- ringworld books 3/ll/03 5:48 PM T I I I the Ring/ Ringu $y: SuzukiKoji. First printing - June20th, 1991. sroRy:Wren magazinereporterAsakawa Kazuyuki's niece dies suddenlyunder rnysterious circumstances, he decidesto do a titfle investigatinginto the causeof her death.He findsout that,though separatedby distance,his niecedied at exacilythe sametime as lhree of her triends-He also leamsthat all four of themhad watcheda videotape- a tape that kills whomeverwatcfresit exacflyseven days later. NqrEsAND tMpREsSlOruS; Author suzuki Koji presentsa story that, whileengaging, is not quite as polished as in f?asen.The charac'tersans also very differentfrom theironscreen counterparts,with AsakawaKazuyuki being a manied man and Ryuji a sadisticboor home whose past may or may not involve rape. AIso, the famous televison scene is noaftwere to be found: Rn6l director Nakata Hideo credited Wdeadrornefor its inspiration. THEMOVIES ring This version of the Rirg cover was designed by Chip Kidd for the rasen upcomingEnglish-language edition tom Vertical,Inc. Jvlr.Kidd had this ring2 to say on his inspirationfor the design: ring 0 ringvirus This obviouslyuses the Japanese'risingsun'flag and manipulatesit to - the ring remake a more complexextreme. At the centerof the'sun'is a death's head, in tha ring2 a stark bfack and white mntrast to the vibrant color of the sunburst.The tifle is presented in an endless loop, whictr mimics the predicament of TELEVISIONSPECIALS the characters." ring:kanzenban ring:saishuushou Reported by Alan Gleason, The Book &.The Campufer magazine. resen:the series AVAtLABrLtry:Japanese, Chinese, French, German, Thai, Russian,English (04-1mg). FEATURES lost $cenes $ee lere for the Russian version of the novel posted entirety online. pic.torialcast list rnanga books tirnefine- the noriels timeline- Americanremake @ theSpirattRasen screenplays & translations E uallpapersand rnore -u n ' SuzukiKoji. First printing - July 31st, 1g9F. factualbasisbehind lha ring rc1flI|rv,.!rvv',vrgl'lvu' ringmerchandise n @SToRY:|tfa|lstopatho|ogistAndouMitsuotoperformtheautopsyofhis interviews one-timechssrnate, - I Taklyama Ryuji.During the autopsy,*niou FAQ Japaneseoriginals removeswhat appears to be a messagewritten - - in code.Andou, FdQ Americannemake assistedby hisfriend and colleague Miyashita, works to bothdecipher fen ert http:#ringworld.mm rux.oomlbooks.htm PagcI of4 I /gnodd -'books 3llll03 5:4E pM the codeand determine.whether fanfietion the Ringrgqort- a compreterecord investigationinto the video of Asakarrna,s awardsfcr ringworld c-tlrse.-is in iact true. links NoTESANDfMPREssloNs: wow' Rasenfeafures great onlyflows characterizationand a storythat not wet, but is writtenin proset ti'd 6tt COMMUNITY suzukihas truly ,*;; ofi $e page.wih Rasn, honedy'" oiyt,no"i*osphere"trt as i aeuice the Ringforum story'The book also delves "{ to drawthe readerinto he deeplyinio ne scientificn""i" i*r,ind the openingup a whore byer videocurse, yw d.{'rw na rrasyet -dt to ;#;r*-ed in the versions(incrudins rhe much-marigned ioaptariin theatrical coNtilEtrtTs? fil"-J;fi ) cofltsctinfo. AVAttABlLlTy: Japanese,Ghinese, French, Thai. Loop By: SuzukiKoji. First printing - January31st, 199g. sroRy: Medicarstudent FutamiKaoru has both his father and girffriend faltvictim ro the Metastaric Human c"n".t vi*:#il;il virushas some connection in", rr,* to a tordiei prorectb"ilg;;; outin Arnerica'and goesoverseas to investifate to the mi nimsen"nein-is nis way desert,where he learnsof a pedon namedTakayama... NorEsA'{CI tMPREssloNs: Loop is a novelthat and takesthe eventsof the previoustwo novefs spinsthem in a cornpreierynew oireqtign.. r.or' clyde Manderin's i"-o"j[, synopsisof the nover,see exceflentranl spoireiriiden) reah""t"" n.l* AVAILABILITY:Japanese, Chinese, French. the Birthday By:Suzuki Koji. First printing - FebruarySth, 1999. sroRy:The fast book.in the Ringseries. Birthday is a coilec{ionof three shortstories, eacft wl'th differenl *,aracters and at different set{ing", oo*,rring rimeframesdtlln .'re ning ;niverse. ff oritrelilries,"nJ howevershare a commonUreme__ bilih. Floatingcoffin: A "missingcfiapter" from perspective) Rasen,this storyshows (fom her own whathappened afier Takano..Mai *L"t rl*iigl'iranslated titfe sonani ukabu titerally,the story Hitsugirneans "*tRn n"t froatsup to the sky.,, Lemonheart'The story of sadakoand her buddingrcmance with royama, set in herdays withthe HishoAcfing Troupe. The basis tor niryb. Haw BitthdaltAcontinuation of the and girrfriend errents-inLoop, this story involvesFutami Kaoru his Reiko,who has contracteoin" rr,r"i"tiiii" H,il;;ffi;rtT,ll.^' NOTESAr{D TM'RESST.HS;Tie manga versiong!-Loopdisdained ,Happy Birthdav'infavor of anoriginat pi6ce 'saoaiJ the short story unti"c is6til ,"ngu pagefor more), t@://riagworld.somrux.com,/books.htm Page2 of4 t:-L lgaodd -'boots 3/IIl03 5:48 pM t AVA|LABILITY:JApanese, Chinese. i I movle quides - Loopkai An Adventure/s Guide Editpr:Horiuchi Daiji. printing First - SeptemberSth, 1998. Ii: ql":y, pict re-fadenbook addresses a ized Hlfl':i$-::rf :-,3r*"u'*;;6.anc*andnovefri'H,ffl?iffi :rNakata ff,l1ru*,Tl"3l;"9:,.*i6il;dil;#frlidaJd; ffi;ffi ,### i bibliographicallf$f-Tj"f:::l-airecrornotes on the stories. Ring 2 - Kyoufu Zoufuku illagazine Ring2 ReseardrCommiftee. Firstprinting _ January!gth, 1ggg. Movieguide that afso features an interviewwith Kawai Kenji, who frfrT*-t3#fi #:f #!*",jH'xiouii'iouft'kut"nJ"Gidsome*ring TheSadako Varfous. Firstprinting _ Januarylnd, 2000. Movieguide wilfi an emphasiscn ffi.tt lxlilT;t::3:1,:*1""^::ryryr!.":* (theatricar,.HHffrv, noveD srd lntf *:m;"giili*".d;ruffiecsrse;il;;r;;;&;;;fl hil;#"J.",3; ;::r1,"#":li-comicrft(read it her$. JlflHilJffi; notes 'Afsopubrished were a combination Ringrt^rylg:screenpray a,s we{ writtenby Takahashi.Hiroshi.rtr" as thatfor Rrng4 art i,rirg'i satp[teaturesr ru]mrerof suppremental materiars,incruding: the_s_cript to tn; pr"v ;.Igii;rtitr* ,,skin") performsin the litm; r.n" _ that sadako a discussionnetvveen oirec{or "Jr_rs;ud niirio TakahashiHiroshi; a shorrn"tion andscriptvwiter Noteidil* il-u*" Heihachiro"; $["jffi[Hn:;;ff ""iii*J'-rr,ejg;"g';,SilJ:l.paseAsottnts-Gtins, and a "?illAT;;;T": -wfien it cametime to makeRiqg ? a numberof scriptswere I activerysought by the [/riugworld.som rux.comlbooks.htm Page3 of4 [- ,*-,0. o** 3/ll/03 5:48 PM shrdios'the fiinking beingthat the best of the buncftwauld then be chosento be useclfor the prcjec{ film. Thoughthe ended up going to Riag veteranTakahashi uirosrii, rour scripts were sefected pubtished to be in a colledion entiled Ring: MottoXawii Vinsu no Hanashi(Ring: Four scarier Tales).Those scripts are an Air, Thewell, somJone rs Watching,and Loop af the Rrhg.The book was pubfishedwith a very uniquedesign- it is in the size and shape of a videotape,and featuies a slipcoverto fu*her the illusidn. -Ifie ildysfenesof Ring,Rase4 and Laop(author:ttou Maki) publishedin 1999 addresses both movie and novel versions_of the ffngr universe.The boor tackles severallingering questions from the novels,and also feailrresa glossaryand characterlist. -Ordering informationfor the productslisted here is found on the merchandisepage. te,d {c} 200l-201'3J Lopea All charrclers and sitratbns rernain tre pmperty of ffreir raspective owneni, narnety Kadolcawas.o*n, Asmift Ace Picturce, Fuii TV, Drenrllllorfts, and guzuki Koii, tfre nran be*rind tha RIng. http://ringwortd. som rux.com/books.htm Page4 of4.
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