Complimentary to churches and community groups JfHtioritg ©pyortumtt} Mew* VOLUME 4 NO 3 2730 STEMMONS FRWY. STE. 1202 TOWER WEST. DALLAS. TEXAS 75207 MARCH 1995 Thurman Jones Profile of city council hopeful Vincent Hall Dallas CAN MON presents the most attractive, elegant and eligible women of Dallas / * From the wCOMMENTAR Y .0 •/Si ^D- -•» i,- Publisher 4> m L^ Thurman Jones than the fight to have their positions "len Mm have to uialli to school tlirooflh dongorous, crime infested heard and dealt with responsibly. Both . Ms. Sampson and areas, soraething is loroog. len the prohb is ignored or people turn Representative Giddings are also Source of a owed a vote of tremendous thanks for their efforts to bring these concerns to their heads and look the other mag, the children suffer." the forefront through study and care­ different ful consideration of the most appropri­ ate steps to be taken. The community will, no doubt, be the better as a result These poignant words introduce the consider new and revised legislation of their work. color very significant report of The Task to address allowing cities to desig­ Force To Review Alcohol Related nate areas of sale, distances and type Now, lest we think that this battle Problems Near Schools Several of places, local option, over-satura­ is over, we should remember that the The purpose of the months ago. State Representative tion and certain Texas Alcoholic proposed legislation and code changes Helen Giddings of Dallas commis­ Beverage Codes, Representative • must still be voted on and passed. Rest TPA sioned a task force to investigate the Giddings has already begun an assured that the liquor industry will growing problems of the number of aggressive set of initiatives to move aggressively to block the for­ A common theme among those con­ alcohol related businesses located respond to the concerns raised in the ward progress of these bills. They will cerned about the betterment of the near schools. The impetus for the letter. Likewise, on the city's part, as well make sure that everyone African American community has study was principally motivated by zoning, public notice, code enforce­ knows of the contributions, economic always been for the development and the concerns raised by the "Pearl ment, building permits and certifi­ and otherwise that these businesses sharing of the information critical to Guards" of Pearl C. Anderson Middle cates and the relocation of businesses bring to their communities. This indus­ our progress. The ada^" A people that' School in South Dallas. The brave and were all matters discussed and try has a powerful lobby and a lot of does not know if s history is doomed committed young men held both addressed for future action by coun­ money. This combination may still to live it again" speaks to the need for demonstrations and conversations cil and staff. Summarily, the report make the ultimate outcome of this the information that is vital to us, with numerous officials in which they covered all of the major concerns and matter suspect. whether current or historic, to be dis­ shared the dilemmas involved in liv­ implications for the South Dallas • The most critical aspect of the leg­ seminated and understood within the ing and going to school in an area that community. islative and code matters is the community. This need is the central has a high number of liquor business­ enabling of local govermnents to make es. Crime, prostitution and winos are The whole process by which this reason for the existence of the Black matter was presented is a real testa­ their own decision as to what density all described as being pari of the and conditions of operation are best press - to provide our people with results of having a high concentration ment to the positive influence and com­ timely and accurate information on the mitment of the Pearl Guards. Mr. Ron for their community. Whatever side if of these businesses. Rightfully so. the issue you take, there should be no issues and opportunities we face. Representative Giddings moved to Price, the group's advisor, has done a great job in showing these young peo­ confusion about the right of any local I am often concerned about the insure that their concerns would be ple a different and lasting means to community to have the authority to almost unquestioned acceptance of both heard and that a response would decide their future on these matters. be provided. respond to negative situations. No what we read and see in the dominate guns, no drive-bys, no fighting - other This option should be Dallas' as well. media. If we were to really consider the source for most of our opinions, Local attorney and civic leader DeMotris Sampson was asked and they are almost always, barring some agreed to serve as the chair if this task significant personal interest and/or force to study the problem and to TEPKOPPENmrLINE: involvement, molded by what we see make recommendations as to what BURfAL GROUND f=Of^ COliASP^D on the television, hear on the radio or responses could be implemented. read in the Dallas Morning News or Fort Since the issue also involved the'city of Worth Star Telegram. Now, I am not Dallas, the task force was constituted going to provide a wholesale condem­ to bring together representatives from nation of these media outlets but I the state, county, city and schools and would suggest that the source for to also to include youth, professionals, many of our opinions are not really elected officials, community leaders, our own. Rather they are some hybrid police representatives and school amalgam of tidbits from a combina­ administrators. With the first meeting tion of sources. Most alarming is the last September and for the next several fact that our opinions about who we months, the,task force met and ulti­ are, how we are progressing as a peo­ mately issued a comprehensive set of recommendations that required action ple, the issues that we should view as of both the City of Dallas and the ap^^^}%^ being most critical and how realistic Texas Legislature. our expectations for the future might be are all to often created by folks that The results of this report were released do not look like you or me. As the in January with the group of students complexity of the issues we face grows and committee members visiting the and our reliance on the mass media for legislature to present their findings and recommendations. the data we need to shape our opin­ ions in these areas expands, our com­ munity should become increasingly The report summarized a set of spe­ dependent on the Black press to pro- cific recommendations for both the slate legislature and the city. Publisher continue on page 6 Essentially, the stale was asked to A^P iT'S WB 7mm, SCJ^TOf: •III^^I'T' I m'r^ftof.^triT^.mTftvmtmn o (?sse^^o ^^^i^Wm ST. LUKE "COMMUNITY" UNITED METHODIST CHURCH PRESENTS THE FOURTH ANNUAL "SWAHILI FOR MARKETPLACE" Saturday, March 18,1995 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 5710 E. R.L. Thornton Freeway Dallas, Texas Theme: "A Cultural Resurrection" FASHION HEALTH ENTERTAINMENT Clothing from African Designers On- Site Mammography AAKHU. Dancer & Choreographer Ceremonial Robes Sid<l6 Cells/ Diabetes Adora Giris Rites of Passage • DesignerT-Shirtsby National Marrow Donor Program Mandala Boys Rites of Passage Sammy Bentil American Cancer Society St. Luke Sacred Dancers Fashion Show Featuring Blood Donations African Drummers & Dancers AKANDE COLLECTIONS Art Libation Ceremony by Literature Dr. Etiese Abasika • To register for a FREE Mammogram contact Sharon Tadesse, (214) 293-6681 Priority for mammograms wilt be given to uninsured member. To sign up for services, or If you have questions, contact Cheryl Mayo, (214) 590-8036 Also featuring: Anita Martinez, FOLKLORiCO DANCER of West Daiias If you are a vendor or entertainer intrested in participating in this year's SOKO, call Jacquelyn Wells, Amaedi Communications @ (214) 890-0230 This Message Brought by Our Sponsors Listed Below FED57AL BAM!< F^ ^ SELL TOE Neighborhood Tbxas Banking Dropby"SOKO"And Visit Our Booth to Claim u Your Opportunity to TEST DRIVE THE NEW Your "FREE" Prize **CIRRUS" Access Community" SEECHRYLER'SARRAyOF '9SM0DEIS AT OUR SHOWROOM (214) 230.2300 •I .niiimniei I rmmnn ••iinnntmn>« Political Exclusion say everyone should be treated equal I know about everyone in Dallas, hav­ and fair and admit you did not look ing been in politics for over 25 years. It into just who and how many were run­ may come as a surprise to you but ning and it sure a heck of a lot more there are more folks running for major than three, just let me know in person than the three you have in your or by letter or phone and I'll drop the February edition. whole matter. I guess you're like most folks, always I just had to write and call a spade a MINISTRIES hollering for fairness and equal time spade. but failing to grant the same privileges . Billy Jack Ludwig to others; not that in your case it really Mayoral Candidate matters. I've always found out the one iws}jfflww™i<irpgg^yiH^s^iwwfJwip^^ h tf ^i*w jwj'j who screams for equal rights the loud­ est turn around and fail to grant others Concrete Words the same equal rights. For the past twenty-five days, I have Oh well, I know I've wasted my lime been detained in the Dallas County if you failed to check to see just how jail. Most of you are aware that I was many are running for this office.
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