One malpractice insurer is still here and continues to maintain stable premium rates! AIM: For the Difference! Attorneys Insurance Mutual Telephone (205) 980-0009 of Alabama, Inc. Toll Free (800) 526-1246 200 Inverness Parkway FAX {205) 980-9009 Birmingham , Alabama 35242-4813 "A Mutual Insurance Company Organized by and for Alabama Attorneys" www.AttyslnsMut.com Hold on to what matters Look fo r Guaranteed Acee Accident Only member mad f rom ISi ALABAMA. PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR : BENEF ITS OF THE PLA N : [m] JSI ALABAMA • Offe red to Members, Member spouses and emp loyees - INSU~ ·t N t E SPECIALISTS, INC . under age 60 and actively at work "'·"" P.O. Box 2827 • 12> Li1wr<"nCt·vlllr S1rc<"I• Noren)$$, GA 3009 L.. 2327 • Guarant eed medical accept ance UNDERWRIT T EN BY : • Benef its up to $5,000 per mon th paid if insu red is unable to Th e Hart f or d, Rate d A+ by A. M . Best work in own occupati on The Hartford is the Hartford Financial ServicesG roup, • Benefits payab le fo r up to two years foll ow ing a 30, 60, or Inc. and its subsudiaries, including issuing company 90 day wa it ing period of Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company. Based on Ratings as of 12/30/04 . A+ is the second For more information (including costs,exclusions, limitations and termsof Highest of 15 AM . Best Categories. coverage), cont,Kt/5/ SALESDIR ECTLJNE at : 1-888-/St-1959. 3295 a amaaw er May 2005 Vol.66, No. 4 ON THE COVER The Grand Hotel Marriott Resort,Go lf Club & Spa, site of the Alabama Stale Bar's 2005 Annual Meeting Upholdinga tradition of graciousSouthern hospitalitysine.! 1847, this extraordinaryPoint Clear hotel resort offersa full range of amenitiesa nd luxuries.See pages 20 1 through 216 in this issuefor convention highlights and registrationforms. and be sure 10 join us there in July! Al.ASAMA STATEB AR HEADQUARTERS STAFF 415 Dexter Avenu e. Montg<untry, AL 3610.l {334) 269-1515, (800) )54~154 • FAX( )34) 261-63 10 170 President-Elect Profiles: Fourni er J. Gale, III and E-n1,1il:ir1fo@nlabar .org •Web site: w,vw.alabar.org W.N.Watson ExttudY'l' Oitt (tor- ..•..•.- ...........-- ·······-·-········Kt.ith8. Nornu n l!.u<uti\'t' Asmtl.lnt.... · - ·- ·- ·- ·- ·- ·- ·- ·- ·-- ·-- ... ,.Di11nt Locke 182 The Alabama Law Foundation Annowices the 2004 Systems Admi:ni.str.ttor.... ·-- ···-- ·· ..-- ·- ·- ·... \'i:i ync Mughe:s Compuk r Prog~ 1nmc r ...................................Dola n L 'tro ut Oir« tor of Programs.. ..._ . ....................._ . ..Edward >.t P.uttrson Fellows Administntf\'t Assistant fot Progrnm.s.. ...................Rin. Gny L,wy.,-Re(emtl Secretary ·····- ······-- ·- ·······....,Slunnon Knight 183 Remarks by Michael S. Greco, president-elect, t.londitory Continuil\g Legal Educ111M>n Oir«tor ........................................Kim 0 1.ivtt \\'Md American Bar Association CLE Admjniiuadvt Animru .........................Ouo l Thomton CL£$c-(rttitry ...........................................- .•.Chri~i n:a BrC'o\-.tr Fellows of the Alabama Law Foundation Dinner Dir«tor of Cornn1unk11dons& Public lnfonnation ...-- ·- ·- ·- ·- ·- ·- ·-- ·- ·- ·.SUsanH. AD<lffl PublialioM Director ,_,. ,.. .....................Marg.ittl L Murphy 188 Alabama Lawyer Assistance Program: Coolmunkntioo.,and Publbl.ions MSl~anL ...- ····- ····-- ·- ··- ··- ··J<.intbctly B.i.rubart Your Partner Needs Help Mt'mbmhip Sttv ict'$ Ditt<tor .......................- ,• ..•..~wy Corbitt By Jeanne Marie Leslie Manbe:nbip Adminisumh-eAssi.mlrt- ,- ·....Emilyfl•nior v.... tu nt«T L:a~ Progµm Oir«tor ·-·-·- ·-····-·-·-1.inda Lund VLP A» ls~nt ···- ·········- ·- ····- ·- ·.... ......... Ka1htt i1~ L Churdt 190 Deepening Insolvency in Alabama: Dirtn or o( A.d.m.issions ·- ·······-·-·- ·- ····- ····..Dorothy 0. Johruon Mmis.sk»uAdminb:tr;1ti\~ AfflSumu.. ....._ .. .., . ..,Hridi Ahu ls it a tort, a damages theory or neither of the aboJ1e? Sooi.iDougl.u By Jay R. Bender 8Qookk«pcr·- ·······-- ·······-- ·········-·-····-·-·-····-·-·Oak Skinne r ASBFoun dation As.1i$tant ······- ···········- ·······--·-··Ann Rintn0ur Graphia AIU DirtaOf ....... ,• .- .....................- ......~U;ggiC' Stuller 201 ASB 2005 Annual Meeting Cr.:iphks.A ris Assii1a nt ··-·- ·····--·· ····-·- ·- ··R()(krkk Palmer Rct'C'ptlonbl .-.............- ····- ····- ····- ··········- ····-St.tpba11JC'Ogldby Tableof Contents>> continued 011 page 162 Law OffKC':~tanagcmcnt MS isun« Progrv,mJ; )irt(tor, ...., .. , - ............................ 1..iur.iA. CalJowiiy Ab bama LnwycrAs.sb tan¢t' Pro£r.lm Dltt<tor ........- ..· ·- ·- ·- ····- ····-f<'annt'1'btlC': ldlk {8.34·7S76) LO~iAP and Al.AP M minh,tr:iti ~ A~is1:.1nL.... .....................S1mdru Ck mcntf Ahbanta t.aw Founcbtion, Inc. Dirtttor .................'n-acy O anid Alf Adnilnistt:idvt"Assisu,n1 ... ...- ..............Krlnin AndC':rson Alabam,1;Gm ter (or Dispute Rc-$olu1ic;mOirmo, ·-·-····-······Judith ~i. l<ectp.n {249·<M09) A.Ort A.ss.i"ant .- ·············- ·········- ·- ·····-- ··... .JlJ1sy Sb ropshitt Al.ASAMASTATE BAR CENTER FOR PROFESSIONALRESPONSIJllLITY STAFF Gcncr.-1Cou nsd, - ,.. ..- ...........,, _._,,.,,,,.,,_,,.J, Anthony Mclain XC'R'bryto Gcnt'n l C..,umd ···- ··- ·-·· - ··-··- ··Vivian Freem.in Awtalit Centtnl Coutlk l ···- ··- ··- ··- ·- ···- ··- ··1-Ci lbn t Ktl'ldrkk A.ssistan1C:alttill Counsel·· - ·- ·-·- ··- ·- .........RobC'n E. Lusk.Jr. Ams~ nl (;,mernl Counkl ~·- ··- ··- ·-······-·· - ··.S:,mud $..hn rkf.s<' Compblnu lnttkc Cootdi1utor ····- ··- ··-··- ··-··- ··- ··- ..- ·Kim Ellis Diiciplinary Cle1k. _. .., .. .- ... ,.. ...............................Bonni< 11.1.ainor P-,r.llcglilsJb:i'IUtigatO{J,-··- ··- ··- ··- ·- ·- ·- ..- ···Ch<'f)'IL Rankin Cuo l ~1.\-'i'r ight Client S«urity MindCoordi n:a1(11'··-·····- ··- ·-·-··-Uuriir Bbw R«C'f,Cio1liu···- ·- ·- ·-··- ·- ·--·- ··-··-··-·-·- ··...shfflyUngk-y ThoAl- s,.,. 8,u, P.0, a .. ~ I. Mom...,_Al31i101, Tableof Contents>>from page /61 PII••• (3:>ll 2'9-1515.c to0•lSW154 • www.ahfbai o,v _, A IUfllltr.. .... _ 0- n&I,"" l.ftloGllt,p,.~ -nl-!im -H.-~ c..-..--..St.Jlllililooml ._ ...,. _,.,_ ..c..---- - M _ _..,.. •.b'rllC.,...,t.-- • b:yW O,,,,,llofwl. _ ... ~-Iii, .-s Higo\ a.-.....,_~ • lo,J-Bom,n;t,ont._,,,_ .lln\llmrt• ~Il­.- ' l:rq4 ,...,, • • -JIMoy, Ill.- .1.a1 .... t.w,,.l<irrd, llim1r9'm• -A ~~ _,...., • DMl P"' "'"' 1- • Clnul-,JI llln•ll/ml• GloioJ 217 Update on Amendments to the Alabama Rules of -..,,, ' '°'lfol'"'Y• Wi... l Plaiter,.k. Fdl,f• """" D ~ Gadollo• I o,..,-,. ll>nit'ltan• J,ffroy C.Aol;n ..,. SellnJ• Appellate Procedure ""'11 Rog,,,.~ • W C-~lli~ • JomD lly Celeste W, Sabel -~ ·-..,.c-.~ ·Bonjoow,B Si,ra,1... 111.a.,,w.m • .-,lSm,a\ "'- . JJ,£.SttM,, --~o• Mocl..,0w-...,,,....S.-- ·l!MrlrS T-~ DffiHn J °"'411,,lk!!Y/.~......... 220 Federal Governm ent Contracting: tilt,tSiQll1 MolfQJtU+ -·Did A Legal and Practi cal Guide for -•1C1or~....,._- _,..._\Cal"...._ I Alabama Lawyers -A----~·~th; By St<Vm W. ttldm3n BMnl tf C .dwl a -:lolllnu<._t··--l-QMKllnlC.0..,-l-... _.,, U....Sc,,ng,.40\0ou,A'"' Hoff,~--,;,i,-m,.~-61110....­ "" H Coopor- \saloou 41111"""-6111c.a., -No t "'Y"'Mn!ISil\llll.1.- IIICl!m\.-.H. Blam,, "'""" tit, °""1 N.....,,I findl.°"""' 1111,CoaltL_, K .b<li\ rl ~ IOlhCilwo, ""'° No 1. MU""' A '*"'tit Bim,ng!Wlffl10,n (),Q.,L - No1. T !>,/\JinSb,\ ._ &nw,uhom IOl/1C""L Pia No3 . G- M No,I.JI. tilm,inghom1~ h t;;mA A«eN o..4 , ftll~ W ~ 111111\8 1rmqili.n 10thC"lftllll. Aace ,to !i. £6Mllll,~Ill\~ ID1nCiltoLl'lnNo.6.MaibelhJ -~ IOlhC.0...PloNo/,S,,,...,\11-. lllo""91W!'10,ho,a,,.""' Not - ~ 1Dll>C1m.,t,1'1aNo9. c.ol H _,,......_,. -c:., al!.Gmve~· ,..,...., •• _ ,,,,,C-C._l_t- - 111h°""Ll""l-rr., QIIICilaAl'loooNoI ~,-.-1311c,,,,..-r.,z.W11omM ~ --- ··--No.lM,t--llllllnu<•. C..J -.-. , .. -C>Mstt ~Sl. ... 1511- ,-. ,., l lal ...,_ .. 14 J , 1511C..... -~.bw,J1..._~--,-flot_H _Mo._•11511'-.IIDNo ...~-J l. -~ l~C-,.-No.~S.-F- lobllfP •• t!m°"'4t'lai.b 1..-t w..__"""'-" lr.>C.Uf Mdllll_,_ ,.,,,0ou.T.t,i,rl "'1y .t. 176 About Members , °""""'"11111°"'4-l -- 19111.......... t DEPARTMENTS Collly,- 20oilClim\. ...... ~ -...-., , .. '""" · Amo ng Firms Bioo•G o,,...,_JI. - .. l7nclCmt. ll'anas8. Ah10111, 164 President's Page 111-7.WCm,;Ll'IMtNo l,_C Cin,,11 - 7,l _lb,-~Zl!dC ,n:,.L No Thco1M11,,n. -", lull- PlacoNo Servicelo Clie111s, t!te Public 180 Memorials l. A-J~ Fl,1lnl<J).JI. !vi i- ?,ld1Cl.,,.L.lomA.A.o...... And 1/JePr ofession N-25111CiJtll1. W1llwn It A"""'1, l\lnillm 26111Citu1. 230 Legislative Wrap-Up k<n"'1l l',1," dL"""' Ci.. 271hCilcwL Dar.., 1 - - 7llltl Soo,u,IH.Croottt llaine. lllU>Cin:IJI!. ff 172 Executive Director's 2005 Regular~ion: 111.ui-;,, f*"'IIO°"""' lOIII°""'1, 'MUL,mJ1.-.P>II c;,.31,. c.a.i, Jim M "'- - 3b<I°""1. lla\'W WNl'<,.t. Report HalfwayPoint QA,., INC.....- H lll'9WI,Dnrt 34nC.,,,,,,.,,.,.. H 77,eAl11bnmn lnwyers HaU lldllY,-:is..lllM.OMI 1 H,clo.JI. '-36dl 232 Opinion s of the -T-Dl ..... -ll*....__,1-.. .. OfFnme Oo,lb-l)Qo.linl!A""--'.lllhCioool.lo,yl General Counsel ---0...0oMl~lM-•tsO...J- 174 Impo rtant Notices AssociationWit/, Foreign ProBo110 A w11rtl Lnwr er or l.J1wFirm- ,,._,.,.,..IUSP$IU-•,.....,..__ ._ --.... -Sl.tla81t<t5Dou-l! • I No111inario11s What Do tire RulesPermit? -l6100 --po,d11Mc,mp,wy. - ... __ oir.. - --ct.,go, A111e11d111U11lslo Alnbm11n 234 Bar Briefs ,on,,-~ l'f)llo<CISG.t,lcJ,lll'fflllY,Al!lolill-" 116 R11/t'Sof AppullnreProcedure h~~•wenw ..... 11111e..,...11aa.v...•an:ll 236 Disciplinary Notices ..................... ,. ............. .....,. ... 11,..... loa1/ DnrA wnrd of Ill ..... !,Ilka• 1NU "_........ i, N ~ St. 1111W.01'!lN ...... ii. .......
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