.. II NORTHCAROLINA HIGH SG IHOOLATH ILETICASSOCIATION "· , • 1 ,. • : .. ll POSTOFFICE BOX 3216 CHAPEL_HJLL,NC 27516-3216 FINLEY GOLF COURSEROAD PHONE;, (919) ~ FAX:·{919)982·1886 MINUTES:'OF THE WINTERMEETING OF THE NCHSAABOARD OF DIRECTORS DECEMBER4-5, 1990 The wint ·er meeting of the Nbrth CaroH.na High School Athl e'tfc Association -'·Board of ' Directors was called to order by President Larry I-vey at 10:00, k.m. o'n Oecember 4, 1990, at the Simon F. Terrell Building in Chapel Hill. In attendance _ wete Ivey, W. K. Morgan, Bill Upton, L.S. Guy-',1 Gary Drinnen, Jimmy Fleming, ·Emmett Floyd, Bennie Higgins, Bob McRae, Pat Harrell, Carl Salmon, Lee Andrews, Bill Steed, Richard Hicks, Jeanne Meigg%~ Charles 1 ·Sanders ·on, Phil Brintnall, Carole Smith and NCHSAAexecutive director Charlie Adams. Ex-officio members in attendance were Robbie Les·ter , repra _setiting the state Department of Public Instruction; Bud Phillips of the North Carolina High s ·chool Athletic Directors Association ·; Oliver Smith of '. the North Carolina State School Boards Association; and Phil Weaver of th~ ·. North Carolina co·aches Association, Also in attendance were NCHSAAstaff members Dick Knox, Carolyn Shannonhouse, Rick Strunk and Claire Bolder, ~na Donald Bonner and Bob Deaton to make presentations to the Board. After some announcements by President Ivey and the introductions of new Board members, the first order of business was the approval of the . minutes of the Board of Direct ors meeting of May, 1990, and the 1990 Annual Meeting, as submitted (mo~ion by Brown, sec ond by Barrell, approved 17-0), CONSENTAGENDA--The Board considered the following items on the consen t agend a , which i nclu ded- acti ons taken sin ce the previous Board meetin 8. Those acti ons included: 1. Approval of requ est from West Caldwell to accept date of birth of Yongki Yi .as April 23, 1972, based on information submitted; 2. Denied reque-s·t · from West· Montgomery to set aside age rule in . ·c.~se of, I , Tou ·wong; ,·. 3. Denied. req~est from Myers Park in case of Bobby Ferrell to waive ·-~ eight-semester rule; ., 4. Approved request from East Gaston to waive eight-semester rule · in · • case of "Cnad »tury; 5. Appt'ov~d request from Hibriten to waive attendance requirement in . case of Jimmy Perry, eligible in all other respects; 6. Approved request from West Forsyth to waive attendance requirement in ca'.se of .M£f:hei1.e Williamson, eligible in all other respects; 7'. Appr'bved request from Myers Park for waiver of graduation requirement in case of Ma~eline Oonk, foreign exchange ~tudent; a. Apprt:ived request from Southwest 'Edgecombe for waiver on residence rule in case of ·Antbony Walls, which was pending further legal action; 9. Denied request from North Meclq.enburg for waiver of eight-semester rule in case of Michael Team; 10. Approved request from Goldsboro for waiver of academic and attendance regulations in case of Daniel Dunning; (continued on reverse) •, December Board Minutes Page 2 11. Denied request from Durha~ for waiver of eight. ;:-:S~es ,ter ; rule in case of Walter Jerome Kelley; ·. •,{~.,..-,- . .\ 12. Approved request from Myers Park for waiver of graduatibn requirement in case of Sandra Romero, foreign exchange student; 13. Approved request from Charlotte Catholic for waiver of two-semester eligibility rule in case of Marisa Mahoney, who relocated to Charlotte from Connecticuq 14. Denied request from Statesville for waiver of academic regulation in . ;, . case of Charles Atwell Goodwin; 15. Appr~ved 'request from Greene Central for waiver of graduation requirement in case of foreign exchange student from Holland; 16. Approved request from Douglas Byrd for waiver of attendance ., ' ... "J ', ..requirement in case ' of Amanda Hipp, eligible in ·all other respects; . ' 17. Approved request tram Dudley ' for waiver of attendance requirement in case of Kim Isley, eligible in all other' respects; 18. Apprqved "request from Polk C~uhty for waiver of attendance rule in case of Gaeten Van Wy~k, foreign exchange student; · 19. Approved request from West Charlotte relative t'o non-resident requirement rule in case of Michael Mullis; · · ·,. 20. Approved request from East Surry to waive atten~ance and academic requ1irements for 1991-92 and eight-semester ruie ~ for 1'992-93 in case of Jason Lewellyn; ' 21, Approved request from Watauga for waiver of attendance and academic . .. ',t requirements in case of Stephanie Hodges; 22. Denied request from Bandya for waiver of eight-semester rule in case of Anthony James Connor; 23, Denied request from Robbinsville for waiver _of attendance regulation in case of Jeremy Carver; 24, Approved request from Randleman for waiver of attendance rule in case of Charles Sweatt; ' 25. Approved request from Eastern Guilford for waiver of attendance rule ·, in case of Anita Johnson, eligible in all other respects. After discussion of several of these items, a motion was made for approval of the consent agenda in its entirety (motion by Floyd, second by Guy, approved 17-0). · " I ' SPECIAL REPORTS-- Bob Deaton of R~J. Reynolds addressed the Board as chairman of the Task Force, explaining the concept and representation his .. ,, group has. He also reviewed reports from the group's · previous two meetings • Donald Bonner of Cumberland ·· County made ~he report from the State Foundation Cp~ttee and its recommendations. Appropriate items from both the Task Force report and the Foundation Committee report: ."-were forwarded to the J! t • • appropriate committees of the Board of Directors (copies of these reports are attac~ed to the NCHSAAfile copy of these · Minutes). '' APPEALS-- the Board heard : two appeals relative to realignment, and those membe.rs of the Board who had been involved in ·the realignment process . ~ - did not participate in the discussion or the voting • The· first appeal was made by Bob Hendrix, principal of Murphy High • I l i' ,. School. ,-.He appealed Murphy's playing down ·fr·om 2-A to 1-A with playoff restrictions, asking that Murphy not have re 'strictions · due to a true geographic hardship and enrollment which had dropped since the realignment process. After considerable discussion, ·the motion was made to support the previous decision of the Realignment Commi·ttee ' and deny Murphy's appeal to ··~. - .~' (continued on next :p3ge) , --------------------~---------------------- ~ . Def:emberBoard M.i.nutes 'Page 3 be re~lassifie d 1-A with no restrictions (motion by Barrel~. second by Andrews, approved 15-2). r The secon d appeal was made by Gerald Eubanks, principal of West Carteret H;gh School, accompanied by athletic director Edsel Hiatt ~ West appealed~ts , p1aying down from 4-A to 3-A with playoff restrictions, and asked that i t' be reclassified 4-A and moved to the Mideastern 4-A from the CQ.a~tal )~A-Conference. The· motion wao made to support the previous decision of the Realignment Committee and to deny West Carteret's mov~ from 3-A to 4-A (motion by Brown, second by Drinnen, approved t6-0), Most of the rest of the day was. devoted to cOlllJDittee work -sessions and reports. The committees include: ' - F]NANCE--Emmett Floyd, chairperson; L,S, Guy, vice-chairperson; Bob -McRae, Bill Steed, Jeanne Meiggs, W.K.Morgan, Pat Harrell, and staff resource person Charlie Adams. POLICY-- Lee Andrews, chairperson; Carole Smith, vice-chairperson; •Gary Drinnen, Bennie Higgin~. Bill Upton, and staff resource person Rick Strunk. SPORTS- Mike Brown, chairperson; Richard Hicks, vice-c~irpereon; Phil Brintnall, Phil Weaver, Charles Sandereon and staff resource pereon Carolyn Shannonhouse. · INCIDENT/PENALTYAND OFFICIATING--Carl Salmon, chairperso~; JillDllY ~,1~t1U1ng~. ~f ~-chairperson; -Robbie Lester, Oliver Smith, Bud Phillips and . .Js~aff r ~ o¥rce person Dick Knox• , ,., The meetipg was called to order at 9:15 a.m. by President Larry - Ivey, In at.tendance were Ivey, W.K. Morgan, Gary Drinnen, Jeanne Meiggs, Charles Sanderson, Phil ~rintnall, Emmett Floyd, Bill Vpton, Richard Hicks, Lee Andrews, Pat Harrell, Bennie Higgins, Carole Smith, Mike Brown, Carl Salmon, Bob McRae, Bill Steed, Jimmy Fleming, Bud Phillips, Robbie Lester, L.S. Guy, Phil Weaver, and NCHSAAexecutive director Charlie Adams. NCHSAAstaff members in attendance included Dick Knox, Carolyn Shannonhouse and Rick Strunk. Also present were media representatives Tim ~tevens of the Raleigh News and Observer, Earl Vaughan of the Fayetteville Observer, Mike Hawkins of North Carolina Scholastic Sports, and Woody Durh9.m of the Tar Heel Sports Network and the Village Companies. SPECIALREPORTS--the Bo~rd beard the {ollowi~g special reports: • EXECUTIVEDIRECTOR'S ~EPORT--Charlie Adams gave an overview of the rj, revenue produced by several sports during the spring and fall, inclu ding the fact that rain in the opening rouna - of .football playoffs this year meant that football revenue was down $81,000 from the same time a year ago. Volleyball produced a small. net for the first time ever. Four new corporate sponsors have been added or have increased their involvement, including Pizza Hut, Capitol Broadcasting, Pepsi-Cola and the new Eastern Regional sponsors in Greenville, Wachovia and Belk. There was record attendance in regional meetings and the realignment process has gotten off to a good start, SPECIALPROGRAMS-- Assistant executive director Rick Strunk reported on the status of special programs. Scholar - Athlete and the NCHSAAScholarship (continued on reverse) / \ / . ' December Board Minutes Page 4 Awards continue to be very popular, and the Perdue Awards of Excellence and Walt Disney Dreamers and Doers have demonstrated dramatic growth in their second years. The Player of the Year program continues to struggle, as there -- are simply no nominati ons in many sports. SPORTS PROGRAMS--Assistant executive director Carolyn Shannonhouse provided an ·update on spring and fall sports. She described the first-ever dual team tennis champions hips as successful, although there were some concerns over the 3-A dual team brackets and there are plans for adjustments in that area.
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