Planning Statement On Behalf of: Mr B Young In respect of: Loch View Wilstone Bridge Tring Road Wilstone Tring HP23 4PQ Date February 2021 Reference: EA/AT/2020.025/Rpt01 Emma Adams and Partners Ltd 80 Greenway, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, HP4 3LF Tel: 01442 875599 [email protected] Loch View, Wilstone Bridge, Tring Road, Wilstone, Tring, HP23 4PQ Contents Introduction 2 Appraisal of Site & Context 3 Planning Policy Position 8 Assessment of Proposed Development 20 Conclusion 34 Page 1 of 34 Loch View, Wilstone Bridge, Tring Road, Wilstone, Tring, HP23 4PQ Introduction 1.1 This Planning Statement is prepared by Emma Adams & Partners Limited on behalf of Mr Young (the Client) in relation to proposals at Loch View, Wilstone Bridge, Tring Road, Wilstone, Tring, HP23 4PQ. 1.2 The site sits to the south east of Tring Road (from which it gains access) with the Grand Union Canal (Aylesbury Arm) to its south and the residential property of Lock View to its west. The site is presently used as the base for the Clients scaffolding company. 1.3 The proposals seek consent to demolish the buildings upon the site and seek consent for the erection of six dwellings with associated landscaping. 1.4 This Statement considers the proposals in relation to the relevant statutory duties, including the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the adopted regional and local policy documents including the Local Development Framework. 1.5 Section 2.0 of this statement highlights the application site within the local area, the context of the application site and the relevant planning history for the site. Section 3.0 sets out the national and local planning policy context relevant to the site and proposals and addresses other material considerations pertinent to the assessment of the development. 1.6 This statement then goes on to assess the proposed development against adopted local and national planning policy in Section 4.0, finally, at Section 5.0 is a conclusion, which concludes that the proposals being presented are policy compliant. Page 2 of 34 Loch View, Wilstone Bridge, Tring Road, Wilstone, Tring, HP23 4PQ Appraisal of Site & Context Site Location 2.1 The site consists of several storage buildings situated in a yard area to the north of the Grand Union Canal (Aylesbury Arm) with accessing being achieved from Tring Road to the north. Figure 1 –Site Location (NTS)1 2.2 The buildings sit to the south of the overall site and have been used for commercial uses for many years. 1 Taken from Bing Maps Page 3 of 34 Loch View, Wilstone Bridge, Tring Road, Wilstone, Tring, HP23 4PQ Figure 2 – Existing Site Plan (buildings in red) 2.3 The Dacorum Borough Council planning policy map notes that the site is located within the rural area, it does not appear to be subject to any other specific site designations. Figure 3 – Aerial Photograph (Google Earth – March 2020) Page 4 of 34 Loch View, Wilstone Bridge, Tring Road, Wilstone, Tring, HP23 4PQ Relevant Planning History 2.4 The site/buildings B8 use was established and confirmed by way of an approved application for a Lawful Development Certificate (ref:4/01756/19/LDE) which was granted by Dacorum Borough Council on 12th September 2019. 2.5 In addition, several surrounding sites have been subject to applications for residential development as noted below. 2.6 To the west of the site (noted as ‘new development site’ on Figure 2 is Victory House site, this site was granted consent in 2017 of ‘Demolition of existing buildings and construction of seven houses and one live/work unit with associated parking and access arrangements.’2. 2.7 In addition, to the south of the site across the canal is located a further site off Tring Road, on that site consent has been sought for ‘Construction of 28 residential dwellings (including 50% affordable housing) with access off Tring Road, including parking and garaging, creation of public open space, landscaping, and all enabling and ancillary works. | Land Off Tring Road Wilstone Hertfordshire.’3. This application was recommended for approval at planning committee but overturned and refused, it is now subject of a Planning Appeal. 2 Ref: 4/02833/16/MFA 3 Ref: 20/01754/MFA Page 5 of 34 Loch View, Wilstone Bridge, Tring Road, Wilstone, Tring, HP23 4PQ Figure 4 – Relationship with application ref: 20/01754/MFA 2.8 Following consideration of the application the Councils Planning Officer summarised that; ‘2.1 The proposed development is considered to deliver significant social and economic benefits in the form of housing and affordable housing and would support the sustainable development of the village of Wilstone in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). These benefits are considered to weigh in favour of the grant of planning permission in this case. 2.2The development is considered to be a high quality and accessible residential scheme and would support the planning objectives under Policies CS8, CS11, CS12, CS17, CS19 and CS20 and CS29 of the Core Strategy and Saved Appendices 3 and 5 of the Local Plan1991-2011.’ 2.9 The Officer also noted within their conclusion that; ‘9.1 The proposed development will deliver significant planning benefits in terms of the delivery of affordable rural housing and this weighs significantly in favour of the Page 6 of 34 Loch View, Wilstone Bridge, Tring Road, Wilstone, Tring, HP23 4PQ grant of planning permission. The proposed development is a high quality sustainable residential scheme which is well designed and responds positively to its surrounding environment. Accordingly the proposals are considered to meet with the aims and objectives of the NPPF and must be granted planning permission in accordance with paragraph 11 of thereto.’ 2.10 It is noted that the Officers professional opinion was not followed at Planning Committee and the application refused, albeit now subject to a formal planning appeal process. However, it is significant to note that in the Officers professional opinion the development of that site is planning policy compliant. Promotion of Site for Allocation 2.11 We have recently been appointed by the applicant, along with the owner of the adjacent site (see plan below) to formally approach Dacorum Borough Council with a view to the allocation of the land shown on the plan for residential purposes. This is subject to a separate submission to the Dacorum BC Planning Policy Team, taking note of the Officers professional conclusions on application 20/01754/MFA. Figure 5 – Proposed Allocation Page 7 of 34 Loch View, Wilstone Bridge, Tring Road, Wilstone, Tring, HP23 4PQ Planning Policy Position 3.1 The proposals for the application site will need to be considered against the relevant planning policy and guidance. The statutory duties, national guidance and local plan policies relevant to the proposals supported by this statement are summarised below: Statutory Duties 3.2 The statutory duties, national guidance and local plan policies relevant to the proposals supported by this statement are summarised below. In accordance with the provisions of Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (2004), planning applications should be determined in accordance with the development plan unless other material considerations indicate otherwise. 3.3 The adopted ‘development plan’ presently comprises the ‘saved’ policies of the Adopted Dacorum Local Plan 2004 and the Dacorum Core Strategy (2013). 3.4 The weight which can be afforded to the two above policy documents will be dependent to a large degree upon the extent to which they align with the NPPF (see below). 3.5 On a national level The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (revised 2019) is also a material consideration in the determination of all planning applications, alongside the National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG). 3.6 When considering the planning policy matters affecting the site it is noted (as noted elsewhere within the document) that the site is not subject to any site-wide designations or allocations within adopted or emerging policy. Page 8 of 34 Loch View, Wilstone Bridge, Tring Road, Wilstone, Tring, HP23 4PQ National Guidance National Planning Policy Framework 2019 3.7 The National Planning Policy Framework (the Framework) was published on 27th March 2012 and replaced all Planning Policy Statements and Planning Policy Guidance notes. It was further updated, and a new version published on 24th July 2018, being further updated in February 2019. 3.8 The three key dimensions to sustainable development as stated in the Framework4 are economic, social and environmental. The planning system's purpose is to contribute to these sustainable development aims, and each dimension should be sought jointly and simultaneous through the planning system to achieve sustainable development. 3.9 Additional detail is provided by the Planning Practice Guidance; this provides further guidance on how the policies set out in the NPPF should be implemented. 3.10 At Paragraph 11 it is noted that: - ‘Plans and decisions should apply a presumption in favour of sustainable development…. For decision-taking this means: c) approving development proposals that accord with an up-to-date 4 Paragraph 8 Page 9 of 34 Loch View, Wilstone Bridge, Tring Road, Wilstone, Tring, HP23 4PQ development plan without delay; or d) where there are no relevant development plan policies, or the policies which are most important for determining the application are out-of-date5, granting permission unless: i. the application of policies in this Framework that protect areas or assets of particular importance provides a clear reason for refusing the development proposed6; or ii.
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