B2015-08:Basteria-2015 9/16/2015 9:06 PM Page 32 A note on Strombus scalariformis (Caenogastropoda, Strombidae) Gijs C. Kronenberg Naturalis Biodiversity Center, P.O. Box 9517, NL-2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands; [email protected] forme , whilst Liverani (2013) retained the name Ca - Strombus scalariformis Duclos, 1833, is the first avail - narium haemastoma . The disagreement regarding the able name for the species commonly known as Strom - valid name of this species prompted this paper. bus (now Canarium ) haemastoma G.B. Sowerby 2 nd , 1842, and should be used as the valid name. A lecto - Abbreviations: DC = Charcot dredge (Drague Char - type for Strombus scalariformis is designated. cot); DW = Warén dredge (Drague Warén); GCKE = Gijs Kronenberg, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, private Key words: Gastropoda, Caenogastropoda, Strombidae, Ca - collection (to be deposited in NCB at some point in the 32 narium , taxonomy, nomenclature, lectotype, synonymy, priority. future); ICZN = International Code of Zoological Nomenclature; MNHN = Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France; NCB = Naturalis Biodiversity Introduction Center; NHMUK = Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom; NMNZ = Museum of New Zealand The name Strombus scalariformis was first published by Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, New Zealand; Duclos (1833). The description both in Latin and in RMNH = Rijks Museum van Natuurlijke Historie, col - French was accompanied by a figure (pl. 28), which is lection now in NBC; Stn = Station; ZMA = Zoological here reproduced (Fig. 1), type locality “les mers de la Museum Amsterdam, collection now in NCB. Chine”. Duclos’ (1833) figure of S. scalariformis was subsequently copied by Kiener (1843), Tryon (1885), Systematic part Abbott (1960), Kaicher (1974), and Kronenberg & Berkhout (1984). In 1844 Duclos presented another fig - Strombidae Rafinesque, 1815 ure of S. scalariformis (pl. 4 figs 9, 10), which is also re - produced here (Fig. 2). Canarium Schumacher, 1817 The name Strombus haemastoma was first published Type species, by monotypy: Canarium ustulatum Schumacher, by Sowerby 2 nd (1842: 31) by a brief description and a 1817: 219 (= Strombus urceus Linnaeus, 1758). figure (pl. 7 fig. 51), here reproduced (Fig. 7), without locality. Canarium scalariforme (Duclos, 1833) (Figs 1-8) Subsequent authors treated the name S. scalari - formis in various ways (see below), either as a valid Strombus scalariformis Duclos, 1833: pl 28. species without further synonyms, as a valid species Strombus haemastoma G.B. Sowerby 2 nd , 1842: 31, pl. 7 fig. 51. but mentioning a possible synonymy with S. haemas - Strombus scalariformis Duclos. Kiener, 1843: pl. 14 fig. 3; Duclos toma , or as a synonym of S. haemastoma , i.e. retaining [in Chenu], 1844: pl. 4 figs 9, 10; Küster, 1845: 72, pl.20 fig. 4; Sowerby’s name as valid while disregarding the prior - Adams & Adams, 1854: 260 (for date of publication see ity of Duclos’ name. More recently, however, Barney Trew, 1992); Kobelt, 1876: 105, pl 39 fig. 12; Tryon, 1885: 120, (2010) and Meuleman (2011) listed Duclos’ taxon as pl. 7 fig. 81; Kaicher, 1974: card 491. the valid name in the combination Canarium scalari - Strombus haemastoma Sowerby. Duclos [in Chenu], 1844: pl. 4 figs Basteria 79 (1-3): 32-38 (2015) B2015-08:Basteria-2015 9/16/2015 9:06 PM Page 33 17, 18; Reeve, 1850: pl. 5 figs 5a, 5b (lists Strombus hellii men of which the whereabouts are currently un - Rousseau as a synonym); Adams & Adams, 1854: 260 (for known. Therefore I hereby designate the specimen date of publication see Trew, 1992); Tryon, 1885: 120, pl. 7 present in MNHN, here figured (Figs 3-6) as lecto - fig. 78; Kaicher, 1974: card 430; Hinton, [1977]: 10, figs 11, type of Strombus scalariformis . The whereabouts of 11a. other possible syntypes (now paralectotypes) are Strombus elegans Sowerby. Oliver: 524 [non Strombus elegans unknown. Sowerby 2 nd = Canarium erythrinum (Dillwyn, 1817)]. Strombus haemastoma : during a visit in December 2008 Strombus scalariformis M. Smith, 1940: 36, species #502. no material was present in the type collection of Strombus (Canarium ) haemastoma Sowerby, 1842. Abbott, 1960: NHUK. Type specimens may however be hidden 82, pl. 20 fig 6; Wagner & Abbott, 1964: 33, species # 09-905; in the general collection (Kathie Way, personal Cernohorsky, 1965: 6, pl. 4 fig. 23; Wagner & Abbott, 1978: communication). 09-654, species # 09-805; Romagna-Manoja, 1980: 16, 18, pl. 3 Type localities. — Strombus scalariformis : “Mers de la fig 6; Kronenberg & Berkhout, 1982: 341, pl. 7 fig. 13; Wil - Chine”. Strombus haemastoma : unknown. son, 1993: 155, pl. 21 fig.6; Brook & Marshall in Brook, 1998: 218. Other material examined. — no locality, ex Jousseaume, 1916, Strombus (Canarium ) scalariformis Duclos, 1833. Abbott, 1960: 83, MNHN unnumbered/3. Mauritius : ex H.C. Fulton, pl. 58; Wagner & Abbott, 1964: 34, species # 09-917; Wagner RMNH.MOL 17855/1; ex H. Dabbert, coll. J. Mulder, & Abbott, 1978: 09-657, species # 09-965; Kronenberg & RMNH.MOL 178552/1; ex Linneana, ex M.M. Schepman, Berkhout, 1982: 342, fig. 47. ZMA.MOLL 45175/1; MNHN unnumbered/1; ex Staadt, Strombus (Canarium ) haemastoma Sowerby ii, 1842. Walls, 1980: 1969, MNHN unnumbered/3; ex Jousseaume, MNHN un - 96, upper figs p. 95 (lists S. scalariformis as synonym of S. numbered/1; MNHN unnumbered/1; westcoast, at 15 m in haemastoma ). sand and coral by diver, October 1985, GCKE 750/1. Strombus haemastoma G.B. Sowerby II, 1842. Short & Potter, La Réunion : N/O "Marion Dufresne" Campagne, 1982 : Stn. DC 1987: 34, pl. 16 fig. 5. 54: 21°06'S 55°13'E, at 80-83 m, MNHN 1 adult; GCKE Strombus haemastoma Sowerby, 1758 [sic]. Loch, 1990: 5. 5569/1; St. Denis, GCKE 986/1; St. Gilles, by diver at 30 m, Strombus (Canarium ) haemastoma Sowerby I [sic!], 1842. De Turck GCKE 5567/1. et al., 1999: 35, pl. 63 figs 1-4. Marshall Islands : Kwajalein Atoll, ocean side of west reef at 16 Strombus haemastoma Sowerby 1832 [sic]. Willan, 2005: 64. feet in rubbly sand, February 1989, GCKE 5568/1; Marshall 33 Canarium haemastoma Sowerby I, 1842 [sic!]. ? Thach, 2007: 64, Islands, Kwajalein Atoll, ocean side of west reef at 16 feet in pl. 10 fig. 191b. rubbly sand, August 1988, GCKE 5570/1. Canarium haemastoma (G.B. Sowerby II, 1842). Kronenberg, 2008: Guam : Rizal Beach, at 11.5–15.5 m in rubble, ex P. Hessel 546, pl. 218 fig. 2. ZMA.MOLL 187512/2; Orote Point, at 18–21 m in sand Canarium haemastoma (Sowerby, 1842). Tröndle & Boutet, 2009: pockets, by scuba diving, ex P. Hessel ZMA.MOLL 18. 187537/5; between Guam and Anae Island, on sand at 7-8 m, Canarium scalariforme (Duclos, 1833). Barney, 2010: 20; Canarium leg. H. Conley, May 1981, GCKE 6119/1; between Guam scalariforme (Duclos, 1833). Meuleman, 2011: 97. and Anae Island, in sand pits at 7-10 m, leg. H. Conley, May Canarium haemastoma (G.B. Sowerby 1 [sic], 1842). Liverani, 1981, GCKE 6121/1; SE. of Anae Island, on sand at 26-30 m, 2013: 29. leg. H. Conley, 27 May 1985, GCKE 6120/1. Australia : Queensland, Swain Reefs, dredged in rubble at 15-20 Not Canarium haemastoma Sowerby I, 1842 [sic!]. Thach, 2007: 64, m, ex P. Hessel ZMA.MOLL 187546/1. pl. 10 fig. 191a [= Canarium erythrinum (Dillwyn, 1817)]. Solomon Islands : Guadalcanal, GCKE 985/1. Coral Sea : CHALCAL 1, 1984, Plateau de Chesterfield-Bellona, Remark. — The chresonomy as presented above is without further precision, MNHN 2 adult; Stn DC6, not exhaustive. Many shell encyclopaedias from 20°57.00’S 161°43.00’E at 45 m, MNHN 1 adult; Stn DC7, roughly the last forty years have not been incorpo - 20°50.86’S 161°36.99’E at 62 m, MNHN 1 immature, 1 adult rated. alive, 1 adult; Stn DC17: 19°11.90’S 158°55.80’E at 44 m, MNHN 2 adult; Stn DC39, 20°28.90’S 158°48.70 ’E at 40 m Type specimens. — Strombus scalariformis : one syn - MNHN 1 adult; Stn DC45, 20°48.93’S 158°30.21 ’E at 50 m type present in MNHN, unnumbered, length 22.3 MNHN 2 adult; Stn DC46, 20°52.26’S 158°33.74 ’E at 65 m mm (Figs 3-6). This is the specimen illustrated by MNHN 1 juvenile, 1 immature; Stn DC49, 20°58.20’S Duclos, in Chenu (1844), as can be seen when 158°35.00 ’E at 48 m MNHN 2 adult; Stn D55, 21°23.90’S comparing Fig. 2 with Figs 3-6. The illustration in 158°59.60 ’E at 55 m MNHN 1 immature, 2 adult; Stn DC56, Duclos (1833) has some differences with the 1844 21°24.40’S 159°08.80 ’E at 60 m MNHN 1 immature; Stn illustration, and it is not clear whether the 1833 DC59, 21°40.36’S 159°21.29 ’E at 56 m MNHN 1 immature, 1 figure is some artistic freedom, or another speci - adult; CORAIL 2, July 1988: Stn 2 (by diver) MNHN 6 Kronenberg, G.C. – A note on Strombus scalariformis B2015-08:Basteria-2015 9/16/2015 9:06 PM Page 34 adult; Stn DW 01, 20°56'S 161°41'E at 59 m, MNHN 4 adult, 1 163 °01.9’E at 34-36 m, MNHN 1 adult; Stn DW1397: 18°21.9'S juvenile; Stn DW 02, 20°50'S 161°37'E at 62 m MNHN 1 im - 163°03.9'E at 43 m MNHN 1 adult. mature, 8 adult; Stn DW 04, 20°52'S 161°37'E at 64 m MNHN 1 Loyalty Ridge 1990: Stn DW 432: 20°20.95'S 166°10.725'E MNHN 6 adult; Stn DW 08, 20°52'S 161°38'E at 63 m MNHN 1 adult; 1 adult.
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