MINISTRY FOR THE KOSOVO SECURITY FORCE NEWSLETTER 2017, FEBRUARY MINISTRY FOR THE KOSOVO SECURITY FORCE Dear all, I am happy to inform you about the content of 47-th edition of News Letter of the Ministry for Kosovo Security Force. The beginning of this year was overwhelmingly busy with activities in terms of political developments for transformation of Kosovo Security Force into Armed Forces, or exchange of visits by domestic and international figures from security and defense fields, or with activities from Ministry for Kosovo Security Force which made MKSF and KSF as a headlines not only for the public opinion but also for decision makers too. Now I would like to highlight my addressing speech in the assembly of Republic of Kosovo to the national elected members, and spoke on development, capacities and preparing measures by Kosovo Security Forces for the transformation process into Kosovo Armed Forces. Of special importance is the visit by NATO secretary general Mr. Jan’s Stoltenberg in the Republic of Kosovo, with whom we had an outstanding constructive meeting. It is worth mentioning the reporting of KSF commander Lt General Rrahman Rama and director of NATO advising and liaison tem for ministry of KSF general Ditmar Mossman in the NATO HQ in Brussels. Moreover, humanitarian actions are worth mentioning in the mixed living sites where minorities (Serb community) live, now clearing activities, as well as lectures on unexploded ordinances which were conducted by EOD specialists in primary and secondary schools, students from all communities. Besides this, a large number of KSF members have positively responded to the call for volunteer blood donation for the NBTC when the center had urgent need for reserves doses of bloods. It is also important to mention trainings, educations and exercises home and abroad as well as visits exchange in line with mutual cooperation. Ministry for Kosovo Security Force and Kosovo Security Force are committed towards professionalization and development of KSF transformation into Kosovo Armed Forces and NATO and European Union membership. Sincerely, Haki Demolli KFS minister 1 MINISTRY FOR THE KOSOVO SECURITY FORCE NEWSLETTER 2017, FEBRUARY MINISTER HAKI DEMOLLI HOSTED THE AMBASSADOR OF MONTENEGRO IN KOSOVO FERHAT DINOSHA Pristina, February 1 2017. The minister of ministry for the Kosovo Security Force Mr. Haki Demolli has hosted for the first time, all-powerful ambassador of Montenegro in Kosovo Mr. Ferhat Dinosha. In this meeting, besides congratulating new post to Montenegro diplomat, he also informed him with mission, duties and activities of Ministry and Security Force; for the MKSF and KSF development as well as successful cooperation of MKSF and KSF with regional and wider strategic partners. Furthermore, minister Demolli said that good neighborhood relations between Kosovo and Montenegro respectively between ministry for KSF and ministry of defense must continue nurturing as relation between two countries and institution which aspire to integrate into European Union and NATO. Also minister Demolli spoke of process of KSF transformation into armed forces, for Kosovo ambition to integrate in NATO, European Union and regional European and global initiatives.,.. From his side, Montenegro ambassador in Kosovo Mr. Feraht Dinaosha expressed his unflinching support for Kosovo in its European path, and also said that great relation between Montenegro and Kosovo will continue in the future, knowing that a peace and prosperity of Kosovo is for the benefit of entre region. 2 MINISTRY FOR THE KOSOVO SECURITY FORCE NEWSLETTER 2017, FEBRUARY MINISTER DEMOLLI TOOK AN EULOGY IN THE REBURIAL OF ZAHIR PAJAZITI HERO Pristina, 02 February 2017. A delegation from ministry for Kosovo Security Force presided by minister Haki Demolli and accompanied by deputy minister Muhamet Latif and Lt General Rahman Rama KSF commander, in the 20 anniversary of the fall of national heroes Zahir Pajaziti, Edmond Hoxha and Hakif Zejnullahu took part in the reburial ceremony of hero Zahir Pajaziti. In this ceremony a few words were said the minister for Kosovo Security Force Mr. Haki Demolli, after greeting families of heroes and martyrs, co-fighters, KLA veterans, leaders of institutions and attends said: “ the fall of Zahir Pajaziti, Hakif Zejnullahu and Edmond Hoxha in January 1997 added to the list “bloody Januaries” of our national history another three devoted martyrs who somehow heralded of our glorified KLA freedom fight, finally resulting with entire liberation of Kosovo from Serb occupation”, as I at the beginning of the speech minister Demolli adding that Zahir and his comrades were killed during the preparatory period for patriots and homeland MARTYRS lead by legendary commander Adam Jashari to wage war against century long Kosovo occupier, valuing the freedom more than a life, therefore war was inevitable to defeat the Serb occupation once and for all.. Fair and freedom fight, killings, tortures, massacres in civil population knocked in the conciseness of civilized world, who created a joint frontline with the biggest military alliance in the world NATO, lead by US and other world democracies, that finally brought freedom in Kosovo. Furthermore minister Demolli said the freedom of Kosovo was a dream come true for all our martyrs, dream come true, sacrifice and blood of all fighters, activists and freedom martyrs, turned into reality the aspirations of many generation of our nation., turned into reality the Project of our freedom architect and Kosovo independence, historical president Ibrahim Rugova. Now the republic of Kosovo is sovereign and independent country, gradually strengthening the state subjectivity at national and international level. “A state that amongst its activities in consolidating its vital state bodies, will undertake all legal and constitutional activities for the transformation of KSF into Kosovo armed forces. A state that will meet criteria and standards for membership in NATO, as well as other relevant international bodies. Exactly this way of building Kosovo state as an independent and democratic country will in the best manner possible fulfill the mission of Zahir and his comrades, as well as all heroes, martyrs and activists who sacrificed and contributed for the freedom said minister Demolli” 3 MINISTRY FOR THE KOSOVO SECURITY FORCE NEWSLETTER 2017, FEBRUARY KSF VOLUNTARILY DONATED OVER 560 DOSES OF BLOOD Pristina, 03 February 2017. From the ministry for Kosovo Security Force and in the Kosovo’s Security Force, are donated 568 doses of blood to the national blood transfusion center, for the needs of Kosovo’s citizens. Department for civil- military cooperation, in line with 2017 annual plan, and in cooperation with MKSF medical department and national blood transfusion center, have organized and event for volunteer blood donation by MKSF and KSF members. This activity is anticipated twice a year based on the CIMIC working plan, in 2017 as an important activity. This blood donating activity took place in all KSF barracks, based on the previously compiled plan. Obviously, just like previous times, KSF members positively responded to this call and to the needs of citizens of the republic of Kosovo. The humanitarian volunteer blood donation activity took place between 16-27 January 2017. US AMBASSADOR GREG DELANIE GAVE A SPEECH FOR KSF CADETS Pristina, 03 February 2017. The United States of America’s ambassador in Kosovo Mr. Greg Delanie visited Adam Jashari barracks in Pristina, hosted by its commander Lt general Rahman Rama. In this occasion general Rama personally thanked US ambassador for the unsparing support that US is giving to KSF, and informed ambassador Delanie about the KSF cooperation with Iowa National Guard for the trainings occurring here in KSF. While in his visit in the KSF university study center, the commander of its units through a presentation informed Ambassador Delanie about its activities such as professional education and trainings taking place in the KSF university study center. Ambassador Delanie expressed his gratitude for his visit in the KSF university study center and hailed the cadets and staff for the overall achievements. Afterwards, he proceeded with a lecture for cadets, focusing on corruption as a malign for the society in general. This problem ails not only developing countries but also developed ones. This topic triggered a huge interest from cadets, many of them addressing questions for Ambassador Greg Delanie. 4 MINISTRY FOR THE KOSOVO SECURITY FORCE NEWSLETTER 2017, FEBRUARY MINISTER DEMOLLI HAD A MEETING WITH NATO SECRETARY GENERAL JANS STONTELBERG Pristina, 03 February 2017. Minister of ministry for Kosovo Security Force Mr. Haki Demolli and KSF Commander Lt general Rahman Rama had a joint meeting with NATO secretary general Jans Stoltenberg. In this meeting they spoke about domestic security, steps to undertake to preserve peace and security and stability in Kosovo, as well as security institution capacities in the republic of Kosovo. From his side, minister Demolli informed NATO secretary general Jan Stoltenberg on professionalization of Kosovo Security Force, on progress towards mission fulfillment, supporting institution and citizens, especially in creating an expedient environment for minorities living in Kosovo and for those serving in Kosovo Security Force. Furthermore minister Demolli expressed his gratitude for the NATO commitment in Kosovo’s peace through KFOR troops. He also stated that republic of Kosovo currently is striving to
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