Teen activity at Clinton 'Punkin Pile' —Dobson Free Press ranks Wings INSIDE: area high schools — Page 4B salutes Halloween on Rage 14 B best in Class B^-Page 9 A I* I llth Year No. 27 ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN THURSDAY OCTOBER 27, 1966 2 SECTIONS - 32 PAGES 10 CENTS Congregationalists City to get findings from 50 churches of urban renewal here Saturday Delegates ' and visitors from Jesse Pindall Pierce of Lansing. study next Tuesday 50 churches throughout Michigan Another speaker will be Dr Gor­ will meet at the First Congre­ ton ReithmiUer, president of Ol­ Preliminary findings in an findings of these studies will'be gational Church of St. Johns this ivet College. urban renewal study during the presented for the first time next Saturday, for the 125th annual Local Congregationalists ser­ last year and half will be pre­ Tuesday. If the commission de­ meeting of the Michigan Con­ ving on conference boards and sented to the St. Johns CityCom- cides to apply for funds, it would ference of Congregational Chris­ committees include Alba Wert, misslon next Tuesday evening, be another three to four months tian Churches. member of the board of direc­ Nov. 1. before the city knowswhether the L. Russell Steffens, moderator tors, Mrs Gerald Churchill, The presentation will be made application has been approved. of the local church, is chair­ member of the nominating com­ at the regular commission meet­ If it is approved, the commis­ man of the host committee. Other mittee; and Rev Mr Churchill, ing, which starts at 7:30 p.m. in members of the committee in­ member of the committee on sion will call — at this time — the commission chambers in the a series of public meetings to clude Mrs Louis Wolf, Mrs Rich­ church and pastoral counselling. basement of the municipal build­ ard Amstutz, Mrs Bruce Pope, The host pastor is also moder­ explain the project. Then the ing. commission will make adeclslon Mrs James Spousta, Mrs Robert ator of the Western Michigan The commission Is expected Wood, Jack Dietrich, John Han­ Association of Congregational on whether or not to enter \into to approve making an application a contract for urban renewal. ^ nah, Lawrence Fish and the Rev Churches. to the Housing and Urban De­ Gerald Churchill, Local delegates will be Mr and velopment Agency for federal If, at that time the commis­ Mrs Owen Baker, Mrs Russell funds for an urban renewal proj­ sion votes to enter the contract, THE ONE-DAY meeting will Welsh, Mrs Frank Maier and ect, but it could" be six months yet another year or so will elapse begin with registration and a Mrs C. C. Tyson.* before they make a final de­ before, actual work would start. coffee, hour at 9:45. At 10:30 Visitors will be welcome at cision on whether or not to go During that time arrangements the Rev Leonard Maunder, mod­ all sessions of the conference. ahead, for the movement of businesses erator at the State Conference, and residents and other such will call the meeting to order THE PROJECT TO this point problems would be planned. and introduce the Rev Jack Bar­ Brown, has involved only studies. The ALMOND CRESSMAN low of Eureka who will lead IN SHORT, IT will be about the devotional service. St. Johns six months before any final de- Mayor Jack Smit will welcome dad hurt •cision is made, according to the Cressman the delegates, afterwhichanum- Hit-run car city. ber of committee chairmen will Next Tuesday's presentation of present reports. in crash material will be to -back up the gets high Principal speaker at the con­ St. Johns realtor Wlnchell creases auto urban renewal project objectives: ference will be Dr Howard Conn, "Remove structurally sub­ national moderator df thfe Con-, Brown and his father, L. J. A hit-run driver is being hunt­ Grange post ..Brown of rural St. Johns, were _ standard and obsolete buildings In gregational Christian Churches,"" ed- by sheriff's, .officers after area, * ~~ ' * ' ~" " For more than 20 years Dr injured early Sunday evening ^in creasing the side of another auto Almond Cressman ofi rural a two-car' collision on US-27 •Establish a homogenious bus­ Conn has been minister of Ply­ on DeWitt Road early Saturday iness land use pattern by assist­ St. Johns has been elected over­ mouth Congregational Church, at Hyde Road in Greenbush Town­ morning. seer of the Michigan State ship. ing the development of central Minneapolis. With more than 3,- According to the sheriff's re­ business land uses and related Grange, a position one s^ep be­ 000 members, Plymouth Church The elder Brown is listed in *'A mystery of Halloween v-- * •, port, an auto driven by Douglas low that of the estate master. critical condition and is under facilities and removing non-con­ is one of the largest in the de­ Mlchels, 19, of 700 W. State forming land uses. The election of Cressman to the nomination. Dr Conn will be a intensive care at Sparrow Hos­ There's mystery to Halloween, and it comes in its purest-form at the Street, St. Johns, and carrying high state Grange post came at house guest of Rev and Mrs pital In Lansing where he hasja age of 2. For Jimmie Rogan, son of Mr and Mrs Jack Rogan of 704 E* five passengers, was rounding a "Strengthen the economic and the group's recent 93rd conven­ broken leg, broken ribs and pos­ employment base of the city and tion in Allegan. Gerald Churchill during his stay McConnell, St. Johns, this is his first Halloween, for all intensive curve on DeWitt Road at Jason Xti St. Johns. sible internal injuries. He was Road when the accident occured. arrest the economic decline of Cressman has been an elect­ unconscious yet Tuesday. purposes. The jack-o-lantern was something new to him, and the mys­ Another car, described as a 1962 the business area by providing ed member of the state Grange's ' Wlnchell Brown of 403 S. Plymouth, came from the south for new commercial and office executive committee since 1952 LUNCHEON WILL BE served Baker Street is still confined tery that surrounds it was a mixture of curiosity and fear. As all little at noon in Wilcox' Hall by the and took the curve on the wrong development. and has been chairman of its to Clinton Memorial Hospital boys do, Jimmie wilLIearn a lot about Halloween during the coming side of the road. agriculture committee since ladies of the host church. An with bruises and possiblebroken impressive aspect of the after­ week, and it won't be long, Mom and Dad, before he will be one of The other car scraped down the •PROMOTE THE rehabilita­ 1954., He was chairman of the bones. Hospital officials des­ left side of Mlchels' car from the tion of basically sound struc­ executive board last year* and noon program will be a me­ cribed his condition Tuesday as the mysteries of Halloween himself. morial service conducted by Dr door to the rear tail light. After tures and establish a unified ap­ still serves in that capacity "good* and improving. first slowing down, the other car pearance and competitive posi­ although he expects to step out CHICKEN SUPPER and ba­ left the scene. No one was in­ tion of structures to remain. of that duty. zaar, Wednesday, Nov. 2, Fowler STATE POLICE said Brown Nazarenes to jured. was driving south on US-27 when CLINTON COUNTY •Provide adequate off-street CRESSMAN DID NOT seek re­ 'Lutheran Hall,serving5to8p.m. Citizens parking to serve the business -Adv, 27-1 • his car" collided with'another dedicate annex election to the, executive board attempting to cross the south­ Sleepy driver unhurt area and reduce traffic conges­ at the convention this year but The Church of the Nazarene Traffic deaths tion by providing efficient move­ PROTECT YOUR valuables bound lanes ahead of him. That to make Morris F."Noonan, 20, of R-3, instead was elected to the higher car was driven by Rose Viola in St, Johns will hold dedication Since Jan. 1 ment of local traffic. with a Central National Safety services the afternoon of Nov. St. Johns, fell asleep at the post of overseer. Deposit Box. Central National Nafziger, 63, of rural Archbold, wheel of his car about 7:30 Sat­ •Provide all necessary im­ He is supervisor from Olive Ohio. 6 for the new addltibn to the Bank of St. Johns, Ovid and Pe- P-W study church. Workmen are putting urday morning and it hit a tree, provements to streets, side­ Township.' wamo. 12 The police report said Mrs PEWAMO' - WESTPHALIA- final touches to the interior yet, went across the highway and walks, walkways and utilities to Grover Grigsby of Alleganwas Nafziger approached the inter­ A survey of the total school although the congregation has' This time last into a ditch along M-21 nearHol- adequately seryice, increase the reelected state Grange master* section from the west and stopped program In the Pewamo - West- been using the new facilities for lister Road in Ovid Township. safety and improve the ap­ and Mary Jane Wagner of Hud- at the stop sign. The^ quoted phlla School District by a citi­ several weeks . year: 8 He was not hurt. pearance of the downtown area." sonville was' named secretary. her as saying she saw the ap­ Delegates voted to hold their m zen's committee to be organized ft* "^ ^ proaching Brown vehicle b.ut tonight (Thursday) at the high 1967 convention in Sturgis. thought she had time to cross the school. I CHECK Tp ALPHABET | southbound lane onto the median cross-over.
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