ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862.---V0L. 15. PORTLAND, THURSDAY MORNING. JANUARY 17, 1878. TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, MISCELLANEOUS. _WANTS. BUSINESS CARDS, CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. EXCURSIONS. THE PRESS. Current Comment. Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the General Banks Is said by the Worcester CITV OP PORTLAND. Press to be so profound that he doesn’t look PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. HIATT rates. THURSDAY MORNING, JAN. 17. HORSES WANTED^ ARAMS, "reduced silly when he wants to sneeze and can’t. To Owners and Occupants of Buildings At 109 Exchange St., Portland. It is well understood now that a and Lots on Atlantic* Clark, Cuslnnnii, We do pretty Would or Constable lor Portland, not read anonymous etters and communi <\ buy tliice tour Lewis, Everett, Howard, Lafayette, aO POUTLANDto Democratic Terms: Dollars a Year in advance. To <£Ui cations. Tbe name and address of tbe writer are in investigating crusade means sim- Eight and pay tor them in AM) Madison Melbourne, Merrill, Monroe, *PO*OU NKW YORK via mail subscribers Seven Dollars a Year if in ad- i^TShorses an for the benefit of paid Groceries in Montreal, Quebec, Nt. Lawrence, Tate* all cases indispensable, not necessarily for publication ply appropriation impe- vance. XLZjt, whole Coroner for Cumberland cunious “reform” County, Thomas, Tjng and 'IVaterville Streets. as statesmen. packages at wholesale prices. Ad- but a guaranty of good faith. Stanley Matthews thinks he has done the THE MAINE STATE PRESS dress Portland Post Office Box INIS at l-J EXOHAIUiK STREET. City Clerk’s Office, I Portland & Writer & Norwich Lines. We cannot undertake to return or preserve com- janlS dlw* Jan. 14th, 1878. J munications that are not used. Republican party “more good than it seems is published every Thursday Morning at §2.50 a Service of of all kinds a specialty. Con- is that the above named precepts hereby given to bear.” year, it paid in a ivauce at §2.00 a year. fidential advice given, and services rendered in the streets have order of the Board of TO !NTCW 1 willing Perhaps if the quality had Wanted. attended NOTICE by Mayor YORK(J»l Every regular attache of the Press is furnished detection and arrest of criminals. Business and Aldermen, been renumbered according to plans and RETURN been better it could have stood the burden SITUATION in a Store. to at all hours. with a Card Rates of Advertising: One inch of the Drug Four years’ in the City Engineer’s Office, and all parties inter- certificate countersigned by Stanley T. more space, References dtl calmly. oF constitutes a A city experience. given. AddresB jan8 ested are hereby notified that the number so Line Portland Editor. All steamboat and hotel length column, “square.” desig Only lunning through cars between Pullen, railway, The Indiana $1 50 daily first week: 75 cents per G. W.. nated must be affixed to the buildings on said streets and Island Sound and the Republicans are consolidating per square, Jal5dlw Long Steamers, avoiding managers will confer a favor upon us by demanding week alter; three insertions, or less, $1.00; continu- Farmington, Mo. on cr before the first day of March next, A. D., 1878. Carriage transfer Boston. Leave annoying through credentials of to oui in favor of honest finance, and if the present ing every ether day after first week, 50 cents. Per order, Portland & Rochester Depot, Portland, at 2.30 P. M. every porson claiming represent Halt or 75 one JanlSdlm U. I. Clerk. Rooms on in ournal. indications are verified the next in square.three insertions, leas, cents; Wanted. ROBINSOtf, City State Steamers secured advanceiat __ campaign $1.90:50 cents week after. 23 Exchange St., and at the be week, per SITUATION to do geoeral bouse work or take Depot. the State will fought on the right basis, Spicial one third additional. J. W. Notices, A care of children; good and CITV OF PORTLAND, PETERS, J. M. LUNT, that is of and the Under head ot “Amusements” and “Auction references, good Gen. Ticket STATE TEMPEIUNCE CONVENTION. Republicanism public faith reason given for being out ot employment. Call at Agent. Supt. $2 00 three insertions dtf against Democracy and Sales,” per square per week; this office, or address “I..” In the Tear One Thousand sept23 repudiation. or Janlld2w* Eight Hun- The several the Tem- less, $1.50. Temperance organizations, An enthusiastic Ohio editor throws to the Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State STEPHEN &ERRY. dred and Seventy-Seven. perance workers, and all the friends of Temperance Press” (which has a large circulation in every part PREMIUMS $6000. Wanted. m Maine, are invited to meet in Mass Convention at Democratic breeze the name of Alien G. Thur- of the for for first Stale), $1.00 per square insertion, a young mau of some experience, a situation GRANITE man for to 60 nts for AN ORDINANCE HALL, AUGUSTA, President, Bubject the decision of and ce per square each subsequent insertion. BY to I ravel or clerk In a wholesale grocery store. LARGEST and (pad — OX — the national convention in 1880. Mr. Address all communications to Address “W. D.,” this office. janlldlw* goA, fd dude-l, Thur- PORI LAND PUBLISHING CO. For the Appointment of an Inspector of man could carry New York for the No. 3? P' uiu Street. Milk and his Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 23 & 21, Republi- Defining Duties and -TO— can ticket easier than almost anybody else. LOST AND FOUND. Powers. Commencing at U o'clock on Wednesday. ENTERTAINMENTS. Exhibition The notorious dark-eyed little Jewess, Poultry CORMAC & Be it ordained the Mayor, Aldermen ever held In the United States. PERRY, by Tbe cause was never more was and, Common Council, of the City of in Temperance prosperous Georgia Lee, again arraigned before Jus- Portland, in the State than now, tor which we should be most $35 Reward. City Council assembled, as follows: New York & Return tice York Still there are sub- Bixby.—New Telegram. And at THE FOURTH EXHIBITION on the 8th a profoundly grateful. important MTJSI C IT j\. J7i7. inst., WALLET, contains $60 ATTORNEYS & Section 1.—There shall be the Board will we appointed by — — jects which demand our attention. Shall the same and ot no value owner. COUNSELLORS-AT-L&W, VIA about time the notorious — papers exceot to the and OP THE — LOST of Mayor Aldermen, for the remainder of the ask for any or amendments in the Prohibi- blue-eyed TWO IVIOI1TM ONLY, Wednrtxlny and The above reward will be it at change paid by leaving present Municipal year, and thereafter annually, an Law? Sball we granting license little Christian, Owen stole Thursday evening., Jaa. 16,& 11,’JS. THIS No. 11 Court St., Room 4, tory protest against Murphy, $40,000 janlldlw* OFFICE, Inspector of Milk, who shall be sworn, give notice of BOSTON & MAINE to sell intoxicating liquors to the druggists? Shall from the Excise Office and absconded.— his appointment, keep an office and books, aud have we ask for more to be inflict- GREAT ATTRACTION ! — any stringent penalties BOSTON. all the and tlie OK — Jewish Times. MAINE POULTRY ASSOCIATION powers perforin all duties set forth ed upon persons found intoxicated? These, and Under tlie or Titaykr & C. M. refers to Howard & Cleaves. and in the statutes of the State manacemont Tompkins, will be held at BOARD Perry prescribed relating other important questions will doubtless demand the Is it not a curious fact that the fellows who who will present Wednesday evening, Jan. 10, decl7 dim to the sale of milk and the inspection thereof. attention oi the convention. the most iu EASTERN RAILROAD are for “the successful dramatization, 5 acts, of Section 2.—It shall be the duty of each person or Let there be a general rally. The usual reduction shouting dollar of our fathers,” Charles Dickens’ “David tho late CITY now or hereafter in the business ot Copperflald,” by HALL, firm, engaged of fare on the railroads may be expected. do not want the dollar of the fathers, after Andrew Hailiday, Esq., entitled selling milk within the limits of the city, to file an- D. B. Randall, Berwick, E*oirtlta,23.c3L, New House. a For Twelve Mo., Boarding nually with the Inspector statement of his name, Dollars, Joshua. Nye, Augusta, all ? For that dollar was worth 100 cents on — F. Talbot residence and of or, it he sells milk LITTLE! BM’LY ! ON place buBinese, L. R. King, Caribou, The undersigned having taken the large and cen- George from a. cart, ot Hindi foot,, to the end that, Raid Rtnto- the dollar; and if the fathers could come to As played over 1000 times in London, New York Including Transfers across Bos- Edward Hills, Thomaaton, trally located boarding house (formerly kept as a Has resumed the of law. meat may be registered by the Inspector in a book and Boston, introducing MISS MARY CARY as Feb. 7IU. 12th. practice John S. Kimball, Bangor, life again, they would blush at the 8tb, 9th, 11th, hotel) No G Hampshire Street, is prepared to accom- kept fo- the purpose: and in delault of so doing said E. imputa- Little Em’ly, «b by her at the ton both George Brackett, Belfast. tion that would to originally played modate regular or transient boarders ou ‘liberal person or firm shall forfeit the sum of dollars ways. Frank they try pay their debts Boston Museum. MISS SUSIE CLUE Li as Rosa aud 13th. twenty Kenrick, Fairfield, terms. T. T. COOMBS. to the use of the city, to be recovered in any court of Wm.
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