Membership Roster Society of Biological Psychiatry (Membership to date: ActIve - 192, Honorary - 3, Semor - 25, TOTAL 220) (S - denotes Semor; H - Honorary) SPAFFORD ACKERLY, M.D. (1947) (S) WALTER W. BAKER, M.S. (1961) 206 East Chestnut Street Assoc. Prof. Pharmacology & PsychIatry LOUlsvIlle 2, Kentucky Jefferson MedIcal College PhIladelphIa, Pennsylvama FRANZ ALEXANDER, M.D. (1955) Mount Sinal HospItal H. THOMAS BALLANTINE, M.D. (lU5c') 8720 Beverly Boulevard Massachusetts General HospItal Los Angeles 48, CalifornIa Boston 14, Massachusetts LEO ALEXANDER, M. D. (1956) tLAURETTA BENDER, M.D. (1955) 433 Marlborough Street Department of Mental HygIene Boston 15, Massachusetts Creedmoor State HospItal Queens VIllage, New York WALTER C. ALVAREZ, M.D. (1958) 700 North MichIgan Avenue MORRIS B. BENDER, M.D. (1947) (S) ChIcago 11, IllmOIs 1150 Park Avenue New York 28, New York HENRY E. ANDREN, M.D. (1955) 7600 Carroll Avenue tABRAM E. BENNETT, M.D. (1947) (H) Takoma Park, Maryland 2000 DWIght Way Berkeley 4, Cahforma MORRIS HERMAN APRISON, Ph.D. (1960) IndIana UniverSIty Medical Center IVAN F. BENNETT, M.D. (1957) Dept. of Psychiatry & BiochemIstry R.R. 18, Box 285 IndianapolIs, IndIana IndIanapolis 24, Indiana WINIFRED ASHBY, Ph.D. (1949) (S) FRANK MILLAN BERGER, M.D. (1960) Route 2, Box 67 227 Prospect Avenue Lorton, VIrgIma Prmceton, New Jersey ALBERT FRANCIS AX, Ph.D. (1960) LOUIS BERLIN, M.D. (1959) Lafayette Climc 99 Pennsylvama 951 East Lafayette Mount Vernon, New York DetrOIt 7, MIchigan NEWTON BIGELOW, M.D. (1960) FRANK J. AYD, JR., M.D. (1955) Marcy 6231 York Road New York Baltimore 12, Maryland EDWARD G. BILLINGS, M.D. (1959) HASSAN AZIMA, M.D. (1956) 1820 HIgh Street 1025 Pine Avenue Denver 18, Colorado Montreal 2, Canada 'PERCIVAL BAILEY, M.D. (1946) (H) 912 South Wood Street ·Presldent -1948 tPresldent -1961 ChIcago, Illinois fPreSldent -1952 371 372 MEMBERSHIP ROSTER BENJAMIN BOSHES, M.D. (1960) MANDEL COHEN, M.D. (1947) Northwestern UmversIty MedIcal School Massachusetts General HospItal 303 East ChIcago Avenue Boston, Massachusetts ChIcago 11, IllmOIs SANFORD IRWIN COHEN, M.D. (1960) KARL M. BOWMAN, M.D. (1946) (S) Department of PsychIatry Langley Porter ClImc Duke Umversity Medical Center Second and Parnassus Avenues Durham, North Carolma San FrancIsco 22, CalIforma SIDNEY COHEN, M.D. (1960) JOHN PAUL BRADY, M.D. (1960) 13020 Sky Valley Road IndIana UmversIty MedIcal School Los Angeles 49, CalIfornIa IndIanapolIs 7, IndIana JONATHAN COLE, M.D. (1959) WAGNER H. BRIDGER, M.D. (1960) NatIOnal InstItute of Mental Health Albert Emstem College of MedIcine Bethesda, Maryland Bronx, New York ERMINIO COSTA, M.D. (1958) HENRY W. BROSIN, M.D. (1947) N.I.H. NatIOnal Heart InstItute UmversIty of PIttsburgh Laboratory of ChemIcal Pharmacology School of MedIcine Bethesda 14, Maryland Western PsychIatrIC InstItute & ClImc RUSSELL T. COSTELLO, M.D. (1955) 3811 O'Hara Street 630 FIsher BUIlding PIttsburgh 13, Pennsylvama 3001 West Grand Boulevard BARBARA B. BROWN, Ph.D. (1960) Detroit, MIchigan 3477 Beverly Glen Boulevard CHESTER W. DARROW, Ph.D. (1954) Sherman Oaks, CalIforma 5802 South Blackstone MARTHA BRUNNER-ORNE, M.D. (1958) ChIcago 37, IllmOIs 88 Marlborough Street CHARLES DAVISON, M.D. (1950) (S) Boston 16, Massachusetts 1155 Park Avenue ENOCH CALLAWAY, M.D. (1959) New York, New York The Langley Porter NeuropsychIatrIC InstItute HERMAN C. B. DENBER, M.D. (1955) Parnassus & FIrst Avenues 600 East 125th Street San FrancIsco 22, CalIforma New York 35, New York D. EWEN CAMERON, M.D. (1955) JAMES M. DILLE, M.D. (1959) Allan MemorIal InstItute Dept. of Pharmacology 1025 Pme Avenue West School of MedIcme Montreal 21, Quebec, Canada UmversIty of Washmgton JOHN D. CAMPBELL, M.D. (1951) Seattle 5, Washmgton 400 Peachtree Street, N.E. ALBERTO DI MASCIO, M. A. (1959) Atlanta 3, GeorgIa 74 Fenwood Road JOSEPH CHUSID, M.D. (1950) Boston, Massachusetts 3390 EmerIc Avenue HENRY W. DODGE, jR., M.D. (1961) Wan Tagh, New York 2010 WIlshIre Blvd. HERVEY M. CLECKLEY, M.D. (1956) Los Angeles 57, CalIfornIa 1423 Harper Street PHILIP ROGERS DODGE, M.D. (1960) Augusta, GeorgIa 11 7 Revere Street R.A. CLEGHORN, M.D. (1959) Boston 14, Massachusetts 1025 Pme Avenue West ARTHUR L. DREW, M.D. (1960) Montreal, Quebec, Canada IndIana UmversIty MedIcal Center STANLEY COBB, M.D. (1946) (S) 1100 West MIchIgan Street Massachusetts General HospItal IndIanapolIs, IndIana Boston, Massachusetts EDWIN M. DUNLOP, M.D. (1961) IRVIN M. COHEN, M.D. (1958) 9 School Street 641 Hermann ProfessIonal BUIldmg Attleboro, Massachusetts Houston 25, Texas MEMBERSHIP ROSTER 373 JOEL J. ELKES, M.D. (1960) WALTER J. FREEMAN, III M.D. (1961) 9902 Cedar Lane 30 Menlo Place Bethesda, Maryland Berkeley 7, Cahforma R. J. ELLINGSON, Ph.D. (1959) FRITZ FREYHAN, M.D. (1959) 403 South 49th Street 503 Medical Arts Bmldmg Omaha, Nebraska WIlmmgton, Delaware FRED ELMADJIAN, Ph.D. (1961) ARNOLD P. FRIEDMAN. M.D. (1959) Worcester FoundatlOn for Expenmental BlOlogy 71 East 77th Street Shrewsbury, Massachusetts New York, New York GUY M. EVERETT, Ph.D. (1956) SABIT GABAY, Ph.D. (1961) Department of Pharmacology Res. Faclhty Abbott Laboratones Rockland State Hospital North Chicago, IllmOls Orangeburg, New York 'HOWARD D. FABING, M.D. (1950) The Beverly Hills Medical Chmc 2314 Auburn Avenue 133 South Lasky Dnve Cincmnatl, Oruo Beverly Hills, Cahforma JOSEPH F. FAZEKAS, M.D. (1955) WILLIAM J. GALLAGHER, M.D. (1959) 171 Harnson Avenue 100 Barnard Rd. Boston 11, Massachusetts Manteno, Illmois MYRON FELD, M.D. (1959) tWILLIAM HORSLEY GANTT, M.D. (1952) 54590leta Phipps Chmc, Johns Hopkms Hospital Long Beach, California Baltlmore 5, Maryland CHARLES D. FERSTER, Ph.D. (1960) RALPH W. GERARD, M.D. (1947) 5680 Wmthrop Avenue Mental Health Research Institute Indlanapohs, Indiana Umverslty of Michigan MAX FINK, M.D. (1959) Ann Arbor, Michigan Dept. of Expenmental Psychiatry FRANCIS J. GERTY, M.D. (1947) (S) Hillside Hospital 912 South Wood Street Glen Oaks, L.I., New York Chicago 12, IllmOls KNOX H. FINLEY, M.D. (1952) WILLIAM C. GIBSON. M.D. (1953) 450 Sutter Street UBC-Crease Chmc Research Umt San FrancIsco, Cahforma The Umverslty of Bntlsh Columbia Vancouver. Bntlsh Columbia ROLAND FISCHER, Ph.D. (1956) Research DlvlslOn, C.P.I.H. EDWIN F. GILDEA, M.D. (1959) 473 West 12th Avenue 4940 Audubon Columbus, Oruo St. Loms, Mlssoun HAMILTON FORD, M.D. (1953) MARGARET CRANE LILLIE GILDEA, M.D. (1959) 112 North Boulevard 4500 West Pme Blvd. Galveston, Texas St. Loms 8, Mlssoun JOEL FORT, M.D. (1959) DOUGLAS GOLDMAN, M.D. (1957) 2712 Shasta Road 320 Provident Bank Bmldmg Berkeley 8, Callforma Cmcmnatl 2, Oruo ALFRED M. FREEDMAN, M.D. (1955) JACQUES S. GOTTLIEB, M.D. (1959) 161 West 86th Street 951 East Lafayette New York 24, New York DetrOlt 7, Michigan HARRY FREEMAN, M.D. (1961) MILTON GREENBLATT, M.D. (1956) 8 Course Brook Road 74 Fenwood Rd. Sherborn, Massachusetts Boston 15, Massachusetts WALTER FREEMAN, M.D. (1948) (S) 877 Fremont *Presldent-1955 Sunnyvale, Cahforma tPresldent -11960 374 MEMBERSHIP ROSfER ROBERT C. GRENELL, Ph.D. (1958) WILLIAM L. HOLT, JR., M.D. (1953) Psychiatrlc Institute 47 Douglas Road UnIversity of Maryland Hospital Delmar, New York Baltimore I, Maryland MAX K. HORWITT, Ph.D. (1960) MARTIN GROSS, M.D. (1950) L. B. Mendel Research Laboratory 334 East Mam Street Elgin State Hospital Westminster, Maryland Elgm, IllmOls WARD C. HALSTEAD, Ph.D. (1947) DAVID J. IMPASTATO, M.D. (1959) The UnIVerslty of Chlcago 40-Flfth Avenue Department of Medlcme New York 11, New York 950 E. 59th Street SAMUEL D. lNGHAM, M.D. (1946) (S) Chicago 37, Illmols 876 VIctOria Avenue TITUS H. HARRIS, M.D. (1948) (S) Los Angeles 5, Callfornia 112 North Boulevard NADOR DORIN ISCHLONDSKY, M.D. (1953) Galveston, Texas 225 Central Park West ABE HAUSER, M.D. (1959) New York 24, New York 1119 Lovett Boulevard ELlNOR R. IVES, M.D. (1953) Houston, Texas 5636 BerkshIre Drive LOUIS HAUSMAN, M.D. (1947) (S) Los Angeles 32, Callfornia 140 East 54th Street ROBERT F. JEANS, M.D. (1960) New York, New York 1209 East Madison Park ROBERT G. HEATH, M.D. (1956) ChIcago 15, Illmols Tulane UnIVerSIty, School of Medicme GEORGE A. JERVIS, M.D. (1960) 1430 Tulane Avenue Thlells New Orleans 12, Louisiana New York CHARLES D. HENDLEY, Ph.D. (1960) CHARLES H. JONES, M.D. (1960) Schermg CorporatIOn Butler Health Center Bloomfield, New Jersey 333 Grotto Avenue 'HAROLD E. HIMWICH, M.D. (1947) (S) ProvIdence 6, Rhode Island Research Director LOTHAR B. KALINOWSKY, M.D. (1947) Galesburg State Research Hospltal 115 East 82nd Street Galesburg, Illmois New York 28, New York WILLIAM INA A. HIMWICH, Ph.D. (1956) FRANZ J. KALLMANN, M.D. (1961) Galesburg State Research HospItal 722 West 168th Street Galesburg, Illmois New York 32, New York HUDSON HOAGLAND, Ph.D. (1959) GORDON R. KAMMAN, M.D. (1951) Worcester FoundatIOn for Experimental Biology 1044 Lawry Medical Arts Bmldmg Shrewsbury, Massachusetts St. Paul 2, Mmnesota GEORGE EDGAR HOBBS, M.D. (1961) LOUIS J. KARNOSH, M.D. (1947) (S) 11 7 BloomfIeld Drive 22299 Parnell Rd. Orchard Park Cleveland 22, OhIO London, Ontario, Canada tMARGARET A. KENNARD, M.D. (1947) tPAUL H. HOCH, M.D. (1949) 144 Tarrytown Road 722 West 168th Street Manchester, New HampshIre New York, New York SEYMOUR S. KETY, M.D. (1958) ABRAM HOFFER, M.D. (1959) NatIOnal InstItute of Health Umversity of Saskatoon Bethesda 14, Maryland UniverSIty Hospital Saskatoon, Saskatchewan VERNON J. KINROSS-WRIGHT, M.D. (1957) 1200 M.D. Anderson Blvd. LESLIE B. HOHMAN, M.D. (1952) Houston 25, Texas School of MedlCme Duke University *Presldent-1954 fPreSldent-1959 Durham, North Carolina iPreSldent-1956 MEMBERSHIP ROSTER 375 NATHAN S. KLINE, M.D. (1955) SIDNEY MALITZ, M.D. (1960) DIrector of Research New York State PsychIatnc Institute Research FacIlity 722 West 168th Street Rockland State Hospital New York, New York Orangeburg, New York LESTER H.
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