz; Hitler’s secret headquarters; Bochaca. 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BRINGING HISTORY INTO ACCORD WITH THE FACTS IN THE TRADITION OF DR.HARRY ELMER BARNES the Barnes Review A JOURNAL OF NATIONALIST THOUGHT & HISTORY MARCH/APRIL 2010 O VOLUME XVI O NUMBER 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ANTONY &CLEOPATRA:APOPULIST’S TALE LACONIA INCIDENT CHANGES RULES OF WAR BY SEN.THOMAS E. WATSON BY JOAQUIN BOCHACA A classic tale of the famous queen of Egypt—the last of War is a terrible thing. That’swhy there are rules men 4 the pharaonic dynasties—comes to us from the pen of one 33 follow on how to conduct war. At sea the rules of war of the greatest American populists, Sen. Thomas E. Watson. are just as important, if not more so. During World War II, Whatever happened, it was a tragic end for Cleopatra, Marcus German Admiral Karl Doenitz changed the rules of war, for- Antonius, Cleo’s two ladies-in-waiting—and her son, who bidding his navy to to take any risks rescuing enemy survivors would have inherited her empire. of sinking ships. Vilified for this decision in the Allied press, few know the reason Doenitz so radically changed the rules of HIGH CIVILIZATIONS OF NORTH AMERICA war in the middle of WWII. BY FRANK JOSEPH HOLOCAUST® STUDIES FOR BEGINNERS Everybody knows about the Incas, the Maya and the 15 Aztec, but few know about the first four great civiliza- BY JOHN TIFFANY tions of North America. They left behind impressive struc- An introduction to the most famous genocide in all his- tures. And they vanished almost as quickly as they came. 41 tory boiled down to its bare essentials. Why are Revi- sionists so sure inmates in the WWII German work camps THE LOST TREASURE OF THE VISIGOTHS were never gassed? What do available population statistics of the era tell us? Can all holocaust survivors be trusted? Here’s BY CHRISTOPHER J. PETHERICK a short primer to circulate widely. A tough group of Germanic Scandinavians left their 20 homeland and scoured the European continent for THE REAL REASON HITLER INVADED POLAND booty as the Roman empire was collapsing. They cleaned out the riches of Greece and Rome, and picked up, so it is said, the BY MARC ROLAND treasures of King Solomon and his temple. Where are the gold, Did Hitler attack Poland because he hated the Poles? jewels and priceless artifacts today? . 43 Or was he simply nuts—a megalomaniac out to rule the world? No, the real reason he invaded the neighboring na- RUSSIANS CONDEMN HATE LAWS tion was to stop one of the worst real holocausts from totally exterminating a whole ethnic minority. More than 58,000 Ger- BY MARK FARRELL man civilians are said to have been exterminated in the year Is sauce for the goose sauce for the gander? Who are 1939 alone. In comparison, America lost a little over 58,000 23 the real haters? Russians say the Jews always complain soldiers in the eight-year Vietnam conflict. they are targets of hatred but what about the horrid crimes they commit against Palestinians and others? And is it possible they INSIDER’S EXCLUSIVE WWII MEMOIRS still commit ritual murder? . BY CAROLYN YEAGER &WILHELM MANN SLAVES OF THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Adolf Hitler’s innermost thoughts on the invasions of 49 Poland and Russia, the relentless British push for war BY MICHAEL A. HOFFMAN II and much more are detailed. Another installment in the ongo- Features: Another group subjected to a holocaust is the poor ing series from Hitler’sarchitect and friend Hermann Giesler’s 25 and working-class whites of Britain and America, es- remarkable German-language book, EinAnderer Hitler, never Personal from the Editor: 2. pecially the kids who were worked like beasts of burden. before translated into English. Editorial—A word from Horst Mahler: 3. Populist Profile—Thomas Watson: 14. HE UDICIAL YNCHING OF YLER ENT T J L T K PLOT TO KILL WEST GERMANY’S LEADER French priest finds treasure hoard? 22. BY PROF.RAY GOODWIN BY DANIEL W. MICHAELS Book Review—Jesus in the Talmud: 30. Just as some of our so-called “heroes” and “leaders” This little episode was swept under the rug for 40 Book Review—Guide to the Reich: B-4. are really traitors, some of those labeled “traitors” are 31 58 years—until 1992—and the chances are, you still Book Review—Devil’s Handiwork: B-5. actually heroes. A case in point is Tyler Kent. If people had haven’t heard about it. Is there no limit to the perfidy of some History You May Have Missed: 39-40. listened to Kent, America could have stayed out of World War members of Israel's ruling class? Menachem Begin, peeved at II and millions of lives could have been saved. Instead he went German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer for no good reason, de- Secret mission of Stafford Cripps: 56. to jail, a martyr for America. cided to express his anger by blowing the leader to bits. Letters to the Editor: 61-62. Personal from the ASSISTANT Editor Good Ideas Never Die—if We Don’t Let Them . THE BARNES REVIEW Editor & Publisher: WILLIS A. CARTO n April 25, 1995, about 8 p.m., Assistant Editor: JOHN TIFFANY Reinhold Elstner burned him- Addresses for several Managing Editor/Art Director: PAUL ANGEL self to death on the steps of jailed thought “criminals”: Advertising Director: SHARON ELLSWORTH O Board of Contributing Editors: Munich’shistoric Feldernhalle. Horst Mahler It was a protest against what he rightly Anton-Saefkow-Allee 22 OLGA BELINSKAYA PROF.RAY GOODWIN MICHAEL COLLINS PIPER Donetsk, Ukraine Victoria, Texas Washington, D.C. called “the ongoing official slander and de- D-14772 Brandenburg/Havel PETER HUXLEY-BLYTHE JUERGEN GRAF LADY MICHELE RENOUF monization of the German people and Ger- Germany Nottingham, England Moscow, Russia London, England man soldiers 50 years after the end of Gerd Honsik JOAQUIN BOCHACA MICHAEL A.
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