26/20/76 Updated 10/19/07 Alumni Association Alumni Third Armored Division Association Records, 1941- Box Contents Page 1 Wartime Correspondence & Diaries, Aber - McFarlin, 1941-46 2 2 , Schuit - Willis, 1941-45 3 3 Reports, Orders & Citations, 1941-46 3 4 Journals, Logs & Reports, 1944-45 3 5 Reports, Logs & Commendations, 1944-45 4 6 G-2 Periodic Reports, July 1944-February 1945 4 7 , March-May 1945 4 8 Photographs, 1941-44 4 9 , 1944-46 5 10 , Katz, 1941-45 5 11 , Mischnick, 1944-45 6 12 German Divisional Histories, 1995- 7 13 Propaganda, Currency & Captured Items, 1942-45 7 14 Newspapers & Magazine Clippings, 1941-46 7 15 The Stars and Stripes, Feb. 28 - Dec. 28, 1944 7 16 , Jan. 4 - Aug. 14, 1945 7 17 , Aug. 15, 1945 - Jan. 24, 1946 8 18 Articles & Books, 1942 8 19 , 1942-45 8 20 , 1957-88 8 21 , Campaign Histories, 1943-47 8 22 , Magazines, 1940-72 9 23 , Magazines, 1974- 9 24 Newsletters, Christmas Cards, Travel Literature & Money, 1941-45 9 25 Third Armored Division Association Newsletters, 1947-71 10 26 , 1972-89 10 27 , 1990-95 10 28 , 1996- 10 29 Third Armored Division Association Reunion Programs, 1948-66 10 30 , 1967-81 10 31 , 1982- 10 32 Army and Air Force Films, Captured German Films, 1936, 1940-45 10 33 Tape Recordings & Videocassettes, 1944-45, 1968, 1981 11 34 , 1986-90 11 35 , 1991-95 12 36 , 1993- 13 37 Published Guides to Microfilmed German Records (1-33), 1934-45 13 38 , (34-55, 67), 1934-45 14 39 Division History, 1989-90 14 40 Exhibits, 1985-93 14 41 Exhibits, 1994- 14 42 Postwar Events, 1946-89 14 43 , 1983-94 14 44 , 1992- 15 45 Lawrence Schuit Scrapbooks, 1941-45 15 46 Frank Miller Scrapbook, 1942-45 15 47 Frank J. Sanders Scrapbook and Photographs, 1942-47, 1992 15 48 Carl Glider Scrapbook and Photographs, 1941-46 16 49 John K. Walker Photograph Albums, 1943-45 16 50 Gordon Sanderson letters and transcriptions, 1941-45 25 51 Maps, 1942-45 25 52 Donor Correspondence and Recollections, Andrew Barr, 1946-91 25 53 , Andrew Barr, 1965-93 25 26/20/76 2 54 , Andrew Barr, 1947-93 25 55 , Andrew Barr, 1967-95 26 56 , Andrew Barr, 1972-95 26 57 Donor Correspondence and Recollections, William A. Castille, 1986-90 26 58 , Nathan Goldberg, 1942-45, 1962-2001, 2003 26 59 , Nathan Goldberg, 1942-45, 1962-2001, 2003 26 60 , Alfred S. Roxburgh, 1943-45, 1992-95 27 61 , Baker - Gregg, 1936-94 27 62 , Hemphill - Lovelady, 1939, 1941-55, 1978, 1983-96 28 63 , Mahr - Peyser, 1941-97 28 64 , Raabe - Ruth, 1941-45, 1961, 1983-96 29 65 , Sanders - Swenson, 1941-45, 1984-90, 1996 29 66 , Third Armored - Zsido, 1982-95 29 Oversize Items--Room 106F, ARC Box Contents Oversize Drawer 1: Andrew Barr Map Collection 30 Oversize Drawer 2: William D. Hill Map Collection 31 Oversize Drawer 3: John K. Walker Map Collection, Individual Maps, Memorabilia 35 Oversize Drawer 4: Oversized Photographs 36 Indexes 37 Unit Index 37 Place Index 37 Name Index 40 Abbreviations HQ - Division Headquarters G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4 and G-5 - Division Staff CC - Combat Commands, e.g. CCA, CCB TF - Task Forces 32AR - 32nd Armored Regiment 33AR - 33rd Armored Regiment 36AIR - 36th Armored Infantry Regiment 83ARB - 83rd Armored Reconnaissance Battalion 23AEB - 23rd Armored Engineer Battalion 45MB - 45th Armored Medical Battalion 54AFA - 54th Armored Field Artillery 67AFA - 67th Armored Field Artillery 391AFA - 391st Armored Field Artillery 486AAB - 486th Anti-Aircraft Battalion 703TDB - 703rd Tank Destroyer Battalion 143ASC - 143rd Armored Signal Company MB - Maintenance Battalion SB - Supply Battalion 26/20/76 Third Armored Division Association Records, 1941- Box 1: Wartime Correspondence & Diaries, Aber-McFarlin, 1941-46 26/20/76 3 Aber, William A. (CWO, MB), 1943-46 Barr, Andrew (G-2), Diaries, Jan. 1 - May 4, 1941 Brown, Dale E. (CCA), V-Mail, 1943-44 Davison, Glen A. (HQ), 1946 Dugan, Haynes W. (G-2), Correspondence, ETO Notebook, Army Officer's Notebook & Prayer Book, (4 folders), 1941-45 Glider, Carl (HQ), 1943-45 Graff, Steven (36AIR), 1945 Gregg, Lawrence I. (32AR), 1941-45 Huey, Walter (33AR), V-Mail, 1944-45 Hufnagel, Anthony (36 AR), 1944-45, Audio Tape of Interview Koukl, Frank (G-2), 1942, 1945 Mahr, Donald O. (45AMB, B Co.), Notebook & Medical Guide, (2 folders), 1944-45 McFarlin, Homer C. (45AMB), Autograph Book, 1943-44 Box 2: Correspondence & Diaries, Schuit-Willis, 1941-45 Schuit, Laurence (HQ), Family clippings from Midlothian, IL, (11 folders), Sept. 1944 - June 1945, 1946, 1985; Chicago Sun-Times D-Day Special, June 3, 1984 Smith, John A. (HQ), Diary, Nov. 15, 1943 - Jan. 28, 1944; April 12-14, 1944; June 24 - Sept. 21, 1944; Nov. 16 - Dec. 17, 1944; "A Brief History of the Division"; Death of General Rose; Dedication of Rose Hospital; Eisenhower's D-Day Proclamation in French, 1944-45 Walker, John K. Jr. (486AAB), Correspondence, (5 folders), 1942-45 a. 50 letters from Walker to family members, October 1942 (when he joined the 486th AAA Bn. at Camp Davis, NC) until his departure from the CONUS in 1943. 100 pages. b. 150 letters from Walker to family members, 18 November 1943 (on arrival in England with the 486th AAA (AW) Bn. (SP) and attachment to the Third Armored Division), until 25 November 1945 when he left the deactivated Third Armored Division. c. Summaries of correspondence prepared by his mother, Mrs. Dewannah Hawkins Walker, showing her responses to the letters from Walker. 105 pages. Willis, Donald J., Diary, June 6, 1944 - June 5, 1945 Box 3: Reports, Orders & Citations, 1941-46 Training Booklets & Papers, 1941-42 40th Armored Regiment, Tactics & Technique Training Lecture, May 26, 1941 Ft. Leavenworth & Ft. Snelling to Camp Polk, Train Details, 1941 Indiantown Gap Military Reservation 6th Special Course, Command & General Staff School, Ft. Leavenworth, December 1941 - February 1942 Officer's Status Cards (transfers), 1941-44 Andrew Barr, 201 Personnel File, 1941-46 Haynes W. Dugan, 201 Personnel File, 1941-46 Box 4: Journals, Logs & Reports, 1942-45 Command Post Locations, September 5, 1943-May 12, 1945 Orders, Newspaper Articles & Commendations, 1942-45 Letters & Reports, 1944 TM 30-306, German Language Guide "Cracking the Siegfried Line," 13-19 September, based on interview with Col. Leander L. Doan & Lt.Col. William Orr, 9 pp Intelligence Summary, 9 November, Köln campaign plans, 14 pp. and maps 26/20/76 4 Messages from Gen. Maurice Rose, 13 November & 14 December Weekly Intelligence Report, 31 December Letters of Commendation (5 pp.), 31 December Evidence in Camera, Aerial photograph reports, British Air Ministry, April 1944-January 1945 Copies of Radio Messages from Manuel Baker (54AFA), 17 Sept. 1944 - 27 March 1945 After Action Reports, Battle of Mons, Sept. 1-4, 1944, 1945 Reports, "German Counteroffensive", 16 Dec. 1944; "Summary of German Operations, Hotton Manhay Sector" 20-30 Dec. 1944; "Defense of Hotton--23rd Eng. Bn 20-24," December 1944; "German Counteroffensive," 16 Dec. 1944. All compiled by 1st Lt. Fred L. Hadsel, 1945. Journal & Log, 32nd Armored Regiment, 28 June 1944 - 5 May 1945 Kept by Maj. Ernest J. DeSoto (S-3, Plans & Training Officer) and Maj. Ben T. Rushing (S-2) of Task Force X (TFX) under Col. Leander L. Doan, including radio messages, sent to and received from supporting units and higher headquarters relating to units, maneuvers and movements, road blocks, tanks, artillery, troop locations, enemy positions, check points, combat actions, minefields, air support, intelligence reports, supplies, and losses. The journal and log also includes casualty reports, lists of medals awarded, after action reports and accounts by Historical Division writers (2 copies) War Diary, Company "D" 32nd Armored Regiment, Abstracts by Stuart Thayer, 1944-45 36th Armored Infantry Diary showing engagements, battles, locations, casualties, June 1941-July 1945 36th Armored Infantry Regt. History, chronological accounts of action, Feb. 2, 1941 - July 31, 1945 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, After Action Reports, March - April, 1945 Box 5: Reports, Logs & Commendations, 1944-45 After Action Reports, 33rd Armored Regiment, July 1944 - April 1945 After Action Reports, 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, September 1944, October 5, 1944 TTask Force Lovelady reports showing times, positions, actions, citations, strength and losses Log Book, 2nd Battalion, 33rd Armored Regiment, 20 June 1944 - 24 April 1945 Copy from Col. William B. Lovelady, showing dates and times, locations, combat actions, company positions and unit & enemy casualties. Reports After/After Action Reports, 486th AAA (AW) Bn. (SP), including position overlays, unit locations, casualties, enemy engagements (ground and aircraft), staff summaries, June 1944 - May 1945. A History of the 143rd Armored Signal Company, April 15, 1941 to May 8, 1945, written by Francis B. Grow and Alfred Summers, Summer 1945 36th Armored Infantry Regiment Citations, Jan. 13, Feb. 23, April 6, 29, 1945 William Orr to 36AIR on Sept, 2-4, 1944 action at Mons, Belgium, January 15, 1945 Unit Citation 1st Bn., 36 AIR, February 23, 1945 Commendations, April 5, 30, May 1, 8, 17, 29, 1945, Battle Honors, April 40, 1945 Letters & Publications, 1945 Copy of letter, General J. Lawton Collins to Col. Samuel Hogan, January 1, 1945 Letter from Brig. Gen. Doyle O. Hickey, May 8, 1945 Eisenhower letter to Allied Expeditionary Force Combat Intelligence Report by Col. Washington Platt, XIX corps, 19 July Going Back to Civilian Life pamphlet, August International Military Tribunal Indictment, October "Organization, Equipment & Tactical Employment of the Armored Division", Study #48, ca. December 1945 "Farewell Address made by Lt. General J. Lawton Collins, CG, VII Corps, delivered at Sangerhausen, May 11, 1945, as the 3rd Armored Division passed to XIX Corps," typescript, 1945 Box 6: G-2 Periodic Reports, July 1944-Feb 1945 26/20/76 5 July, 1944 August, 1944 September, 1944 October, 1944 November, 1944 December, 1944 January 1945 February 1945 Box 7: G-2 Periodic Reports, March-May 1945 March, 1945 April, 1945 May 1-12, 1945 Box 8: Photographs, 1941-Sept.
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