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Canada THE GROWTH Of A SECONDARY CITY IN COSTA RICA: A CASE STUDY Of THE DEVELOPMENT Of PUNTARENAS Maria del Pilar Gonzâlez Pantaleon Department of Sociology McGill University Montreal November 1995 Athesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Arts in Sociology C Maria del Pilar Gonzâlez Pantaleon 1995 National Library Bibliothèque nationale 1+1 of Canada du Canada Acquisitions and Direction des acquisitions et Bibliographie Services Branch des services bibliographiques 395 Wellinglon Sireel 395. rua Wellinglon Oltawa, Ontario Oltawa (Onlano) K1AON4 K1AON4 The author has granted an L'auteur a accordé une licence irrevocable non-exclusive licence irrévocable et non exclusive allowing the National Library of permettant à la Bibliothèque Canada to reproduce, loan, nationale du Canada de distribute or sell copies of reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou his/her thesis by any means and vendre des copies de sa thèse in any form or format, making de quelque manière et sous this thesis available ta interested quelque forme que ce soit pour persons. mettre des exemplaires de cette thèse à la disposition des personnes intéressées. The author retains ownership of L'auteur conserve la propriété du the copyright in his/her thesis. droit d'auteur qui protège sa Neither the thesis nor substantial thèse. Ni la thèse ni des extraits extracts from it may be printed or substantiels de celle-ci ne otherwise reproduced without doivent être imprimés ou his/her permission. autrement reproduits sans son autorisation. ISBN 0-612-12030-9 Canada ABS1RACT Despite the growth of secondary cities. there is still little written about these intermediate cities in the literature. This thesis addresses this gap by examining the growth of Puntarenas. one such secondary city in Costa Rica. Within the framework of dependency theory and an historical background. this case study examines several factors which have affected the development of this city over the last three decades. An undiversified economy based on fishing. migration patterns. and Puntarenas' dependent relationship with the capital. San José. are analyzed in depth. The study. whi ch is based on intervi ews. statistica1 data. and published literature. suggests that although there has been some effort to limit the concentration of resources in the centre of the country and to develop secondary cities. these cities continue to be neglected by central powers and. for the most part. are only taken into account when they serve the interests of the centre. RÉSUMÉ Malgré la croissance des villes secondaires. peu de choses ont été écr'ites à leur sujet. Cette thèse cherche à combler ce vide en examinant le développement d'une de ces villes secondaires: Puntarenas au Costa Rica. Dans le cadre de la théorie de la dépendance et à partir d'une perspective historique, cette étude examine plusieurs éléments ayant joué un rôle dans le développement de la ville lors des dernières trois décEnnies. Les flux migratoires, la relation de dépendance qu'entretient Puntarenas par rapport à San José et la réalité de cette économie très peu diversifiée axée sur la pêche sont autant de facteurs examinés en profondeur. Cette étude, utilisant les entrevues, les données statistiques ainsi que la littérature écrite sur le sujet, suggère que, malgré les efforts faits pour développer les villes secondaires et limiter la centralisation nationale des ressources, ces villes continuent d'être négligées par les pouvoirs centraux et la plupart du temps ne sont prises en considération que lorsqu'elles servent les intérêts du centre. • ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis would not have been possible without the cooperation of the people of Puntarenas. who were willing to share with me their time and knowl edge. and who provi ded me wi th ins ights concerni ng ci ty life. Speci al thanks to Daniza Lucovich. who gave me so much support and help during my research. and who offered me her home and her time. My time in Puntarenas will forever be memorable because of the Nino Cruz family, who enriched my experience in Puntarenas with their warm reception that made me feel at home. l would also like to thank Dr. Gerardo Al faro Cantén. who provided me with useful information. and at the same time took care of my health. Much of my research focused on the fi shi ng sector. so l am very grateful to Alexis Gutiérrez Jiménez and Libia Mora Jiménez. respectively President and Secretary of the Camara Puntarenense de Pescadores. as well as to Rodrigo Brenes. from lNCOPESCA, for providing me with their time and access to their records. l also must thank the journalists of La Voz del Pacifico. Walter Rodd guez and Armando Rodri guez. for a11 owi ng me to consul t thei r 1ibrary• and for providing me with va1uab1e connections to respondents. The accomp1ishment of this project wou1d not have been possible wi thout the supervi sion of Dr. U1 i Locher. Professor of the Soci 01 ogy Department at McGi11 University. who encouraged and guided me with his advice. and who a1so provided the financia1 support to carry out the data collection in Costa Rica. l came to Canada through the student exchange programme between the University of Sa1amanca. Spain. and McGi11 University. and 1 sincere1y thank the two coordinators of this program. Dr. Mercedes Samaniego Boneu. Professor in the Faculty of Geography and History at the University of • Sal amanca , who encouraged me to expand my horizons: and to the late Dr. Victor Oui mette , former Chairman of the Department of Hispanie Studies at McGill University, who made my initial time in Canada easier and who provided me with the opportunity to work in his department. 1 also owe very much to my friends and colleagues who supported me in various ways during the time of my studies, and especially during the difficult process of writing. To name a few, a very special thank you to Ihab Hashim, who not only helped me with the maps, but was al ways near with his advice and support, and who gave valuable comments throughout. My thanks go to Ted Hermary and Debbie Payne, who patiently took the time to read and edit this thesis, as well as help with the translation of quotations. 1 also wish to thank Josie Sciortino, who shared with me the challenge and frustration of writing a thesis, as well as Kierstin Hatt, Brian Small, and Deniz Palak. 1 very much appreciate the help Sébastien Chartrand gave me with the translation of the abstracto Thank you again to Ihab Hashim and also to Francoise Thériault, who generously lent me their respective computers, and who helped me with word processing technical problems. Last, but not least. this thesis would have not been possible without the understanding and support of my parents and the rest of my family. who have al ways encouraged me to continue with my education, even though this has meant being far from them for a period of three years. TABLE OF COm-ENTS LIST OF TABLES vii LIST OF FIGURES viii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER 2: THE THEORETICAL FRAHEWORK 5 2.1. The Emergence of Development Theory 5 2.2. Theories of Development 6 2.2.1. Moderni zation Theory 6 2.2.2. Mode of Production Theory 7 2.2.3. Dependency Theori es 8 Origins 9 Definition of Dependency Il General Characteristics of Dependency Theory 12 Dependency Theory and Urbanization 15 2.3. Costa Rica. Puntarenas. and the Chain of Dependency 20 CHAPTER 3: HISTORICAL DEVELOPHENT OF THE ECONOHY OF COSTA RICA AND PUNTARENAS 24 3.1. Spanish Conquest (1502·1821) 25 3.2. Beginning of the Export·Oriented Growth (1821·1890) 26 3.3. The Consolidation of Export·Oriented Growth (1890·1949) 28 3.4. The Internal·Oriented Development (1949·1978) . 29 3.5. Conclusion 36 CHAPTER 4: RECENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPHENT (l978·1994) 38 4.1. Tourism 38 4.2. Fishing 39 4.2.1. Causes of the Growth of the Fishing Sector 48 4.2.2. Consequences and Problems 50 4.3. Industry and Commerce 55 4.4.
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