27 FEBRUARY 2018 PLANNING COMMITTEE 5a 16/1204 Reg ’d: 26.10.16 Expires: 31.03.18 Ward: HEW Nei. 21.11.16 BVPI 07 – Major Number of Weeks 68/68 On Y Con. Target on Cttee ’ Day: Target? Exp: LOCATION: Britannia Wharf, Monument Road, Woking, GU21 5LW PROPOSAL: The partial demolition, rebuild and extension of existing B1 office building to create a 4/5 storey building for Class C3 use including 52 (47no. 2 bed and 5no. 1 bed) apartments, associated works. Existing access roads/car parking to be retained TYPE: FULL APPLICANT: Campmoss Property Ltd OFFICER: Joanne Hollingdale REASON FOR REFERRAL TO COMMITTEE The application is for major development and is therefore outside the Scheme of Delegation. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT This application seeks full planning permission for the partial demolition, rebuild and extension of existing B1 office building to create a 4/5 storey building for Class C3 use including 52 (47no. 2 bed and 5no. 1 bed) apartments, associated works. Existing access roads/car parking to be retained. Site area: 0.57 ha Number of units: 52 (47no. 2-bed and 5no. 1-bed) Number of proposed parking spaces: 69 Number of proposed cycle parking spaces: 55 Existing density on site: 0 (as the site is in commercial use) Proposed density on site: 91dph PLANNING STATUS • Green Belt • Basingstoke Canal Conservation Area • Scheduled Ancient Monument • Common Land • Basingstoke Canal SSSI • Site of Nature Conservation Importance (Woodham Common SNCI) • High Archaeological Potential • Flood Zone 1 • Thames Basin Heaths SPA Zone B (400m-5km) RECOMMENDATION 1 27 FEBRUARY 2018 PLANNING COMMITTEE It is recommended that planning permission be GRANTED subject to: i) the prior completion of a S106 Legal Agreement to secure the use of the informal car park for public use on the same terms as the existing (which shall cease if the application under PLAN/2017/1185 is granted planning permission), an affordable housing contribution and overage clause and the required SAMM financial contribution; and ii) planning conditions. SITE DESCRIPTION The application site extends to around 0.57 hectares in area and comprises an existing 4 storey purpose built office building constructed in 1989. The existing building is faced with red brick with horizontal boarding under a plain tiled roof. The southern boundary of the site is formed by the Basingstoke Canal with the eastern and northern boundary of the site being formed by Horsell Common. The north-western part of the application site includes part of Horsell Common and the informal car park which can accommodate around 19 vehicles. This part of the site also includes part of the bell barrow (Tumulus) which is designated as a scheduled ancient monument. Vehicular access into the site is from Monument Road which leads to the informal car park in the north-western part of the site and to the reminder of the site which has hard surfacing to three sides of the building providing car parking and also a vehicular access to a basement on the southern side of the building which provides further car parking. The building forms an isolated site with no neighbouring premises/properties immediately adjoining the application site. PLANNING HISTORY There is a long planning history for this site mostly relating to the site before the existing office building was constructed. The most recent planning history for the site is as follows: PLAN/2017/1185 - Change of use of land currently forming in forward car park (land coloured green) to publicly accessible open space, change of use of land (coloured blue) from publicly accessible recreational open space to car park and construction of car park for exclusive use of the owners/occupiers of the property known as Britannia Wharf, change of use of land (coloured green and cross hatched black) from publicly accessible recreational open space to vehicle lay-by and construction of lay-by and removal/expunging of the existing S106 legal agreement dated 29th July 2017 to facilitate the proposed development. Under consideration. PLAN/2016/0724 - Prior notification for a proposed change of use - conversion of 4/5 storey office building (B1 use) to create 51 residential units (C3 use). Withdrawn PLAN/2016/0358 - Prior notification for a proposed change of use - conversion of 4/5 storey office building (B1 use) to create 51 residential units (C3 use). Withdrawn PLAN/2015/1438 - Demolition of existing 4/5 storey office building B1 Use and the construction of a new 3/4 storey care home (82 beds) C2 Use with associated access roads, car parking, landscaped amenity areas and new electricity sub station. Planning Committee resolution on 16.05.17 to grant planning permission subject to S106 legal agreement and conditions. 2 27 FEBRUARY 2018 PLANNING COMMITTEE PLAN/1991/0474 - Relaxation of Condition 5 (restricting office use to less than 300 square metres) of application 87/1213 for the erection of a three storey B1 office building. Granted 13.06.91 PLAN/1989/1073 - Amendment to application 88/0638 proposing use of redundant plant room to directors dining/board room and use of part of basement as lecture room/projection room and revisions to parking layout. Granted 06.04.90 PLAN/1988/0638 - Approval of Reserved Matters pursuant to application 87/1213 in respect of demolition of existing building, erection of B1 Use Class building and car parking, construction of new vehicle access. Granted 15.09.88 PLAN/1987/1213 - Demolition of existing industrial buildings and erection of a three storey building providing 25,188sq.ft. of Class B1 (Business) floor space (revised proposal). Granted 25.04.88 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT This application seeks full planning permission for the partial demolition, rebuild and extension of existing B1 office building to create a 4/5 storey building for Class C3 use including 52 (47no. 2 bed and 5no. 1 bed) apartments, associated works. Existing access roads/car parking to be retained. The breakdown of the proposed apartments is as follows: • 5no. 1 bedroom apartments; and • 47no. 2 bedroom apartments The proposed building would be 4/5 storey above ground level with a basement. There would be 3 storeys of accommodation above a basement and the fourth storey would be within the roof space over the whole building and the fifth storey would be in a further roof space over part of the building. A pitched roof is proposed with a flat crown and the roof space accommodation would be lit by dormer windows and gable features. The proposed building would have an almost identical footprint to the existing building and would have a maximum width of 55.8 metres and a maximum depth of 24 metres. The majority of the proposed building would have an eaves height of 7.7 metres on the northern elevation with an eaves height of 9 metres on the canal side elevation (as the building is raised up on this side). The main ridge height of the building would vary from 11.8 metres on the northern side of the building to 13.1 metres on the canal side. The height of the roof of the fifth floor accommodation over part of the building would measure 14.4 metres on the northern side and 15.4 metres on the canal side of the building. The proposed building would be faced in red brick with render and horizontal cladding under a natural slate roof. The existing vehicular access would be retained to access the site as would the informal car park in the north-western corner of the site. The existing parking area to the western and eastern sides of the building would be retained, although modified slightly to provide some additional landscaping. The access to the basement car park would also be retained. 42no. parking spaces would be provided around the building, 27no. parking spaces would be provided in the basement and a further 19no. parking spaces would be retained in the informal car park in the north-western corner of the site. A cycle store would be provided in the basement for 55no. cycles and a bin store would be provided to the northern part of the site. 3 27 FEBRUARY 2018 PLANNING COMMITTEE In support of the application a Design Statement, Access Statement, Heritage Statement, Transport Statement, Extended Ecology Survey Report, Travel Plan, SuDS Statement, SuDS Checklist, Planning Policy Statement, Environmental Statement, sun path diagrams and Contamination Assessment Report have been submitted. The CIL Additional Information form has also been submitted with the application. Viability Information has also been submitted with the application. CONSULTATIONS County Highway Authority – Having assessed the application in terms of the likely net additional traffic generation, access arrangements and parking provision, satisfied that the application would not have a material impact on the safety and operation of the adjoining public highway. Historic England (first response) – The development site lies in close proximity to several designated heritage assets, including a group of scheduled Bronze Age barrows, one of which overlaps with the development boundary. The proposed new building is unlikely to cause harm to the designated heritage assets through development within their setting that is greater than any harm caused by the existing building. There is however, the potential for the development proposals to cause harm to the eastern barrow through construction, demolition, ground works, additions and continued parking or vehicle movements on the monument. Service trenches should be diverted outside the boundary of the scheduled area and the proposed refuse storage should also be re-located away from the barrow and the plans should be amended in this regard as these aspects have the potential to cause harm to the adjacent scheduled barrow. A Construction Management Plan would also be needed to control construction activities to ensure no inadvertent damage is caused.
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