Thomas Powys (of Snitton) William Powys (of Ludlow) 12 Generations of Powyses (1558 - 1639) (1494 - ca1577) 12 Generations of Powyses 'A cunning clerk and scrivener'. Farmer. Bailiff of Ludlow. Juror. Thomas Powys (of Henley) Of Snitton, Salop. (1617 - 1671) m. abt 1616 Margaret Rowbury Richard Rowbury Barrister, Serjeant-at-law. ( - 1613) Of Henley Hall, Bitterley, Salop Thomas Smyth m. 1646 Richard Smyth Of Credenhill, Herefords. 2nd s. Of Credenhall, Hereford. Elizabeth Smyth An exchequer officer. ( - 1645) Elizabeth Welsh Mary Osborne John Osborne Sir Thomas Powys (1648 - 1719) 2nd s. Lawyer, Solicitor John Littleton General. Of Lilford, ( - ca1560) Northants. Kt Bach: 25 Apr Thomas Littleton 2nd s. Rector of Munslow, Salop. 1686. ( - 1621) m. ca 1548 m. ca 1698, prob St Anne’s, Of Stoke Milburg. Westminster Sir Adam Littleton Bart Alice Thornes ( - ca1647) (ca1530 - ca1597) Lawyer (doubtfully). Of Stoke Milborne. 1st Bart: 1642. Adam Lutley Frances Lutley 2nd s. Of Broncroft Castle, Salop. (1562 - 1648) Possibly the eldest of six daus. Elizabeth Cresset Anne Littleton (ca1622 - 1655) Sir Gabriel Poyntz ( - 1608) Thomas Poyntz Kt: 1604. Sheriff of Essex. Of North Ockenden, Essex. ( - 1597) m. aft 14 Dec 1568 1st s. dspm. Lawyer. Of North Ockenden, Essex and Gray's Inn. Philip Powys Audrey Poyntz m. 3 Mar 1596, Chelsea, Mx Audrey Cutts (1704 - 1779) ( - ca1648) ( - 1594) High Sherriff of Oxon: 1739 1st dau. & co-heir, and in her m. 19 Dec 1730, London issue, sole heir. Sir William Peryam (1534 - 1604) 1st s. Judge. Chief Baron of the Exchequer: 1593-1603. Jane Peryam (1573 - 1646) Co-heir (Herts visitation). Anne Parker ( - ca1600) 2nd wife of William Peryam. William Meadowe ( - ca1542) William Meadowe Of Rushmere, Suffolk. Daniel Meadows ( - 1580) Sir Philip Meadows (1577 - 1651) Of Rushmere, Suffolk (1626 - 1718) 2nd s. Of Chattisham Hall, Suffolk. Isabel 5th son.1653: Latin Secretary. Margaret Ambassador. Of Bentley, Suffolk. 1662: Kt. Elizabeth Smith m. ca 4 Apr 1661, St Martin ( - <1678) Robert Smith in the Fields, London Eventual co-heir. Of Wickham Market. Sir Thomas Lucy (1532 - 1600) Elizabeth Meadows Sir Thomas Lucy Of Charlecote. Kt in 1565. Sherriff of Worcs. (ca1668 - 1728) (1551 - ca1605) m. ca 1548 Of Charlecote, Warwicks. Kt in 1593. Joyce Acton Francis Lucy m. ca 1585 (ca1597 - <1687) (ca1533 - 1596) Of Westminster. Lawyer. MP for Eventual sole heir to her four brothers. Warwick 1624 on. 6th son. m. ca Dec 1630 Richard Kingsmill (ca1527 - 1600) Constance Lucy 2nd s. MP for Calne. Surveyor of the Court of Wards. 2nd dau & co-heir. Constance Kingsmill m. ca 1556 (<1567 - 1637) A great heiress with £40,000. Alice Faulconer Elizabeth Molesworth Co-heir to her brother Richard. ( - 1691) Bevill Molesworth Heir. Of Hoddesden, Herts Philip Lybbe Powys Richard Lybbe 'The Sewar' (1734 - 1809) (ca1525 - 1599) 1st surv. s. Of Hardwick Richard Lybbe 'The Sheriff' 1st s. "Servant of Mary Queen of Scots" - Squibb. House, Oxon. Deputy (1582 - 1658) m. abt 1572 Antony Lybbe High Sheriff Of Oxon: 1640. Lieutenant of Oxon. (1607 - 1674) m. 5 Aug 1762, m. abt 1601 Johanne Coker JP. Signed 1669/75 visitation, ( - 1613) Whitchurch of Thames, as "ANTHO LYBBE". Oxon Richard Lybbe JP m. 4 Dec 1639, Whitchurch (ca1641 - 1715) on Thames, Oxon Antony Blagrave 1st s. Founded Goring 1st s. Sherriff of Berks. Of Bulmarsh, Berks. Almhouses. Anne Blagrave (ca1586 - 1651) m. 1672 Jane Borlace Mary Keate 3rd dau. ( - 1692) Leonard Keate Sole heir. Of Checkenden, Oxon Sir George Tipping ( - 1627) Richard Lybbe John Tipping 1st s. Knt. Of Wheatfield and Draycott, Oxon (1673 - c.1722) (ca1592 - 1618) m. 13 Sep 1585 1st s. High Sheriff of Oxon. dvp. Of Whitfield. Of Hardwick House, Oxon m. 14 Dec 1613, Eckford Dorothy Borlace m. 1713, Somerset House Sir Thomas Tipping (1564 - 1637) Chapel (1615 - 1693) 4th dau. 1st s. Of Wheatfield, Oxon. Knt. Sir Christopher Pigot ( - 1613) 2nd s. MP but disgraced himself by attacking Scots in parl. Anne Pigot ( - 1617) Sole heir. Ursula Pigot ( - <1602) Sophia Tipping 1st dau & co-heir. (1652 - 1682) William Beconshaw Sir White Beckonshaw Capt of a Company of men in Ringwood. Of Moyles Court. Of Moyles Court, Ellingham, Southampton, Hants Alice White m. 1613 ( - 1622) Lady Elizabeth Beckonshaw Sole heir. Inherited Moyles Court. ( - 1699) Yr. dau. & co-heir. William Bond (1554 - >1621) Lady Edith Bond 3rd son but 1st s., of Blackmanston, I of Purbeck. dspm. Eldest (Burke) or 2nd (Vis'n) Isabella Lybbe dau & co-heir. (ca1713 - 1761) Ann Long Sole heir. Co-heir. Roger Twysden Philip Lybbe Powys (1542 - 1603) (1765 - 1838) Sir William Twysden Bart Sheriff of Kent in 1599-1600. Of Royden Hall. 1st s. In 2nd Coy of Life m. 21 Sep 1562 Guards. High Sheriff (1566 - 1628) Oxon 1818. Kt: 1603. 1st bart: 1611. MP m. 18 Feb 1790, St George's Sir Roger Twysden Bart m. 4 Oct 1591 Anne Wyatt Church, Hanover Square (1597 - 1672) (ca1542 - 1592) Historiographer. Of Royden Hall, Elder dau. Kent. 2nd bart. MP m. 27 Jan 1635, East Peckham, Sir Moyle Finch Bart Kent (ca1550 - 1614) Of Eastwell, Kent. Kt:1584. Bart: 1611. MP. Sheriff of Kent. Sir William Twysden Bart Anne Finch m. 1572 (1635 - 1697) (1575 - 1638) 3rd bart. Of Roydon Hall, 1st dau. Elizabeth Heneage Countess of Winchelsea Kent. MP for Kent 1685-7 (1556 - 1634) & Appleby 1695-6. DL Viscountess Maidstone:1623, Countess of Winchelsea: 1628 for Kent. m. 13 Jun 1665, St Swithen's church, Cannon St, London Nicholas Saunders Sir Nicholas Saunders ( - ca1587) (ca1551 - 1648) Of Ewell, Surrey. Lawyer. Owner of Bataille Manor Isabella Saunders Kt on 11 May 1603. Of Ewell (c.1604 - 1656) Surrey. Lawyer. MP Isabel Carew 3rd & youngest dau, eventual m. bef 1585 4th dau and co-heir of her brother Francis. Isabella Twysden co-heir to her brother Henry. (1687 - 1742) Elizabeth Blunt Richard Blunt Sole child & heir. Of Lambeth, London Josiah Cross William Cross (c.1623 - <1665) ( - >1657) Of St Swythin's London. Of Greenwich, Kent. m. c. 25 Oct 1647, Poss. St Bartholomew the Less Sophia ( - >1657) Dame Frances Cross (c.1649 - ca1731) Sir John Garrard Sole child and heir. Sir John Garrard Bart (ca1546 - 1625) ( - 1637) 3rd s. London's sheriff: 1592, mayor: 1601. 1st s. Of Lamer, Wheathamstead, m. ca 1573 Herts. 1st bart: 1632. Frances Garrard m. 17 Apr 1611, Wheathampstead, Jane Partridge (<1626 - >1706) Herts ( - 1616) Sir Edward Barkham John Girle Elizabeth Barkham Lord mayor of London: 1621. John Girle FRS (c.1675 - 1715) (ca1592 - 1632) (c.1702 - 1761) Surgeon at St Thomas: 1710. 1st dau. Jane Crouch Surgeon at St Thos: 1731- m. ca Feb 1698, Winchester Henry Philip Powys 1749. FRS: 1754. Of cathedral (1791 - 1859) Lincoln's-Inn-Fields and Richard Slaney 1st s. JP. Deputy Lieut for Beenham, Berks. Stephen Slaney ( - ca1620) Elizabeth Blunt 2nd s. Of The Hem, Salop Oxon. m. 1734 (c.1678 - ) ( - ca1624) m. 6 Jun 1817, Calbourne, Of Winchester. Richard Slaney 3rd s. Clothier of St Helen's, Isle of Wight John Slaney (c.1614 - c.1678) Worcester. Mary Rowley Caroline Girle Of Hately, Staffs. (1738 - 1817) (1649 - c.1695) Of Lusley, Worcs then Ealing Sole heir. Diarist. Of Suckley, Worcs m. 13 Feb 1679, All Hallows Mary Elizabeth Tomkins John Tomkins John Slaney in the Wall, London ( - ca1685) ( - ca1673) (c.1683 - c.1720) Of Yardley and Lulsley, Worcs m. 10 Nov 1713, St Dionis Nicholas Bonfoy Backchurch (1619 - <1679) Merchant of St Helen, London. Alice Bonfoy m. c. 5 Oct 1650, All Hallows Nicholas Shepheard (1658 - 1740) -in-the-Wall, London Of Harrow on the Hill, Mx Of Ealing, Mx at the time of her marriage. Mary Shepheard Barbara Slaney (c.1634 - >1679) Anne Millett Robert Mitford (c.1715 - 1801) (ca1537 - 1625) Heir. Cuthbert Mitford Of Mitford. Robert Mitford dvp. Unclear ancestry. (ca1612 - 1674) Jane Mitford Of Mitford, acquired from Of Senghill Charles II. John Mitford Mary Wharton Christopher Wharton ( - 1720) Co-heir. Of Offerton, Co Durham 3rd s. Merchant, of London. Ancestor of Mitfords of Anthony Wharton Exbury. Of Ripwell Grange, Westmorland Humphrey Wharton Barbara Mitford Of Gillingwood, Yorks Younger dau. Philadelphia Wharton Mary Beane 3rd dau. Richard Cleburn Sarah Powell Henry Powell Agnes Cleburn Of Cleburn, Westmorland ( - 1739) ( - 1759) Co-heir Of London. John Michell ( - 1686) Samuel Michell John Michell Of Preston Plucknet (BLG 1937) ( - 1685) Of Brimpton, Somerset Simon Michell Agnes (ca1676 - 1750) Richard Michell Member of Middle Temple Anna Nawes (1704 - 1748) 1704. MP Boston. (1639 - 1720) Of Dorton. Clerk of Assize. Heiress of bro John Nowes, m. 1727, St John's Charity Hutton Lord of Manor of Lee, Clerkenwell (1669 - 1745) Romney, Hants Richard Michell Heir to her brother Richard (1728 - 1789) Hutton of Lincoln's Inn. Of Culham Court, Berks m. 21 Jul 1763, St Sir George Tash John's, Clerkenwell Sir John Tash ( - 1671) (ca1671 - 1735) Louisa Michell Of Delaford Park, Bucks Elizabeth Tash Yr s. Alderman and Sheriff of m. 1651 (ca1766 - 1848) ( - 1759) London, Kt c.1719. Robert Hatton Of Broomfield House, Mx. Was she an eventual heir m. 25 Sep 1698, St Bride's Of Thames Ditton Yr dau. & co-heir. in her issue? London Thomasina Hatton Philip Lybbe Powys Lybbe ( - ca1702) Charlotte Dunbar Alice Haines William Haines (born POWYS) Elizabeth Spooner (1818 - 1897) (ca1741 - 1767) William Dunbar . Of Chessington 1st s. Barrister, JP for Oxon, Burke LG 1937: Of 'Of London' Sir Thomas Barrington Antigua. ( - 1581) MP for Newport IOW Sir Francis Barrington Bart 1859-65. 1st s. Kt c.1571 by Eliz I. Sheriff of Essex & Herts. (ca1560 - 1628) m. 1559 m. 11 Jun 1844, Tilehurst, 1st s. Kt: 1603 by Jas I at Berks Theobalds. 1st bart: 1611. MP Sir Thomas Barrington Bart for Essex. Winifred Poole ( - ca1644) m.
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