f V -UJ ; BUS- i: — __ The Uiflvénlbrof Straabourgfi tifi for the manymy brilliantb acholan «Doc ISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AT within ita walla, among whom waa Goethe River, Ocean Co., N. J. who here completed hie law atnDiefl, anD took hi* degree of Doctor in 1779. _ _ . 1M oM slftUm in Umooiw Um o f Ooean present it is moat noteD for Us Muaenm la n n w iii. Aurin», •» amr ■umili of Natural History. Ko subsorlptlon reOeired without The very spocions Artillery Barrack«, at Omoux, Foras o» m Corirr». this time of particular interest, are aitaa- Gzo. M. Joy, Publisher. 1 1 “n«tt the Poite D’AuaterliU, anD near JOB PM NTIIfG m is the Arsenal de Construction, one g i t m r t lj i n i promptly h w b m . ol the largest depot« of ammnnttloffi ta 1C FraBoe.'’ Napoleon erected a rety fine monument to the memory of General Desaix, «rhu fell m the battle of * $usint8s Carbs. in 1800, and to the left of this ii M e n S e CitaDel, constructed by Vaubsn in 1572- im . a l b e r t c . m a r t in , Among the wonderful monument« to o r n a r a n d s o lic it o r u n which the religion« art o f the MiDDle (MANOXRII O cean, M onmouth and B urlington F ruit G row er . Age« hai given birth, none ex ceeD« the o.«rtt Bknk. Torn« Hi?,r. » . i . Church of Notre Dame, the> ccatheDral of j U , 18 68—ly * Strasbourg. Its Dimenatomi, it« 1 mentation, it« grace and boUnew, make I. W. CARMICHAEL, iprefuuon upon the beholDer. It d!or at Law and Master In Ohanceryl A Journal of Improvement : Devoted to the News of the Day, the Local Interests of the Shore Counties, and the development of the Resources* of New Jersey. auuuiw. in ita various part« mode!« o f T oms IUveb, K. J. every epoch o f Christian architecture.— • with Bnma>te, In the Court B oom , -nFortheartist__k . ___U Jr. itti« iimKiant » “labieot r of «lady,' ib R iv e r , Deo. 19. »67.— t f» . ituumid iurfor mthoHo u »« bomu u m tuin Btronbomg, » mona- Volume 20. ment. .to . revere______ ___ andJi guard, Aar-d Tari Aa Achroni- nm ut. H09. W. MIDDLETON, TOMS RIVER, N. J., WEDNESDAY, AUG. 24, 1870. Number 44. oler of the events which have como anD at Law, Master and So­ gone dnrinp many centdneoentdrios. Acoordi■Ding built on a «p o t in Chancery, Notary rjp o HE SOLD OR LET FURNISHED to some old tradition«, it is THE PARTING HOUR. dedicated to Dmidical womhjp and Public. Hg also received a medal of honor, back through the door and Blamra- ing on customers, from two o’clock for me to keep an eye out for every­ around it the ancient Celt« built their T h ere's something in the “ parting hour" leeloner for the Staten o f N ew Y ork and ANCHOR conferred by Cougress. ed it to. to eight, w ithout onco leaving it. thing or anybody ; but tho sequel huts. On this spot, covered with «acred rlvanta. I _ W ill chill tho warmest heart— wood, roao the “ Dm idical dolmen," anD e, P ierson's Building....... Tom e Hiver. A fine large country reeldor Y et kindred, comrades, lovon, friends, Tliero is about the character of I instantly understood him. “A Mr. Pleasants was in court, and will show that the ruling passion bore were offered human «acrifloes to A re fated all to part; scamp, on some ‘lay’ or other, and ho would testify to the same facts. was as strong with mo as over. huh, the God of War. T6, SgraSW Tta* .„a B u t tills I've seen—and many a pang the American Sailor, a patriotism, So- iw i: “ nta,nlnK 4 Bitting and 10* bed- When Pome conquered Gaul, a Roman H as pressed It ou m y uiiud— a total abnegation of self, which don’t want to be seen,” was my Tho first question of tho district The lightning express for tho town was founded, and the ancient name ritor and Master in Chancery, sraJssrhrtsiTtrttss T h e one who goes is happiar thought. And I walked on with east was to leave just as the train o f Argontoratnm wa» retained. It signi­ barn (32x28) with stabling for three horses nnia Life Insurance Coipany commends the naval hero to tho attorney mado the follow start and Than those he leuves behind. Supreme Court Commis­ cow : Ice-house, carriage house, harness room, fied “a town where water is crossed ov«r." affection o f his countrymen. Brave, his photograph in my mind, but shiver. that I was waiting for came in. As The high ground on whioh the cathedral sioner, and j K S S P i , » 0“ •“ ? w orkshop. Garden Is well N o matter what the journey bo— ®|ook®^ —jWlth vegetables o f every description; now stands, as w ell as the pagan statue« NOTARY PUBLIC, Adventurous, daugerous, far, generous and prompt, he can al­ ceased to think anything of him or “Are you in disguise, sir ?” t neared the end of the depot in found, indicate that a temple dedicated ring renounced allegiance to the fotem pe- T o the wild deep or bleak frontiev, of the circumstance before I reach­ my walk, I saw three men pass out the CourtH ouM . may be found at hie resi- a « » ¿¡safes NO. 1T8 BROADWAY, N. Y. ways be surely counted upon, to “Wh—what ?” stammered tho to Hercules and Mars «neoeeded to the T o solitudo or w ar; 1 repared for hneJneeB. avenge or defend his country’s ed the hotel. man. and to tlio loft of tho doorway to­ Druidical holy place. A brae« statue o f TO M S BIVEB, N. J . The hoM . i. MiMtoa on Ugh KTOUnt], * mil. Still something cheers the hoart that dares Hercules was found while digging the 7®™ Depot, and commands a fine view of I n all of human kind. honor. N o tale of suffering pass­ The day passed ; and bright and “ Have you a silver-gray wig oyer gether. I walked straight out after foundation for the Cathedra! in the fifth rom s R iver, Baruegat Bay and the Ocean. ROBERT ALLEN, Jr., And they who go are happier century. It is n o longer extant, but a Term, «My Apply 1b Hew York to llovKii es by him unheeded. Warm heart­ early Monday morning I took my your dark hair ?” them, and saw them standing \nseVor at Law, Master in Chan- Hoboak, 1 Pine s t„ o r at Toms River, to sub- Than those they leave behind. araall stone Hercules, probably found also crtb«r,_______________ it J. a HOBBS. satchel and went down to the de­ The man looked amazed and then close together, talking fast and ea­ when digging the foundation, I »W , In and Commissionerfo r New T h e bride goes to the bridegroom's hom e ed and impulsivo, he freely scatters a niche on tho northward tower. and Pennsylvania. W ith doubtings and with tears, his hard earned cash, to alienate pot. B u t it was to n o purpose ; frightened, b u t said nothing ; and gerly. I gave a loud “hem}” to <.S.,oMbnt. BOO. C A P E M A Y I t is m id that ttt. Annand, ia the fourth B u t dooB not hope her rainbow spread distress wherevef he meets the the office was closed, a pla­ before he could recover his self- make them look up, which they all centory, built a church «n tba ruin« of A crofs her cloudy fears ? tho Roman temple ; but this is doubtful. BRICKSBURG HOUSE, A la s! tho mother who remains, call. Tho American Sailor is one card on tho wall informed the pub­ possession, th e district afcfcornoy did, at once, arid I saw their faces. WCKSBURG, Ocean Country, N. J. In the early years o f tho fifth century, ■ MUTUAL FIRE INS. COMP’NY W hat comfort can sho find, of tho great, noble, humanizing in­ lic that the road would not be op­ had stepped forward and removed It is unnecessary for mo to describe German tribes invaded Gaul, and spread CHARLES Q. FRENCH, B u t this—tho gone is happier desolation and terror before them. N o jr Ö, 1868.—ly. Proprietor. ened before Tuesday. tho wig, revealing a smoothly- thorn ; I marked oach o f them at Thun one she leaves behind. stitutions o f life. In short, he is one euu tell us if other worshippers cam e EDMUND C, FISHER, President. one of Nature’s Noblemen. I w ent back to the hotel, too brushed head o f dark brown h a ir! a glanco, and saw that they were to this holy place, or if it remained a {CHARLES HUBBARD, H ave you a friend—a comrade dear ? desolation and a solitudo till tho conquest A. 8. FITCH, Sec’ much out of sorts to enjoy my “ What d oes this mean ?” ho usk- follows who lived by their wits.— Native and Mechanical Dentist, Buildings, JAS. QOPSILL, V . Tres A n d old and valued friend ? Wo shall continuo .these sketch­ by tho FrnnkH, led by Olovis, in 540, w h o S NEW BUILDING ON FRONT STREET, B e sure your term of sweet concourse es, but perhaps not weekly.
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