ISSN-2012-0400 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS PHILIPPINES | FISHERIES SITUATIONER 18 HIGHLIGHTS Fisheries production for the second quarter of 2009 was 5.89 percent higher than the production of the same quarter in 2008. Commercial fisheries served as the major source of growth with the notable 17.03 percent output increase during the period. Growth in aquaculture fisheries was also observed with production going up by 4.79 percent. Municipal fisheries production, on the other hand, was down by 2.41 percent. Commercial fisheries recorded 402,546.65 metric tons of output during the second quarter of 2009. This was 106,578.71 metric tons more WKDQWKHSURGXFWLRQOHYHO6HYHQ UHJLRQVVXUSDVVHGWKHLUODVW\HDU¶VUHFRUGVZKLOH the other nine (9) regions recorded a downward trend in production. The production losses of the nine (9) regions, however, were more than offset by the gains of the seven (7) regions. The increase in production was highly attributed to the big volume of unloadings of Indian sardines at the private landing centers in Zamboanga City. The production shortfall of the nine (9) regions was traced to the lesser fishing trips due to frequent rough seas, dry docking of some commercial fishing vessels for repair and cases of aggregating devices which were previously damaged and were not yet in operation. About 165,541.46 metric tons or 41 percent of total volume of commercial fish caught were unloaded at traditional landing centers. Commercial fisheries contributed about 30.34 metric tons to the total fisheries production. Municipal fisheries production went down by 2.41 percent and was PHWULFWRQVORZHUWKDQODVW\HDU¶V Fig. 1 Fisheries: Volume of Production OHYHO 7KLV \HDU¶V SURGXFWLRQ ZDV HVWLPDWHG DW by Sector, Philippines metric tons. The volume of fish unloaded by municipal April ± June 2008 - 2009 fishing boats decreased by 7,327 metric tons while catch by inland fishing households was reduced by 2,134,72 metric tons. Eight (8) regions exhibited upward production trends while nine (9) regions recorded production shortfall. The decrease in production was attributed to the series of weather disturbances and reduced number of fishing trips due to unstable price of fuel. Marine municipal fisheries contributed 89.79 percent to the total municipal fisheries output. Inland municipal fisheries sub-sector shared 10.21 percent. Altogether, municipal fisheries accounted for about 28.90 percent of the total fisheries production in the second quarter of 2009. $TXDFXOWXUHVXUSDVVHGLWVODVW\HDU¶VVHFRQGTXDUWHU production by 24,711.74 metric tons or 4.79 percent. Brackishwater fishponds recorded the highest increment at 9.33 percent. The increase was traced to the simultaneous Fig.Fig. 2 Fisheries: 2 Fisheries: Percent Percen Distributiont Distribution of Production of Production by harvesting of milkfish in Iloilo where fishponds destroyed by Sector,by Sector, Philippines, Philippines, typhoon Frank last year were now back in operation. On the AprilApril ± June- June 2009 2009 other hand, seaweeds contributed more than half (64.33 percent) of the total aquaculture production while Commercial fins/shellfishes shared 35.67 percent. Seaweed farmers Aquaculture 30.34% produced 347,877.89 metric tons or 15,346.68 metric tons 40.76% more this quarter. This was evidenced by the continuous expansion in area harvested in the provinces of Bohol, Sulu and Maguindanao. Availability of quality planting materials, proper caring of plants and good weather conditions resulted in higher production this quarter. Moreover, seaweed production considerably increased both in Municipal Zamboanga Norte and Sibugay, after a seaweed nursery 28.90% was established in the region as part of BFAR program. Aquaculture accounted for about 40.76 percent of the total fisheries production during the second quarter of 2009. | FISHERIES SITUATIONER 1 PRODUCTION COMMERCIAL FISHERIES Commercial fisheries recorded a high 17.03 percent increase in output during the second quarter of 2009 FRPSDUHGWRODVW\HDU¶VSURGXFWLRQ,WSURGXFHGPHWULFWRQVPRUHWKDQODVW\HDU¶VPHWULFWRQVand EURXJKWWKLV\HDU¶VSURGXFWLRQWRPHWULFWRQV)LVKSURGXFWLRQLQ=DPERDQJD3HQLQVXODZKLFKJUHZE\ percent, contributed to the total output expansion. Heavy unloadings of commercial fish caught were noted in this region; these added up to 143,516.42 metric tons. The growth was mainly attributed to the increased demand of canning factories in Zamboanga City which have increased from 11 last year to 18 this year. The number of dried fish makers also increased, and this created additional demand for fish (Table 2). 6L[ RWKHUUHJLRQVPDQDJHGWRVXUSDVVWKHLUODVW\HDU¶VUHFRUGVQDPHO\,ORFRV5HJLRQ%LFRO5HJLRQ(DVWHUQ Visayas, Northern Mindanao, ARMM and Caraga Region. Their production increments were due to increased number of fishing operations as encouraged by better price, abundant catch of in-season species such as frigate tuna, Indian sardines, anchovies, crevalle, threadfin bream, yellowfin tuna and rainbow runner. Good weather conditions enabled commercial fishermen to increase their fishing trips. On the other hand, nine (9) regions registered production shortfalls and these were; Cagayan Valley, Central Luzon, NCR, CALABARZON, MIMAROPA, Western Visayas, Central Visayas, Davao City and SOCCKSARGEN. The cuts in production were attributed to lesser number of fishing trips due to frequent rough seas caused by typhoons Crising, Dodong, Emong and Feria, dry docking of some commercial fishing vessels for repair and non-operation of aggregating devices which were previously damaged. Except for traditional landing centers, all types of landing centers recorded increases in volume of unloadings. Private landing centers posted the biggest expansion at 91.45 percent. This was largely attributed to the increased number of fishing vessels that unloaded Indian sardines or tamban in private landing centers which was in response to the increased demand from canning factories. The unloadings in private landing centers of same quarter last year was far below the unloadings this year due to limited fishing activities because of high price of fuel last year. Normal fishing operations by most fishing companies were also observed this quarter as canning factories in Zamboanga City were in full operation. It was further observed that unloadings of Indian sardines this quarter increased by 89,797.62 metric tons because of additional fishing vessels from private landing centers in Zamboanga City. It was also observed that there was an abundant supply of Indian sardines. The volume of fish catch unloaded at Philippine Fisheries Development Authority (PFDA) was 37.11 percent higher this year. Local Government Unit-managed landing centers ZDVSHUFHQWPRUHWKDQODVW\HDU¶VUHFRUG)LVKFDXJKWXQORDGHGDWWUDGLWLRQDO landing centers, on the other hand, recorded a decrease of 16.33 percent. | FISHERIES SITUATIONER 2 MUNICIPAL FISHERIES Fishing activities of municipal fishermen slowed down during the second quarter of 2009. The sector recorded a 2.41 percent drop in production. The second quarter outputs for marine fishing and inland fishing declined by 2.08 percent and by 5.17 percent, respectively (Table 3). 7RWDOPXQLFLSDOILVKSURGXFWLRQRIPHWULFWRQVZDVPHWULFWRQVVKRUWRIODVW\HDU¶VRXWSXWRI 392,910.58 metric tons. The volume of fish unloaded by municipal fishing boats decreased by 7,327 metric tons while fish caught by inland fishing households was reduced by 2,134.72 metric tons. 7KHUHZHUHQLQH UHJLRQVWKDWIDLOHGWRVXUSDVVWKHLUODVW\HDU¶VSURGXFWLRQUHFRUGV5HGXFWLRQVUDQJHGIURP 2.79 percent (Zamboanga Peninsula) to 16.93 percent (Metro Manila). In absolute terms, MIMAROPA experienced the biggest drop in production at 11,795.71 metric tons while Metro Manila had the least at 146.33 metric tons. Bicol Region and CALABARZON lost 3,758.70 and 3,553.03 metric tons, respectively. The gains earned by eight (8) regions could not compensate for the losses incurred by nine (9) regions. Marine fisheries sub-sector contributed 89.79 percent to the total municipal fisheries output. Luzon provinces got a 45.70 percent share in the volume of total unloadings of marine species, while Visayas and Mindanao provinces had 26.37 and 27.93 percent shares, respectively. Big volumes of different fish species were landed in the following regions during the second quarter: MIMAROPA, Western Visayas, Bicol, Zamboanga Peninsula, Eastern Visayas and ARMM. They had a combined production of 249,601.80 metric tons or 72.50 percent of the total marine municipal SURGXFWLRQ'HVSLWHWKHSHUFHQWGLSLQYROXPHRIXQORDGLQJV3DODZDQUHPDLQHGWKHFRXQWU\¶VWRSILVKSURGXFLQJ province with 73,256 metric tons output for the second quarter. 7KHVHULHVRIZHDWKHUGLVWXUEDQFHVWKDWDIIHFWHGILVKLQJRSHUDWLRQVZHUHWURSLFDOF\FORQHV³'DQWH´³(PRQJ´ DQG³)HULD´LQWHUWURSLFDOFRQYHUJHQFH]RQH ,7&= WKHVRXWKZHVWPRQVRRQ ³KDEDJDW´VHDVRQ DQGDFWLYH low pressure areas discouraged municipal fishermen to go out for fishing. This was, especially, true in the provinces of Bicol Region (Camarines Norte, Camarines Sur, Catanduanes and Masbate), CALABARZON (Batangas, Cavite and Quezon) and MIMAROPA (Mindoro Occidental and Palawan). Aside from unfavorable weather conditions, the decreases in the volume of unloadings could also be traced to the reduced number of trips due to unstable price of fuel. This was reported in Davao del Sur, Northern Samar and Samar. Allegedly, there was unabated intrusion of commercial fishing vessels into the municipal waters in Camarines Norte, Cavite, Misamis Oriental, Aurora and Romblon. The enforcement of fishery laws
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