When the panic had subsided so that - cey, J. W. Cobb, Missouri; T. E. Winn, O. NEWS IN BRIEF. an examination of the premises could THE HOUSE COMMITTEES. M. Scott, G. W. Shell, J. F. Dolliver, J* a. DIED UNDER THE KNOUT. be made the bodies of nine children Pickier, J. C. Houle, J. AY. Rife. licpublican* been Fall List of Speaker Crisp’s Appoint- Education—W. I. Hayes, A. G. Caruth, Three Who Had Settle for Half-price whose lives had literally Peasants Stolen Food crushed were found lying on ments. D. B. Brunner, D. D. Donovan, J. L. Bretz, Whipped to Death. The creditors of the Chicago branch out the F. G. staircase or near a door leading to it. Following is a complete list of the B. W. Everett, B. Glady, I*. Coburn, of S. V. White & Cos. have compromised J. 11. Beeman, J. D. Taylor, Ohio; 11. The London Telegraph’s correspond- The news ofthe catastrophe spread rap- House committees as appointed by WATEBTOWN, WIS. their claims with the firm, and the suit Cheatham, John Sanford, Andrew Stew- ent at St. Petersburg says that there idly, and soon thousands of frantic peo- Crisp 23d: art, Pennsylvania. rushing Speaker on the has been an enormous falling off in for a receiver was dismissed by agree- ple were to the sceneto ascertain r 7 Labor—J. C. Tarnsey, F. AY. Wilcox. W. the AA ays and Means—AA illian. M. Springer, government revenues ment. It is understood that the settle- the fate of relatives and friends. With- Illinois; Benton McMlllin, Tennessee; H. W. Dickson, L. E. McGann, Irvine Dun- from the famine- were on in a hours all ofthe dead were r can. Bunting, THERE WILL BE NO WAR. ments made at 50 cents the few iden- Turner, Georgia; A\ . L. AATlson, AYest T. L. James Capehart, J. stricken provinces. In the province of G. Davis, dollar. tified. A ll were between the ages of 13 Virginia; A. B. Montgomery,Kentucky: J. W. Cansey, John James Buchanan, Voronezh alone the deficit for Septem- and 16. The audience numbered 1,200 Whiting, Michigan; In- New Jersey: M. J. Brosius, N. P. Haugh- Assurances That Chili Will Comply with Many Killed, by an Explosion. R. B. J. Schively, Washington. ber was 670,000 roubles; for October it All Demands. persons. diana; AY. Bourke Cochran, New York; ton. J. T. Wilson, Lisbon, Dec. 23.—Advices have been Militia—Edward Lane, N. C. Blanchard, was 800,000 roubles, and for it Washington, Moses T. Stevens, Massachusetts; AY. J- November D. C., Dec. 26.—There is received from Soutn Africa to the effect CHATTANOOGA’S BIG LOSS. Bryan, Nebraska; T. B. Reed, Maine; J. C. W. J. Stone, W. J. Combs, E. T. Stack- was 1,000,000 roubles. It is calculatep the highest authority for the statement that while the Coutinhos expedition Burroughs, Michigan; Joseph McKenna, house, 11. 11. Wheeler, Michigan; Louis Fire Property Valued at Hall, T. E. Wat- that by the end ofDecember the arrears the Departmentof was en route from to Mag- Desirees Over a California; S. E. Payne, New York; John Stewart, Illinois; O. M. that State has received Ouillimane Million. T. J. Henderson, Illinois; J. T. Cat- will reach the haraba an explosion of gunpowder oc- Dalzell, Pennsylvania. son, sum of 5,000,000 rubles. trom official sources, though informally, ting, W. JL Enochs. M. K. Griswold. Similar conditions prevail in the other curred by which sixty persons were Chattanooga, Elections—Charles T. O’Ferrall, Virgin- Library—Amos U. T. assurances that the Chilian Tenn., Dec. 26.—Chat- Cummings, provinces affected by the and government killed and 170 wounded. ia; L. AY. Moore, Texas; J. Cobb, Alabama; O’Ferrall, Charles O’Neill, Pennsylvania. famine, anooga’s moat disastrous lire occurred Paynter. Kentucky, Brown, T the prospects are just as gloomy. ■will make proper reparation for the as- T. 11. Jason R. I). Richardson, W . W. Mc- The Co.’s Printing—J. sault upon the sailors of the Baltimore Garza Reported. Killed. to-day. D. B. Loveman ct great Indiana; D. N. Lockwood, L. G. Lawson, Kaig, Cass Broderick. passport, labor and other restricting laws Georgia; N. P. Gillespie, Pennsylvania; Warwick, have been removed so as in \ alparaiso. St. Lons, Mo., Dec. 25.—The latest dry goods house, occupying three num- Enrolled Bills—J. G. W. 1. to enable the This knowledge has been George Johnstone, South Carolina; Nils Hayes, Clark Lewis. O. Scott, J. A. Pick- peasants to migrate. the Texas Mexican bers on Market Street, at the southeast communicated to the Navy Department, news from and Hatigen, Wisconsin; A. A. Taylor, Ten- ier, M. H. Johnson, Indiana; W. A. Mc- Three men who were convicted of corner of Eighth Mas discovered R. F. Ohio; IT. and, as a result, Secretary Tracy and border is that a revolt was in progress Street, nessee; Doan, H. Johnson. Keighan. robbery at Simbersk, capital of the gov- at Laredo and that Catarina Garza, the to be on fire while the clerks were at Indiana; John E. Reybnrn, Pennsylvania; Reform in the Civil Service—J. F. An- Assistant Secretary Soley spent yester- D. Clark, AYyoming. ernment of that name, were condemned so-called reyolntionist, was killed yes- their luncheon on the third floor. The C. drew, C. J. Boatner, Scott Wike, William to undergo punishment day at the department, notwithstand- Appropriations—W. S. Holman, AY. H. Brawley, Ohio; Lewis with the knout. terday in a tight with Capt. Hardie’s flames spread with astonishing rapidity J. M. Patterson, So well did the officials ply their deadly ing it was fresh Forney, J. D. Sayres, Breckenndge, Ken- Sperry, E. E. Merideth, W. J. Coorts, W. Christmas, in preparing force of United Slates troops be- and soon got beyond the control of the weapon, that poor who orders tucky; A. M. Dockery, AVm. Mutchler, C. H. Harries, 11. A. Hopkins. Illinois; C. A. the wretches, to United States war vessels in tween Laredo and Carrizo, but the re- firemen. The adjoining buildings Mere Breckcnridge, Arkansas; Barnes, probably stole only to keep life in their up R. Comp- Russell, M. Brosius, John Raines. Valparaiso harbor or American ports. port has not be verified. soon aflame, the fire licking over half J. 11. O’Neill, Massachusetts; L. F. of and vice-Presi- miserable bodies, died under the lash. worth of in ton, Election President The statements telegraphed from a million dollars property Livingston, D. R. Henderson, AYm. Cogs- dent—J. L. Chipman, H. St. G. Tucker, W. Another case where the sentence, ac- Freedom for a Notorious Burglar. less than two hours. The burnt well, Bingham; Dingley, Compton, A. Mc- cording Washington of late in regard to the al- H. H. Nelson AY. H. Crane, Barnes C. O. to Russian official ideas, was Boston, Mass., Dec. 23.—The execu- district comprises 100 feet front on AY. G route. Clelland. M. K. Gantz, D. A. Dearmond, made to fit the crime, was that of a man leged mobilization of r a fleet of mer- tive council has advised the pardon by the southeast corner of Market and Coinage, AA ei"hts and Measures—R. P. A. R. Bushnell, I. N. Cox, C. 11. Lodge, H. who was detected in the heinous crime chant vessels to act as transports have of Eighth streets and 100 feet front on the Bland, Charles Tracey, J. R. Williams, C. H. Powers, R. E. C. Doan, M. N. Johnson, of stealing a few turnips. was sen- the governor James Dunlap, the Dakota. He caused only amusement in the higher bank robber, from state prison. Dun- northeast corner of Market and Eighth B. Kilgore, S. M. Robinson, Rice Pierce, North tenced to penal servitude for life. circles and both sides of Eighth Street be- J. A. Eppes, G. E. Williams, Massachu- Eleventh Census—W. F. W. J. The correspondent tells of the Navy Department, but in lap was sentenced to twenty years’ im- setts; A. McKeighan. il. 11. Bartinc, Wilcox, a story of the 1871, tween Market and Cherry streets. Owens, W. I). Bynum, T. E. Watson, S. E. famine that does not agree with the re- view of certain dispatches from Califor- prisonment in for the robbery of leading Abner Taylor, Illinois; T. AY. Stone, the Northampton and w ith remis- Four of the dry goods houses Bussey, H. W. Bentley, C. Babbitt, J. W. ports hitherto received regarding the nia, which seemed in a measure to sub- bank, destroyed and the principal Pennsylvania; M. N. Johnson, North Da- Virginia; William Baker, J. Taylor, sion of time lor good behavior, his term M ere con- kota. D. leeling of the Russian people as a whole stantiate these reports, Secretary Tracy tents, two banks, the public library and Ohio; C. A. Boutelle, D. B. Henderson, toward the famine would have expired in February, 1894. Banking and Currency—Henry Bacon, George F. Huff. sufferers. It is known has deemed it advisable to make an The Northampton bank robbery was the Chamber of Commerce rooms, Cobweb Scott Wike, W. IL Crane, AY. H. Cate, AY. beyond question that the officers of 7 Ventilation and Acoustics—W. G. Stahl- authoritative This most of the kind on Club and a variety of small shops, offi- AA . Dickerson, Louis Sperry, AV. K. Gantz, many regiments foregone denial. declaration stupendous job 7 necker, Charles Stewart, B. G. Stout, AY. have their etc. dry goods . was made last night by Assistant Secre- record in the criminal annals of the ces, Loveman’s house N. N. Cox, Tennessee; S. AA Colb.
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