( 12 ) United States Patent

( 12 ) United States Patent

US010292951B2 (12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No. : US 10 ,292 , 951 B2 Glick et al. (45 ) Date of Patent: May 21, 2019 ( 54 ) METHODS AND COMPOSITIONS FOR (58 ) Field of Classification Search TREATING CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED CPC . .. .. .. .. A61K 31 / 167 WITH AN ABNORMAL INFLAMMATORY See application file for complete search history . RESPONSES (56 ) References Cited (71 ) Applicant: First Wave Bio , Inc ., Ann Arbor, MI U . S . PATENT DOCUMENTS (US ) 3 , 079 ,297 A 2 / 1963 Schraufstatter et al. (72 ) Inventors : Gary D . Glick , Ann Arbor, MI (US ) ; 5 ,663 , 155 A * 9 / 1997 McCaffrey .. A61K 31/ 70 Luigi Franchi, Ann Arbor, MI (US ) ; 514 / 45 Giancarlo Santus, Milan ( IT ) ( Continued ) ( 73 ) Assignee : First Wave Bio , Inc ., Ann Arbor , MI FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (US ) CN 105063018 A * 11 / 2015 ( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this EP 0938338 9 /2009 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 (Continued ) U . S . C . 154 (b ) by 0 days . 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WO WO 2006 / 120178 11/ 2006 WO WO 2010 / 048114 4 / 2010 Growth Des . 12 ( 9 ) : 4588 -4599 , 2012 . WO WO 2011 /035321 3 / 2011 IFM Therapeutics, Inc. , First Wave Bio , Inc ., Gary D . Glick , and WO WO 2012 /068274 5 / 2012 Luigi Franchi, Plantiff , v . , Lycera Corporation , Defendant, C . A . WO WO 2012 / 143377 10 / 2012 No . 17 -608 -LPS , Memorandun Opinion , Aug . 31 , 2018 , 25 pages . WO WO 2014 / 108571 7 / 2014 WO WO 2005 /017755 2 / 2015 * cited by examiner U . S . Patent May 21, 2019 Sheet 1 of 7 US 10 ,292 , 951 B2 . 10210% amilyaatau p 101 10*c:20.600C584 wwwa w 100 www - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Niclosamide (*10. ttt*atututututusatatatatata Anny t WU Control fromInflamedColonTissue(biopsyCrohn'spatients) 10°C-+:8.82T . AS . FIG.1 EffectofNiclosamideonLaminaPropriaTCellsIsolated 7AAD ApoptosisofTcells(CD45+CD3)wasdetected7ADDuptakeandAnnexinVstaining 2233 innen nnnn . totototot ControlNiclosamide totototo death cell % U . S . Patent May 21, 2019 Sheet 2 of 7 US 10 ,292 ,951 B2 11111111111111111111111111111 TNBSColitisMice Enema .. S FIG.2 Enema Intraperitoneal atent May 21 , 2019 Sheet 3 of 7 US 10 ,292 ,951 B2 FIG . 3A 1 . 4 . 4 . 4 . rra Di LV TUTUTUTUTUTUTUTUTURUT . A .2 y.. * * Bottle R3K Material MP401 - LDPE PHARMALENE FC2OPH Cobrang . .. 13 - Remi fa kai K?, M & U . S . Patent May 21, 2019 Sheet 4 of 7 US 10 ,292 ,951 B2 FIG . 3B VAR. .. * rrrr Raw Material SVE n S ' f?rd ABW IZ ‘ 6107 p?ays S JO L sa 767?ol * 156 za 911 Of is,'Xrnisirinirinir. jenay ) uue mex jeuaren W 3007004 WHd# 3N37WW HOOZON AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Mey eyalew aqejeos doldkod aua w ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' U . S . Patent May 21, 2019 Sheet 6 of 7 US 10 ,292 ,951 B2 FIG . 4 ooveyouBIOMKpOg FIG . 4B ColitisScore 1 111 . FIG . 4C ??????????????????????????? U . S . Patent May 21, 2019 Sheet 7 of 7 US 10 ,292 ,951 B2 FIG . 5 %Tcells TNF IFNY FIG . 6 US 10 , 292 ,951 B2 METHODS AND COMPOSITIONS FOR tory or immunosuppressive drugs . Salicylazosulfapyridine TREATING CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED and 5 -aminosalicylic acid are used to treat mild IBD and as WITH AN ABNORMAL INFLAMMATORY maintenance therapy if disease remission can be achieved . RESPONSES Corticosteroids are used in patients with moderate to severe disease . However, clinical remission can only be obtained in CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED ~ 60 % of patients , and just about half of these stay in APPLICATIONS remission after treatment is discontinued . This last point is significant because long- term use of corticosteroids carries a This application claims the benefit of U . S . Provisional significant risk of serious side effects . Application No . 62 / 213 , 016 , filed on Sep . 1 , 2015 and U . S . 10 Immunosuppressive drugs can also be used to treat mod Provisional Application No . 62 / 241, 508 , filed on Oct . 14 , erate to severe cases of IBD , often as a replacement for 2015 ; each

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