![1959-10-15, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AU1OMOBILES AU1OMOBIIES AUIOMOBILES Automobiles j EUCLID FORD'S 2 LOTS O'BRIEN SEE THE ALL NEW 1960 GIVES YOU Guaranteed DeSotos & Ply mouths STARTING HERE ON DISPLAY FOR THE Tomorrow, Oct. 16th WINTER Due To The Tremendous Reception Given To The following cart have This Week’s Used Car Specials Main Let Spacial* ANNEX USED CAR LOT been expertly winterized At 519 East 185th St. 491 East 185th St., IV. 1-8400 for winter starting: 1959 CHEVROLET PANEL TRUCK Low Miloaga. Ona vary careful £1CAC conax mshow ACBOSS MEW CM SHOWROOM 1958 PLYMOUTH owner If DODGE DART CUSTOM SUBURBAN STATION WAGON 1959 CHEVROLET 1958 CHEVROLET 1957 DE SOTO 4-DR. HARDTOP Powerflita, Power Steering, WE HAVE DOUBLED THE SIZE OF OUR Impala convertible. Fully equipped 4-door Brookwood 9-passenger Station SEDAN. Red and white. Power Radio and Heater with power steering and power Wagon. Powerglide, radio, SlQQC features ------------------------------------ $1795 heater, beautiful condition brakes, beautiful 12795 $1695 1956 DE SOTO FIREDOME 4-DR. 1957 FORD SEDAN. Power steering and USED CAR LOT! 1958 CHEVROLET $1395 1958 FORD Custom Tudor. Fordomatic, SQQC IMP ALA CONVERTIBLE brake* SAVE $$$ DURING THIS EXPANSION SALE Custom "300" Tudor. Fordomatic, ra­ A-l throughout....................... *vvv Corvette Engine. Stick Shift. 1956 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4-DR. A Beauty. dio, heater, grey and &19QC 1956 DeSOTO In good condition. Very clean $1395 white finish....................... * ■ ■ W Seville 4-door hardtop. Power steer­ $1895 ON 35 GOOD USED CARS 1955 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. SEDAN ing, power brakes. &11QK 1957 FORD 6 cylinder. Very economical $795 AT MONEY-SAVING PRICES Retractable hardtop convertible. Pow­ Excellent condition ..,,, 1 vv 1957 FORD CUSTOM 300 er steering, power brakes. CdOAE 1955 DODGE HARDTOP SEDAN 1956 FORD 2-Door Sedan. Radio and $945 Solid black Victoria hardtop. Fordomatic, radio, Heater. Fordomatic. Royal Lancer model. Full power. heater, blue and white • AAC 1955 RAMBLER Station Wagon GLAVIC MOTORS 1957 FORD finish $1195 Fairlane "500" tudor hardtop. Ford- You'll save on gas with this $895 DODGE SALES & SERVICE HEADQUARTERS OF EUCLID pmatic, radio and heater; Si AQ£ 1957 BUICK 836 E. 185th Near Lake Shore KE. 1-3375 1956 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR HARDTOP choice of 3........................ ’MWU BelAir 2-Door 6 cylinder. Standard Radio, Heater, Dynaflow. OPEN MON., WED., 4 FRI. TILL 9 P.M. shift. A sharp Exceptionally Clean. 1957 CHEVROLET economy car *wvv Keith Weigle Motors, Inc. 2-door hardtop. 6 cylinder, power­ $1595 DESOTO—PLYMOUTH DEALER glide, radio, and $1395 1956 FORD Convertible. Fordomatic, radio, heat­ 1955 PLYMOUTH 20941 Euclid Ave. IV. 1-4500 SPECIALS GET SET FOR WINTER er, black and CQfiC BELVEDEER HARDTOP WHERE SERVICE SPELLS SATISFACTION 1957 RAMBLER white finish *05111 V-8. Powerflite. Radio Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday Evenings 1949 JEEP 4-Door sedan: 6 cylinder, automatic and Heater. With Wrecker Crane shift, radio and heater. SlOQR 1956 PLYMOUTH $895 and Snow Plow Blue and White "IfcvV 2-Door Station Wagon. Fully factory 1951 JEEP ENGINE TUNE-UP equipped, light gray tQAC 1956 CHEVROLET With Snow Plow 1957 FORD finish ''210'' D-DOOR V-8 .6 Cyl. Cars .$ 6.95 Fairiane Tudor. Fordomatic, radio, *000 1953 JEEP Powerglide. With Snow Plow heater, beautiful CddQE 8 Cyl. Cars . .$12.50 1956 DODGE Radio and Heater. condition JOE 1958 DISPATCHER (PARTS EXTRA ▼ 11 vv 4-Door Sedan. Push button drive, ra­ HARDTOP dio, heater, beautiful S70£ $895 1957 CHEVROLET BRAKE ADJUSTMENT AND tri-tone finish * I vw 1958 JEEP 4-door sedan. Automatic shift, radio Ntarly Everybody STATION WAGON FRONT BEARING PACK and heater, black and SlflQC 1955 MERCURY Knows KUHARICH 4-wheel Drive and Snow Plow white finish....................... *IVVU Montclair Convertible. Automatic 1956 JEEP /T Deatrlenl^ shift, radio STATION WAGON 1957 PLYMOUTH 97QC 2-wheel Drive, 6 Cylinder and heater *1 vv JOE 543 E. 185 IV. 1-9090 4 Savoy 4-door sedan. Automatic shift, 1955 JEEP radio, heater, beautiful 1955 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON Thewhole town'sfalkingabout' "210" 2-Door. 6 cylinder. Standard O’BRIEN GO OLDS - '60 2-wheel Drive, 6 Clyinder shift, in beautiful tfiAC CHEVROLET No One Makes A Better Deal On 1958 JEEP 1956 FORD shape *033 TRUCK Fairlane Victoria hardtop. Fordo­ 14000 St. Clair An OLDSMOBILE — See Him At 4-wheel Drive, Cab over Engine, 6 Cylinder, with Snow Plow matic, radio and heater. £QQ£ 1955 FORD MUf 1.2000 , 4 Green and white *vvU Fordor sedan, fully factory equipped, 1955 PONTIAC LaTOUR Automatic Transmission 1956 DODGE % *hrough-.......... $595 and Radio 2-door hardtop. Push-button drive, OLDSMOBILE, INC. OPEN FRIDAY, MONDAY, WEDNESDAY TtU I F.M. 1955 PLYMOUTH radio, heater, green and ..$895 Under Savoy, Automatic TransmiMion 25 LOW COST 10604 St. Clair Ave. and Radio OPEN SATURDAY TILL MOON J 1955 CHEVROLET AAAAAAJUkAAAdbAAS 1956 FORD Transportation Specials $500 CARRY-ALL Tudor Ranch Wagon. Fordomatic, ALSO ON SALE radio, heater power $895 '54 PONTIAC 2-Dr. V-8 $495 '54 FORD 2-Dr. V-8; KRAUSHAAR Fordomatic . ■ ■ . $495 '54 STUDEBAKER 2-Dr "6", WINTERIZED HUNT CO. DEAL WITH EUCLID FORD’S “RED COATS’* | overdrive .............. $495 1955 Chrysler, 2-aoor hardtop, 11956 Chrysler, power '54 PLYMOUTH 2-Dr. $495 Across from E. Cleveland powersteering £79fi EX’a“‘$1996 ’53 PONTIAC 2-Dr. .. $395 and brake* .................. spueeee City Hall *53 FORD 2-Dr. ''6'' .. $395 1954 Plymouth "rm™"1 WITH OUR '53 CHEVROLET Bel Air 2-door sedan $696www 14335 Euclid LL 1-2100 station wagon $296 4-Dr............................ $295 1954 Oldsmobile hardtop, '52 NASH Rambler .. $295 1958 Goliath power steering 1955 FORD convertible: whitewalls, FALL SPECIALS! $1695 radio, heater; low mileage; in ex­ EUCLID FORD CO. '52 CHEVROLET station wagon and brakes . ■ cellent condition; reasonable. 1. Plush Coaling 1. Lubricate Hardtop ............... $94.12 1954 Ford station ER. 1-2061. ALAIN USED CAR LOT | Annex Lot Specials 1956 Ford, 2-door System '51 FORD Wagon $94.12 wagon, automatic . 1953 CHRYSLER; radio, heater; automatic transmission $796 good body, new tires; very de- 2. Change Oil 519 East 185th St., IV. 1-8400 At 492 East 185th St. '52 PONTIAC 4-Dr. $94.12 1956 Ford 9 passenger wagon, pendable; first *165. IV. 5-3519. 2. Tighten and '53 NASH Wagon . S94.12 1953 Mercury 1951 STUDEBAKER: overdrive: Inspect Hoses CORNER PASNOW < ACROSS NEW CAR SHOWROOM power steering C fl AOK good transportation; *65. 17027 3. Test Battery '51 BUICK, 4-Dr. ... $94.12 2-door hardtop and brakes ^lUUU Euclid ave. 3. Replace Neces­ 1963 PLYMOUTH 4-door; radio. sary Hoses 4. Clean Battery heater; best offer. HI. 2-2812. E and L 4. Chech Water Terminals FRONT END ANNEX AUTO Pump HELP WANTED TRAILERS ™e P. R. WARD co. 5. Adjust Pan Belt 5. Pill Transmission WE'RE LOADED WITH NEW CAR TRADE INS ALIGNMENT SALES 868 East 162nd St. MU. 1-8200 9412 St Clair Ave. UTILITY Trailer 4x6 ft. Lights 6. Inspect or Repl. 6. Fill Differential '57 Ford 500 H.T $1395 '55 Mercury, Merce ..$895 Selling nd Servicing Your Can fa 23 Years newly pained, *65; extra tire. Thermostat mMi $0.95 GL 1-0837 GL. 1-0143 LI. 1-5524.______________________ '55 Buick Hardtop ... $895 2-WHEEL trailer. 4x8, wired for '56 Olds H.T. Pew. $1195 Cars lights, removable stake sides, 7. Install Anti­ 7. Refill Steering '56 Buick Century .$1195 '55 Crevrolets frem . $395 good tires, 675. MU. 1-2382, after freeze Gear We Are Shimmy 6 p. m. ____ '55 Plym. V-8 Belv. $795 A-l condition, 38 ft Travelheme; '56 Plymouth H.T. $1195 Experts carpeted; *1,800. Trade in value, PAYMENTS R6POSS ESIONS *2,200. WH. 4-4115.____________ *4.50 $|00 '56 FerdF.Lane H.T. $995 '56 Chev. V-B H.T $995 TRAILERS. 4x6 ft., spare tire and TO BE SOLD FOR UNMJD BALANCE OR LESSI hitch, *50 complete, afternoon ------- 100 GALLONS GAS FREE------- HIGH? only. *710 Conneticut ave., be- Plus Farts and Anti-Freese Plus Oil and Lubneants WHEEL tween Tumty and Warner.. ONE-YEAR GUARANTEE AVAILABLE BALANCE We trade down by giving you NO CASH NEEDED! a clean low priced car and oav TAKE OVEB PAYMENTS! FOR SALE - BOATS NADLER-SCOTT MOTORS, INC. MOTOR oft your balance and rid your 1953 BUICK CONV. self at those high payments As 1956 BUICK CONV. DUCK boat. 14 ft., new; asking 10S40 St. Clair Ave. UL. 1-7444 TUNE-UP Full pewer, redTe, Dynaflow, radio, heater. 8195. LI. 1-7087.______________ finance specialists we do wha’ Exceptionally clean. MARKAD FORD leather, Dy net lew. 16 FT. fiberglass boat with trailer, Body Repairs others consider Impossible We 51394.28 5498.37 ___ 35 h.p. motor, *8*0- 616 Eddy rd.. 13219 Superior at Euclid also buy outright Low over evenings. COMPLETE SERVICE ON Auto Painting 1956 FORD STA. WAG. 1953 FORD 4-DR. ULstor 1-2400 head enables us to pay mors Radie, heater, Ferdomatic, Radio, heater, beautiful West Bead outboard motors. Be­ cash especially Station Wagons beautiful beige and white. tutone blue finish. low actual dealer s cost. Sum­ WM. A. and Thunderbirds. 51421.08 5461.71 mer closeout sale on 2, 12, 16, and 40 H.P. ABOUT ALL IT TOOK TO MAINTAIN A CAR TRANSMISSIONS 1954 FORD CONV. 1953 DODGE 4-DR. Save! — Save! — Save! Redio, heater, blue, Radie, heater, new STERNWAY OUTBOARD SALES IN 1907 WAS A MONKEY WRENCH AUTOMATIC OK STANDARD DANIELS son rvbbet, gergeeu* finish. immoculate throughout. UNITED 5395.37_____ 32406 Lake Shore BLVD. RE-6UILT-REPAIRED-EXCHANGED 14317 St. Clair Ave. 13415 St Clair Ave. 5595.21 WH. 4-2013 or WH. 2-0636 TODAY'S CARS REQUIRE MUCH MORE CARE 1954 FORD STA. WAG. 8ANDS ADJUSTED GL. 1 3537 I GL 1-0033 1954 PONTIAC CHRIS Craft, 30 ft.
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