t VOLUME IY WASHINGTON CITY, D. C., JUNE 7,1874. NUMBER 14. tlie Interests and advancing the cause of the working- ONE CANH0T pass up Seventh street without being dare not interfere lest she might explode one of her LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. man. attracted by the beautifully arranged show-window of THE CAPITAL, diabolical patent ship-booms under our forecastle; Tbe Young Men's Christian Association, at their meet- our friend, John Markrlter, and though the exterior and with humble regard for the readers of THE PUBLISHED WEEKLY SPECIALS FROM BALTIMORE. ing on Tuesday evening, passed a resolution authorizing appearance of ills store presents so fine show of gen- CAPITAL, who would weep to see us blown up, we uine merit in the fine arts, It is but an Index of the BY THE the president to appoint delegates to the International left the belligerent peace preacher to light her own interior, which surpasses anything of the kind in tills THE CITY HALL. Convention of the Young Men's Christian Association, city. We would advise our citizens to give liim a call CAPITAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, battles. BALTIMORE, June o.—1Tlie new city hall is approach- which ni'eets at Dayton, Ohio, this month. and thus afford themselves the opportunity of seeing 927 D Street, VRShlngton, D. C. Our theological reporter was at the time engaged ing completion. A large sum of money has been ex- Tlie trustees of the Maryland Soldiers' Home have the largest and handsomest assortment of wall paper- BONK PIATT Editor. taking notes in the office of the Secretary of the pended in its constructions and it would Indeed be a requested that a fuud of $13,000, the proceeds of the sale ing, cords, tassels,.and all the novelties pertaining to a Treasury, where there was some tall swearing singular, though a creditable thing, If a portion of the of the " Home," be transferred to the Union Orphan first-class establishment that cita be found In this city, TERMS.—S3,50 per year In advance. going on, so we could not have the religious discus- amount appropriated for Its construction liad not been Asylum of Baltimore. The " Home " was disposed of or even south of New York. "Clubs: Ten copies to one address, $20 In advance, with sion that took place between T. C. and the colored diverted from Its legitimate purpose. For Instance, for the reason that at present there arc no soldiers here needing assistance. one copy free. Twenty copies to one address, $35 In divine taken down; when, however, the dusky min- one of the building committee, who appears to be in a THE MOST available summer resort to over heated and advance, with one copy free. The Henry Watson Children Aid Society have opened ister said he did not believe in women speaking in minority of one, avers that lie Can show conclusively overworked people of Washington Is Piny Point. This that had his suggestions been adopted In divers In- a department in their institution on Calvert street for the markst spaces, as it was out of her sphere, and well-known resort, so popular in the days of Henry stances the structure would have been finished some the gratuitous teaching of dress-making aud all kinds tOSTENTS OF INSIDE. wheB the peace-loving Charlotte became quite Clay and other antiquated pumps, has passed into now eighteen months since and at an expense of $£00,000 or of needle-woidt. The " excelsior," system now In vogue hands, and a very Intelligent and enterprising head. "Stray Leaves from a Social Journal," "So- wrathy aid folded up her parasol, which had on its $600*,000 less than It will actually cost. It is alleged that lln similar schools in New York and Boston, has been The great draVback to Piny Point heretofore has been handle, doubtless, a fusilade of infernal machines, cial Gossip," ancl a Baltimore „Letter will be a short time ago, owing to this gentlemau's Inquisitorial adopted. the mlsquttoes. The ¡new proprietor went for thoso we saw there was mischief ahead and we beat a re- .puotpensitics, the fact was brought to light tliat two found on our second page. New York Items. mlsqultoes, and by clearing out and burning over a treat. Let us have peace, Charlotte and Belva. 'ovcrmeisurements In the stone work had been allowed. NEW YORK, June o.—The United States steamer Swa- swamp in the neighborhood of the- place, he lias freed Our third page contains "G. II. S. H's" New A Washington architect was sent for, and the result was tara, with the scientists on board, who go out to observe it of this pest. A pleasant ride down the river, of a few an abatement of about $15,000 in one case and about York Letter. the transit of Venus, sails early to-morrow morning. hours; always cool and delightful, carries the citizen $3,000 in the other. The "District of Columbia Investigation" Resignation of Some Important Old Pumps—Board Julian S. Mendelssohn, who says he Is a sou of the to where be oan have pleasant quarters, superb table, of Indian Commissioners. Clearly there Is an urgeut necessity for an investigat- great composer, has been arrested on a charge of at- fresh breezes, boatiug, bowling, bathing, fishing, hunt-, occupies our sixth page. To the President of the United State» : ing committee here. Th^ member'of the building com- tempting to pass forged checks. He. says he got the lng and other pursuits that relax the brain, open the Another Baltimore letter, and our regular DEAR Sin : The undersigned, the remaining members mittee referred to has had exceptional facilities for checks in payment for opium which he brought with pores, aid ths digestion, and revive and resuscitate the worn out Waslilngtonian to his original lustre and " Parsee" letter from New York, will be found of the Boai-d of Indian Commissioners originally ap- acquiring knowledge of the Inner working of the ring, him from China. pointed by you, under the act of Congress approved and he should be pumped completely dry of all he The residents here of the Hebrew faith are making splendor of feeling and appearance. It is a choice on the seventh page. April 10, 1809, respectfully resign the office we have held knows about the alleged jobbery and fraud. The inter- contributions for the relief of co-rellglonlsts suffering place for families. Wives regain their nerves and under that appointment. ests of the taxpayers demand this, and however unwill- iu Palestine from famine. health, and children chubby robustness worthy genuine ing a witness lie may prove, he should be summoned. angels. ' A Wni Woman oil Tlie Peace Patli. We cannot take this step without expressing,our warm The police commissioners have ordered that the mem- One consideration has kept his mouth closed on the sub- appreciation of the lilgh motives which have actuated bers of the force must have their permission in future WE call esrcclal attention of the ladles of Washing- Dr. Snodgrass, Mr. Wilcox, Belva Lockwood, Mrs. ject In the past, and that Is the good of the party. It is you in the line of policy for the treatment of the Indian before contributing to testimonials for fellow officers, ton and Georgetown to the inducements offered them Tan Cott and some other women held a peace pow- said that, from what has come under Ills own observa- tribes announced In your inaugural message, and of or collecting money from all citizens for charitable or in straw goods by Mrs. M. J. Hunt, 621 and 023 D street. wow at the Y. M. O. A. rooms last Tuesday. They your faithful and persistent adherence to that policy tion, he Is of the opinion that the present assessment of other purposes. the taxable property would have to be more than trebled Mrs. Hunt is an artist in the true acceptation of the called it a convention : hnt as there were just ten through mucli opposition, and in spite of many obsta- The game of base ball tc-day betwpen the Mutuals and to pay the existing debt. To show his earnestness on word, and hats and bonnets seem to spring into beauty persons present, and there was the usual dishar- cles, and at the same time thanking you for your ready Hartfords, resulted In the defeat of the latter by 5 to 2. and shape at the mere touch of her hand. Her adver- and cordial sympathy with the efforts of the board to this point, it can be stated that he has, within a recent" mony that always attends such gatherings, It may period, disposed of nearly $75,000 worth of real estate Cuban Finances. tisement will be found in another column, and every be appropriately called a contention. This being promote that policy, and for the kindly personal con- lady should read it. sideration which has always marked your intercourse and Invested the funds in other securities. HAVANA, June c.—Captain General Concha has issued truth, is of course not intended as a pun on the num- with Its members. MB HE ASSISTANT ADJUTANT GENERALSHIP. a decree Intended to arrest the rapid rise of gold, which CARBOLIC Camphor for Moths, sold by all druggists. ber of women present of both sexes. Community of Interests no doubt makes the editor of Your policy has attained by its success, and the mani- is considered to be solely due to the recent law compell- Wholesale by Stott & GUlman, city, A. Vogeler & Co., the Evening News the special champion of Governor Mr.
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