w»’ nrnrn ymnwmmTTfmTmyyvyymnmmfmyTT? vnnmrrvTvmvTiTTWvvnTVTfT ?i Artas-Eureka Organs at Slage line. Half Price. We liave nearly 100 iiew oi>>aiis that we must elosc TIME out at onee TABLE | an they are dincontinued and special stvle fcvery Leuves Artas 9:00 a. m. j mstrument bears our ran.e and in fullw miai itd Arrives at Eureka 11:00 a, m. ?50 Organs, - Leaves Eureka 2:00 p. m. Special S3O. SOO Organs, - Arrives at Artas.. 4:00 p. m e Special $35. ' DAILY Organs, - Special S4O. : EXCEPT SUNDAY. SBS Organa, - Special $45. Single fare SI.OO. : Eil2s Organs, Special SBO. illjl | Connectiop. - >> ii i 11l ii Good Livery in A -old on our ean.v pavment plan of $lO. down and HARRY s $5. per inonth. Write for Bargain Bulletin No. 3. FIDDLfcR E ¦ m-.. , Artas. South Dakota. | w. J. DYIiR BROS. Chicago, Milwaukee L St.Paul Largest inusic I TIIE EUREKA I'OST’S Railway. house in the northwest. t 42 P.ver Building. Bt. Paul, Minn. t I GKEATEST MAGAZINE BARGAIN TIME TABLE. UUkkkkiikiikkikkiikkiiiimkUikkikiikLkiiUiiikiiULikkkikiiiiiikiUiLUiiiLiiLiiLilLiLikkkUiiii Monday, August 21, 1905. I OF THE YEAR 103 Pass. Leaves Aberdeen 7:00 a.m. West 303 .. .. Eureka 10:10 a.m. wnst Keep your money mcirculation in Dakota. 371*Freight,, .. 11:00 a.m. west 300 Pass. Leaves Linton 2:-10 p.m. east lluding the biggest magazines at the littlest prices. We can 300 Eureka -1:45 p.m. east 106 .. Arrives Aberdeen 7:30 p.m, east 40 per cent in subscriptions 372 BUTTOPH L KURTZ le you Standard magazine if you Freight. Leaves Linton 8:00 a.m. east 372* .. Eureka 12:45 a.m. east j lept this offer NOW. *Carries passengers both ways. 1 Manufaturers of TCIItS, AWIligS, Soo Line Time Card. Missouri River Extenstou and other Canvass 40 Per Cent Saved Daily Exeept Sunday. i (joods.J 3:OOiP. M. Lea Wishek Arrive A.M.!11:,V “ “ “ “ 1:301 Aniiley 10:4£ ' Also proprietors of the —- ' OF REVIEWS 8300 •i:SO " Artas “ - 0:00 " 0()[{ PR|j][ - " " JVIEW 6:40! > Nerretd 8:10 7:351 " ! Arrive Poiioek Lea ve “ I 7:3t» b.MAN’B IIO.VIE COMPANION 1.00 nMI V || K Aberdeen Steam Dye CCESS MAGAZINE > 00 UNLT Profesional u MU» . €ards. ! itei. and Fur Works A A n 1 k IREKA POST >.OO ® Q kll Q H. GER DES, SULAR PRICE $6.00 VP U¦ U U Dhvsioian and Surgeon. ABERDEEN. 8 1). Eureka, - South Dakota [The time for subscribing to only one periodical is pawt. Every refined horne, where good Bmg is appreciated, is not without its family grotip of periodicals—something for the man m. BROWN, Kthing for the young people, something for the woman. These three magazines fili the James anyhow, completely as a years supply for the library table. You will want them so Attorney at Law, f not get them with the Eureka Post, saving 40 per cent as well as the trouble of corre- - WINCHESTER Dakota nding with fotir publishers? Eureka South f ’ Six million of the lie«t people in America have found these three great magazines—the Re. and "Repeater" vof Reviews, Wonian’s Home Companion and Success—a joy and help and inapiration. Theo. J. P, Giedt SMOKELESS POWDER SHELLSi are proud to he able to offer them in one great combination with the Eureka Post. shells, the com- to friends. Carefully inspected best Iffor any rcanon you do not want all the magazinea yourself, send them your Attorney at Law binations of powder, shot and wadding, present m more acceptable. loaded by machinea which give Eureka, - - So. Dak. results are responsible for the superiority REVIEW OF WOMAN’S HOME COMPANION SUCCESS MAGAZINE Df Winchester “Leader” and “Repeuter” ! REVIEWS Davenport and tha Arabian Sfted. Pactory Loaded Smokeless Powder Shells. its tenth year with an | k more inagazines (.here are more has the largest subscription list of enters upon There is no guesswork in loading thern. , plan policy differing When a man can ride his hobby, not fwary is the REVIEW OF RE- any Irn cent magazine—three milito» editorial and Reliability, velocity, pattern penetra- wilb enjoy alvo w»th proflt and IWB, because it brings together pe opi e read this one magazine every from that of any other existing only tion by apparamus one in- i* lucky than the average indi* are determined scientific Ibest that is in all the most im- month, Besides the helpful, inti- periodical. It aims to be the be more and practical experimenta. Do you shoot dispensable magazine the horne — vidual. That is what Homer Davenport Unt monthlies in the world. mate things that women want to in ? not ? of doing ls them If not, why They are |h ii the flood of periodical Utera* know, there are de'ightiul stories “The Grest Home Magazine the cartoonist, is now. anyone I that nowadays people say the and articlet by Kate Douglas Wiggin, America.” While stili retaiuing as a who has seen Davenport’! forcible politi* THE SHEI.LS THE CHAMPIONS SHOOT In- asked what he f way to keep up with it is to Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. Jack Lon- foundation principle the idea of cal sketehes should be Mhe REVIEW OF REVIEWS. don and Mary E.. Wilkins: inspiring spiration and Uplift, it has broadened cousidered to be the cartoonist’» ruling krelj over and a bove this review- editorial» by Dr. Edward Everett into a far wider fleld —the Work of passion, he would say art. It is not art, it is horses—beautiful, regal, lection, it has more original mat- Hale: Misa Gould** fashion pages, the World. In the lighter and more however, with tiowiug mane and »nd illustrations than most maga- her dressmaking lesson and her free entertaining Serial and Short Stories, Arabian steeds, it feet and is popularly k and the most timely and im- shopping Service: Miss Farmer’scook- and in its Bpecial Depariments, prancing all that R“LeaderSubscribe for POST. THE to the Arabian horse s es- t*nt articles printed in any ing department; the children’s own will present the best work of the supposed be "iily. The REVIEW OF RE- pages; in all twelve useful depari- most brilliant writers of the day. pecial characterislica. Magazine Davenport loves -I<VVS covers flve continenta, and ments—something for all the family The art covers of Success Homer horses as some the childhood. Finali v the procession is American flrst and foremost. and for the woman—every thing. are fine reproductions of paintings. meti love gold, and he worships very DECLARE THEY PREFER DEATH ground on which tho Arab steed walks. brought up at the Turkish quarter of therefore, the Fair, and he followed in to feast his TO BEING TAKEN BACK TO HER— the three great magazines abore cost |5.00 if bouglit separatelv and tlie You can understand, that RKMEM in eyes to the very limit. He hung around 60 Davenport became the happiest man TO STARVE. reka Post costß $1 too. We offer all four to you for n limi ed time only for 13 gray UTAH 00. the whole world when the Woman » the stallion until about eleven your that night was ul iu order todav. Do i. now. This offer will be withdrawn. Home Companion asked him to go to ociock and literally Arabia not long ago and live awhlle kiched out when tl»e show was over. with the Arabs and their steeds. The The yoars drifted by, and the Fair Sherldan, Wyo., Oct. 30.—“We are magazine thought it a good editorial had become a forgotten thing with most going lo visit Chief Whlte Cow Bull id**a io record Davenport'» Hrst-liand Americana. But not so with Davenport. of Uis Cheyennes at any cost and wiil impression of the Arabian steed in the During all the interval he kept on the not be taken back to Utah to starve. trail of gray stallion. A place of its origin, especially as the car- the few months We would rather die flrst,” is the sub- t onist knew more about this particular ago his etforts were rewarded, ar.d one atance of the answer of Chief Kan- WEST summer day he found Obeyran, the s FREE TRIP TO CANADA qrand of horses than at») other man in napp to the soidiers. princely gray that had flrst come into getting - AN I) RET UR N America. The Indlans are bolder and lt seems that when Davenport left his his range of vision in Chicago in '.893. pay no attention to the soldiera. A father’s farm in Oregon as a boy he From boyhood the Arab germ had been flght was aimost started during the To One Person Only in Each Neighborhood brought awav an old horse liniment can. steadilv inoculat mg bim; now thedream night when an Indian encountered a ll had for decoration a brillianllycolor- of his childhood was to come true. He sentinel of the Tenth cavalry, The sliowed boughl Obeyran and with bim the gor- refused turn out of path THIS OFFER GOOD UNTIL DECEMBER 15, 1906 ed label, which an Elhiopian Indian to the slave leading a prancing Arab steed. geous Turkish accout re menta that were and rudely bumped agalnst the sol- FILI OUT THE FOLLOWING APPLICATION AND REIURN TO US AT ONCE: The picture fascinated him and he de* his from the beginning. Davenport dier. Only the intervention of some cided secretly that some day ne should saddled and bridled him with his own cavalrymen prevented a serious en- up. own a similar horse, one that heid its hands and rode Obeyran iriumphanliy counter, as other Indlans came 1906, As the Utes are continually on the Dated at tail high, and pranced hke the animal out the farm.
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