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This document is archival in nature and is intended Le présent document a une valeur archivistique et for those who wish to consult archival documents fait partie des documents d’archives rendus made available from the collection of Public Safety disponibles par Sécurité publique Canada à ceux Canada. qui souhaitent consulter ces documents issus de sa collection. Some of these documents are available in only one official language. Translation, to be provided Certains de ces documents ne sont disponibles by Public Safety Canada, is available upon que dans une langue officielle. Sécurité publique request. Canada fournira une traduction sur demande. 7231 '1 1,„.„0.7r,e,1 „•■ . 1 ' ..•=â; - 4,wei 4 Im ''- eg... Ill a_ IU •Coirectional Facia Maple Ridge,,,1 - • --" • :; come» HV 8829 C2 P4 R6 c . 2 P. S. ROSS & PARTNERS MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS À ■ 0000011111fflI.Me , tarpomeam1 lIblitsiel tr Ile SOLICIIDI \ WOO MOM. SEP 7 1976 !attest iiiteut wriatr usel ,t ,............, ............1,.. IMPACT OF PROPOSED MEDIUM SECURITY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. P. S. ROBS St PARTNERS TABLE OF CONTENTS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY 1 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS 2 INTRODUCTION 4 THE SETTING: THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL CHARACTER OF MAPLE RIDGE AND SURROUNDING REGION- CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PROPOSED INSTITUTION 8 A. Provincial Population & Crime Rates 8 B. Economic & Social Character of Maple Ridge and Surrounding Region 11 C. Relevant dharacteristics of Proposed Facility 15 D. Definition of Medium Security - Organization and Operation of the Facility 18 COMMUNITY IMPACT OF EXISTING CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES IN SITUATIONS COMPARABLE TO MAPLE RIDGE 24 A. Matsqui, British Columbia 24 B. Drumheller, Alberta 27 C. Prince Albert, Saskatchewan 31 D. Conclusions 34 POTENTIAL IMPACT ON MAPLE RIDGE OF THE PROPOSED MEDIUM-SECURITY FEDERAL CO RRE C TIONAL INS TI TU TION 1. Economic Impact 35 2. Social Impact 44 APPENDIX "A" - Map 13371 P. S. ROBS S. PARTNERS P. S. ROSS IS, PARTNERS MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS BOARD OF TRADE TOWER 1177 WEST HASTINGS ST./ VANCOUVER 1, B.C./ CANADA / 682 - 2844 April 30, 1974 Mr. Jim Murphy Regional Director Canadian Penitentiary Service 8th Floor - Pacific Centre 700 West Georgia Street Vancouver, B.C. Dear Sir: We are pleased to submit our final report on the socio-economic im- pact of the medium security correctional facility proposed for the District of Maple Ridge, British Columbia. We believe that the study results provide a comprehen.sive, objective analysis which will be of substantial assistance in considering the establishment of the facility. We have found this study to be interesting and informative, and are happy to have had the opportunity to undertake it. We wish to acknowledge the valuable assistance which we have received from many sources. Officials of the District of Maple Ridge and other municipalities together with representatives of both Provincial and Federal government agencies have been particularly helpful in provid- ing data and in discussing the subject of our investigations. The co- operation of these and other individuals has facilitated our work and significantly enhanced the results of the study. ■■•••• Yours very truly, P.S. ROSS & PARTNERS David E. Park Principal ..■■■••■ HALIFAX QUEBEC MONTREAL OTTAWA TORONTO WINNIPEG CALGARY EDMONTON VANCOUVER OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY To assess the economic and social impact on the the Municipal District of Maple Ridge, British Columbia, of the construction and operation of a Federal medium- security correctional institution within the District. -It- P. B. ROBS & PARTNERS SUMMARY OF FINDINGS • 1. The continuing growth in population and the incidence of crime coupled with new approaches to facility design have given rise to the requirement for an additional new Federal medium- security correctional institution in the Lower Mainland area of British Columbia. 2. The Maple Ridge area is well suited for the establishment of this facility, particularly since the Haney Correctional Institute will be phased out within the next five years. 3. The Municipal District has a strong need for additional sources of employment and additions to the municipal tax base. The proposed new facility would be a major contributor in both of these respects. 4. The new institution would hold approximately 180 inmates housed in small "living units" within the general site. Modern correctional theory and past experience with larger institutions suggests that this approach should result in a higher rate of success in rehabilitating inmates. 5. A medium-security inmate is defined as one who is not likely to attempt to escape, and who would not be considered dangerous if he did escape. 6. A review of three communities generally comparable to Maple Ridge and having existing Federal correctional facilities indicates that these facilities create some relat- ively minor social problems which are outweighed by the positive econOmic impact of the institutions. 7. The new facility would have a total staff of approximately 200, and a payroll of some $2,000,000 annually. More than $500,000 would be spent annually in employee benefits, pur- chases of goods and services, and capital items. This would substantially offset closure of the Haney Correctional Institute. P. S. ROOS S. PARTNERS 8. Through the "employment multiplier" effect the new Federal facility indirectly would create an additional 130 to 200 jobs locally. Total local employment resulting from establish- ment of the institution would be 330 to 400. Total regional employment created would be in the range of 400 to 600 jobs. 9. The new facility would not be likely to significantly increase welfare, policing or court costs to the municipality. 10. Establishment of the institution would result in a grant in lieu of taxes to the municipality of approximately $94,000 annually. 11. Som.e additional positive effects would be likely in terms of the availability of staff and facilities in the community. P. S. ROBS S. PARTNERS INTRODUCTION The Canadian Penitentiary Service is the corrections arm of the Department of the Solicitor-General of the Government of Canada. A8 of March 1974 the Service was operating fifty Federal correctional institutions across Canada; fourteen classified as maximum- security institutions, nine as medium-security, and twenty-seven as minimum- security. Of the total Federal facility inmate population of approx- imately 9,200, thirty-five per cent are held in maximum-security institutions, fifty per cent in medium- security prisons, and fifteen per cent in minimum-security facilities. Total present staff of the Service is approximately 6,000. The Service presently operates ten correctional institutions in British Columbia. Maximum-security facilities are located at Abbotsford (the Regional Medical Centre) and at New Westminster.There are medium- security facilities at Agassiz and Matsqui, and minimum-security at William Head, Agassiz, Vancouver, Mission City and Victoria. As of March 31, 1973, a total of 1,484 inmates were being held in these facilities. Three important factors shape the Service's evaluation of its require- ments for penitentiary capacity in British Columbia: (i) the projected continuation of the rapid growth of the Province's population (including the population of the "Lower Mainland" • area in which Maple Ridge is contained) (ii) a Provincial crime rate aboi,.-e the national average (significantly higher for certain categories of offences) (iii) new directions in the design and administration of Federal correctional facilities across Canada. P. S. ROBS S. PARTNERS 5 The Service has estimated that three new medium- security institutions will be required in British Columbia in the next five years. Con- struction of a facility of this type at Mission is expected to commence in the summer of 1974. A second medium-security institution has been proposed for the Municipal District of Maple Ridge. Among alternative possible locations for the latter facility, the Service has discussed the south-west corner of the University of British Col- umbia Research Forest. The Research Forest is located in the north- west corner of Maple Ridge (see map, Appendix A). The Director of the Research Forest, while willing to consider in principle the location of the facility in the Research Forest, has stated that any decision con- cerning this would depend upon the Board of Governors of the University of British Columbia and upon the Position taken by the residents, Mayor and Council of Maple Ridge. The Municipal Council of Maple Ridge discussed the proposal of the Canadian Penitentiary Service on February 5, 1974, a:1.1d voted to request that the Service undertake a study of the impact upon the com- munity of the presence of such a facility. Subsequently P.S. Ross & Partners were retained by the
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