of Kappa Kappa Gamma Winter 1979 Vol. 96 No. J q Call :Jo Convention _A call lo come lo convention i:$ teing (Jounded /or all Y appa(J . Jhe location al Jhe Breaker() _}.jote/, P alm Beach, J!orda, promi(Je(J (Jplendor and elegance a() well a() fine /ood, /riend(Jhip, and /unf Jhe purpo(Je o/ lhe convention i(J lo elect o/ficer(J and lo lraMacl lhe t u(Jine(J(J o/ lhe Jralernil'l. Jt i(J a lime o/ inleraclion telween aclive ani alumnae delegate:$ where ideM are /reel'! (Jhared, common concern:$ can te aired, and accompt(Jhment:$ are rewarded. '/A(Jilor(J are an imporlanl part o/ convention a() all :$hare in lhe workin g() o/ Y appa fappa (jamma. _A:$ lhe man'! chamtered nautdu(J (J'ImtofizM growth, :$0 lhe Y appa · convention wd! re/lect upon the heritage, ponder lhe progre(J(J o/ lhe pre(Jenl, and proiecl the excitement o/ the 80j, lead through the tentative convention (Jchedule, fill out 'lour convention /arm, and make plan:$ now to ioin the Y appa:$ in convention June 19-25, 1980. efo'lal/'1, Jean J./e(J(J We/~, d Y (}eorgia Jraternil'l P,.e(Jident Vermont Colonization The colonization of the University of Mrs. Wiles Converse, Vermont chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity Extension Chairman will take place March 21 and 22, 1980 in Bur­ 83 Stoneleigh Court lington, Vermont. Please send references to: Rochester, New York 14618 The Key 'Dible of Contents of Kappa Kappa Gamma ALUMNAE EDITOR - Mrs. Paul Heenehan , 439 Lake Rd ., Wyckoff, NJ 07481 Tentative Convention Schedule . .. ... .... I Convention Registration Blank .. ... ..... 2 EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL Send all business items and change of ad· Nine to Receive Achievement Awards . .3 dress, six weeks prior to month of publication Thke a "Break" at The Breakers .. .. .. 8 Vol. 96 No.4 to: Historically Speaking .... ...... .. .. 10 FRATERNITY HEADQUARTERS - P.O . Box Why philanthropy? ... .. .. .. .. .. ... 12 Winter 1979 2079, Columbus, OH 43216. {Duplicate copies Th e first college women's magazine. Campus Highlights .. .. .. ... .......... 17 cannot be sent to replace those undelivered To Doris, With Love . ..... .. ...... 24 Published cominuous/y since 1882 through fa ilure to send advance notice.) "Thde" Still Captivates . ... .. .. ...... .27 Fraternity Headquarters, 530 East Thwn St., Co­ Second class postage paid at Columbus, OH Spotlight on Kappa Artists ... .. .. .. 28 lumbus, OH 43215. (Mailing Address: P.O. Box and at additional mailing offices. USPS 294- Alumnae News ..... ..... .. .. .. 33 2079, Columbus, OH 43216) 160. Copyright, Kappa Kappa Gamma Frater­ In Memoriam ... .. ... ... .. .. .... .40 Send all editorial material and correspon­ nity 1979. Price $1 .50 single copy. Deadline Kappas, are you with us? ....... .... .43 dence to the: dates are August 1, November 1, February 1, Fraternity Directory ... ...............44 EDITOR - Mrs. David B. Selby, 6750 Merwin and April 1 for Fall , Winter, Spring, and Sum­ Letters to Editor . .. .. .. .. ...........52 Place, Worthington, OH 43085 mer issues respectively. Printed in U.S.A. Membership Data Form . .. .. .. .55 Send all active chapter news and pictures to : Campus Sights & Sounds ...............57 ACTIVE CHAPTER EDITOR - Mrs. Willis C. COVER: Pastel painting based on photograph of Tade Kappa Calls on Vermont .. .. .. .. .. 58 Hartsuft Kuhns, M - Butler, Kappa's first Grand Presi­ Pflugh, Jr., 2359 Juan St., San Diego, CA 92103 de~ . executed by Kappa artist Sharon A. Baiocco, Babson College Colonization .. .. .. .. .59 Send all alumnae news and pictures to: BB - St. Lawrence. Please turn to page 27 for full Council Officer story of cover and to succeeding pages for "Spotlight on Kappa Artists." Nomination Form .. ... .inside back cover Kappa Calls You To Convention Tentative Convention Schedule Wednesday, June 18, 1980 12:30 Lunch 1\Jesday, June 24, 1980 Associate Council and Advisers Arrive Habiteers Luncheon 7:30 Breakfast 2:00 Workshops 9:00 Business Meeting Thursday, June 19, 1980 7:00 Goombay-Bahamian Festival 10:30 Workshops 9:00 Associate Council Seminar (Informal attire) 12:30 Lunch Adviser Seminar Beach Club 2:00 Business Meeting (White Dress) 1 :00 Arrivals and Registration Entertainment Chapter Awards 6:30 Province Dinner Sing-along 3:15 Installation of Officers 8:30 Convention Orientation 9:00 Committee Meetings Closing Ritual Meeting Recessional 10:00 Province Meetings Sunday, June 22, 1980 7:00 Candelight Banquet (Formal) 10:00 Brunch Dr. Doris Seward , Speaker Friday, June 20, 1980 11 :30 Autograph Party 7:30 Breakfast Free Time Wednesday, June 25, 1980 9:00 Procession and Opening of 5:00 Memorial Service (White Dress) Departures Convention (White Dress) 6:30 Philanthropy Dinner 11 :00 Workshops 9:00 Interacts 12:30 Lunch Field Representatives Monday, June 23, 1980 Luncheon 7:30 Breakfast 1 :45 Workshops 9:00 Business Meeting (Kappa "T" 7:00 Presidents' Dinner (Formal) Shirt Day) 1980 Transient Meals Reception following in 10:30 Workshops Mediterranean Court 12:30 Panhellenic Luncheon Mrs. (for visitors not staying in hotel) (Modeling of Past Presidents' Alexander Jones, A <P, speaker Breakfast $ 5.00 Gowns) 2:00 Workshops Lunch $ 8.00 Dinner $15.00 5:00 Elections Saturday, June 21, 1980 6:30 Buffet Dinner Special Meals 7:30 Breakfast Entertainment Presidents' Dinner $16.50 9:00 Business Meetings 8:30 Sing-along Habiteers Luncheon $10.00 (Alumnae Awards) Rush Skits Sunday Brunch $10.00 10:45 Achievement Awards Kappa Kareers Candelight Banquet $19.00 THE K EY/ WINTER REGISTRATION FORM FOR VISITORS ONLY KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA FRATERNITY BIENNIAL CONVENTION JUNE 19-25, 1980 The Breakers, Palm Beach, Florida 33480 1. Please TYPE and return this form to Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity Headquaners, P.O. Box 2079, Columbus. Ohio 43216. no later than April 15. 1980 2. Full-time visitors (attending the entire convention and staying in the hotel) pay a registration fee of $60.00 ($70.00 after April 15). 3. Visitors not attending the entire convention and staying in the hotel pay a registration fee of$12 for each 24-hour period they are a guest in the hotel. Registration fee mu~t accompany this form and is non-refundable after May 15, 1980. Make checks payable to Kappa Kappa Gamma Convention Fund. 4. Visitors not attending the entire convention and not staying in the hotel, pay a registration fee of$12 per day per person. meals not included. This daily fee is to be paid at com·ention. Name ~-:-:--:c--"'7-:---c---·--- (Last) (First) {Middle, Maiden if marned) Chapter - ------------ School -------- ______ Initiation year ------ If married, husband's name -·-·----- --::,..--.,.--------------:-::::--:---· (Last) (First) (Middle) Homeaddress------------~---~---------~---~------------ (N umber & Street) (City) (State) (Zip) (Area Code) (Phone) Actives only: School address ----::-:---;-~=:--.----------:-::::-:-----,----;;:---:---- (Number & Street) (City) (State) (Zip) (Area Code) (Phone) Alumnae only: Name of your Alumnae Association TRAVEL PLANS Plellse complete (Your travel and hotel reservations will be handled by Arlington "fravel Service.) I will fly From what airport will trip originate? -------------- 1 will drive ----- r will accompany driver _____ Please give address where you can receive airline ticket after May 15, 1980: (Number & Street) (City) (State) (Zip) (Area Code) (Phone) 0 lf you are NOT traveling directly to and from convention, check box, and attach proposed itinerary. HOTEL RESERVATIONS ONLY Please make hotel reservations for nights, arriving June -------· depaning June , at $43.50 per night, double occupancy VISITORS NOT STAYING IN HOTEL I will not be staying at the hotel but wish to make the following meal reservations. Do not send check for meals, as you pay on arrival. See page 5 for opecial meals. Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Thesday Wednesday June 19 June 20 June 21 June 22 June 23 June 24 June 25 Breakfast Brunch Lunch Dinner 0 Habiteer's Luncheon June 21 0 Order of the Owl Luncheon June 20 (having attended 4 previous Biennial Conventions) (past and present graduate counselors) QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FRATERNITY USE ONLY 1 have attended ______conventions previously (not includng Province Registration fee paid _________ Bill direct for hotel _______ Meetings) ll'ansportation ----· 1 would llke to help in the Headquarters office dw·ing convention ----- 1 can type ____ ----------~F=or~H~ea=d=q~u=ane~r~s~U=s=e~O=ru~y _________ 113()..{)21 1130-017 1130-018 I prefer a non-smoking roommate ----- Registration Ttansponation Hotel 1 have received a 50 year pin . ____ I have been a field secretary _____ a graduate counselor - ---- I will sing in the choir ----- 1 was/am a member of the Kappa Picker group -------- _I wiU participate ____ Nine Kappas Selected to Receive Alumnae Achievement Awards "In the honors of one, we shall all be proud." The Council of Kappa Kappa Gamma announces a re­ Corps of Engineers. She became the first woman circuit cord number of nine Alumnae Achievement Awards will judge in the Fourth Judicial Circuit in 1974. Previously she be presented at the Fraternity Convention, June 21, 1980, was one of two women elected a county judge and before at the Breakers, Palm Beach, Florida. The awards will be that was the frrst woman assistant state attorney and the formally presented at the morning business meeting, fol­ first female assistant city general counsel. lowed by informal interviews with the recipients, after Susan was initiated into Kappa by Rho Chapter at Ohio which there will be an opportunity for the collegiate and Wesleyan, but she soon transfered to Spring Hill College alumnae members to meet the recipients and have lunch. and then to Florida State University where she earned a This award is the highest honor the Fraternity can be­ bachelor of arts degree. She was graduated from the Uni­ stow upon one of its members. These awards have been versity of Florida Law School in 1967. She broke a 50-year made since 1946 in recognition of the members' contribu­ all-male tradition in 1974 when she was awarded honorary tions in careers and professional life.
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