Hereditas 132: 79-85 (2000) Karyotypic characterization by mitosis, meiosis and C-banding of Eriopis connexa Mulsant (Coccinellidae: Coleoptera: Polyphaga), a predator of insect pests ELIANE MARIZA DORTAS MAFFEI, ELIANE GASPARINO and SILVIA DAS GRACAS POMPOLO Departamento de Biologia Geral, Universidade Federal de ViCosa, Vigosa - Minas Gerais - Brasil. CEP: 36571 -000 Maffei, E. M. D., Gasparino, E. and Pompolo, S. G. 2000. Karyotypic characterization by mitosis, meiosis and C-banding of Eriopis connexa Mulsant (Coccinellidae:Coleoptera:Polyphaga),a predator of insect pests. -Hereditas 232: 79-85. Lund, Sweden. ISSN 0018-0661. Received October 28, 1999. Accepted February 11, 2000 Eriopis connexa presents a chromosome number of 2n = 18 + XX for most females analyzed and a meioforrnula of n = 9 + Xyp for all males. A small metacentric B chromosome restricted to females occurred in 10 o/o of our sample and, when submitted to C-banding, it was shown to be almost completely euchrornatic. Chromosome pairs 2 and 3 had satellites and probably contained the nucleolar organizer regions (NORs). C-band analysis also revealed that the constitutive heterochromatin was localized in the centrorneres of all chromosomes in the complement. Eliane Mariza Dortas Maffei, Universidade Federal de ViGosa, Departamento de Biologia Geral, ViGosa - MG - Brasil. CEP: 36571-000. E-mail: [email protected] Since the end of the last century, many Coccinellids somes (PETITPIERRE1996). In the family Coccinelli- have been found to be efficient predators of aphids, dae, few analyses have been made, but available data cochineals and lepidopteran eggs (DE BACH 1964; have shown that the basic karyotype n = 9 + Xyp GORDON,1985). They have been used efficiently in described for Coleoptera is the most frequently Pest Management Programs and there is great inter- (SMITHand VIRKKI 1978). No cytogenetic analyses est in more detailed studies (SMITHand REYNOLDS have been performed thus far on any species of the 1966; DE BACH 1964; LEVINSand WILSON 1980). genus Eriopis. While there are large number of ladybug species We describe here the number and morphology of native to Brazil, few studies about this group are mitotic metaphase chromosomes, evaluate their be- available. The Order Coleoptera comprises approxi- havior during meiosis, and describe the distribution mately 350,000 described species (LAWRENCE1982), of heterochromatin in the genome of Eriopis connexa. but cytologic information about the families are highly fragmented, and covers some 3000 species (SMITHand VIRKKI 1978; SHARMAet al. 1980; SER- MATERIAL AND METHODS RANO and YADAV1984; PETITPIERREet al. 1988; Specimens of Eriopis connexa were collected on the GILL et al. 1990; GALIANand MOORE 1994). The Campus of the Universidade Federal de ViGosa, Mi- chromosome numbers vary widely ranging from nas Gerais, Brazil, where they occur naturally, and 2n =4 in Chalcolepidius zonatus (FERREIRAet al. were reared in the laboratory for reproduction. 1984) to 2n = 69 in Ditomus capito (SERRANO1981). Adults and larvae were fed with aphids and their eggs There is certainly a need to study a larger number of were separated from the adults, hatching on average species for a better understanding of this variability after 5 days. Fifteen larvae in the prepupal stage were (FERREIRAand MESA 1977; MARTINS1994). The used to obtain mitotic metaphase chromosomes. basic karyotype of Coleoptera, probably the ancestral Twenty five adult males were used for analysis of one, has been reported to consist of nine pairs of meiosis. Ten mitotic metaphases per individual were autosomes and the X and yp sex chromosomes, which analyzed, on average, during the larval phase. associate in a “parachute” configuration during Cytogenetic analysis of mitotic metaphase chromo- metaphase I, with chromosome X being relatively somes was performed according to the method of much larger than chromosome y, which is a very IMAIet al. (1988). Cerebral ganglions were dissected small chromosome (SMITH1950). from prepupal larvae into hypotonic solution-col- Cytogenetic analyses of Coleoptera have been chicine (1 % sodium citrate plus 0.005 Yn colchicine) mostly performed during male meiosis because of the and left in this solution for 1:30 hours. After this difficulty in obtaining mitotic metaphase chromo- time, each ganglion was transferred to a slide and 80 E. M. D. Mafiei et al. Hereditas 132 (2000) several drops of fixative 1 (4:3:3, water: ethano1:acetic Giemsa: 30 ml 0.06 M Sorensen buffer, pH 6.8) for acid) were added. The ganglion was dissociated with 50 minutes. a pair of dissecting needles and two drops of fixative 2 (l:l, ethano1:acetic acid) were added. Three drops RESULTS of fixative 3 (100 YOacetic acid) were then added and 24 hours later the slides were stained with Giemsa in Mitotic chromosomes of 12 Eriopis connexu females Sorensen buffer (0.06 M buffer, pH 6.8, at the pro- were analyzed by standard staining. Eight of these portion of 1 ml Giemsa:30 ml buffer) for 10 minutes. females presented a diploid number of 2n = 20 and The chromosomes were classified according to the four showed a small metacentric B-chromosome in all nomenclature of LEVANet al. (1964). For meiotic cells, resulting in a karyotype of the 2n = 18 + XX + analysis, males testes were removed in Ringer and B type (Fig. 1 and 2A, B and C). The autosomes of slides were prepared by the method of IMAI et al. this species were grouped into 4 metacentric (M) (1988) without using colchicine. pairs, 4 submetacentric (SM) pairs and 1 subtelocen- tric (ST) pair. The X chromosome was of the M type. C-Banding Pairs 2 and 3 presented secondary constrictions 10- C-banding was performed by the technique of SUM- cated on the short arms of the chromosomes. C- NER (1972), modified by POMPOLOand TAKAHASHI banding analysis revealed that constitutive (1990). The slides were submitted to the following heterochromatin is located in the centromeric region treatments: a) hydrolysis with 0.2 N HC1 at room of all chromosomes in the complement. The chromo- temperature for 4 minutes; b) a quick wash in some B, in turn, was almost completely euchromatic distilled water and incubation with 5 YO barium (Fig. 2E). hydroxide in a water bath at 60°C for 8 minutes; c) The three male larvae evaluated for mitosis pre- a wash in 0.2 N HCl for about 30 seconds; d) sented 2n = 18 + Xy, with a very small y chromo- incubation with 2xSSC solution (0.03 mol/L sodium some (Fig. 2D). The 25 adult males evaluated for citrate and 0.3 mol/L sodium chloride, pH 7.0) at meiosis had a chromosome number of n = 9 + Xy,, 60°C for 10 minutes; e) Giemsa staining (2 ml with all prophase I stages being visible. More in- Fig. 1. Metaphase and karyotype of an E. connexa female with 2n = 18 + XX + 1B. The arrow indicates the B chromosome. Bar=5 pm. Hereditas 132 (2000) Karyotypic characterization of Eriopis connexa 8 1 A B C D E Fig. 2A-E. Karyotypes of various E. connexa individuals. A Karyotype of a female with 2n + XX + 1B. B and C Females with 2n = 18 + XX. D Male with 2n + 18 + Xy. E C band in a female with an almost completely euchromatic B-chromo- some. Bar=5 pm. tensely stained regions (heteropycnotic) were ob- formula of n = 9 + Xy, for males. The chromosome served in leptotene (Fig. 3A), while they were less number and the “parachute” configuration during intensely stained by C banding (Fig. 5A). A larger metaphase I agree with the descriptions for most heterochromatic region and other smaller heterochro- Coleoptera species, probably representing the typical matic regions were observed during zygotene both by (ancestral) karyotype, especially in the Polyphaga standard staining (Fig. 3B and C) and by C banding suborder (SMITH1950; SMITHand VIRKKI1978). (Fig. 5B). At pachytene, the bivalents were individu- Chromosome pairs 2 and 3 presented satellites and alized and it was possible to visualize the chro- probably contained the nucleolar organizer regions momeres (Fig. 3D). Chiasmata and some bivalents (NORs). The chromosomes presenting these regions were observed at diplotene (Fig. 3E), and at diakine- are frequently seen associated with the nucleoli dur- sis the bivalents were more condensed and uniformly ing prophase (GUERRA1988). distributed (Fig. 3F and G). A small-sized supernumerary chromosome re- Metaphase I was characterized by the presence of 9 stricted to females occurred in 10 YOof our sample. bivalents and by an associated sex pair forming a When submitted to C-banding it presented staining “parachute” figure in all cells evaluated (Fig. and 4A (an intermediate positive block) in a small region of B). At anaphase I, chromosome segregation was nor- the chromosome, with the remainder being mal (Fig. 4C). euchromatic. B chromosomes are frequently fully heterochro- matic (JONESand REES 1982; JONES1995). However, DISCUSSION some euchromatic B chromosomes have been re- Eriopis connexa presented a chromosome number of ported, e.g., in Allium fava (VOSA 1973), Najas 2n = 18 + XX for most females analyzed and a meio- marina (VIINIKKA1975) and Allium schoenoprasum 82 E. M. D. Maffei et al. Hereditas 132 (2000) (STEVENSand BOUGOURD1994). In some populations stained metaphases and C-banding, but showed late of Allium ericetovum a B chromosome occurred and replication after R-banding. One widespread hetero- no correlation between B chromosomes and par- chromatin feature is its late-replication, the Bs could ticular C-banding patterns was observed (WETSCHNIG be a specific class of heterochromatin undetected by 1995). routine C-banding procedures (PELLEGRINOet al. The function and composition of B chromosomes is 1999). still a controversial question. Reports on the occur- Recently, SILVAand YONENAGA-YASSUDA(1998) rence of B chromosomes in the lizard Notho- reported a conspicuous heterogeneity of size, mor- bachia ablephara showed the Bs were not clearly phology, constitutive heterochromatin patterns and distinguishable from the autossomes in Giemsa- localization of telomeric sequences of B chromosomes Fig.
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