Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 2-13-1946 The aB tes Student - volume 72 number 15 - February 13, 1946 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 72 number 15 - February 13, 1946" (1946). The Bates Student. 918. http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student/918 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ttubent u\ ,syxt, Vol. fcXH. No. 15 BATES COLLEGE, LEWISTON, MAINE, FEBRUARY 13, 1946 Price: Fifteen Cents Brigham Receives Cum Laude Honors In Mid- Year Graduation The committee on honor studies has announced that David Brigham Prof. ]. M. Carroll has been granted cum laude hon- Valentine Theme For ors in the field of economics. Brig- ham, who will complete his senior Takes Sabbatical year this month, submitted a thesis Annual Pop Concert Professor J. Murray Carroll, head entitled "Industrial Safety and This Friday evening. February* of the economics department, will Safety Education". He was the only 15, is the date set for the once an- go on a sabbatical leave to New student of the present graduating nual Pop Concert which will be York this coming semester. Al- class to do honors work. held this year in the Alumni Gym. Former Students though his plans are not definitely While on campus Brigham has The theme of the evening is Val- formulated Prof. Carroll intends been active in the Outing Club, entine Day and the decorations Return To Campus B. C. C, and was the president of are planned in keeping with a The new semester will bring the men's Student Council during color scheme of red and white. back to Bates many outstanding this past semester, and also acted The tables arranged on the floor men who were interrupted in their as an assistant in the department in cabaret style, will be covered college careers by the advent of of economics. After graduation he with white cloths and red hearts. the war. Among the approximately j hopes to do some type of personnel The color scheme will be further 140 men to be admitted a large . work in industry. parried out by red candles in the percentage will be upperclassmen The other members of this se- center of the tables and red hearts with only a few semesters to go ! mester's graduating class are decorating the walls. before they receive their degrees. Eloise Bartlett. Eleanor Frost, The program planned by the Patrick Harrington who entered David Brigham (Continued on page four) Music Clubs of the college under with the class of '42, will be the direction of Professor Seldon among these. Harrington, who was T. Crafts consists of two parts. one of Bates' outstanding debaters, From 8:00-8:30 the Orphic Orches- College Drops "Who's has recently been discharged from tra will play the following num- the Navy Air Corps, where he held bers: the rank of Lieutenant Comman- Who" After Inquiries "Funiculi - Funicula", Denza: der. He is already here on campus Of special interest to seniors is reluctantly returned to the list af- "Ciribiribin", Pestalozza; "Country taking refresher courses. the recent decision of the B.C.C. ter several years in 1945. Marriner Gardens", English Folk Song; Another debater, Edward P. to take seminar courses at the for Bates not to participate with expressed the hope that Bates, "Poem", Fibich; "Young Prince Dunn, originally of the class of '44, the publication "Who's Who Bowdoin, and CoM>y would go and Princess", from "Schehera- New School of Social Research will be returning from his job in and also some at Columbia Univer- Among Students in American Uni- along together. (Maine does not zade", Tschaikowsky; selections the Army as air observer. Dunn is sity. versities and Colleges." We went participate.) Dean Nixon of Bow- from "Rio Rita" Romberg. now stationed at Bedford Air In addition to the studies men- into participation with the project doin has been suspicious of the Again at intermission the fol- Field, just outside of Boston. tioned above he also plans to do several years ago but in the last project and has discouraged any- lowing progra'm will be presented Donald Marr of the class of '44 some reading for himself and to two or three years Dean Clark and thing about it from appearing in from the floor: will join his twin Harold upon prepare material in view of the re- Mr. Rowe have become less and the college paper. Arnold of Brown "It's a Grand Night for Singing' . his discharge from the Army Air organization of the 211 and 212 eco- less enthusiastic about the idea. It questioned the enterprise from the Rogers: Chorus of 20 voices. Corps. Upperclassmen remember nomics courses. This will be nec- was found to be a commercial en- start but did not want to be unfair "Soprano Solo—"It Might As the twins as being elected mayor essary because of the introduction terprise to sell other businesses a to Brown students and keep them Well Be Spring", Rogers: Joyce of the campus as a unit, on the of the core course in economics list of people who might be desir- off but is not so sure now. At Baldwin. platform that two heads are better (Continued on page two) able for filling positions. This Clark, Little says the attitude is (Continued on page four) than one. makes heing listed in the book ra- generally favorable. Kalllpren of Returning from the Eighth Air ther a phony honor with publicity Colgate has felt' the publication Force where he was a briefing of- playing it up out of proper propor- was too commercial, regards Mr. Radio Program Gets ficer is Norman Temple of the Roger Bill Gains tion. Activity-minded students are Rowe's objections to it as valid but (Continued on page three) the ones usually selected but there is not ready to cease cooperation. 7:30 Spot On WCOU is no unified way of choosing stu- Richards of Denison has the skep- Three New Offices dents for listing. Bates has always :icism of Bates, and the Deans of Special attention should be given President Starts Off On Along with the general renovat- been very careful about who was men and women at Middlebury to the change in the time of the ing being done in Roger Williams chosen, working through the Stu- would like to see their school omit- weekly Bates-on-the-Air broad- Meetings With Alumni Hall dormitory rooms the regular dent Government and Student ted. Smith withdrew its name last casts. Formerly presented on Tues- Faculty Committee Room is being Council, but some colleges have a year because of the feeling that the days at 10:15 begining Wednes- The week of February 17 find subdivided into administration secret committee, others have whole idea was merely a superfi- day, February 20th, they will be President Phillips and Mr. Rowe offices. When the work is com- choice by the faculty or by some cial recognition of leadership. In a heard each Wednesday at 7:30. attending various annual alumni pleted there will <be three offices other method. The possible advan- report of a meeting of Deans of This new time is given through the meetings throughout Massachusetts and a corridor. The corner office tage seemed to be that being list- Men of Southeastern Colleges held courtesy of WCOU and is a much and Connecticut. The gatherings opposite the President's office will ed might help a student find a de- Oct. 19 and 20 at Emory Univer- more favorable hour than the later are designed to be informative in be the office of the Dean of Wo- sirable position, but the students sity, it says regarding the discus- one. nature taking to the alumni the men. The next room will be used listed are the ones who have the sion of Who s Who. "Virtually all Last night, February 12, Bates- latest news of the campus. In order by the Dean's secretaries, Mrs. least trouble finding the kind of frowned on it as of no value. Many on-the-Air presented Profl. Charles to supplement the talks the presi- Olive It. Scribner and Miss Paul- jobs they want. schools reported that they refused H. Sampson in an informal inter- dent will show a series of colored ine Currier. The third room will be Acting upon his doubts, Mr. to send in nominations." There view about Abraham Lincoln. Prof. slides that have been taken around a conference room. Rowe conducted a survey on his seems to be nothing particularly Sampson has spent a great many the college recently. The cities on The two offices occupied now by own by writing to a selected list selective about the roster of parti- years in the study of the life of the list include Waterbury, Hart- Dean Clark and her secretary will of colleges of our type expressing cipation institutions when we note Lincoln and was extremely suc- ford, New Haven, Springfield, and be given over to the College News his feelings that the proposition the absence of Amherst, Dart- cessful in presenting a clearer pic- Worcester. Another meeting is Bureau and the Office for Nursing was not sound educationally and mouth, Hamilton, Harvard, Maine. ture to us of Lincoln as the noble scheduled later for New York.
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