CAL STATE L.A. THE NEWS OF CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, LOS ANGELES WINTER 1998 Enduring 1 22 2 Excellence 23 Pictured here is a sampling of Cal State L.A. 24 3 faculty from the University’s earliest years, many of whom taught well into the ’80s and 4 even ’90s, setting the highest standards for 25 excellence in University teaching and scholarship. 5 How many can you identify? (See page 15) 26 6 27 28 7 8 29 9 30 10 31 11 32 12 33 13 34 14 35 15 36 37 16 38 17 18 39 19 40 42 43 20 21 41 Campus News New Faces and People in New Places Kyle Button Named Rocha comes to Cal State L.A. from Vice President for CSU San Bernardino, where she was ex- Institutional Advancement ecutive director of University Devel- opment. She has been director of devel- New CSU Chancellor opment and director of major gifts for the School of Medicine at the Univer- oversees ten public universities. sity of Southern California, executive Reed previously was deputy chief of director of the Foundation for the Los staff, chief legislative advisor, and Angeles Community Colleges, and as- educational policy coordinator for sistant dean of research and development Florida governor (now U.S. senator) for Los Angeles Southwest College. Bob Graham and an administrator Rocha’s connection with the CSU in the Florida Department of Edu- dates back to her undergraduate days as cation for eight years. a student at CSU Long Beach, where she “What attracted me to the CSU earned a bachelor’s degree in Sociology. is that it has the opportunity to be She holds a college instructor credential one of the most important economic in Public Administration from UCLA engines for the state of California by I n April 1997, Kyle C. Button was Extension. preparing its workforce — both at the appointed vice president for T he CSU Board of Trustees has entry level and through retraining Institutional Advancement, after appointed Charles B. Reed those already employed. In addition, serving as acting vice president for chancellor of the California State the CSU is the vehicle that will be Institutional Advancement since Dean Appointed for University. Reed will begin his new able to improve all of public educa- September of the previous year. He duties on March 1, 1998. His prede- tion in the state,” Reed said. joined the University as executive School of Health cessor Barry Munitz, who held the Commented Chancellor director of Development in April 1996. and Human Services post for six years, has recently as- Munitz: “There could be no greater Button earned his bachelor’s degree sumed leadership of the J. Paul compliment to the California State in Psychology and English at Colgate Getty Trust as president and chief University system, or any stronger University and his master’s degree in executive officer. Munitz and June reason to believe that its extraordi- Public Administration at New York Cooper, senior vice chancellor and nary momentum will continue, University. He previously was develop- interim chief of staff, will share than to have Charlie Reed as my ment director and director of Corporate oversight of the CSU through Feb- successor. He has been a wonderful and Foundation Relations at CSU Long ruary 1; Cooper will serve as interim colleague and good friend and one Beach, development associate for the chancellor through March 1. of my mentors and heroes in higher California Institute of the Arts, grants Charles Reed earned his education for many years. Since he coordinator for the New Jersey State bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral de- is currently responsible for Florida’s Council on the Arts, and program de- grees at George Washington Univer- equivalent of both CSU and UC, and velopment associate for the New York sity in Washington, DC, and served has built extraordinary relation- State Council on the Arts and has con- on its faculty for seven years. As ships with that state’s corporate and sulted for the CSU Chancellor’s Office. I n September 1997, Cal State L.A. chancellor of the State University political leadership while leading As vice president for Institutional welcomed James J. Kelly as the System of Florida since 1985, he has their wonderful faculty and presi- Advancement, Button oversees day-to- University’s newest dean. His appoint- been the chief executive officer of dents, he is the perfect choice for day operations of the Division of ment as dean of the School of Health and the Florida Board of Regents, which California.” Institutional Advancement, which Human Services followed the retirement creates and implements the University’s of Ruth Wu, now dean emerita. advancement program through the Most recently, Kelly was the direc- efforts of the University Development, tor of, and a professor in the Department Publications/Public Affairs, and Alumni of Social Work at CSU Long Beach. Be- Relations offices. The advancement fore that, he taught at San Diego State Editor’s Note CALAL STATETE L.A..A. program comprises overall fundraising University and the University of Hawaii. efforts, which include planned giving Kelly received his doctorate in We are tremendously proud to and capital campaigns, directed by the Social Welfare from the Florence Heller publish the second in a series of The News of California State University Development Office, and Graduate School of Policy, Planning and three Cal State L.A. TODAY 50th University, Los Angeles ensures a strong, positive image with Administration at Brandeis University. Anniversary issues, with special published three times a year for University and external constituencies A licensed clinical social worker, he color covers and inserts that alumni and friends of the University through the Office of Publications/ completed a predoctoral clinical continue a focus on the history and Editor Public Affairs. fellowship in psychiatry at UCLA/ legacy of one of the nation’s premier Carol Selkin In his capacity as vice president, Sepulveda Veterans’ Administration urban universities. Our last issue Contributing Editor Button is also executive director of The Medical Center between 1977 and 1979. informed you about eminent alumni Mary Kacmarcik Baker CSLA Foundation. He is a fellow of the Gerontological and recent graduates who are Contributing Writers beginning to make their mark on our Jacqueline Mejia Society of America. society, locally and globally. The Margie Yu Kelly serves on the Community next issue will examine some of Copy Editor Linda Trevillian Advisory Council for the County of the technological initiatives the Los Angeles Department of Children’s University will be undertaking to Design/Graphics Collette Rocha, Assistant David F. McNutt V.P. for Development Services and the Senior Care Action meet the challenges of the future. Yuri Watanabe Network Health Plan Board of Gover- This issue pictures many of the Photography nors. From 1994 to 1997, he was presi- University’s outstanding and award- Stan Carstensen winning faculty and introduces you dent of the California Association of Editorial Board Deans and Directors of Schools of So- to the most recent recipients of its Outstanding Professor Award. In this Mary Kacmarcik Baker cial Work. He is currently president of Executive Director of Alumni Relations issue, we also include more L.A. State the National Association of Deans and “originals” — 1954 alumnus Marty Carol M. Dunn Directors of Schools of Social Work and Director of Halperin, an original cheerleader, and Intercollegiate Athletics president-elect of the Chapter of the 1951 alumna Ruthe Busch Gluckson, Carol Selkin National Association of Social Workers. our first homecoming queen. Director of Public Information/ In 1987, Kelly was named U.S. If there are articles you Editorial Services Social Worker of the Year by the particularly enjoyed—or subjects David F. McNutt, Executive Director, National Association of Social Workers. you’d like us to include in the future, Publications/Public Affairs we’d appreciate hearing from you. Kyle C. Button, Vice President He received the 1981 Award of Merit for Institutional Advancement for Outstanding Achievement for his Fifty years strong, California State ollette Rocha joined the Univer- research and publications in the area of University, Los Angeles continues its Published by: C half-century anniversary celebration The Office of Publications/Public Affairs sity as assistant vice president lesbian and gay aging. He is the editor this year with special events for our Journal of Gay and Lesbian Forward inquiries and submissions to: for University Development on Sep- of the students, alumni, staff, and friends tember 15, 1997. In this capacity, Social Services and on the editorial Cal State L.A. in the community. Keep in touch! Office of Publications/Public Affairs Rocha works with the vice president board of the Journal of Women and 5151 State University Drive, for Institutional Advancement and Aging. He has worked internationally — Carol Selkin, editor Los Angeles, CA 90032-8580 Voice: (213) 343-3050 manages a staff of ten to oversee ex- for the United States and the Taiwan Fax: (213) 343-6405 ternal development to raise funds for government and is the external E-mail: [email protected] the University’s educational, research, reviewer for the Chinese University of http://www.calstatela.edu/ and community service programs. Hong Kong. 2 Campus News 1996-1997 Outstanding Professor Award Recipients as an educator. One of a very few Ameri- Martin G. Brodwin Development and Change in the ne of the most highly antici- can experts in his field, Burstein had Modern World, and published essays, O pated events at the start of the agreed to direct the doctoral disserta- “Revolution, Racism and Sexism: Chal- new academic year is the announce- tion of a student at a “large Eastern lenges for World-System Analysis,” and ment of the Cal State L.A.
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