81, The Billboard C1RC1J S IES December 214 1935 theatricalnounatCannindne. Maas,the 1934 show. anal lw continued Oar- (announced in the Marriages entinin ofdennt confidence by growing arecord 2412al-'Z'ati74W1V272ai last texut) wes attended by more than1.1r23.000. climaxing with a new record The 100 persons.Among the guest& wereof 1432.000 for the 19 -day show bold Mr, and Mrs. J.11, Stratford of Boston.October last 1 CAPTAIN DANIEL E. FOX What the Garden and others haven't Corral litILDRFT) DOCOLAS-CHRISMAIn andbeen able to figure out is where to round a?ld Pat Chinaman.with theirAristocraticup the sterling stock sand the amount By RoZdY IraddY Coate attractionandniftyinotorivedthereof -000 and more-owned or con- transportation unit, were recently heardtrolled by the colonel, anon:it the arena `MEMBERSOF from. Were down Okieloorna way. management toy around with new blood YEAR1033 HAS BEENbet terfor or should agitation be renewed.Mean- THE SPOTTED BUDDY MEPPOftD. with his ropingtime. Colonel Johnson 14 belieted to be rodeos than :Ls several predecessors_ mare Olson. Is wintering at the Harrisformulating plans for punkin out rodeo HORSE TROOP Sales Company. Woodstown, N. J. Henext year which will be emitter than QUITE A NUMBEU of rodeos. etc_ inspends a portion of his timeroplIngthe ones producedin New York and the West resumed this year after lowinglarge and annul calves On the HowardBoston. but still large enough to play off daring the "depression.'" Harris atcek firma. big cities.Should hie plans be realized. Extend the Season's Itis understood that be will use only MACKand her hubby, Lyman JACK VAN RYDYX. whoropedat thethe top stock of the rodeo and feature Cjrf.eti n9s to their H. Dunn. having clotted their season. areSalem County (N. J.) Rodeo and at theacts such as the Monty Murphy trained at home in One Vista. Pia. New Yorkand Boston shows.Isathorse. Buck. whichleowned by the Tucson, Ant., for the winter.Jack willcolonel, and Going Bock to Texas, cattle frierAs in the WHAMMY. Ouy Weadick. Aire you andcontest setthe early California. Anconapageant ideapresentedathis rodeos Piersaorta "from alp"inthem thatand New Mexico rodeos. this year. show world Canadian hills?Let's have some action During an Interview with The StIt. A TELEORAM from June Leonard De-board over a year ago, the colonel said: NEW YORK STATE TROOPERS of your "writin' planer." cember 20 was as follows:"FInd Tex"As you know, there are a few people NIDNE.Y. N. Y. Austin's father very ill Missouri Baptistwho are not responsible trying to chisel "TWO WISLL-KNOWN and liked peo-Hotline], St. Louis."At preen time forto and make any kind of a contract ple who paused on this year. Mr& Vern report wasMoat of them have nothing to offer ex- Tenth:Igor and Johnny Rufus." writesthis department no later cept A suitcase promotion.There are one of the hands of the Southwest. received. also severe] who are trying to get a cut of 36.000 to 310.000 for trying to throw CHIEF WHITE HORSE and Princess COL. TIM McCOY has augmenteda the contract to someone doe.I are not White Robe. bow and arrow artists, aretwo-wayinterest thisyear, his appear -paying anybody for any contract. My TEXAS ANN MIX appearing in the toy department of aWine with Ringling-Itornuen Chew andshowis running strictly on its can Largo store In Chicago, motion picturesIn which be starred.merits." AND HER After geeing one (either circus or pic- Mrs. lifarat's Milk rued was deleted PRONUNCIATION of the word rodeoture) thousands of people "took in" theas auspices thin year after a two-year WESTERN is strutter to saying "either" among theother. tieup.A fund rep tried to reach the massea.Some people prefer '7r,-dayo." BELATED REPORT conies that BillyColonel at the Boston &bow earlylast ENTERTAINERS other& -Yo-der,;" likewtse. some "1 -their -- month for a huddle but was 1113AUCCONS-. awl others "e-thcr." Binder. old-time rider with the Muranoful. Milk rand ofncials appear to be set Six People, Cow- BillWild Weak entertainedBillandon producing a show In opposition to Caws, r EDE LONG many top-notch con:ent-Mary Parks and Tommy and Mildredthe Garden, and another person who Sig Flans , ente willlair, themselres to Denver forMix Horner athis Southboro (Mow.) Saint=s** Trucandk, home during the Boston Rodeo.Billyseems to be entering the picture is Mike Want toloin Concertwith Circus in 193e the rodeo In connection with the bornelahandling high -clam show horses atJacobs. promoter of the Joe Louts fights tee aeon ere ntonronon address Care at show.Also to TUCE100. Ann. toe the andprojectoroftheLouts -Paulin Tot eilionne. Creriensti. Olio. annual rodeo at that city. his eastern place and reports state thatfracas at the Oardon recently by --friend- he is doing mighty well. ly"arrangement,entretheBrown THE MAUD-MOE ofRuthLiberty RECEIVED copy of lIng Horn Clan-Bomberlaunder contracttoJaeobs, WANTED TO BUY : '"^-m an 2."MIKbeC41.11111173. daughter of the late Ray Mon-cy's Cowboy Bongs and Poems.Itisand if the Garden wishes to cash in on L....,W K cantles. 11,10/111.1 tane. cowboy banjoist. to Alien P. Crab-unique in makeup. being ti by 12 InchestheNegro'sterrine drawing powerit ..**7 a. a. IShr... Pl. 'ff., 0. tree.Jr..cousin of Lott* Crabtree ofin nor. The cover is pen -green in color.has to play with Jacob,. who represents On the front page a picture of "nogthe Twentieth Century Sporting Club Horn" In one of his most piessing smileson West 4001 street, a few peon from and under a 10 -gallon bat. There arethe Garden. Jacobs and the Milk Fund about a docon compositions. all "cow-look like a more than passable combina- FOR. SALE boy." the conducting poemamasterlytion for the '36 chute doings in New York. Brand New Side Show Top. 140 feet open front canopy styie, red, white tribute to the late Will Rogers. Next year Is expected to prove fruit- and blue sido wall, khaki top, beautiful trimmed, built by Baker -Lockwood, RED SUfILEITE, who has been doingful for indoor rodeos in ass: to ten large extra well roped: onlyused part of season. Other Tops various sites, some picture work and wockir4 at somecitiesAmong them, in the prospect of the California shows. is repottedasclass. are Detroit, Cincinnati. Miami. We- suitable for Pit Show, Cook House, Pad Room. Aho 8 Street Telescope planning to stayin and around thattran.Clevelandand several pending spots. Center Poks. beautiful Ticket Wagon, Living Trailers, various sixes; Light section.mainlyatHollywood,untilas well as New York. which may have Plants, various sixes; other equipment too numerous to mention. Reason March_ thenhead fortherodeo attwo within a few weeks of each other. Pt. Worth. Tex.One of the hands InfosClete:and and Cincinnati are in the Up torselling, replacing with new equipment.All can be seen at winter that Lew Roernthal lute Red. with hiscertain bracket because of lack of proper quarters or write building accommodations.Detroit has mule and two people. Is booked for sixa bigcleft angle in mind_The town weeks of fetes next season. already has the standout tighter in Louis. RAY MARSH BRYDON, General Manager the diamond champs in the Tigers and PROBABLY MANY of the old-timerstheproferaionalfootballtitle-holdera Fe, Pikes add More Complete Description. Rice Bros.' Circus. Jackson. Tens. of wild west shows, particularly thosein the Lions.It would be nice, they say. of the central and eastern States. haveto have the World Series Rodeo enacted not known of the death of Capt. W. C.In the Auto Ctty. too. bilinsp. To the beetofthis wortben Should Mike Jacobs orthe Hearst knowledge, his passing was not reportedranks stage a rodeo In New York. It for publication.He plumed away aboutwould probably more his show from 13013 MORTON ayear ago at Veterans' Hospital. Saw- Utile, Calif_ after a short illness. 1f4here to thefairsinBrocktonand We Wish You a Merry Christmas started his nice& faX,Cer in Mt with thetiptingtteld. 14w .and Trenton, N. J., old Buffalo Bill Wild West.He servedprovided he is awarded the contracts and a Prosperous Neu, Year. in the World War as a sergeant-ma/onfor the trio,The Brockton date would DUTTON CIRCUS REVUE EDYTHE SIECRIST CO. be in opposition to the Boston Garden. CHRISTY CIRCUS UNIT MARE( AND PALS LOS ANGELES-nth:ono Montana andOther /peculation. are going the rounds. BILLETTI TROUPE MERRILL BROS.AND SISTER ',As Hell recently put on a neat littlebut the above represents developments HARRY LaPEARL AND CLOWNS rodeo at San Clemente. near San Diego.in the probable category. It went over without a hitch.Jess Kell downed. Parts Williams,Aug:), Gomez 74,1-1Ctrilizzyclgrprovor?c,p,zpvIztv4v424 tga.tvcs)and Monne Montana did trick roping,Pickups From Europe and Ur. and Mrs. E 0. Mickel did Cheer PARIS. Dec. in-New arts with the long-laah bullwhips act.In the con -Cirque Pourtlerat the Cirque Royal TO OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS EVERYWHERE teat ermine winners were: Break RidingIn Brussels are the Atirome, bicycle nov- Brady.Fritz elty. and the Groton, trapeze. The Carte 11.1 A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR -Bob TruismLeonard os, Ward. Steer Iticting-Smoky Snyder. BobBrothers hare completed their engage- Stephens. Bill Lawrence. Barebackment at the Clique Royal and are Mk - Bronk-nenokySnyder,FritzTruan.Ins their horses and ponies to London. WARREN TANK CAR COMPANY Leonard Ward. Calf Roping-Andywhere they open at the Crystal Palace. V BEN H.MATHIS. TREASURER ANDGEN. MGR. Jaurt'guL Lloyd Saunders,Bill Mcrae -The Four Kenton*, aerial act. are at the land.According to report,titans arePastan in Liege_ WARREN. PA. on foot to stage two rodeos a year at Howard Nichols. American boon Jun- stithat place.
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