THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1897. blame for the action of its traitorous heir being born on American soil. blush for shame, instead of .using winning smiles, and has the middle of HINDOO HOEiiOfiS. The Weekly Ghroniele. contingent. Bui the result sboivs to It is possible international complica- their strongest efforts to prevent his baking pan raised, like an inverted funnel. He is going to keep up what extent the Multnomah ring is tions over the affair may be avoided Greece doing whet they are too cow- the Terrible Bunerxng- iwcasionea Dy middle of his cake if he baa to put " ene- by the use of diplomacy ; but still it ardly to do. At the. same time this the Drought NOTICE. willing to debauch its political props under it. Some of the others are mies and to befoul its own nest, It strikes us that Lord Sholto is real country might cast its eyes on Cuba, wrestling with culinary problems, and All eastern foreign advertisers are J Ceylonese In Chicago Telia of the referred to oar representative, Mr. t,. shows, what Simony and Scottomy mean. and do a little blushing itself. the rehearsals are said to be intensely Miseries of the Poor Bnatfftuta Kat 230-23- 4 Tern pie Court, New York will lead to. II show that the wan- interesting. Contagion and Starottiea City. Eastern advertising mast be con a suggestion: The biennial report of the secre- Are Blfe. tracted through him. ton l4pulist, Cressid, smiles alike on Captured the Seer. tary of state has been received at "The present drought in India is one Troilus, and Diomed, and that Pan-dar- us John Bach McMaster, in his book STATU OFFICIALS. this office. The work is well com- A chorus of yells last Monday of the most severe ever known," said has a worthy prototype in the "With the Fathers," mentions a po- Mr. Vincent L, Tissera recently. SjTernoT W. P. Lord piled and contains much valuable in- indicated that something of an un of BUte Kinraud side-whisk- am from Ceylon and Secretarr HE ered shows hold-u- p Sa- "I know what ..Phillip Metechan Jonathan. It litical similar to that at usual nature, was happening on Main Treasurer formation. Looked at fiom . the the horrors of a famine resulting from Bapcol mouo instruction u. m. irwin as a cur, some street, near Becker's blacksmith shop, Atinrner-Oener- C. M. that Thersites may be dirty lem in respects, it occuiring in drought are. Ten on 12 years ago " Idleman financial condition of state, 'it ' the . IG. W. McBride the says the Ellensburg ' - though housed in a pressed brick Philadelphia in 1787. Capital, and the Ceylonese were the victims of a com- JJ.H. Mitchell might have been dispensed with, as crowd had ( B Hermann that . congregated was show- paratively mild water famine, but the T block, as when spying on the Grecian "The question of the day was the WJiiioniiEii. yf KUiB its publication must have cost several ing the deepest interest in some object suffering- I witnessed then wrung my BUte Printer .' W. H. Leeds camp he pouied his bitter-swe- et ratification of the Federal Constitu- thousand dollars. While we doubt under the sidewalk in the creek. A heart and I can see as plain es though I COUNTY OFFICIALS poison into the tats of his outraged tion. A member of the assembly on young aeer Had been frightened into were in the country the agony of the the propriety of its being published Hindoos. The County Judge..- .- Robt Maya mooter the morning of the 28th, moved that town from the country, and in its flight starving British papers sheriff . ! T.J. Driver we cannot refrain from com mend in have not given the truth in its pitiful A M. Kelray had followed the general course of the Clerk :.. One can easily imagine the adoles- a convention be called to consider completeness, and even though they did Treasurer C. L. Phillips the work. stream. Some dogs bad chased it under Commissioners........ .1 i-- E cent Populists, while toying with the the constitution, and that a time be all in their power to alleviate the pres- the aidewalkl Of the 100 men and boys ent .must Assessor.....' W. II. Whipple wily Bourne, repeating CressH's fixed for the choice of delegates. By far the best cartoon anent the distress thousands die of Surveyor . J. B. Holt standing around, every one wanted to starvation. Russia's proffered aid was Superintendent of Pontic Schools... C. L. Gilbert touching farewell to the husband she The opponents of the measure were legislative fiasco is that in the Salem boss the job of Cwnier W. H. Butts capturing the frightened refused by the English for political rea- had just left, as she surrenders her in the minority, but by three of them Statesman yesterday, entitled animal. Some wanted to get guns and sons. John Bull wants nothing done that will augment kindly Yard Pop-pie- s." shows kill it; but some one raised the familiar the feelings PANDARVS AND CRESSID. self to Diomed absenting themselves there would be of It Bourne of cry, "a rope," and one was soon at the Hindoos for the Russians. There Troilus, farewell! one eye yet looks on thee; no quorum. The legislature was to Craig, U'Ren and others as full are 200,000,000 people and toy my eye ee. hand, furnished "by Weed, nearly all of will with a feeling of relief Yet with mind other doth - the butcher. It be s blown poppies, them are vegeterians. They believe Ah! sad our sex, In us this fault I find adjourn on the 29th. The. three Davis and Vogle as Jim Allen made the loop. Joe Shall it that the people of this state will read eye mind. a sin to kill an animal and' the result is . The error of the directs the members stayed out; the sergeant-at-arm- s buds, and Riddle and Povey gone to laid it. Windy Green tried to "sick" of the adjournment of the legislature What error leads must err, easily seen. No vegetation on which swayed by eyesore was sent after them, but they seed. Wprds cannot convey any his dog on the creature, but he was they can subsist can escape the drought, and that the curtain has dropped on Oh! then, conclude minds full of turpitude. refused to go in. A report of their idea of the suggestions of the pic afraid, so Windy stepped into Smith's and pathetically sincere in their belief the farce. Elected on a platform the restaurant, got some salt, and, after of the teachings of Buddha, the poor, Thersites' comment completes conduct had spread abroad, and the ture, i, must be seen to be under pledging the legislature to the strict sprinkling it on the deer's tail as it ignorant people will starve rather than picture stood and appreciated. time-honor- people hearing there was no quorum, bounded into the loop, he gave the word, prove, unfaithful to this est economy, its iuiiety uiuuiueu tenet of their religion and eat the flesh THE LAWS DELAYS. went to the tavern, seized two of the and 500 willing hands pulled rope 1 met at Salem, but many of them Congress has begun rushing its the : them and the orize was landed. : ,1 : . 1 rrL . absentees, dragged to the state "America has spent millions of dol- ;ivuiut:ui a.me uupitoi. A lie aeiuiie oi A couple of weeks ago August business, and from now until the 4th house, thrust them into the assembly These Passed. lars in sending end maintaining mis- -' sranized and undertook to do busi Lindstrom of Tacoma killed his 5- - of March, when the session expires. chamber and 'blocked the doors. sionaries in India and I, as a Christian, d will am thankful for it, but now is the time ness. The house attempted to or year-ol- son and himself. He bad bills be pushed. The Nicaragua umy twenty-thre- e This completed the quorum', and the eigne ot tne ap when the Americans, and the churches ganize and the majority of the Re grown despondent over the interm canal bill and the funding bill, the plicants for teachers' certificates passed convention was called." especially, cam show that the love and publican members and two of the inable drawing out of a lawsuit in two most important measures beore at the recent examination. The ques charity they have preached so. many It is a timely suggestion; an ex Democrats, mindful of their pledges whieh all the property he had was it, have both been disposed of, and tions were more difficult to answer than years to my countrymen are not merely ample of what our ancestors did 110 usual, which accounts for the small subjects of discourse but real condi- to the people before election, met involved. A few days after his the balance of the session will be de years ago. number passing, but while this is true, tions. Aid from America would do more and tried to do the work they were untimely demise the courts decided voted to minor matters. it should be borne in mind that the for the conversion of these people than sent to do. Thirteen Populists, the case in his favor. Sunday the Davis house bit off standard is being steadily advanced, and all the preaching that has been done in Only three more days remain of those who must keep pace all the. years since missions were first three bimetallic league members and There is absolutely no excuse for more than it could cnew.
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