/ Connecticut Daily Campus VI Serving Storrs Since 1896 VOL. CPVI. No. 67 STORRS, CONNECTICUT WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 7, 1962 § Spring Rush For Men Cleveland Orchestra To Begin February 14 The Interfraternity Council vot- will be held Monday, February To Feature Pianist 26 in the HUB Ballroom. ed Monday night to schedule one The Cleveland Orchestra, under development of the Cleveland Honors rush period this semester. Formal During Round Robin parties the musical direction and con- Orchestra under George Szell was rush will begin Wednesday, Feb- all houses are open to all interest- duction of George Szell, will make its first European tour in 1957. Many honors have been bes- ruary 14, with all fraternities ed rushees. Dress is jacket and its second engagement at the Uni- Beginning at Brussels, the Or- towed upon Mr. Szell, two of holding Round Robin parties. All tie. Rushing registration will take versity of Connecticut tonight at chestra then proceeded to Brem- which include the Commander's men with a q.p.r. of 18, or trans- place at the individual fraternity 8:15 in the Albert N. Jorgensen em, London, Barcelona, Madrid. Cross of the Order of Merit by the fers, regardless of semester-stand- houses during these Round Ro- Auditorium. Lisbon, Oporto, Bordeaux, Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany and ing, are eligible to rush. bin parties. After these two open A special feature of this year's Stuttgart, Basel. Geneva, Paris was also created a Knight of the parlies, a rushee may visit a fra- National Order of the Legion of This will be Uie only rush period presentation will be the appear- and Vienna. The Orchestra also ternity through invitation only. ance of a solo pianist, Tamas gave five performances behind Honor by France. of the -semester. The next rush The first invitational party will period will be in the fall. Accord- Vasary, who is making his Ameri- the Iron Curtain in Polish cities. The program for tonight's perfor- be the Brunch on Saturday, Feb- can debut with the Cleveland These tours were very well re- mance is Overture to "La Gazza ing to William Oliver, IFC rush ruary 17. Silence period takes chairman, this semester's rush Orchestra during January and ceived by European countries. Ladra" by Rossini; Symphonic place between the last invitation- February. Having been acclaimed George Szell, considered to be Poem "The Fountains of Rome" program was designed so that al, Thursday, February 22 and rushees will be pledged befprc throughout Europe, Mr. Vasary one of the greatest conductors of by Respighi; Concerto Number Tapping, Monday, February 26. also "made a highly favorable our time is now in his sixteenth One in E Flat Major by Liszt; tnid-semestee exams begin. He At this time fraternity members said that there will be little or impression with his brilliant play- season as director and conductor Symphony Number Four in D are not allowed to talk to rushees, ing and fine musicianship" in his of the Orchesra. Mr. Szell has Minor by Schumann; and Prelude no interference with exam-taking, in order that the rushee may de- •nd that students will have the American debut with the Cleve- brought this celebrated organiza- to "Die Meistersinger von Mum- cide for himself what house to land Orchestra at its homo in Sev. tion to a new peak in its develop- berg" by Wagner. opportunity of rushing without pledge. Uie pressure of exams. erenee Hall on January 18. ment and firmly established its in- Tickets for tonight's perfor- Both Bill Oliver, rush chairman, ternational reputation as one of There will be only two weeks and Richard Sieweck, assistant In reference to this Hungarian- mance may be acquired at the of formal rush. The schedule is: born pianist's European success, the world's first-ranking orches- Auditorium ticket office for one rush chairman of IFC, urged stu- tras. Rond Robin parties February 14 dents to rush as many fraternities one only has to read the various dollar for students and 15; Invitational Brunch, Feb- as possible, so that a better un- reviews, one of which states that ruary 17; and Invitational Par- derstanding of the houses may the audience, after giving him ties February 21 and 22. Tapping be learned. six brilliant encores, still would not let him go. "The mass of lis- Winter Weekend teners moved toward the platform and there stayed though the lights were dimmed. In semi-darkness Vasary came on and made more bows. Then the side curtains were Olympics Scheduled drawn in token of finality. The The 1962 Winter Weekend volves a boy pushing the peanut clamour continued and Vasary Olympics will be held Saturday. one length of the course with his had to make another appear- February 10, at 1 p.m. in tin- nose. The girl pushes it back the ance." Men's Gym. There is a total of other way. The "potato on spoon Orchestra fifteen activities under three main 1 relay' involves a boy holding ■ The Cleveland Orchestra, pre- categories in which houses may potato on a spoon while running sently in its forty-fifth season, acquire points for first, second, the length of the course, only to was organized in 1918 and was and third place. The men's and be replaced by a girl on the way first conducted by the Russian- women's houses totalling the back. American conductor. Nilolai Sok- most points will receive trophies ThC'nippIe on coke contest" in- oloff, who was followed by Arthur for their endeavors. volves one couple and a little lap- Rodzinski in 1933 and Erich Leins- j The three main categories are sitting. The boy holds the girl on dorf in 1943, until its present con- pool Olympics, relay Olympics, i his lap. feeding him the coke ductor. George Szell took over in and novelty Olympics. Under pool through a bottle with a nipple on 1946. Olympics are included a "n.ns- it. When she has finished the pro- An important landmark in the paper in pool relay." a "candle cess is reversed. in pool relay." a "ball between The judges (or the Olympic Day legs relay." a "three-legged rac? ■ are Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Wed- relay." and a "side stroke with berg. Mr. Custck, Mr. Schimph, Inside Pages ball between people in pool re- ' and Miss Mercer. For each Dolphinetfes to present swim- lay." The "candle in pool relay" or contest five points will be ming- spectacular, "Colorific," involves a sidestrokc done with ' awarded to the first place "in- as part of the Winter Weekend lighted candle raised in hand ner, three points to the second, festivities. See page 8 . , . above the waler. Winners are' and one point for the third. The Check your answers to yester- those persons finishing first with points for each realy will be to- day's crossword puzzle and try lighted candles. talled for each house, and six to solve today's puzzle. See The relay Olympics will include trophies will be presented on tlie page 4 . a "wheell>arrow race." a "sack basis of these totals T.ie trophies .IKK asks for Increases in fed- race." a "peanut race." a three- will be presented, for the men's eral aid to education. See page legged race." and a "potato on and women's bouse ranking In 7967 Winter Weekend Scenes 5 . spoon relay.'' The novelty Olym- each of first, second and third For the results of last night's pics include a "twist contest." a place. hoop contest between AIC and "nipple on coke contest," a "pie- Bill Klein, chairman for the the IConn Huskies, see page eating contest," a "life-saver on Olympic Day, stated that tins 6 . tooth pick relay." and an "egg year's turnout of eighteen dif- Alpha Sig took the lead in the shell relay.' ' ferent groups, or thirty-six houses intramural race before the Calling for coordination in the is the "largest ever!" It is more semester break. For the com- relay Olympics are the "peanut than double the response tor the plete standings, see page 7 . race" and the "potato on spoon Olympic Day last year of eight relay." The "peanut race" in- groups, or sixteen houses (Campus IMiolo) tCampua Photo) PAGE TWO CONNECTICUT DAILY CAMPUS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1962 Washington Merry - Go - Round Connecticut By Drew Pearson U.S. Military Mistake —thanks to the planes, tanks and artillery It didn't make headlines, but a few days we furnished him because he was a Daily Campus after a Democratic government was es- "good anti-Communist". tablished in the Dominincan Republic, a Dwight Eisenhower even awarded Dic- 10-man U.S. military mission flew to tator Perez Jimenez the highest decoration Santo Domingo tto find out what kind of we can give a foreigner; and the late "aid" the Dominican armed forces need. John Foster Dulles lamented publicly that The actual fact is that the only kind there wasn't someone just like him at of aid most long-suffering Dominican civil- the helm of government In every other ians want for their bloated military estab- Latin-American republic. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1962 lishment would be applied with an ax. The same story was repeated when Gen. After years of U.S. grants and weapons Gustavo Rojas Pinilla hoisted himself into for the purpose of supporting brutal Dic- Colombia's presidential chair. tator Trujillo, the worst mistake the We were also sending arms and provid- United States could make is to send more ing training to Batista's armed forces in arms to the Dominican Republic. Cuba until just a few months before he Just who authorized the 10-man mili- left the country to Fidel Castro.
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