Letter from the Chair Welcome! We are now celebrating LTU&E’s twenty-eighth year. It’s exciting to participate in an event that has created a legacy. This symposium has been around for almost three decades and thanks to your continued interest, we will keep moving ahead. This symposium, however, would not be happening without the combined effort of several people. First of all, we would like to thank the Theatre and Media Arts Department at BYU for their continued support and sponsorship. Our gratitude also goes out to our donors who helped fund this event; we appreciate your generosity. Special thanks go to Nathan Hale for an outstanding poster and to Steve Keele for the beautiful program book cover artwork, both of whom stepped up when James C. Christensen had to cancel his appearance for health reasons. Thanks also go out to the individuals who helped organized this year’s symposium. Lastly, we would like to thank everyone who has attended and continues to support LTU&E. As always, we hope you enjoy yourselves. These symposia are designed to achieve several things. We discuss science fiction and fantasy on an academic/intellectual basis because it truly is a lit- erary medium that provokes thought. The symposium also helps provide knowledge for fledgling writers so that their horizons can be expanded. One of the most rewarding purposes is the sense of community it creates. Life, the Universe, & Everything provides the opportunity for people of common interests to come together. Net- works can be formed, friendships can be made, but in the end, every- body gets something from these events. We hope you do. Have fun! Nicholas A. Montelongo Symposium Committee Chair 1 1SPWP -%45FNQMF /PSUI Q KLOQE ALLN Allen h cultures) c/14 48 iWRA intramural Recreation Area A,B/4,5,6 4UBEJVN"WFOVF 2 fARM Animal Science farm c/1 (West Stadium) 3 AXMB Auxiliary Maintenance Building i/5,6 49 SWKT Kimball Tower, Spencer W. f/12 It’s only one year away! ID 4 B-21 to B-32 (Service Buildings) g/12 50 AKh Knight hall, Amanda B,c/14 5 B-34, B-38, B-41, B-51 g/12 51 jKB Knight Building, jesse f/10 IT Life, the Universe, & Everything 29 (Misc. Temporary Buildings) 52 KMB Knight Mangum Building g,h/12,13 6 B66 B-66 classroom/Lab Building i/12 53 AXLB Laundry Building, Auxiliary Services i/6 DragonComet Short Story Contest and Odyssey Poetry Contest 7 B67 B-67 Service Building c/2 54 hBLL Lee Library, harold B. f,g/10,11 Deadline: postmarked by January 15, 2011 8 B72 B-72 Building (LdS Philanthropies) c/8 55 MSRB Maeser Building, Karl g. e/13 Complete rules and information: ltue.org DF 9 B77 B-77 Service Building (former UVSc Building) c/8,9 56 Mc Marriott center, j. Willard f,g/7,8 Q Annual Art Show 10 MLBM Bean Life Science Museum, Monte L. g/8 57 MARB Martin Building, Thomas L. f,g/12 /PSUI 6OJWFSTJUZ1BS LXBZ All media types accepted, framed and mounted preferred. Bring your work with 11 B-49 Benson Agriculture and food institute, f/14 58 MB Mcdonald Building, howard S. g/13 you on Thursday, the first day of the symposium. ezra Taft 59 McKB McKay Building, david O. e/12 12 BNSN Benson Building, ezra Taft f/12,13 60 MLRP Miller Park (Baseball/Softball complex) e,f/7 Come join in the fun! Be part of the committee! Ask one of the current &BTU $BOZPO3PBE 13 WSc Bookstore, BYU g/11 61 MTc Missionary Training center h,i/4,5 8FTU 'SFFEPN#PVMFWBSE members how to get involved. (Meetings on Saturdays in the JKB.) D U 14 BRWB Brewster Building, Sam f. h,i/12 62 PPMV Motor Pool Vehicle Shelter i/12,13 ltue.org &BTU 6OJWFSTJUZ"WFOVF 15 BRMB Brimhall Building, george h. e/12,13 63 MOA Museum of Art g/10 16 BeLL centennial carillon Tower g/8 64 NicB Nicholes Building, joseph K. f/12 BYU campus 17 PPch central heating and cooling Plants h/12 65 OLVh Oliver house (Performing Arts Management) i/11 18 cMB chemicals Management Building i/12 66 RB Richards Building, Stephen L d,e/10,11 /PSUI &BTU 19 hRcB clark Building, herald R. f,g/12 67 RBf Richards Building fields d/10,11 20 jRcB clark Building, j. Reuben (Law School) h/10,11 68 jSB Smith Building, joseph e,f/13 /PSUI$BNQVT%SJWF 21 cLfB cluff Building, Benjamin f,g/13,14 69 jfSB Smith Building, joseph f. e,f/11 8FTU$BNQVT%SJWF (Plant Science Lab) 70 jfSg Smith Building Parking garage, joseph f. e,f/11 22 cB clyde engineering Building, W. W. g/12 71 Sfh Smith fieldhouse, george Albert d,e/12 23 cONf conference center, BYU h/7 72 SfLd Smith fieldhouse South field (Varsity Soccer) d/12 Parking 24 cougar Room, LaVell edwards Stadium d/6 73 ASB Smoot Administration Bldg, Abraham O. f,g/10 25 cougar Room, Marriott center f/7 74 SNLB Snell Building, William h. h/12 MoA #VMMEPH"WFOVF /PSUI 26 cTB crabtree Technology Building, Roland A. h/12 75 STeh Stadium east and West (STWh) houses d/5 27 dPL creamery (dairy Products Laboratory) h/7 76 SAB Student Athlete Building d/11 FSJUB ) HF % 28 cONe creamery on Ninth east i/10 77 SASB Student Auxiliary Services Building h/5,6 JKB HFAC SJW &BTU$BNQVT%SJWF F 29 dT deseret Towers and Morris center (MORc) h,i/8 78 Shc Student health center i,j/5 30 dTRA deseret Towers Recreation Area i/6,7 79 TMcB Talmage Math Sciences/computer Building, f/10,11 31 eSM earth Science Museum c/6 james e. Library 32 LVeS edwards Stadium, LaVell d,e/5,6 80 TNRB Tanner Building, N. eldon e/10 Wilkinson Center 33 eLLB ellsworth Building, Leo B. B/1 81 TLRB Taylor Building, john (comprehensive clinic) j/11 Parking 34 eSc eyring Science center, carl f. f/12 82 TcB Tennis courts Building d/12 /PSUI 35 fOB faculty Office Building e/11 83 Tcf Tennis courts, Outdoor c,d/13 36 fB fletcher Building, harvey L. g/12 84 TOMh Thomas house (Risk Management and Safety) f/8 2 37 fLSR foreign Language Student Residence j/4 85 TRAK Track and field complex d/7,8 38 hgB grant Building, heber j. e/13 86 UPc University Parkway center B,c/6 J /PSUI W 39 hceB harman Bldg., caroline hemenway (cont. ed.) h/6 87 UPB University Press Building h/5,6 40 hfAc harris fine Arts center, franklin S. g/10 88 VcTR Visitors center e/12 41 harrison Arboretum and Botany Pond, f/13,14 89 WAih Waite house (MAXiNST) g/13 /PSUI Betrand f. 90 ROTc Wells Building, daniel h. i/11 &BTU 42 hAWf haws field B,c/12 (Air force/Army Reserve) 43 hL helaman halls and d,e,f/8,9 91 WidB Widtsoe Building, john A. f,g/12 4PVUI$BNQVT%SJWF cannon center (cANc) 92 WSc Wilkinson Student center, ernest L. g,h/11 /PSUI 44 hLRA helaman Recreation Area d/7 93 WT Wymount Terrace and Adm. Bldg. j,K,L/3,4,5,6,7 /PSUI 45 hR heritage halls and h,i/9,10 (W0AB) central Building (hRcN) 94 WP Wyview Park and central Building A,B/2,3,4 &BTU &BTU &BTU 46 hc hinckley Alumni and Visitors center, e/9 (WPcB) gordon B.; under construction /PSUI 47 iPf indoor Practice facility c/12 Contents Ettiquette with the Pros 4 Guests of Honor Brandon Sanderson 5 Parking Marty Brenneis 6 As a guest of BYU, and to help you Nathan Hale 7 enjoy your stay, please remember that disability stalls, dean and official stalls, Special Guests 9 service stalls, red curbs, etc., require Participating Guests 11 special permints. Parking in any of Grid Schedule 15 these stalls without the proper permit Listing of Events 21 will result in a parking citation. Please remember that timed stalls are enforced Readings/Book Signings 28 for the time posted. Acknowledgments back cover Wilkinson Center third floor The food court and the bookstore are located on the second floor. 3 Etiquette with the Pros One question any symposium-goer inevitably asks is, “How do I talk to authors and artists?” Getting to know them takes a few common sense rules of etiquette that will make the experience enjoyable for both of you. First, remember that the authors and artists are only human. Just because they write fantastic books or draw fabulous pictures doesn’t mean they are ready to be on stage at any moment. An author or artist may have just had a lousy night or be suffering from something the symposium committee fed them at lunch. Don’t take it personally if they don’t want to talk to you right then. Also, don’t try to dazzle them with your latest story idea or pet project. Most authors are paid to edit material; don’t expect them to do it for free. And don’t make the mistake that one convention attendee made when he tried to discuss the wage differences between British and American actors with a main guest. We promise you, brilliant as they may be, authors and artists don’t know everything. When you want to meet the authors or artists, wait for a good moment when they aren’t busy.
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