PRECAUTIONS TlisdisccontainsgamesoftwareforthepsprM(playstation@portable)system.Neverusethisdisc on anyother system, as it coulddamage it. Readthe pSprM system Instruction lvlanual carefully to ensurecotrect usage. Do not leavethe discnear heat sources or in directsunliqht or excessrye moisture.Do not use cracked or deJormeddiscs or discsthat have been repaired with adhesives as thlscould lead to malfunction. Plshdown one side ofthe Placethe dkc asshown, discas shown and gently pull genuypressing downwards upwardsto removeil, using untilit clicksinto place. exres5lorce to removethe Storingthe disc incoredly dEcmay result in damage. mayresult in damage. HEALTHWARNING Alwaysplay in a well lit environment.Take regular breaks, 15 minutesevery hour Avoid playingwhen tired or suffering from lack of sleep.Some individuals are sensitive to flashingor flickeringlights or geometricshapes and patternt may have an undetectedepileptic condition andmay experience epileptic seizures when watching television orplaying videogames. Consult yourdoctor before playing videogames if you have an epilepticcondition and immediately shouldyou experience any of thefollowing symptoms whilst playing; dizziness, altered vision, muscletwitching, other involuntary movement, loss of awareness.confusion and/or convulsions. PIRACY Ihe PSPrMsystem and this disc contain technical protection mechanisms designed to pteventthe unauthorisedreproduction of the copyrightworks present on the disc.The unauthorised use ol registeredtrademarks or the unauthorisedreproduction of copyrlghtworks by circumventing thesemechanisms or otherwiseis prohibitedby law lf you haveany informationabod pirateproduct or methodsused to circumventour technicalprotection measures please email [email protected],com orcall your local CustomerService number given at the backof thismanual. PARENTALCONTROL ThisPSPrM (Playstation@Ponable) Game software has a presetparental Control Level based on its content.You can set the ParentalControl Level on the psprMsystem to restrictthe playback of a PSPrMGamewith a ParentalControl Level that is higherthan the levelset on the psprM system.For more information, please refer to the psprMsystem Instruction l\y'anual. 9 Restricted to 18 and over Not suitable for under 15 unless 7 accompanied by an adult Recommended for 5 matur€ players Parental guidance 3 recommended 2 General ucEs-00038/ANz SoC0|V:U.S. Naq/ SEALS Fireleam Bravo @2005-2006 Sony Computef Ent€rtainment America lnc. Library pr0grams o 2003'2006sony computer Entertainment Inc. excrusivery ricensed to sonycomputer Entertainment Europe.F0R PERSoNAL USE 0NLY Unauthodsed copylng, adaptation, rentat, lending, distTibution, exracron, re_ sale,arcade use, charoing for use,broadcast, pubric performance and int€rnet, cabre or anyteJecommunrcalons transmlssion,access or useofthis product orany trademark or copyrightworkthatformspan ofthrs prooufi are prohibited. Publlshedby sony computer Entertainment Europe. Deveroped byzipper lnteractive rnc. The tJ.s. Naw provldedtechnical support, but does not oificially endorse this product.All riqhtsreseryed. '" ffi*x{x$-$sx*- TheHeadset can be used to condud players *l:x*x-xruc&r*xe _* c0nversati0nswithother duiini:online -.--'- sessionsand is useful for barking orders and Setup the P5PTM system according tothe instru(tions inits instruction givingwarnings. Used in ronjunction with the manual.Turn the PSPrM system on and the P0WER indicator will light up Headphoneswith Remote C0ntrol for PSPTM, green.The Home Menu will be dispfayed. Pres the OPEN latch to openthe theHeadset must be inserted into the remote disccover. Insert the S0C0M: U,S, Navy SEAIs Fheteam Bravo disc with the controland then the remote control must be labelside facing the rear of the PSPTM system and then securely close the insertedinto the headset connector onthe disccover. PSPrMsystem. .j eledthe llon fromthe Home Menu and then seled the Qon. N0TE:usingtheHeadsetisoptiona|buthigh|yrecommendedfor $ :.,, Athumbnail image of the software will be displayed. Select the image and onlineplay. i .-.presthe X buttonto commenceloading, : 1&{!}3${!=!$.SW$.l&} *d PIEASEN0TE: the information inthis manual was c0rrect at thetime of --ir goingto print, but some minor changes may have been made late in the Softwaretitles that support Wireles (WLAN) functionality all0w the user t0 (0mmunicate pr0dud'sdevelopment. Allscreenshots forthis manual have been taken withother PSPTM systems, download data and c0mpete fromthe English version of thisproduct, and s0me screenshots might have againstother users via connection toa WirelessLocal Area Network (WtAN). beentaken from pre-completion screens that differ slightly from those in thefinished product. &,3 t-,{x} *\,}{:!}}t; .] AdHoc Mode is a Wireless(WLAN) feature that allows hvo 0f i:, '' moreindividual PSPTM ''' {\slgw{38{YsY,{:i{ tx,rs.* - systemstocommunicate directly with Tm* il" eachother. MemoryStick DuoTM slot of thePSPTM system. Saved game data can be :,,'=- loadedfrom the same Memory Stick DuoTM orany Memory Stick DuoTM GAIVIESI{AIIING Some ; containingpreviously saved 50(0M: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo data. softwaretitles feature Game Sharing facilities which .Make sure there is enough free space on the Memory Stirk DuoTM before enablethe user to share specific aame features with other commencingplay. userswho do not have a PSPTM(PlayStationoPortable) Gamein theirPSPTM system. .. 5ff!M: U,S.llavy SEAIs Fireteam Bravo uses an autosave feature. Do not r*- insertor remove the Memory Stick DuoTM after start-up as doing so may $fq{4s-!.llq(}]-ulcFtvlQrllb- Infrastructure ' causedata to beoverwritten. Modeis a Wireles iffiit.itur. tfr.tuf fo* thePSPTM system to linkto a networkvia a Wireles (WLAN) " AccessPoint (a device used to connect InSingh Player mode, progress will be automatically saved to Memory toa Wirelessnetwork). Inorder to access Infrastructure M0de features, t - 5-t(*DuoTMbetween missions if aMemory Stick DuoTM with at least 800K8 several additionalitems are required, induding ofteespace isinserted. InSingle Player mode, previously saved data will a subscriptionto an InternetServi(e Provider, a network (e.g. beloaded automatically upon start-up, and can be accessed byselecting device aWireles ADSLRouter), aWireless (W[AN) Access p(. "Continue(ampaign Menu" from the "Campaign Menu" on the Main Menu. Pointand a For furtherinformation and setting up details, please refer to the PSPTMsystem Instruction Manual. :i:::-: -.i - + *-' -':1'=1--'i DTREC'|]ONALt3trl"t()Ns - Move anaiogstirl. : .=IUOVEIVIEN'I' :;: * 5idestepleft/right l'L-l buqonftold) 'l Inthis manual, f , ], t, + etc.are used to dendtethe direction ofboth ;' + analogstick thedirectional buttons and the analog stick unless stated otherwise. ToggleFree Look mode on/off .f button(tap) Movecharacter while in Free Look mode fl-l button(hold) rlEFAUrrq$|N't'R()t:ti + analogstick * (hangestance (stand, prone, crouch) A button MEf{U C()N]]l(}L!i Fire/throw/deployweapon/take picture X button Navigatemenu/highlight menu item tlllrl+ Targetlock l E l button(holdl .' Selecthighlighted menu item X button Cyclethrough targets fn l button(hold) qPreviousscreen/return to Main Menu O button + aL l button(tapl : OpenStartMenu/pause 5TARTbutton Primaryweapon/grenade quickswitch A button(hold) " AcressTactical Map (TacMap) 5EIE(Tbutton Specialaction E button . .:::, VoiceChat (with Headset) O button(hold) + voice T(Acommand {Single Player only) O button(hold) j. R'eloadweaoon (hold) il (Multiplayeronly) E button orI button' .-; , AccessTeamCommand Menu O button(tap) + E button :--0pen Team Command sub-menu X button Togglevkion mode l/l buttons Highlightcommand t/*/+/+ buttons Cyclethrough team-mates during online play t/+ buttons (when Executecommand X button outofaction) 0penequipment panel ,: ExecuteTeam Command Action (TCA) O button(hold) tbutton * (yclethrough weapons/equipment . Playerstatistics(online) SEIECTbutton l/l buttons "q ' In-Game(ommunications Menu (online) O button(tap) Selectweapon/equipment X button Togglefiring mode ibutton+Abutton ' . FtRF"r'EAtVt c()tl/t tvt/lN D t-!$1' u Fireteamisthe name of the two-man SEALs unit atyour commandandit : -., consistsofyourself, codenamed 5ANDMAN, andyour SEAI team-mate,Tat€'u." Rawlinsa.k.a. L0NESTAR. 0neof [0NESTAR's primary responsibilities is . to " coveryour back during combat situations. LONESTAR willnever mov€ too i*^. faraway from you and he will always endeavourto rejoin you if you F wanderoffon your own. l L0NESTARcanbe instructed to foraya shortdistan(e away from y!'gr =.,. .= =i, positioninordertoexeCutesomeofthefo||owingcommands: DEPLOY FOLLOW . ; lf I0NESTARisequipped with Shadowingyour every move, .,: grenades,C-4 or satrhel charges, he LONESTAR your willtake leadand -1 your willrespond to commandby followbehind you copying your . I dispatchinghhexplosive payload. bodyposition. FIREA't'WtLL REGROUP , d I0NESTARwillopen fire on any (ommand I0NESTAB_Ioreturn- tC-J enemywithinrange. yourposition. s I -+ MOVE TO I{OI.DFIRE usiruer'rrr InstructLONESTAR to move to a CommandLONESTAR to hold fire ,' designatedposition as indicated by untilyou countermand theorder or NAVPOIN]S therrosshairs. untilhe spots an enimy who is lbethe crosshairs tosertd L0NESTAR toa specific location, for aboutto openfire. example, s]'EAtit't{'ro plarethe crosshairs ona specificlocation such as a doonruayand issue the "M0VET0" command to instruct 0rderL0NESTAR to move in a i covER ]ARGEl' LONESTARto move into the doorway area. -b stealthymanner toa positionas
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