DOCUMENT RESUME ED 133 611 4 CE 009 810 TITLE ColoradoCareer Information System. Annual Report. ° INSTITUTION ColoradoUniv., Boulder. Colorado Career Information Center. SPONS AGENCY ManpowerAdministration(DOL), Washingtonr.. D.C. PUB DATE 30 Sep 76 GRANT DL-99-6-488-08-6 "NOTE 144p.; Pages 3 through 8 of appendix III-I (contfining the QUEST questionnaire developed at the etiversity of Oregon) are copyrighted-and therefore not available. They are not included in the pagination. Several pages may not reproducevell due to faint type AVAILABLE FROM'National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22151 ( EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 HC-$7.35 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Adminitrative Agencies; Career Choice; *Career Education; Computer Oriented Programs; Delivery Systenip; Higher Education; *Information Dissemination; *Information Systems;_*Occupational Informatiod; Post Secondary Education; Program Cooraination; Program Descriptions; *Program c.) Development; Secondary Education IDENTIFIERS *Colora'do; Colorado Career Information System ABSTRACT ) Covering the period from October 1, 1975, to. September 30, 1976, this annual report contains'information on'the Colorap Career Information Systemls (COCIS) administration and organi-iation, information develophent, delivery vehicle, and , marketing and field services.(COCIS is an on-line computerized career information system that has been available for marketing since September 15,_1976. It contains the following files: Occup/....a ional DescriptiOn, preparation, Program, EmploYers, Bibliography, Women's Career Resources,.and Job Skills. It includes 234 occupatiofis wbich have localized data for the Denver metropolitan and State of COlorado areas. An occupational information library, using the'Oregon ' classification system, has been established, as well as review panels for the occupations and update cycles for new and corrected material.)°Appendixes'make up the majority of the doctiment and cover the following items: (1) Administration and organization information (administrative staff, organization structure, COCIS board members, and board meeting minutes); (2) information development (library list, library categories, occupation list, program list, samples of PROG, DESC, and PREP files, and samples of employers, bibliography, women's career resources, and job search files, test site instruments, test site results report, COCIS-COVIEW merger, and pxocess evaluation; and (3)Nmarketing and field services ) (demonstrations, product offering, preliminary income projections, . proposed target populations, priority,groupings of COCIS populationS, the five COCIS regions, second year marketing timetable, cost guidelines, proposed user hanabook, tentime user contract, COCIS/user contract, and 'COCIS/computer service contract). (TA) , Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort to obtain the best copy available: Nevertheless, items a marginal reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the oriainal. "If . A N N .11 A L I. CANDRADOCARER INFORMATION SYSTEM- . October 1, /1975 Septemb!..1r 30, 1976 ., , 1 The material in this kproject was prepared under Grant No; 99-6-488-08-6 f.rom the Manpower.Admini- \ stration, U. S. Department of Labor, under .,the ) \ authority ok Title III of"the Comprehensive ployment, aO Training Act of1973. Grantees undertaking projects'under Government sponsor-- ship are enCouraged to express freely their x. professional judgment. Therefore, points of view;or opinions stated in this document do nOt necessarily represent the officiaj position.Or _ policy-Of the Department of Labor,- U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFAWE NATIRNAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATI6N THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO- DUCED EXAt.TLy AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGAivZXTJON ORIGIN- ir ATING tT POINTS Of vIEW OR OPINIONS (7. STATED DO NOT NECESSARIL R.EPRE- SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATiON POSITION OR POL Iqy COLORADO CAREER INFORMATION SYSTEM 0 vIt ARO ADIVIINISTRATiVE CENTER UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO !BOULDER COLORADO 10309 .30.3, .112.1932 co Pauline A. Pariah Warren W. Wolff DIr/i/ector Deputy Director' Cr- Frank Scanlon. 0 'Associate Director 0 'tzip .?"1,1 ,re;-- BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA I. Re 0" 14°. SMUT 3. Reesptent' Accts. loss No. - 4. Tale and Subtitle. ' - S. Report Dote f -Annual Report of theColorado Career LnforMation 9/30176 System - 7./...010411) .Pauline . A. .rish, Director; WarrenW. Wolff, 11.Posionftiog Orgaoisosioo Poop. DeputY Director .No. 4 9. .. Perlorming Otgnizatioa Haose,ockAddreee . 10.,Project/Tisk/Mork Usk No. Colorado CareerInformation,System Witlard AdministrativeCenter '.) 11. Costract/Grant No. i . University of Colorado,Boulder, Co. 80109 A- , DL 99-6-4887.08-6 12 Sponsoring Organization Name and Addis., .---1"-------'df ,..... 13. Type ol Report &Period. U.S. Department of Labor 4 , Coveted . Manpower Admintatration Annual 10(1175-9/30/76 Natlonol OcmpationalInformation Sorvico 601 "D" SO-eet, N.V., Wash-ington, D.C. 20?13. 13. Supplementary Notes . .. .. i , 16. Abstracts . - , This report covers theperiod October 1,,1975 It contains info through September 30,1976_ lioa tegarding:Administrationand Organization, Information Deve . pment, VOlivery8VOicle,Marketing and Field Services. , . / . \ . , , / . Y . , . _ / . A .' A. 17.,Xey Words and Document Analysis.1o. nescriptotaq --, COCIS - COlorado Careerrnformation System / . 7 CoVIEW - Colorado VOcation . Information for Educationand Work Files the VartoUS divisions of informatibn inthe , computer/system, i.e. FROG, FREP, BIB. , ___ ,c / <7:' .. , / -s . , - . _ Wentillets/Open-Ended Terms .. V. , . .. 17c. COSAT1 Field/Group , ,... 111. Arilability Stisternent - V1tribution is unlimitsie......__:, 19. Secutity Class (Thi 21. No. ol Poses 'Available Crom Report/ National Technical Infoitionrm uric) 0,ssiFID. + Indices Serviee, Springfield, Va. 22151 70. Secutitg,Clas (This4 2272. Price ..- , Page fr 01.1b4 11,1.111 laCy. 5.731 UNCLASSIFIED ,THIS FORM MAY BE REPRODUCED UCOWIM.00 1 411#4-4017-.. 3 f // SUJ1MARY Th,e Colorado Career Infor,ption Systelb staff contains 131/2 people (11., % FTE) in the following catego ies: aDirector, a Deputy Director an Associ- .' ate Direc'tor of Marketing/F eld Services, a Marketing/Satellite Center Super- . visor and aMarkang/Fie d Services Representative, 2 Labor Market Analysts, 3'.Information Dvelopcnert graduate interns, 1 Marketing/Field Service gradu-' ate intern and acleri/al staff of 21/2. Ail positions have.-been filled and affirmative action rectuiretents met. The Board of Dikectors Currently collaists of 18 members, representing the human resource agencies of.the State of Colorado, potential users of the COCIS system persons from business and industry. The computelAzed career information system.is on-line and has"been 'available for mairketing since September 15. 'Iticontaing the following files: Occupational Do/scription,Preparation,-9ogram,(Employers, Bibliography, Wothen's Carearillesourcas and Job Search 5kills. It i'ncaudes 234 occupations which have loicalized data for the De --.Metropolitan and State of Colorado areas. Ina dition, there are 85 PRO es. Porty-saven of the occupatio -al deAript ons, preparations and biblioi.Taphy statements were developed by COCIS staf , as well as 24 new programs. An occupational information library, uging the regon classification system, has been-establishe as...yell as re- view pane s for the occupations and update cycles for new andorrected material./. - Delivery systems have been finalized or are ivt;progresr. A DEe 10 "version1fthe DISCOVER nam software has been completed and will be used to deliveritheCareer Information System 'this coming year. ft is also capable of deli;ering all DISCOVER Modules; Work is under way'ort the development of a Needlesort Deck and a printed.version of the,occupational 'descriptions. Exploration has begun on the development of a microfiche version of COCIS # which Will use the QUEST as an access strategy and will replac'e 64VIEW as it currently exists in the State of Colorado.. Future.plans include review of other dethods'of delivery of_the omputerized informatiu, system and the potentiialuse of mini-computers. Mar eting plans and sales strategieshave beeri developed for a. second year Mark ing thrust.. Priorities have been established aimed_primarily at school populations but a e state agencies. 1. fts A Consortium cost formuLa has beem,established; $1.50 per user for the first 4,000 users tind $1.00 per user thereafter. COCIS has4deve1oped a Process Evaluation Formatand has-participated in the developme- of the NOIS Impact Evaluation. In addition, ft-',14CIS tested the comPuteriz.ed syseem in 4 a'reasof the State during-Spring, 1976, ' o and has prepared a report of the resultfrom the .test sites. a il frs a a .CUCIS MEV July 1, 1976 through August 31, 1976 ENCUMBRANCES AND. ESTIMATED (THRU AUG, 31) EST. EXPEND,' FINAL BUDGET EXPENDITURES SEPTEMBER EXPODITURES PERSONNEL , '145,866 $119,963 $13,407 $133,370 i BENEFITS 16,045 11,408 1,789 TRAVEL 9,000 5,070 2,833 7,903 PERSONNEL (Hourly) 7,,823 5,634 400 6,034 EQUIPMENT 20,000 ' 5,938 P 15,596 21,534 SUPPLIES 16,000 10,930 2,457, 13,387 wh, CONSULTANTS 9,000 1,418 2,775 4,193
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