(10) Patent No.: US 9562099 B2

(10) Patent No.: US 9562099 B2

USO09562099B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,562,099 B2 Leong et al. (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 7, 2017 (54) ANTI-B7-H4 ANTIBODIES AND 4,260,608 A 4, 1981 Miyashita et al. MMUNOCONUGATES 4,265,814 A 5/1981 Hashimoto et al. 4.294,757 A 10, 1981 Asai (71) Applicant: Genentech, Inc., South San Francisco, 4,307,016 A 12/1981 Asai et al. CA (US) 4,308,268 A 12/1981 Miyashita et al. 4,308,269 A 12/1981 Miyashita et al. (72) Inventors: Steven R. Leong, Berkeley, CA (US); 4,309.428 A 1/1982 Miyashita et al. Andrew Polson, San Francisco, CA 4,313,946 A 2f1982 Powell et al. (US); s Paul Polakis,s Mill Valley,y, CA 4,317,8214,315,929 A 3/19822, 1982 MiyashitaFreedman et al. (US); Yan Wu, Foster City, CA (US); 4.322,348 A 3/1982 Asai et al. Wei-Ching Liang, Foster City, CA 4.331,598. A 5/1982 Hasegawa et al. (US); Ron Firestein, Burlingame, CA 4,361,650 A 1 1/1982 Asai et al. (US) 4,362,663 A 12/1982 Kida et al. 4,364,866 A 12/1982 Asai et al. 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