De fence to 1NT - a sur vey for the new millenium ASPRO CRASH 2} = play able in diamonds and prom- 2{ = hearts and an other , 2} = spades 2{ = two suits of same col our , 2} = 2 ises short age in black suit. th and a mi nor. Re sponder can re lay to suits of same rank. Part ner (ie 4 player) has to guess, but find out more. in prac tice his own suit hold ings and 2NT = two suits of same shape. Im me di ate bids of 3{, 3} and 3[ are 3rd player’s bid usu ally solves it. Against a strong notrump, dou ble re- Ro man jump over calls show ing 6-5 or places 2NT to show the odd suits. LANDY 6-6 shape (that suit and the suit above). Crash was orig i nally de vel oped by Kit Woolsey 2{ = both ma jors. An im me di ate 2NT bid shows both for use against big club sys tems. See ar ti cle With equal length in the ma jors part ner can ‘re- black suits. Aus tra lian Bridge, October 1983 by Rich ard lay’ via 2} to ask bid der to pick the ma jor. ASPTRO Klamman, USA. There are ex tended ver sions of LANDY avail able. 2} = spades + an other, 2{ = hearts and th CRO Some peo ple bid 2{ nat u rally in 4 seat and an other. Re sponder can re lay to find dou ble to show the ma jors. Same as CRASH out more. LIONEL DONT ASTRO Dbl = 11+ HCP with at least 4-4 in 2} = spades + an other, 2{ = hearts and Dbl = some sin gle-suiter. spades and an other. a mi nor. Re sponder re lays for more. 2{ = clubs and an other. 2{, 2} = 11+ HCP with at least 4-4 in 2} = di a monds and a ma jor. BECKER hearts and the bid mi nor. 2[ = ma jors. 2{ = mi nors, 2} = ma jors. 2[ =11+ HCP with at least 4-4 in the 2] = spades (weakish). BERGEN ma jors, 2] = nat u ral. EXCLUSION BIDS The same scheme op er ates in the bal - Same as DONT (Marty Bergen was the a.k.a. ‘Super Con ven tion.’ anc ing seat. in ven tor of DONT). Suit = nat u ral or the other three suits. Af ter sec ond player dou bles, part ner BLUE CLUB Part ner should treat as nat u ral with fewer can pass for pen al ties (needs 10+ HCP) 2{, }, [, ] = trans fers to next higher than three cards in that suit oth er wise pick or else bids 2{ (correctible), or 2} th suit. In the bal anc ing po si tion (4 seat) a suit ! pass able or correctible to 2[; an im me- double shows a ma jor or mi nor two- GATES ADJUNCT di ate 2[ over the dou ble is nat u ral and suiter. A bal anc ing method us ing dou ble, etc. non-forc ing. An im me di ate 3] is pre- BROZEL –see Amalya Kearse’s Bridge Con ven- emp tive. With spade game in ter est, Dbl = pen alty dou ble, but has length tions Com plete part ner can bid 2NT (no sin gle ton) or and strength in one suit (5-6 cards). three of his side-sin gle ton. GRANO-ASTRO 2{ = clubs and hearts, 2} = hearts and De veloped by Lionel Wright, New Zea land – Dbl = spades and an other. di a monds. 2{ or 2} = that mi nor + hearts. see his three-page ar ti cle, May 1993, In ter na- 2[ = ma jors , 2] = spades and a mi nor. tional Pop u lar Bridge Monthly. De vel oped by Matt Granovetter (USA) 2NT= both mi nors. MODIFIED PINPOINT ASTRO Three-of-a-suit = short age here and HAMILTON 2{ = clubs and hearts, 2} = di a monds De veloped by Fred Ham il ton, USA – see sup port for the other three suits. and hearts, two of a ma jor = nat u ral. CAPPELLETTI CANSINO Dbl = spades + an other. HELLO 2{ = play able in clubs and two other POTTAGE - suits (5-4-4-0,4-4-4-1 or 5-4-3-1). 2{ = di a monds or a ma jor-and-a-mi De veloped by Julian Pot tage of UK – see 2} = both ma jors. nor, 2} = hearts only. CAPPELLETTI Dbl = pen alty over weak notrump and 2[ = ma jors , 2] = spades only, POWER ma jor or mi nor two-suiter over strong. 2NT= clubs , 3{ = mi nors , 3} = strong The Power Sys tem uses a hy brid CAPPELLETTI with the ma jors, Dbl = pen alty. BROZEL and RCO method. See pages 2{ = un known sin gle suiter, 2} = both In vented by Helms and Cow man of the USA 356-359 of the Power Sys tem book. ma jors, 2M = ma jor-mi nor two-suiter. and cur rently pop u lar in some states. RCO CANAPE TRANSFERS KELSEY Versus a strong notrump and in 4 th Into four-card suit, with a guar an teed 2{ = play able in clubs and prom ises seat versus any notrump: 2{ = Rank, lon ger suit out side. short age in a red suit. 20 AUSTRALIAN BRIDGE, December 2000 –––– www.australianbridge.com –––– An over view of meth ods dis cussed by pe ter jamie son 2} = Col our, Dbl = 2 Odd suits; SOAP was de signed by Paul Marston for de- Part ner can pass for pen al ties or 2[/] = nat u ral. fence against ar ti fi cial pre empts and “Ferts” pup pet to 2{. In sec ond seat ver sus a weak notrump, dou ble = but has been used by some play ers ver sus 1NT. 2{ = ma jors (2} asks for better ma jor). pen alty and 2NT = odd suits). SPLASH 2[,2],3{,3} = nat u ral but not suit able RIPSTRA Suit Plus A Suit Higher ( same as for Dbl (i.e bro ken suit). Two of a mi nor = both ma jors and DONT but Dbl = pen alty, not a sin gle 2NT = mi nors. lon ger or better in mi nor suit bid (can suiter). 2} = ma jor-mi nor two-suiter with be 5-4-2-2 shape). SUCTION good mi nor (vi a ble at three-level) and a four or weak five-card ma jor. Since ROTH A suit bid = next higher suit or the this bid is forc ing it is also avail able Dbl = majors , 2{ = blacks, other two suits – thus : with very strong ma jor-mi nor two- 2} = spades and di a monds, 2{ = di a monds or hearts and spades, suiters. two of a ma jor = nat u ral , 2} = hearts or spades and clubs, ( WIND stands for West wood 1NT De fence and 2NT = 4 hearts and a six-card mi nor, 2[ = spades or clubs and di a monds, was de vel oped by Bill West wood of Syd ney). 3{ = clubs and hearts, 3} = red suits. 2] = clubs or di a monds and hearts. WINDA ROTH-STONE TRANSFERS Dbl =ma jors, 2NT = mi nors, 2{ = clubs 2{ = clubs and spades, 2} = di a monds Into di a monds, hearts, spades and + ma jor, 2} = di a monds + ma jor, and spades, three of a mi nor = that clubs. These have been around since 2[, 2], 3{, 3} all nat u ral. minor + hearts. about 1970. (Also de vel oped by Bill West wood as a sim pler Dbl of a strong notrump = ma jors, TIZI al ter na tive to WIND.) Dbl of a weak notrump = pen al ty. Dbl = sin gle-suiter. WONT SAHARA 2{ = at least 5-4 mi nors, 2} = at least 5-4 ma jors. Two ma jor or three mi nor = nat u ral, Dbl = sin gle-suiter, 2{ = clubs and a Two of a ma jor = 5 ma jor, 4+ mi nor. Dbl = hearts and a mi nor, ma jor, 2} = di a monds and hearts, De veloped by Tina Zines, NSWBA bridge 2{ = spades and an other, 2[ = both ma jors, 2] = spades and teacher (in tended to help play ers transitioning 2} = some three-suited hand, diamonds, 2NT= 5+, 5+, mi nors (all from nov ice to in ter me di ate to be come more fa- other two-suiters = 5-4 ei ther way). 2NT = mi nors. mil iar with gad gets). See ar ti cle in The Bridge World, June 1987 by N.B. ‘W’ stands for Wreck (Op po nents TOSS Gene Vin cent, To ledo USA notrump), de vel oped by Rakesh Kumar of Syd- Dbl = one-suiter. ney (see his ar ti cle in Aus tra lian Bridge, April SCORRCHIO Two-of-a-suit = five of that suit and 4+ 1999). Dbl = sin gle-suiter (never di a monds). cards in an other suit. Two-of-a-suit =five cards in that suit + De veloped by Willie Jago, Mel bourne (re fer his No name 1 four in a suit of the op po site rank. book ‘MOST’ about his souped-up Stan dard Full de tails and name not known; used De veloped by Trev and friends in Syd ney from sys tem MOST by the part ner ship Kirmse-Marsal. sys tem notes by Eric Kokish. This pair were men tioned in the UK UNI-CLUB SHARPLES 2{ = clubs and an other, 2} = di a- mag a zine In ter na tional Pop u lar Bridge There are three dif fer ent ex pla na tions monds and a ma jor ,2 ma jor = nat u ral.
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